Bojić, Filip

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Authority KeyName Variants
  • Bojić, Filip (14)
  • Bojić, Filip P. (1)

Author's Bibliography

Konstitucionalizacija prava na štrajk

Bojić, Filip

(Udruženje pravnika u privredi Srbije, Beograd, 2020)

AU  - Bojić, Filip
PY  - 2020
UR  -
AB  - U iščekivanju novog zakona kojim bi se na detaljan način, a u skladu sa međunarodnim standardima i praksom, uredilo pravo zaposlenih na štrajk, autor u radu nastoji da sagleda pojedine bitne aspekte tog prava, kao osnovnog oblika kolektivne akcije zaposlenih. Stoga se u radu otvara pitanje konstitucionalizacije prava na štrajk u domaćem i uporednom pravu, a istovremeno se i problematizuje određivanje pojma štrajka ustavnim i zakonskim normama. Sa ciljem boljeg sagledavanja problema, a u vezi sa konstitucionalizacijom prava na štrajk, uz korišćenje uporednopravnog metoda istraživanja, posebna pažnja se posvećuje ustavnim garantijama prava na štrajk u uporednom pravu. Takođe, autor u radu nastoji i da teorijski odredi pojam štrajka, kao i da ukaže na bitne elemente štrajka koji se navode u pojedinim naučnim raspravama. Konačno, kritički osvrt je dat i na pitanje regulisanja navedenog prava na našim prostorima u periodu samoupravnog socijalizma, kada ovo pravo nije bilo regulisano ustavnim normama niti posebnim zakonom, te su analizirane i sličnosti i razlike između pojma štrajka i pojma obustave rada.
AB  - In anticipation of a new law that would regulate in detail, and in accordance with international standards and practice, the right of employees to strike, the author tries to consider certain important aspects of that right, as the basic form of collective action of employees. Therefore, the paper raises the issue of constitutionalization of the right to strike in domestic and comparative law, and at the same time problematizes the definition of the concept of strike by constitutional and legal norms. In order to better understand the problem, and in connection with the constitutionalization of the right to strike, using the comparative law method of research, special attention is paid to the constitutional guarantees of the right to strike in comparative law. Also, the author tries to theoretically determine the concept of strike, as well as to point out the important elements of the strike that are stated in certain scientific discussions. Finally, a critical review was given to the issue of regulating this right in our area in the period of self-governing socialism, when this right was not regulated by constitutional norms or a special law, and the similarities and differences between the concept of strike and the concept of work stoppage were analyzed.
PB  - Udruženje pravnika u privredi Srbije, Beograd
T2  - Pravo i privreda
T1  - Konstitucionalizacija prava na štrajk
T1  - Constitutionalization of the right to strike
EP  - 97
IS  - 4
SP  - 74
VL  - 58
DO  - 10.5937/PiP2004074B
UR  - conv_2336
ER  - 
author = "Bojić, Filip",
year = "2020",
abstract = "U iščekivanju novog zakona kojim bi se na detaljan način, a u skladu sa međunarodnim standardima i praksom, uredilo pravo zaposlenih na štrajk, autor u radu nastoji da sagleda pojedine bitne aspekte tog prava, kao osnovnog oblika kolektivne akcije zaposlenih. Stoga se u radu otvara pitanje konstitucionalizacije prava na štrajk u domaćem i uporednom pravu, a istovremeno se i problematizuje određivanje pojma štrajka ustavnim i zakonskim normama. Sa ciljem boljeg sagledavanja problema, a u vezi sa konstitucionalizacijom prava na štrajk, uz korišćenje uporednopravnog metoda istraživanja, posebna pažnja se posvećuje ustavnim garantijama prava na štrajk u uporednom pravu. Takođe, autor u radu nastoji i da teorijski odredi pojam štrajka, kao i da ukaže na bitne elemente štrajka koji se navode u pojedinim naučnim raspravama. Konačno, kritički osvrt je dat i na pitanje regulisanja navedenog prava na našim prostorima u periodu samoupravnog socijalizma, kada ovo pravo nije bilo regulisano ustavnim normama niti posebnim zakonom, te su analizirane i sličnosti i razlike između pojma štrajka i pojma obustave rada., In anticipation of a new law that would regulate in detail, and in accordance with international standards and practice, the right of employees to strike, the author tries to consider certain important aspects of that right, as the basic form of collective action of employees. Therefore, the paper raises the issue of constitutionalization of the right to strike in domestic and comparative law, and at the same time problematizes the definition of the concept of strike by constitutional and legal norms. In order to better understand the problem, and in connection with the constitutionalization of the right to strike, using the comparative law method of research, special attention is paid to the constitutional guarantees of the right to strike in comparative law. Also, the author tries to theoretically determine the concept of strike, as well as to point out the important elements of the strike that are stated in certain scientific discussions. Finally, a critical review was given to the issue of regulating this right in our area in the period of self-governing socialism, when this right was not regulated by constitutional norms or a special law, and the similarities and differences between the concept of strike and the concept of work stoppage were analyzed.",
publisher = "Udruženje pravnika u privredi Srbije, Beograd",
journal = "Pravo i privreda",
title = "Konstitucionalizacija prava na štrajk, Constitutionalization of the right to strike",
pages = "97-74",
number = "4",
volume = "58",
doi = "10.5937/PiP2004074B",
url = "conv_2336"
Bojić, F.. (2020). Konstitucionalizacija prava na štrajk. in Pravo i privreda
Udruženje pravnika u privredi Srbije, Beograd., 58(4), 74-97.
Bojić F. Konstitucionalizacija prava na štrajk. in Pravo i privreda. 2020;58(4):74-97.
conv_2336 .
Bojić, Filip, "Konstitucionalizacija prava na štrajk" in Pravo i privreda, 58, no. 4 (2020):74-97, .,
conv_2336 .

