Stanković, Miloš

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  • Stanković, Miloš (5)
  • Stanković, Miloš P. (1)

Author's Bibliography

Antikorupcione mere u Zakonopravilu Svetog Save

Stanković, Miloš

(Univerzitet u Novom Sadu - Pravni fakultet, Novi Sad, 2019)

AU  - Stanković, Miloš
PY  - 2019
UR  -
AB  - U prvom delu rada autor ukazuje na korene antikorupcione borbe u srpskom zakonodavstvu koji sežu do Zakonopravila Svetog Save. Potom se analiziraju konkretne odredbe Nomokanona koje imaju antokorupcioni karakter i koje podsećaju na savremene institute. To su zabrana davanja i primanja mita u kontekstu simonije (prodaje svešteničkog čina), zabrana sukoba interesa u obliku nepotizma i u vidu istovremenog vršenja duhovne i svetovne ili dve duhovne funkcije, te obaveze lica koja su rukopoložena da prijave i jasno razdvoje sopstvenu od crkvene imovine. Autor zaključuje da su u vremenu u kome su nastala pravila o borbi protiv korupcije bila na visokom nivou zakonodavne tehnike i da su mogla da predstavljaju više nego solidnu osnovu u njenom iskorenjivanju.
AB  - In the first part of the paper, the author points to the roots of anti-corruption provisions in medieval Serbian legislation which were enacted even in St. Sava's Nomocanon. Then the concrete provisions of the Nomocanon that have an anticorruptional character and which recall some modern institutions are analyzed. These are the prohibition of giving and receiving bribes in context of Simonia (selling of priests range), the prohibition of the conflict of interests, which is recognized in forms of nepotism and ofperforming of spiritual and secular functions or of two spiritual functions at the same time, and the obligations of the monks and priests to report and clearly separate their own property from the church one. The author concludes that at a time when anti-corruption rules were in force in medieval Serbia, they were at a high level of legislative technique and could have represented more than a solid basis for its eradication.
PB  - Univerzitet u Novom Sadu - Pravni fakultet, Novi Sad
T2  - Zbornik radova Pravnog fakulteta, Novi Sad
T1  - Antikorupcione mere u Zakonopravilu Svetog Save
T1  - Anti-corruption Instruments in Saint Sava's Nomocanon
EP  - 1254
IS  - 4
SP  - 1233
VL  - 53
DO  - 10.5937/zrpfns53-24506
UR  - conv_2590
ER  - 
author = "Stanković, Miloš",
year = "2019",
abstract = "U prvom delu rada autor ukazuje na korene antikorupcione borbe u srpskom zakonodavstvu koji sežu do Zakonopravila Svetog Save. Potom se analiziraju konkretne odredbe Nomokanona koje imaju antokorupcioni karakter i koje podsećaju na savremene institute. To su zabrana davanja i primanja mita u kontekstu simonije (prodaje svešteničkog čina), zabrana sukoba interesa u obliku nepotizma i u vidu istovremenog vršenja duhovne i svetovne ili dve duhovne funkcije, te obaveze lica koja su rukopoložena da prijave i jasno razdvoje sopstvenu od crkvene imovine. Autor zaključuje da su u vremenu u kome su nastala pravila o borbi protiv korupcije bila na visokom nivou zakonodavne tehnike i da su mogla da predstavljaju više nego solidnu osnovu u njenom iskorenjivanju., In the first part of the paper, the author points to the roots of anti-corruption provisions in medieval Serbian legislation which were enacted even in St. Sava's Nomocanon. Then the concrete provisions of the Nomocanon that have an anticorruptional character and which recall some modern institutions are analyzed. These are the prohibition of giving and receiving bribes in context of Simonia (selling of priests range), the prohibition of the conflict of interests, which is recognized in forms of nepotism and ofperforming of spiritual and secular functions or of two spiritual functions at the same time, and the obligations of the monks and priests to report and clearly separate their own property from the church one. The author concludes that at a time when anti-corruption rules were in force in medieval Serbia, they were at a high level of legislative technique and could have represented more than a solid basis for its eradication.",
publisher = "Univerzitet u Novom Sadu - Pravni fakultet, Novi Sad",
journal = "Zbornik radova Pravnog fakulteta, Novi Sad",
title = "Antikorupcione mere u Zakonopravilu Svetog Save, Anti-corruption Instruments in Saint Sava's Nomocanon",
pages = "1254-1233",
number = "4",
volume = "53",
doi = "10.5937/zrpfns53-24506",
url = "conv_2590"
Stanković, M.. (2019). Antikorupcione mere u Zakonopravilu Svetog Save. in Zbornik radova Pravnog fakulteta, Novi Sad
Univerzitet u Novom Sadu - Pravni fakultet, Novi Sad., 53(4), 1233-1254.
Stanković M. Antikorupcione mere u Zakonopravilu Svetog Save. in Zbornik radova Pravnog fakulteta, Novi Sad. 2019;53(4):1233-1254.
conv_2590 .
Stanković, Miloš, "Antikorupcione mere u Zakonopravilu Svetog Save" in Zbornik radova Pravnog fakulteta, Novi Sad, 53, no. 4 (2019):1233-1254, .,
conv_2590 .

Da li je zaveštanje bilo normirano u Hamurabijevom zakoniku?

