Specifičnosti imovinske odgovornosti za štetu od izlivanja/izbacivanja nafte sa broda u vodu
Some specific aspects of the civil liability for discharge and spill the oil from the ships
Ovaj rad se bavi specifičnostima koje postoje u pravu naknade šteta usled izazivanja naftnih mrlja od 'brodova'u plovidbi uopšte (kako pomorskoj, tako i rečnoj, kanalskoj i jezerskoj). Specifičnosti ove odgovornosti se posmatraju, uglavnom, spram klasične odgovornosti u plovidbenom pravu. Ovde su posebno izdvojene razlike u pogledu osnova odgovornosti, subjekta odgovornosti, instituta obaveznog osiguranja od odgovornosti, kao i samog međunarodnog obeštećujućeg fonda. Cilj rada je da pokaže neke postojeće nelogičnosti u sistemu stvorenom međunarodnim konvencijama i njihovom primenom od strane država. Naročita pažnja je posvećena predlozima za poboljšanje postojećeg sistema i to kako kroz predloge de lege ferenda promene trenutnog pravnog režima, tako i kroz predloge sudskoj i arbitražnoj praksi u smislu kreativnijeg tumačenja pozitivnih pravila.
This work deals with some specific aspects of civil liability regarding the oil accident caused by discharge and spill of oil by seas and inlands ships. The main idea of the author in this paper is to try to explain and prove the genuine legal nature of (strict) civil liability for the oil accident caused by commercial ships. Although the Convention regime stipulated that only shipowner has had responsibility for oil accident, the author' opinion for this issue is opposite. He has considered that besides shipowner, the liability person should be the operator of the ship. The reason for this viewpoint is found in fact that operator has possession of the ship (and, also of the cargo oil) and therefore he has to bear liability' burden. The author concludes that although the operator is not registered owner of the ship, he has real possibility to manage with ship and to influences to increased and decreased of transport' risks. At the end of the work, it would be explained the role of the ...International Compensation Fund in the case of oil accident.
Кључне речи:
vlasnik broda / objektivna odgovornost / obavezno osiguranje od odgovornosti / Međunarodni obeštećujući fond / brodar / strict civil liability / shipowner / operator / International Compensation FundИзвор:
Pravo i privreda, 2012, 49, 10-12, 52-71Издавач:
- Udruženje pravnika u privredi Srbije, Beograd