Kumulacija zarade i starosne penzije - pro et contra

Bojić, Filip

(Udruženje pravnika u privredi Srbije, Beograd, 2019)

AU  - Bojić, Filip
PY  - 2019
UR  -
AB  - Autor u radu sagledava osnovne karakteristike, ali i uzroke nastanka instituta kumulacije zarade i starosne penzije, te postavlja kao osnovno pitanje da li je navedena pojava opravdana u savremenom društvu, a imajući u vidu da brojni primeri iz pravne tradicije ukazuju da je u određenim periodima kumulacija bila i zakonom zabranjena. Analizirani su različiti faktori koji utiču na donošenje odluke pojedinca o ponovnom zasnivanju radnog odnosa, a po ostvarivanju prava na starosnu penziju, ali i posledice koje ovaj institut može imati na zapošljavanje mladih i narušavanje koncepta međugeneracijske solidarnosti. U radu je razmotren i institut prestanka radnog odnosa zaposlenog po ispunjavanju uslova za starosnu penziju, a dat je i kritički osvrt na modele u kojima se striktno zabranjuje institut kumulacije. Sagledavajući sve pozitivne i negativne aspekte instituta kumulacije zarade i starosne penzije, autor iznosi određene zaključke u cilju isticanja potencijalnih odgovarajućih rešenja koja bi se mogla primeniti na domaću savremenu legislativu.
AB  - The author examines the basic characteristics, as well as the causes of the institute of cumulation of earnings and old-age pensions, and asks as a fundamental question whether this phenomenon is justified in a modern society, and having in mind that numerous examples from the legal tradition indicate that in certain periods the cumulation was also prohibited by law. Various factors have been analyzed that influence the decision of the individual to reestablish employment relationship, and to realize the right to old-age pension, but also the consequences that this institute can have on the employment of young people and the violation of the concept of intergenerational solidarity. The paper also discusses the termination of employment of an employee after fulfilling the conditions for old-age retirement, and contains a critical review of models in which the cumulation institute is strictly forbidden. By examining all the positive and negative aspects of the cumulation of earnings and old-age pensions, the author makes some conclusions in order to highlight potential appropriate solutions that could be applied to domestic modern legislation.
PB  - Udruženje pravnika u privredi Srbije, Beograd
T2  - Pravo i privreda
T1  - Kumulacija zarade i starosne penzije - pro et contra
T1  - Cumulation of earnings and old-age pensions: Pro et contra
EP  - 739
IS  - 7-9
SP  - 718
VL  - 57
UR  - conv_2309
ER  - 
author = "Bojić, Filip",
year = "2019",
abstract = "Autor u radu sagledava osnovne karakteristike, ali i uzroke nastanka instituta kumulacije zarade i starosne penzije, te postavlja kao osnovno pitanje da li je navedena pojava opravdana u savremenom društvu, a imajući u vidu da brojni primeri iz pravne tradicije ukazuju da je u određenim periodima kumulacija bila i zakonom zabranjena. Analizirani su različiti faktori koji utiču na donošenje odluke pojedinca o ponovnom zasnivanju radnog odnosa, a po ostvarivanju prava na starosnu penziju, ali i posledice koje ovaj institut može imati na zapošljavanje mladih i narušavanje koncepta međugeneracijske solidarnosti. U radu je razmotren i institut prestanka radnog odnosa zaposlenog po ispunjavanju uslova za starosnu penziju, a dat je i kritički osvrt na modele u kojima se striktno zabranjuje institut kumulacije. Sagledavajući sve pozitivne i negativne aspekte instituta kumulacije zarade i starosne penzije, autor iznosi određene zaključke u cilju isticanja potencijalnih odgovarajućih rešenja koja bi se mogla primeniti na domaću savremenu legislativu., The author examines the basic characteristics, as well as the causes of the institute of cumulation of earnings and old-age pensions, and asks as a fundamental question whether this phenomenon is justified in a modern society, and having in mind that numerous examples from the legal tradition indicate that in certain periods the cumulation was also prohibited by law. Various factors have been analyzed that influence the decision of the individual to reestablish employment relationship, and to realize the right to old-age pension, but also the consequences that this institute can have on the employment of young people and the violation of the concept of intergenerational solidarity. The paper also discusses the termination of employment of an employee after fulfilling the conditions for old-age retirement, and contains a critical review of models in which the cumulation institute is strictly forbidden. By examining all the positive and negative aspects of the cumulation of earnings and old-age pensions, the author makes some conclusions in order to highlight potential appropriate solutions that could be applied to domestic modern legislation.",
publisher = "Udruženje pravnika u privredi Srbije, Beograd",
journal = "Pravo i privreda",
title = "Kumulacija zarade i starosne penzije - pro et contra, Cumulation of earnings and old-age pensions: Pro et contra",
pages = "739-718",
number = "7-9",
volume = "57",
url = "conv_2309"
Bojić, F.. (2019). Kumulacija zarade i starosne penzije - pro et contra. in Pravo i privreda
Udruženje pravnika u privredi Srbije, Beograd., 57(7-9), 718-739.
Bojić F. Kumulacija zarade i starosne penzije - pro et contra. in Pravo i privreda. 2019;57(7-9):718-739.
conv_2309 .
Bojić, Filip, "Kumulacija zarade i starosne penzije - pro et contra" in Pravo i privreda, 57, no. 7-9 (2019):718-739,
conv_2309 .