Stanković, Miloš

(Univerzitet u Beogradu - Pravni fakultet, Beograd, 2017)

AU  - Stanković, Miloš
PY  - 2017
UR  -
AB  - Predmet istraživanja u ovom radu je pitanje da li se koren ustanove testamenta može pronaći u Hamurabijevom zakoniku. Autor se služi istorijskim i uporednim metodom, kao i jezičkim, ciljnim i sistematskim tumačenjem delova teksta te kodifikacije. U uvodnom delu analiziraju se pojedine odredbe koje svojim smislom asociraju na garantovanje slobode jednostranog raspolaganja imovinom za slučaj smrti, ali se zaključuje da, osim člana 182 Hamurabijevog zakonika, u kome se posvećenicama boga Marduka daje ovlašćenje da svoju imovinu ostave kome žele, sve normirane ustanove po svojoj pravnoj prirodi predstavljaju ili poklon za slučaj smrti ili ih treba tumačiti u kontekstu miraza u korist ćerke, odnosno bračnih raspolaganja u korist supruge. Potom se, polazeći od tipološke klasifikacije zbornika prava, istorijskom i uporednom analizom zakonika Ur-Namu, Lipit-Ištar, Srednjoasirskih zakona, Hetitskog zakonika i Mojsijevih zakona zaključuje da u njihovim tekstovima nije postojala norma koja bi bar posredno ukazivala na začetke slobode zaveštanja slične onima u čl. 182 Hamurabijevog zakonika, što autor objašnjava Hamurabijevom inovatorskom ulogom u donošenju tog kodeksa. U narednom odeljku je prikazan pravni status hramovskih posvećenica, ritual 'svetog braka' i ispituje se postojanje i smisao religiozne prostitucije, te se konstatuje da ona u pravom smislu reči nije ni postojala, mada se to često pominje u literaturi. Rad se završava analizom i opredeljivanjem pravne prirode čl. 182 Hamurabijevog zakonika, kao sastavnim delom korpusa odredaba regulisanih odredbama čl. 178-182 kodifikacije. Autor zaključuje da su one imale cilj da, zavisno od konkretnih okolnosti, regulišu izdržavanje, a ne slobodu testiranja tih posvećenica.
AB  - The Code of Hammurabi does not include any provisions that could be qualified at least as the traces of the formation of last will as a legal transaction by which a person fulfilling the prescribed requirements, directly and unilaterally, in the form envisaged by the law, without consideration and with the possibility of revoke, disposes of his/her estate in case of death, in terms of the changing of the custom or law-intended scope of his/her heirs or changing the amount of their inheritance quota. First of all, the limitation of the scope of persons who could have an active testamentary capacity to God-devoted temple-maids and temple virgins only, in particular to the devoted temple-maids and temple-virgins of the temple of the Marduk of Babylon, regardless of the privileged social and legal status they had, is not enough to draw a general conclusion about the possibility of requesting. Secondly, the absence of any precisely arranged form for possible disposal in the case of death in the Code of Hammurabi Articles 179 and 182, as well as the dilemma whether such disposals were with or without consideration, are not in concordance with the legal nature of the last will. Finally, the failure to mention the possibility to unilaterally modify or revoke such disposal until the moment of death, is another argument for the assertion that the idea of the freedom of testation was still not in its infancy at the time. Although the insistence on the existence of all, or even most of the necessary elements of the legal nature of the last will in the Code of Hammurabi, would at first glance appear to be an anachronism, one should not forget that these contemporary features of the legal nature of last will are familiar with the Roman law from their very first testamentary forms - most of them being familiar with the Ancient Greek law as well, through the testamentary legacy and the testamentary adoption. Bearing in mind the entirety of the Code of Hammurabi, it can be said that it is more familiar with the beginnings of the contractual inheritance (contractual legacies, to be more precise), i.e. the consensual arrangement of the legal destiny of precisely certain parts of the estate of certain categories of persons after their death, for which, as a proof, there primarily are nudunu and donatio mortis causa. It is quite in accordance with the hypothesis that in almost all civilizations the bilateral disposal of property in the case of death has preceded the unilateral ones. Despite the innovative role in creating Article 182 of the Code of Hammurabi, the absence of last will in this codex was confirmed both by the combined application of the comparative and historical method, as well as the systematic interpretation and the interpretation by purpose of the Code of Hammurabi itself. None of the codes, spatially and civilizationally speaking, close and similar to the Code of Hammurabi, as well as none of the codes that are related to it in terms of the level of social and legal development, such as the Ur-Namu Code, the Lipit-Ishtar Code, the Central Syrian Laws, the Hittite Laws, or the Law of Moses, are familiar with the roots of a legal transaction which could be qualified as a last will. Bearing in mind that the very content of the Code of Hammurabi is a combination of existing customs in the area between Tigris and Euphrates and the innovating ambitions of the legislator, the absence of clear indications of the freedom of an individual to unilaterally regulate the future of his/her estate in the case of his/her death, indicates that the Babylonian law of the emperor Hammurabi had not yet reached the level of the necessary development for the affirmation of this legal transaction. On the other hand, we should not overlook the fact that the Code of Hammurabi had an appropriate systematics - truly enough, not in the spirit of the modern time, but certainly in the manner of understanding the way of how to present legal matters in the time the Code was created. If things are perceived in this way, it is clear that both Article 182 and Article 179 actually constitute a part of the corpus of norms that sought to ensure the maintenance to devoted temple-maids and priestesses, depending on whether they received the dowry from their fathers or not, regardless to the fact of their living in the temples or somewhere else. It seems that in this family-law context, not in an inheritance-law one, in the sense of guaranteeing the provision of livelihoods and not unilateral management of the inherent legal consequences of one's own death, it is necessary to consider not only the authority of the priestesses in the temple of the Marduk of Babylon, which in Article 182 of codification is expressed in words that 'Marduk may leave her estate to whomsoever she wishes', but also the similar authority that is guaranteed in the article 179 of the Code, which states: 'If a 'sister of a god,' or a prostitute, receive a gift from her father, and a deed in which it has been explicitly stated that she may dispose of it as she pleases, and give her complete disposition thereof: if then her father die, then she may leave her property to whomsoever she pleases.' The reason for the special attention paid in the Code to Marduk's priestesses should be sought not only in the fact that these God-devoted women were women of a higher social status who enjoyed great reputation for the work they did, but also in the fact that Marduk was the supreme authentic Babylonian deity that pushed out the previous gods, and was in need to legally obtain authority.
PB  - Univerzitet u Beogradu - Pravni fakultet, Beograd
T2  - Anali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu
T1  - Da li je zaveštanje bilo normirano u Hamurabijevom zakoniku?
T1  - Was last will prescribed in The Code of Hammurabi?
EP  - 152
IS  - 3
SP  - 124
VL  - 65
DO  - 10.5937/AnaliPFB1703124S
UR  - conv_432
ER  - 
author = "Stanković, Miloš",
year = "2017",
