Decisions of the International Court of Justice in Gambia v. Myanmar and South Africa v. Israel Cases as a New Perspective od Adjudication of Crime of Genocide

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Конференцијски прилог (Објављена верзија)

Приказ свих података о документуАпстракт
Тhe author analyses the effects of decisions of the inter
national court of Justice in two recent genocide cases – Gambia v. myan
mar and south africa v. israel – as an element of progressive development
of the Law of the court in adjudicating of the crime of genocide.
the court in its decisions, both in the Judgement on Preliminary
objections in Gambia v. myanmar case as well as the orders on provi
sional measures in both cases, introduced the concept of obligations erga
omnes partes in terms of obligations owed to a group of states, so breach
of those obligations enables all states members of a group to invoke the
responsibility for breach.
the essential meaning of the obligations erga omnes partes, under
stood as secondary rules of international law, lies in the horizontal expan
sion of the jurisdiction of the court ratione personae based on the subject
matter of the dispute without deviating from the principle of consent as a
fundamental principle of which ic...J rests.
He concludes that, despite the fact that they are not free of legal
difficulties, obligations erga omnes partes are valuable step in promotion
of the rule of law in international community
Кључне речи:
obligations erga omnes partes / ICJ jurisdiction ratione personae / res iudicata erga omnes partes / common interest / related ICJ jurisprudenceИзвор:
Однос међународног кривичног и националног кривичног права : зборник радова са међународне научне конференције, Палић, 14–17. јун 2024. године. Том 1 / Relation between international and national criminal law : Volume I, 2024, 13-30Издавач:
- Beograd : Udruženje za međunarodno krivično pravo : Pravni fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu
Финансирање / пројекти:
- Стратешки пројекат за 2024. годину са називом „Проблеми стварања, тумачења и примене права“ (подтема: „Правосуђе и изазови данашњице“ – тема истраживачке групе: „Правна заштита од рата и у рату), који финансира Правни факултет Универзитета у Београду