Combating Poverty in Europe - Active Inclusion in a Multi-Actor Context

Bojić, Filip

(Sage Publications Ltd, London, 2019)

AU  - Bojić, Filip
PY  - 2019
UR  -
PB  - Sage Publications Ltd, London
T2  - European Journal of Social Security
T1  - Combating Poverty in Europe - Active Inclusion in a Multi-Actor Context
EP  - 296
IS  - 3
SP  - 293
VL  - 21
DO  - 10.1177/1388262719869528
UR  - conv_3069
ER  - 
author = "Bojić, Filip",
year = "2019",
publisher = "Sage Publications Ltd, London",
journal = "European Journal of Social Security",
title = "Combating Poverty in Europe - Active Inclusion in a Multi-Actor Context",
pages = "296-293",
number = "3",
volume = "21",
doi = "10.1177/1388262719869528",
url = "conv_3069"
Bojić, F.. (2019). Combating Poverty in Europe - Active Inclusion in a Multi-Actor Context. in European Journal of Social Security
Sage Publications Ltd, London., 21(3), 293-296.
Bojić F. Combating Poverty in Europe - Active Inclusion in a Multi-Actor Context. in European Journal of Social Security. 2019;21(3):293-296.
conv_3069 .
Bojić, Filip, "Combating Poverty in Europe - Active Inclusion in a Multi-Actor Context" in European Journal of Social Security, 21, no. 3 (2019):293-296, .,
conv_3069 .

Pravo na socijalnu penziju u sistemu prava socijalne sigurnosti

Bojić, Filip P.

(Univerzitet u Beogradu, Pravni fakultet, 2018)