abstract = "Predmet istraživanja u ovom radu je pitanje da li se koren ustanove testamenta može pronaći u Hamurabijevom zakoniku. Autor se služi istorijskim i uporednim metodom, kao i jezičkim, ciljnim i sistematskim tumačenjem delova teksta te kodifikacije. U uvodnom delu analiziraju se pojedine odredbe koje svojim smislom asociraju na garantovanje slobode jednostranog raspolaganja imovinom za slučaj smrti, ali se zaključuje da, osim člana 182 Hamurabijevog zakonika, u kome se posvećenicama boga Marduka daje ovlašćenje da svoju imovinu ostave kome žele, sve normirane ustanove po svojoj pravnoj prirodi predstavljaju ili poklon za slučaj smrti ili ih treba tumačiti u kontekstu miraza u korist ćerke, odnosno bračnih raspolaganja u korist supruge. Potom se, polazeći od tipološke klasifikacije zbornika prava, istorijskom i uporednom analizom zakonika Ur-Namu, Lipit-Ištar, Srednjoasirskih zakona, Hetitskog zakonika i Mojsijevih zakona zaključuje da u njihovim tekstovima nije postojala norma koja bi bar posredno ukazivala na začetke slobode zaveštanja slične onima u čl. 182 Hamurabijevog zakonika, što autor objašnjava Hamurabijevom inovatorskom ulogom u donošenju tog kodeksa. U narednom odeljku je prikazan pravni status hramovskih posvećenica, ritual 'svetog braka' i ispituje se postojanje i smisao religiozne prostitucije, te se konstatuje da ona u pravom smislu reči nije ni postojala, mada se to često pominje u literaturi. Rad se završava analizom i opredeljivanjem pravne prirode čl. 182 Hamurabijevog zakonika, kao sastavnim delom korpusa odredaba regulisanih odredbama čl. 178-182 kodifikacije. Autor zaključuje da su one imale cilj da, zavisno od konkretnih okolnosti, regulišu izdržavanje, a ne slobodu testiranja tih posvećenica., The Code of Hammurabi does not include any provisions that could be qualified at least as the traces of the formation of last will as a legal transaction by which a person fulfilling the prescribed requirements, directly and unilaterally, in the form envisaged by the law, without consideration and with the possibility of revoke, disposes of his/her estate in case of death, in terms of the changing of the custom or law-intended scope of his/her heirs or changing the amount of their inheritance quota. First of all, the limitation of the scope of persons who could have an active testamentary capacity to God-devoted temple-maids and temple virgins only, in particular to the devoted temple-maids and temple-virgins of the temple of the Marduk of Babylon, regardless of the privileged social and legal status they had, is not enough to draw a general conclusion about the possibility of requesting. Secondly, the absence of any precisely arranged form for possible disposal in the case of death in the Code of Hammurabi Articles 179 and 182, as well as the dilemma whether such disposals were with or without consideration, are not in concordance with the legal nature of the last will. Finally, the failure to mention the possibility to unilaterally modify or revoke such disposal until the moment of death, is another argument for the assertion that the idea of the freedom of testation was still not in its infancy at the time. Although the insistence on the existence of all, or even most of the necessary elements of the legal nature of the last will in the Code of Hammurabi, would at first glance appear to be an anachronism, one should not forget that these contemporary features of the legal nature of last will are familiar with the Roman law from their very first testamentary forms - most of them being familiar with the Ancient Greek law as well, through the testamentary legacy and the testamentary adoption. Bearing in mind the entirety of the Code of Hammurabi, it can be said that it is more familiar with the beginnings of the contractual inheritance (contractual legacies, to be more precise), i.e. the consensual arrangement of the legal destiny of precisely certain parts of the estate of certain categories of persons after their death, for which, as a proof, there primarily are nudunu and donatio mortis causa. It is quite in accordance with the hypothesis that in almost all civilizations the bilateral disposal of property in the case of death has preceded the unilateral ones. Despite the innovative role in creating Article 182 of the Code of Hammurabi, the absence of last will in this codex was confirmed both by the combined application of the comparative and historical method, as well as the systematic interpretation and the interpretation by purpose of the Code of Hammurabi itself. None of the codes, spatially and civilizationally speaking, close and similar to the Code of Hammurabi, as well as none of the codes that are related to it in terms of the level of social and legal development, such as the Ur-Namu Code, the Lipit-Ishtar Code, the Central Syrian Laws, the Hittite Laws, or the Law of Moses, are familiar with the roots of a legal transaction which could be qualified as a last will. Bearing in mind that the very content of the Code of Hammurabi is a combination of existing customs in the area between Tigris and Euphrates and the innovating ambitions of the legislator, the absence of clear indications of the freedom of an individual to unilaterally regulate the future of his/her estate in the case of his/her death, indicates that the Babylonian law of the emperor Hammurabi had not yet reached the level of the necessary development for the affirmation of this legal transaction. On the other hand, we should not overlook the fact that the Code of Hammurabi had an appropriate systematics - truly enough, not in the spirit of the modern time, but certainly in the manner of understanding the way of how to present legal matters in the time the Code was created. If things are perceived in this way, it is clear that both Article 182 and Article 179 actually constitute a part of the corpus of norms that sought to ensure the maintenance to devoted temple-maids and priestesses, depending on whether they received the dowry from their fathers or not, regardless to the fact of their living in the temples or somewhere else. It seems that in this family-law context, not in an inheritance-law one, in the sense of guaranteeing the provision of livelihoods and not unilateral management of the inherent legal consequences of one's own death, it is necessary to consider not only the authority of the priestesses in the temple of the Marduk of Babylon, which in Article 182 of codification is expressed in words that 'Marduk may leave her estate to whomsoever she wishes', but also the similar authority that is guaranteed in the article 179 of the Code, which states: 'If a 'sister of a god,' or a prostitute, receive a gift from her father, and a deed in which it has been explicitly stated that she may dispose of it as she pleases, and give her complete disposition thereof: if then her father die, then she may leave her property to whomsoever she pleases.' The reason for the special attention paid in the Code to Marduk's priestesses should be sought not only in the fact that these God-devoted women were women of a higher social status who enjoyed great reputation for the work they did, but also in the fact that Marduk was the supreme authentic Babylonian deity that pushed out the previous gods, and was in need to legally obtain authority.",
publisher = "Univerzitet u Beogradu - Pravni fakultet, Beograd",
journal = "Anali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu",
title = "Da li je zaveštanje bilo normirano u Hamurabijevom zakoniku?, Was last will prescribed in The Code of Hammurabi?",
pages = "152-124",
number = "3",
volume = "65",
doi = "10.5937/AnaliPFB1703124S",
url = "conv_432"
Stanković, M.. (2017). Da li je zaveštanje bilo normirano u Hamurabijevom zakoniku?. in Anali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu
Univerzitet u Beogradu - Pravni fakultet, Beograd., 65(3), 124-152.
Stanković M. Da li je zaveštanje bilo normirano u Hamurabijevom zakoniku?. in Anali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu. 2017;65(3):124-152.
conv_432 .
Stanković, Miloš, "Da li je zaveštanje bilo normirano u Hamurabijevom zakoniku?" in Anali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu, 65, no. 3 (2017):124-152, .,
conv_432 .

Ugovorno nasleđivanje između supružnika

Stanković, Miloš P.

(Univerzitet u Beogradu, Pravni fakultet, 2015)

AU  - Stanković, Miloš P.
PY  - 2015
UR  -
UR  -
UR  -
UR  -
UR  -
AB  - Predmet istraživanja u doktorskoj disertaciji predstavlja pozitivno ugovorno nasleđivanje između supružnika, čiji pojam autor gradi nasuprot pojma ugovora o nasleđivanju. On ističe da ugovor o nasleđivanju, kao jedinstveni pravni institut i najjači osnov pozivanja na nasleđe, postoji samo u germanskim pravnim sistemima, ali da predstavlja samo jedan mogući oblik ugovornog nasleđivanja. Ugovorno nasleđivanje kao širi i obuhvatniji pojam u odnosu na institut ugovora o nasleđivanju, obuhvata sve dvostrane pravne poslove za slučaj smrti, kojima se u uporednom pravu neposredno ili posredno uređuje raspored zaostavštine jedne ili obe ugovorne strane. Cilj doktorske disertacije je da se ponudi odgovor na dilemu o potrebi vraćanja ugovora o nasleđivanju u srpsko pravo, a da se onda, polazeći od opštih pravila ugovornog nasleđivanja u uporednom pravu i predloženih rešenja u Prednacrtu Građanskog zakonika Republike Srbije, formuliše predlog modela ugovora o nasleđivanju koji bi najbolje odgovarao istorijskom nasleđu srpske civilistike i postojećem sistemu građanskog prava u Srbiji. Doktorska disertacija autora se sastoji iz dvanaest poglavlja, od kojih prvo predstavlja uvod, a poslednje zaključak istraživanja. Nakon uvodnog dela disertacije, autor uz pomoć istorijsko-pravnog metoda analizira genezu ugovornog nasleđivanja. Konstatujući da je savremeni pojam ugovora o nasleđivanju formulisan uglavnom u velikim građanskopravnim kodifikacijama 19. i 20. veka i da predstavlja rezultat sublimiranog iskustva njegove prethodne primene u običajnom i u pisanom pravu, autor argumentuje da institut ugovora o nasleđivanju predstavlja samo jednu istorijsku fazu u procesu razvitka ugovornog nasleđivanja, koje je nastavilo sa razvojem i nakon dostignutog nivoa na kome se ispoljilo kao ugovor o nasleđivanju. U tom cilju, prezentuje se ugovorno nasleđivanje u starom veku kroz neke od sačuvanih ugovora iz sumersko-vavilonskog i egipatskog prava, institute nudunua, poklona za slučaj smrti u pravu pojedinih grčkih polisa, rimskih ustanova poput testamenata mancipacio familiae i per aes et libram s jedne strane, te ustanove donatio mortis causa i donatio ante nuptias, s druge strane.
AB  - The research subject of our doctoral dissertation is a positive contractual inheritance between spouses – a concept, created by the author of the dissertation, as opposed to the concept of the contract of inheritance. The author points out that the contract of inheritance, being a unique legal institute and the strongest ground for claiming inheritance, exists only in Germanic legal systems, and represents only one possible form of contractual inheritance. Contractual inheritance, as a broader and more comprehensive concept in relation to the institute of the contract of inheritance, encompasses all bilateral legal transactions in case of death, through which the schedule of estate of one or both parties, either directly or indirectly, is arranged in comparative law. The aim of the doctoral thesis is to offer an answer to the dilemma of the need to restore the contract of inheritance in the Serbian law, and then, starting from the general rules of contract inheritance in comparative law and proposed solutions in the Prelimimnary Draft of the Civil Code of the Republic of Serbia, to formulate a draft model of the contract of inheritance that would best fit the historical heritage of Serbian civil law and the current system of civil law in Serbia. Doctoral dissertation consists of twelve chapters, the first of which is the introduction and the last of which is the conclusion of the research. After the introductory part of the dissertation, the author analyzes the genesis of the contractual inheritance by using the historical-legal method. Noting that the modern concept of the contract of inheritance was formulated mainly in large civil codifications of the 19th and 20th century, and that it represents a result of sublimated experience of its previous application in customary and written law, the author argues that the institution of the contract of inheritance is only one historical stage in the process of development of the contractual inheritance, which continued to develop even after achieving the level at which it was manifested as a contract of inheritance.
PB  - Univerzitet u Beogradu, Pravni fakultet
T1  - Ugovorno nasleđivanje između supružnika
T1  - Contractual inheritance between spouses
UR  - t-2431
ER  - 
author = "Stanković, Miloš P.",
year = "2015",