AU  - Bojić, Filip P.
PY  - 2018
UR  -
UR  -
UR  -
UR  -
UR  -
AB  - Centralni predmet doktorske disertacije „Pravo na socijalnu penziju u sistemu prava socijalne sigurnosti“ jeste sveobuhvatna analiza instituta socijalne penzije, čiji je cilj potvrđivanje osnovne hipoteze da socijalne penzije, odnosno nedoprinosne socijalne prestacije, koje se isplaćuju starijim licima kod kojih je nastupio socijalni rizik starosti a nisu ostvarili pravo na starosnu penziju shodno nacionalnim propisima, predstavljaju socijalno pravedan i finansijski održiv model za smanjivanje stope siromaštva starijih osoba u Republici Srbiji. Uočeno je da se, usled brojnih društvenih promena sa kojima se suočavaju evropska društva, konstantno pogoršava položaj starijih osoba kod kojih je nastupio socijalni rizik starosti i da se, sledstveno tome, povećava stopa siromaštva te kategorije. Premda je najzastupljeniji način obezbeđivanja socijalne sigurnosti u starosti institut starosne penzije, autor ukazuje na to da se ta socijalna prestacija isplaćuje, u najvećem broju slučajeva, u okviru sistema socijalnog osiguranja, osobama koje ispunjavaju zakonske uslove koji se odnose na prethodni staž osiguranja i godine života, te se kao glavni predmet istraživanja i osnovno pitanje postavlja kako će se obezbediti lica koja ne ispunjavaju zakonske uslove za ostvarivanje prava na starosnu penziju. Analizom različitih modela autor nastoji da odgovori na pitanje na koji način se, osim klasičnog instituta starosne penzije, može obezbediti socijalna sigurnost u starosti i, sledstveno tome, smanjiti stopa siromaštva starijih lica i obezbediti dostojan život po nastupanju socijalnog rizika starosti. Brižljivom analizom svih relevantnih aspekata instituta socijalne penzije autor pokušava da odgovori na pitanje koji bi model socijalne penzije bilo najefikasnije uvesti u nacionalni sistem socijalne sigurnosti kako bi se smanjila stopa siromaštva starijih pripadnika društva, a da se, nasuprot tome, ujedno ne dovede u pitanje finansijska održivost sistema socijalne sigurnosti, odnosno ne prouzrokuju značajniji troškovi za državu.
AB  - The principal aim of doctoral dissertation The right to social pension in the system of social security rights is to offer comprehensive analysis of the institute of social pension in order to confirm the basic hypothesis that social pensions, that is, noncontributory social benefits, that are paid to elderly people who have experienced social risk of age and who have not realized the right to old age pension in accordance with national regulations, represent a socially fair and financially sustainable model for reducing the poverty rate of the elderly in the Republic of Serbia. It has been noted that, due to the numerous social changes that European societies face with, the position of elderly people with the social risk of old age is constantly worsening and, consequently, the poverty rate of such category is increasing. Although the most frequent method of providing social security in old age is the institute of old age pension, the author points out that the social benefits are paid, in most cases, in the context of the social insurance system to the persons who meet the legal requirements relating to the previous years of service and life, thus raising as a main subject of the research, the underlying question of how persons who fail to meet the legal requirements for exercising the right to old age pension will be secured. By analyzing different models, the author tries to answer the question of how, apart from the conventional institute of old age pension, social security in old age can be ensured and, consequently, reduce the rate of poverty among elderly and provide a decent life after the occurrence of social risk of old age. In a thorough analysis of all relevant aspects of the social pension institute the author tries to answer the question regarding the model of social pensions which could be the most efficient when introduced into the national social security system in order to reduce the rate of poverty among the older members of society, but, at the same time not to affect the financial viability of the social security system, i.e. not to cause significant costs for the state. The underlying question for the subject of research is to define the concept of social pension, legal nature of such institute, and further, the contents of the right to social pension. The author in this paper defines the potential holders of the right to social pension, as well as substantive and formal legal requirement for the acquisition and exercise of these social benefits. One of the basic aims of the dissertation is to determine the place of social pension in the system of social security rights, and the author also deals with related institutes in the contemporary social security systems. This paper analyzes the institute of social pensions in the context of the entire social security system, emphasizing the conceptual differences in the models of social security, particularly in the European frameworks.
PB  - Univerzitet u Beogradu, Pravni fakultet
T1  - Pravo na socijalnu penziju u sistemu prava socijalne sigurnosti
T1  - The right to social pension in the system of social security rights
UR  - t-2358
ER  - 
author = "Bojić, Filip P.",
year = "2018",