abstract = "Predmet istraživanja u doktorskoj disertaciji predstavlja pozitivno ugovorno nasleđivanje između supružnika, čiji pojam autor gradi nasuprot pojma ugovora o nasleđivanju. On ističe da ugovor o nasleđivanju, kao jedinstveni pravni institut i najjači osnov pozivanja na nasleđe, postoji samo u germanskim pravnim sistemima, ali da predstavlja samo jedan mogući oblik ugovornog nasleđivanja. Ugovorno nasleđivanje kao širi i obuhvatniji pojam u odnosu na institut ugovora o nasleđivanju, obuhvata sve dvostrane pravne poslove za slučaj smrti, kojima se u uporednom pravu neposredno ili posredno uređuje raspored zaostavštine jedne ili obe ugovorne strane. Cilj doktorske disertacije je da se ponudi odgovor na dilemu o potrebi vraćanja ugovora o nasleđivanju u srpsko pravo, a da se onda, polazeći od opštih pravila ugovornog nasleđivanja u uporednom pravu i predloženih rešenja u Prednacrtu Građanskog zakonika Republike Srbije, formuliše predlog modela ugovora o nasleđivanju koji bi najbolje odgovarao istorijskom nasleđu srpske civilistike i postojećem sistemu građanskog prava u Srbiji. Doktorska disertacija autora se sastoji iz dvanaest poglavlja, od kojih prvo predstavlja uvod, a poslednje zaključak istraživanja. Nakon uvodnog dela disertacije, autor uz pomoć istorijsko-pravnog metoda analizira genezu ugovornog nasleđivanja. Konstatujući da je savremeni pojam ugovora o nasleđivanju formulisan uglavnom u velikim građanskopravnim kodifikacijama 19. i 20. veka i da predstavlja rezultat sublimiranog iskustva njegove prethodne primene u običajnom i u pisanom pravu, autor argumentuje da institut ugovora o nasleđivanju predstavlja samo jednu istorijsku fazu u procesu razvitka ugovornog nasleđivanja, koje je nastavilo sa razvojem i nakon dostignutog nivoa na kome se ispoljilo kao ugovor o nasleđivanju. U tom cilju, prezentuje se ugovorno nasleđivanje u starom veku kroz neke od sačuvanih ugovora iz sumersko-vavilonskog i egipatskog prava, institute nudunua, poklona za slučaj smrti u pravu pojedinih grčkih polisa, rimskih ustanova poput testamenata mancipacio familiae i per aes et libram s jedne strane, te ustanove donatio mortis causa i donatio ante nuptias, s druge strane., The research subject of our doctoral dissertation is a positive contractual inheritance between spouses – a concept, created by the author of the dissertation, as opposed to the concept of the contract of inheritance. The author points out that the contract of inheritance, being a unique legal institute and the strongest ground for claiming inheritance, exists only in Germanic legal systems, and represents only one possible form of contractual inheritance. Contractual inheritance, as a broader and more comprehensive concept in relation to the institute of the contract of inheritance, encompasses all bilateral legal transactions in case of death, through which the schedule of estate of one or both parties, either directly or indirectly, is arranged in comparative law. The aim of the doctoral thesis is to offer an answer to the dilemma of the need to restore the contract of inheritance in the Serbian law, and then, starting from the general rules of contract inheritance in comparative law and proposed solutions in the Prelimimnary Draft of the Civil Code of the Republic of Serbia, to formulate a draft model of the contract of inheritance that would best fit the historical heritage of Serbian civil law and the current system of civil law in Serbia. Doctoral dissertation consists of twelve chapters, the first of which is the introduction and the last of which is the conclusion of the research. After the introductory part of the dissertation, the author analyzes the genesis of the contractual inheritance by using the historical-legal method. Noting that the modern concept of the contract of inheritance was formulated mainly in large civil codifications of the 19th and 20th century, and that it represents a result of sublimated experience of its previous application in customary and written law, the author argues that the institution of the contract of inheritance is only one historical stage in the process of development of the contractual inheritance, which continued to develop even after achieving the level at which it was manifested as a contract of inheritance.",
publisher = "Univerzitet u Beogradu, Pravni fakultet",
title = "Ugovorno nasleđivanje između supružnika, Contractual inheritance between spouses",
url = "t-2431"
Stanković, M. P.. (2015). Ugovorno nasleđivanje između supružnika. 
Univerzitet u Beogradu, Pravni fakultet..
Stanković MP. Ugovorno nasleđivanje između supružnika. 2015;.
t-2431 .
Stanković, Miloš P., "Ugovorno nasleđivanje između supružnika" (2015),
t-2431 .