abstract = "Centralni predmet doktorske disertacije „Pravo na socijalnu penziju u sistemu prava socijalne sigurnosti“ jeste sveobuhvatna analiza instituta socijalne penzije, čiji je cilj potvrđivanje osnovne hipoteze da socijalne penzije, odnosno nedoprinosne socijalne prestacije, koje se isplaćuju starijim licima kod kojih je nastupio socijalni rizik starosti a nisu ostvarili pravo na starosnu penziju shodno nacionalnim propisima, predstavljaju socijalno pravedan i finansijski održiv model za smanjivanje stope siromaštva starijih osoba u Republici Srbiji. Uočeno je da se, usled brojnih društvenih promena sa kojima se suočavaju evropska društva, konstantno pogoršava položaj starijih osoba kod kojih je nastupio socijalni rizik starosti i da se, sledstveno tome, povećava stopa siromaštva te kategorije. Premda je najzastupljeniji način obezbeđivanja socijalne sigurnosti u starosti institut starosne penzije, autor ukazuje na to da se ta socijalna prestacija isplaćuje, u najvećem broju slučajeva, u okviru sistema socijalnog osiguranja, osobama koje ispunjavaju zakonske uslove koji se odnose na prethodni staž osiguranja i godine života, te se kao glavni predmet istraživanja i osnovno pitanje postavlja kako će se obezbediti lica koja ne ispunjavaju zakonske uslove za ostvarivanje prava na starosnu penziju. Analizom različitih modela autor nastoji da odgovori na pitanje na koji način se, osim klasičnog instituta starosne penzije, može obezbediti socijalna sigurnost u starosti i, sledstveno tome, smanjiti stopa siromaštva starijih lica i obezbediti dostojan život po nastupanju socijalnog rizika starosti. Brižljivom analizom svih relevantnih aspekata instituta socijalne penzije autor pokušava da odgovori na pitanje koji bi model socijalne penzije bilo najefikasnije uvesti u nacionalni sistem socijalne sigurnosti kako bi se smanjila stopa siromaštva starijih pripadnika društva, a da se, nasuprot tome, ujedno ne dovede u pitanje finansijska održivost sistema socijalne sigurnosti, odnosno ne prouzrokuju značajniji troškovi za državu., The principal aim of doctoral dissertation The right to social pension in the system of social security rights is to offer comprehensive analysis of the institute of social pension in order to confirm the basic hypothesis that social pensions, that is, noncontributory social benefits, that are paid to elderly people who have experienced social risk of age and who have not realized the right to old age pension in accordance with national regulations, represent a socially fair and financially sustainable model for reducing the poverty rate of the elderly in the Republic of Serbia. It has been noted that, due to the numerous social changes that European societies face with, the position of elderly people with the social risk of old age is constantly worsening and, consequently, the poverty rate of such category is increasing. Although the most frequent method of providing social security in old age is the institute of old age pension, the author points out that the social benefits are paid, in most cases, in the context of the social insurance system to the persons who meet the legal requirements relating to the previous years of service and life, thus raising as a main subject of the research, the underlying question of how persons who fail to meet the legal requirements for exercising the right to old age pension will be secured. By analyzing different models, the author tries to answer the question of how, apart from the conventional institute of old age pension, social security in old age can be ensured and, consequently, reduce the rate of poverty among elderly and provide a decent life after the occurrence of social risk of old age. In a thorough analysis of all relevant aspects of the social pension institute the author tries to answer the question regarding the model of social pensions which could be the most efficient when introduced into the national social security system in order to reduce the rate of poverty among the older members of society, but, at the same time not to affect the financial viability of the social security system, i.e. not to cause significant costs for the state. The underlying question for the subject of research is to define the concept of social pension, legal nature of such institute, and further, the contents of the right to social pension. The author in this paper defines the potential holders of the right to social pension, as well as substantive and formal legal requirement for the acquisition and exercise of these social benefits. One of the basic aims of the dissertation is to determine the place of social pension in the system of social security rights, and the author also deals with related institutes in the contemporary social security systems. This paper analyzes the institute of social pensions in the context of the entire social security system, emphasizing the conceptual differences in the models of social security, particularly in the European frameworks.",
publisher = "Univerzitet u Beogradu, Pravni fakultet",
title = "Pravo na socijalnu penziju u sistemu prava socijalne sigurnosti, The right to social pension in the system of social security rights",
url = "t-2358"
Bojić, F. P.. (2018). Pravo na socijalnu penziju u sistemu prava socijalne sigurnosti. 
Univerzitet u Beogradu, Pravni fakultet..
Bojić FP. Pravo na socijalnu penziju u sistemu prava socijalne sigurnosti. 2018;.
t-2358 .
Bojić, Filip P., "Pravo na socijalnu penziju u sistemu prava socijalne sigurnosti" (2018),
t-2358 .

Paid Work beyond Pension Age - Comparative Perspectives

Bojić, Filip

(Sage Publications Ltd, London, 2018)

AU  - Bojić, Filip
PY  - 2018
UR  -
PB  - Sage Publications Ltd, London
T2  - European Journal of Social Security
T1  - Paid Work beyond Pension Age - Comparative Perspectives
EP  - 387
IS  - 4
SP  - 383
VL  - 20
DO  - 10.1177/1388262718819587
UR  - conv_3043
ER  - 
author = "Bojić, Filip",
year = "2018",
publisher = "Sage Publications Ltd, London",
journal = "European Journal of Social Security",
title = "Paid Work beyond Pension Age - Comparative Perspectives",
pages = "387-383",
number = "4",
volume = "20",
doi = "10.1177/1388262718819587",
url = "conv_3043"
Bojić, F.. (2018). Paid Work beyond Pension Age - Comparative Perspectives. in European Journal of Social Security
Sage Publications Ltd, London., 20(4), 383-387.
Bojić F. Paid Work beyond Pension Age - Comparative Perspectives. in European Journal of Social Security. 2018;20(4):383-387.
conv_3043 .
Bojić, Filip, "Paid Work beyond Pension Age - Comparative Perspectives" in European Journal of Social Security, 20, no. 4 (2018):383-387, .,
conv_3043 .