Pravna priroda afatomije

Stanković, Miloš

(Univerzitet u Beogradu - Pravni fakultet, Beograd, 2015)

AU  - Stanković, Miloš
PY  - 2015
UR  -
AB  - Autor u članku analizira afatomiju, pravni posao za slučaj smrti Franaka, koji se u literaturi smatra začetkom testamenta kod starih Germana, ali i korenom ugovora o nasleđivanju normiranih u velikim građanskopravnim kodifikacijama. Cilj rada je da se kroz analizu pravne prirode afatomije ispita tačnost ove osnovne hipoteze i da se da odgovor na pitanje da li su u uporednoj pravnoj tradiciji eventualno postojali pravni poslovi koji su nastali pre afatomije i koji se takođe mogu smatrati začecima ugovornog nasleđivanja. U prvom delu rada autor konstatuje da su društveno-ekonomske prilike, kulturna i pravna svest starih Germana diktirale nužnost stvaranja drugačijih pravnih poslova kojima bi se raspolagalo za slučaj smrti, jer ovi narodi nisu poznavali zaveštanje. Potom analizira način na koji se preduzimala afatomija u Salijskom i u Ripuarskom zakoniku, ukazuje na sličnosti i razlike ovog instituta kod Salijskih i Ripuarskih Franaka i prezentuje različite teorije kojima se objašnjava pravna priroda ovog instituta. Autor zaključuje da se afatomija može smatrati korenom ugovornog nasleđivanja u najširem smislu, ali ne i ugovora o nasleđivanju u smislu u kome ih poznaju savremena prava, kao i da ova konstatacija može da bude tačna samo za germanska prava, ali ne i za pravnu civilizaciju uopšte.
AB  - In Salian and Ripuarian Code affatomia represented a bilateral legal transaction that was aimed at changing of the scoped of heirs determined by the customs, at least insofar being applied in the absence of biological descendants only. However, almost all further similarities in the field cease at this point. The form for using affatomia with Ripuarian Franks was much simpler than the one with the Salian Franks. Unlike the Salian Franks, affatomia could by all odds be used by Ripuarian Franks spouses in determining each other for a heir. Legal nature of the Salian Franks affatomia is most similar to the mancipatio familiae type of will in the Roman law (which does not mean it emerged from this law), while its form in the Ripuarian Code is much closer to testamentary adoption. As with Ripuarian Franks, affatomia seems to have definitely produced legal effects only after the death of the disposant, while its legal effects with the Salian Code performed inter vivos. Contemporary authors are trying to designate the legal nature of legal affairs from the early development of human and legal civilization through modern institutes that represent the completion of their evolutionary path. Taking the inheritance contract of the German or Swiss law, or the future assets donation of the French law, for example, and then comparing them to affatomia and thinx is an anachronism. This is evident by the fact that the legal nature of these ancient Germanic institutes can not be viewed unilaterally, but always through a combination of those institutes which we know today as adoption, gift or mixed donation with retention of different modalities for the transferor or the testator (usually usufruct). In this sense, if we are looking for a inheritance agreement in the Middle Ages, the contract in which a person determines other person for his/her universal or singular successor in the modern sense, we will certainly not find one. However, if within this institute we see bilateral legal transaction whose subject is the future legacy or exactly specified legal issue from legacy, which aims to voluntarily change the law and customs of the established circuit of heirs, who partially performed legal effects among the living, and partly in case of death, the one that differs from the legacy through its irreversibility, we will then find its roots with the Franks and the Langobards, while its first clear shapes and forms we will find as early as XIII century. If we start from this initial premise, bearing in mind that different nations in different historical epochs attained a certain level of cultural, economic and legal emancipation, it is possible to draw another conclusion. It is the fact that disposal of assets in case of death, which meant some form of approval of the one in whose favour assets were disposed (what we would call today a bilateral legal transaction), has always preceded legacy as a unilateral legal transaction. Further on, it means that affatomia and thinx, as well as Morgengabe, can be considered roots in Germanic contractual inheritance law. But if we follow the development of an idea, abstracting the inevitable differences, Babylonian nudunu, Islamic vassijet, donatio mortis causa (from Babylon, through the Spartan and Roman law, to the Mirror of the Saxons), Vergabungen of the Schwabenspiegel, especially the Roman mancipatio familiae last will, can all equally be regarded as the roots of the contractual inheritance.
PB  - Univerzitet u Beogradu - Pravni fakultet, Beograd
T2  - Anali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu
T1  - Pravna priroda afatomije
T1  - Legal nature of affatomia
EP  - 185
IS  - 1
SP  - 169
VL  - 63
DO  - 10.5937/AnaliPFB1501169S
UR  - conv_360
ER  - 
author = "Stanković, Miloš",
year = "2015",
abstract = "Autor u članku analizira afatomiju, pravni posao za slučaj smrti Franaka, koji se u literaturi smatra začetkom testamenta kod starih Germana, ali i korenom ugovora o nasleđivanju normiranih u velikim građanskopravnim kodifikacijama. Cilj rada je da se kroz analizu pravne prirode afatomije ispita tačnost ove osnovne hipoteze i da se da odgovor na pitanje da li su u uporednoj pravnoj tradiciji eventualno postojali pravni poslovi koji su nastali pre afatomije i koji se takođe mogu smatrati začecima ugovornog nasleđivanja. U prvom delu rada autor konstatuje da su društveno-ekonomske prilike, kulturna i pravna svest starih Germana diktirale nužnost stvaranja drugačijih pravnih poslova kojima bi se raspolagalo za slučaj smrti, jer ovi narodi nisu poznavali zaveštanje. Potom analizira način na koji se preduzimala afatomija u Salijskom i u Ripuarskom zakoniku, ukazuje na sličnosti i razlike ovog instituta kod Salijskih i Ripuarskih Franaka i prezentuje različite teorije kojima se objašnjava pravna priroda ovog instituta. Autor zaključuje da se afatomija može smatrati korenom ugovornog nasleđivanja u najširem smislu, ali ne i ugovora o nasleđivanju u smislu u kome ih poznaju savremena prava, kao i da ova konstatacija može da bude tačna samo za germanska prava, ali ne i za pravnu civilizaciju uopšte., In Salian and Ripuarian Code affatomia represented a bilateral legal transaction that was aimed at changing of the scoped of heirs determined by the customs, at least insofar being applied in the absence of biological descendants only. However, almost all further similarities in the field cease at this point. The form for using affatomia with Ripuarian Franks was much simpler than the one with the Salian Franks. Unlike the Salian Franks, affatomia could by all odds be used by Ripuarian Franks spouses in determining each other for a heir. Legal nature of the Salian Franks affatomia is most similar to the mancipatio familiae type of will in the Roman law (which does not mean it emerged from this law), while its form in the Ripuarian Code is much closer to testamentary adoption. As with Ripuarian Franks, affatomia seems to have definitely produced legal effects only after the death of the disposant, while its legal effects with the Salian Code performed inter vivos. Contemporary authors are trying to designate the legal nature of legal affairs from the early development of human and legal civilization through modern institutes that represent the completion of their evolutionary path. Taking the inheritance contract of the German or Swiss law, or the future assets donation of the French law, for example, and then comparing them to affatomia and thinx is an anachronism. This is evident by the fact that the legal nature of these ancient Germanic institutes can not be viewed unilaterally, but always through a combination of those institutes which we know today as adoption, gift or mixed donation with retention of different modalities for the transferor or the testator (usually usufruct). In this sense, if we are looking for a inheritance agreement in the Middle Ages, the contract in which a person determines other person for his/her universal or singular successor in the modern sense, we will certainly not find one. However, if within this institute we see bilateral legal transaction whose subject is the future legacy or exactly specified legal issue from legacy, which aims to voluntarily change the law and customs of the established circuit of heirs, who partially performed legal effects among the living, and partly in case of death, the one that differs from the legacy through its irreversibility, we will then find its roots with the Franks and the Langobards, while its first clear shapes and forms we will find as early as XIII century. If we start from this initial premise, bearing in mind that different nations in different historical epochs attained a certain level of cultural, economic and legal emancipation, it is possible to draw another conclusion. It is the fact that disposal of assets in case of death, which meant some form of approval of the one in whose favour assets were disposed (what we would call today a bilateral legal transaction), has always preceded legacy as a unilateral legal transaction. Further on, it means that affatomia and thinx, as well as Morgengabe, can be considered roots in Germanic contractual inheritance law. But if we follow the development of an idea, abstracting the inevitable differences, Babylonian nudunu, Islamic vassijet, donatio mortis causa (from Babylon, through the Spartan and Roman law, to the Mirror of the Saxons), Vergabungen of the Schwabenspiegel, especially the Roman mancipatio familiae last will, can all equally be regarded as the roots of the contractual inheritance.",
publisher = "Univerzitet u Beogradu - Pravni fakultet, Beograd",
journal = "Anali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu",
title = "Pravna priroda afatomije, Legal nature of affatomia",
pages = "185-169",
number = "1",
volume = "63",
doi = "10.5937/AnaliPFB1501169S",
url = "conv_360"
Stanković, M.. (2015). Pravna priroda afatomije. in Anali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu
Univerzitet u Beogradu - Pravni fakultet, Beograd., 63(1), 169-185.
Stanković M. Pravna priroda afatomije. in Anali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu. 2015;63(1):169-185.
conv_360 .
Stanković, Miloš, "Pravna priroda afatomije" in Anali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu, 63, no. 1 (2015):169-185, .,
conv_360 .