The Young and the Elderly at Risk, Individual Outcomes and Contemporary Policy Challenges in European Societies

Bojić, Filip

(Sage Publications Ltd, London, 2018)

AU  - Bojić, Filip
PY  - 2018
UR  -
PB  - Sage Publications Ltd, London
T2  - European Journal of Social Security
T1  - The Young and the Elderly at Risk, Individual Outcomes and Contemporary Policy Challenges in European Societies
EP  - 75
IS  - 1
SP  - 72
VL  - 20
DO  - 10.1177/1388262718760914
UR  - conv_2996
ER  - 
author = "Bojić, Filip",
year = "2018",
publisher = "Sage Publications Ltd, London",
journal = "European Journal of Social Security",
title = "The Young and the Elderly at Risk, Individual Outcomes and Contemporary Policy Challenges in European Societies",
pages = "75-72",
number = "1",
volume = "20",
doi = "10.1177/1388262718760914",
url = "conv_2996"
Bojić, F.. (2018). The Young and the Elderly at Risk, Individual Outcomes and Contemporary Policy Challenges in European Societies. in European Journal of Social Security
Sage Publications Ltd, London., 20(1), 72-75.
Bojić F. The Young and the Elderly at Risk, Individual Outcomes and Contemporary Policy Challenges in European Societies. in European Journal of Social Security. 2018;20(1):72-75.
conv_2996 .
Bojić, Filip, "The Young and the Elderly at Risk, Individual Outcomes and Contemporary Policy Challenges in European Societies" in European Journal of Social Security, 20, no. 1 (2018):72-75, .,
conv_2996 .

Primena kolektivnog ugovora od strane poslodavca sledbenika

Bojić, Filip

(Udruženje pravnika u privredi Srbije, Beograd, 2017)