Pravna priroda i ostvarivanje prava i dužnosti roditelja na vaspitanje i obrazovanje deteta u Srbiji

Stanković, Miloš

(Univerzitet u Beogradu - Pravni fakultet, Beograd, 2011)

AU  - Stanković, Miloš
PY  - 2011
UR  -
AB  - Porodični zakon Srbije predviđa pravo i dužnost roditelja 'da sa detetom razvijaju odnos zasnovan na ljubavi, poverenju i uzajamnom poštovanju, te da dete usmeravaju ka usvajanju i poštovanju vrednosti emocionalnog, etičkog i nacionalnog identiteta svoje porodice i društva', odnosno pravo roditelja 'da detetu obezbede obrazovanje koje je u skladu sa njihovim verskim i etičkim uverenjima'. Imajući u vidu da norma kojom je konkretizovano ovo pravo i dužnost roditelja čini sastavni deo sadržine roditeljskog prava, autor u prvom delu rada opredeljuje njenu pravnu prirodu kao imperativnu, iz čega dalje izvodi dva zaključka: prvi, da reakcija državnih organa u slučaju njenog nepoštovanja može biti reaktivna - kroz lišenje roditeljskog prava i drugi, da u skladu sa međunarodnim dokumentima, ona prevashodno treba da bude preventivna. U daljem tekstu, autor se fokusira na preventivnu ulogu naše države, odnosno njenu obavezu da stvori ambijent u kome će roditelji biti u mogućnosti da svoje dete usmere ka usvajanju i poštovanju vrednosti emocionalnog, etičkog i nacionalnog identiteta svoje porodice i društva. U tom cilju, on najpre vrši analizu našeg porodičnog zakonodavstva, poredeći ovo pravo, tj. dužnost roditelja sa institutima nasilja u porodici, braka, usvojenja i posebne poslovne sposobnosti i odgovarajućim rešenjima u uporednom pravu.
AB  - The parental right and duty to control upbringing and education of their children is mandatory in its nature. However, the role of the state bodies in implementing these rights should be limited, due to the specificities of parent-child relationship, and the prevailing free will doctrine of the contemporary Family Law. The state should act preventively, more then reactively, which would also be in line with the Convention on the Rights of the Child. Despite the fact that parents in Serbia have statutory duty to guide their children to 'the adoption of emotional, ethical and national values and identity of their own family and the society', failure of a parent to fulfill this duty is never sanctioned by depriving them of their parental rights. The author claims that the Serbian Family Code provisions on parental right (and duty) to control upbringing and education of their children are in collision with some other rules of national law, such as those relating to the prohibition of domestic violence, adoption, marriage and legal capacity (capacite juridique), which makes the enforcement of the abovementioned parental right (and duty) more difficult. The author suggests that the Serbian legislator should look up to certain comparative experiences in reconciling the conflicting interests in this field.
PB  - Univerzitet u Beogradu - Pravni fakultet, Beograd
T2  - Anali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu
T1  - Pravna priroda i ostvarivanje prava i dužnosti roditelja na vaspitanje i obrazovanje deteta u Srbiji
T1  - Parental right and duty to control upbringing and education of their children
EP  - 262
IS  - 2
SP  - 235
VL  - 59
UR  - conv_236
ER  - 
author = "Stanković, Miloš",
year = "2011",
abstract = "Porodični zakon Srbije predviđa pravo i dužnost roditelja 'da sa detetom razvijaju odnos zasnovan na ljubavi, poverenju i uzajamnom poštovanju, te da dete usmeravaju ka usvajanju i poštovanju vrednosti emocionalnog, etičkog i nacionalnog identiteta svoje porodice i društva', odnosno pravo roditelja 'da detetu obezbede obrazovanje koje je u skladu sa njihovim verskim i etičkim uverenjima'. Imajući u vidu da norma kojom je konkretizovano ovo pravo i dužnost roditelja čini sastavni deo sadržine roditeljskog prava, autor u prvom delu rada opredeljuje njenu pravnu prirodu kao imperativnu, iz čega dalje izvodi dva zaključka: prvi, da reakcija državnih organa u slučaju njenog nepoštovanja može biti reaktivna - kroz lišenje roditeljskog prava i drugi, da u skladu sa međunarodnim dokumentima, ona prevashodno treba da bude preventivna. U daljem tekstu, autor se fokusira na preventivnu ulogu naše države, odnosno njenu obavezu da stvori ambijent u kome će roditelji biti u mogućnosti da svoje dete usmere ka usvajanju i poštovanju vrednosti emocionalnog, etičkog i nacionalnog identiteta svoje porodice i društva. U tom cilju, on najpre vrši analizu našeg porodičnog zakonodavstva, poredeći ovo pravo, tj. dužnost roditelja sa institutima nasilja u porodici, braka, usvojenja i posebne poslovne sposobnosti i odgovarajućim rešenjima u uporednom pravu., The parental right and duty to control upbringing and education of their children is mandatory in its nature. However, the role of the state bodies in implementing these rights should be limited, due to the specificities of parent-child relationship, and the prevailing free will doctrine of the contemporary Family Law. The state should act preventively, more then reactively, which would also be in line with the Convention on the Rights of the Child. Despite the fact that parents in Serbia have statutory duty to guide their children to 'the adoption of emotional, ethical and national values and identity of their own family and the society', failure of a parent to fulfill this duty is never sanctioned by depriving them of their parental rights. The author claims that the Serbian Family Code provisions on parental right (and duty) to control upbringing and education of their children are in collision with some other rules of national law, such as those relating to the prohibition of domestic violence, adoption, marriage and legal capacity (capacite juridique), which makes the enforcement of the abovementioned parental right (and duty) more difficult. The author suggests that the Serbian legislator should look up to certain comparative experiences in reconciling the conflicting interests in this field.",
publisher = "Univerzitet u Beogradu - Pravni fakultet, Beograd",
journal = "Anali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu",
title = "Pravna priroda i ostvarivanje prava i dužnosti roditelja na vaspitanje i obrazovanje deteta u Srbiji, Parental right and duty to control upbringing and education of their children",
pages = "262-235",
number = "2",
volume = "59",
url = "conv_236"
Stanković, M.. (2011). Pravna priroda i ostvarivanje prava i dužnosti roditelja na vaspitanje i obrazovanje deteta u Srbiji. in Anali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu
Univerzitet u Beogradu - Pravni fakultet, Beograd., 59(2), 235-262.
Stanković M. Pravna priroda i ostvarivanje prava i dužnosti roditelja na vaspitanje i obrazovanje deteta u Srbiji. in Anali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu. 2011;59(2):235-262.
conv_236 .
Stanković, Miloš, "Pravna priroda i ostvarivanje prava i dužnosti roditelja na vaspitanje i obrazovanje deteta u Srbiji" in Anali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu, 59, no. 2 (2011):235-262,
conv_236 .

Pravna priroda ugovora u sportu - studija slučaja

Stanković, Miloš

(Univerzitet u Beogradu - Pravni fakultet, Beograd, 2008)

AU  - Stanković, Miloš
PY  - 2008
UR  -
PB  - Univerzitet u Beogradu - Pravni fakultet, Beograd
T2  - Anali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu
T1  - Pravna priroda ugovora u sportu - studija slučaja
EP  - 400
IS  - 2
SP  - 383
VL  - 56
UR  - conv_143
ER  - 
author = "Stanković, Miloš",
year = "2008",
publisher = "Univerzitet u Beogradu - Pravni fakultet, Beograd",
journal = "Anali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu",
title = "Pravna priroda ugovora u sportu - studija slučaja",
pages = "400-383",
number = "2",
volume = "56",
url = "conv_143"
Stanković, M.. (2008). Pravna priroda ugovora u sportu - studija slučaja. in Anali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu
Univerzitet u Beogradu - Pravni fakultet, Beograd., 56(2), 383-400.
Stanković M. Pravna priroda ugovora u sportu - studija slučaja. in Anali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu. 2008;56(2):383-400.
conv_143 .
Stanković, Miloš, "Pravna priroda ugovora u sportu - studija slučaja" in Anali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu, 56, no. 2 (2008):383-400,
conv_143 .