AU  - Bojić, Filip
PY  - 2017
UR  -
AB  - Predmet ovog rada je analiza prava zaposlenih kod promene poslodavca sa posebnim osvrtom na problem primene kolektivnog ugovora, zaključenog između poslodavca prethodnika i reprezentativnog sindikata. Zakonski propisi Republike Srbije, koji su usklađeni sa Direktivom Evropske unije 2001/23, predviđaju da je poslodavac sledbenik obavezan da primenjuje odredbe kolektivnog ugovora poslodavca prethodnika najmanje godinu dana od dana promene poslodavca. Navedena odredba biće detaljno analizirana, a kako bi se ukazalo i na eventualne nedostatke u praktičnoj primeni. Autor ukazuje i na probleme sa kojima se sindikati suočavaju u postupku kolektivnog pregovaranja na nivou poslodavca, usled čega odredbe Zakona koje uređuju primenu kolektivnog ugovora od strane poslodavca sledbenika neretko ostaju mrtvo slovo na hartiji. Autor u drugom delu rada pokušava da problematizije obavezu uplate doprinosa u doborovoljne penzijske fondove, koja se može predvideti kolektivnim ugovorom kod poslodavca. Domaći zakonodavac nije izvršio implementaciju odredbe Direktive kojom se uređuje navedena obaveza poslodavca, te se postavlja kao pitanje da li će poslodavac sledbenik biti u obavezi da nastavi sa uplatom doprinosa za dobrovoljno penzijsko osiguranje sve dok je kolektivni ugovor poslodavca prethodnika na snazi. Ukazuje se da navedeno pitanje mora dobiti odgovarajući normativni okvir u pozitivnim propisima Republike Srbije, budući da trenutno postoji pravna praznina.
AB  - The subject of this paper is to analyze employees' rights when changing employers, with special emphasis on the problem of application of the collective agreement, entered between the predecessor employer and the representative trade union. The legislation of the Republic of Serbia, which are consistent with the Directive EU 2001/23 provide that the succeeding employer is obliged to apply the provisions of the collective agreement of the predecessor employer for at least one year from the date of changing the employer. That provision will be analyzed in detail in order to indicate any shortcomings in practice. The author points out the problems the unions are facing with in the collective negotiation process at the level of the employer, due to which the provisions of the Law governing the application of the collective agreement by the succeeding employer often remain on paper. In the second part of the paper, the author is trying to analyze the problem of the obligation to pay contributions to the voluntary pension funds, which can be contemplated by the collective agreement with the employer. National legislator has failed to implement the provisions of the Directive governing this obligation of the employer, thus raising a question as to whether the succeeding employer will be obliged to continue paying contributions for voluntary pension insurance until the predecessor employer's collective agreement is in force. It is indicated that this question has to receive an appropriate regulatory framework in the applicable laws of the Republic of Serbia, since there is currently a legal vacuum.
PB  - Udruženje pravnika u privredi Srbije, Beograd
T2  - Pravo i privreda
T1  - Primena kolektivnog ugovora od strane poslodavca sledbenika
T1  - The application of collective agreement by the succeeding employer
EP  - 771
IS  - 4-6
SP  - 757
VL  - 55
UR  - conv_2213
ER  - 
author = "Bojić, Filip",
year = "2017",
abstract = "Predmet ovog rada je analiza prava zaposlenih kod promene poslodavca sa posebnim osvrtom na problem primene kolektivnog ugovora, zaključenog između poslodavca prethodnika i reprezentativnog sindikata. Zakonski propisi Republike Srbije, koji su usklađeni sa Direktivom Evropske unije 2001/23, predviđaju da je poslodavac sledbenik obavezan da primenjuje odredbe kolektivnog ugovora poslodavca prethodnika najmanje godinu dana od dana promene poslodavca. Navedena odredba biće detaljno analizirana, a kako bi se ukazalo i na eventualne nedostatke u praktičnoj primeni. Autor ukazuje i na probleme sa kojima se sindikati suočavaju u postupku kolektivnog pregovaranja na nivou poslodavca, usled čega odredbe Zakona koje uređuju primenu kolektivnog ugovora od strane poslodavca sledbenika neretko ostaju mrtvo slovo na hartiji. Autor u drugom delu rada pokušava da problematizije obavezu uplate doprinosa u doborovoljne penzijske fondove, koja se može predvideti kolektivnim ugovorom kod poslodavca. Domaći zakonodavac nije izvršio implementaciju odredbe Direktive kojom se uređuje navedena obaveza poslodavca, te se postavlja kao pitanje da li će poslodavac sledbenik biti u obavezi da nastavi sa uplatom doprinosa za dobrovoljno penzijsko osiguranje sve dok je kolektivni ugovor poslodavca prethodnika na snazi. Ukazuje se da navedeno pitanje mora dobiti odgovarajući normativni okvir u pozitivnim propisima Republike Srbije, budući da trenutno postoji pravna praznina., The subject of this paper is to analyze employees' rights when changing employers, with special emphasis on the problem of application of the collective agreement, entered between the predecessor employer and the representative trade union. The legislation of the Republic of Serbia, which are consistent with the Directive EU 2001/23 provide that the succeeding employer is obliged to apply the provisions of the collective agreement of the predecessor employer for at least one year from the date of changing the employer. That provision will be analyzed in detail in order to indicate any shortcomings in practice. The author points out the problems the unions are facing with in the collective negotiation process at the level of the employer, due to which the provisions of the Law governing the application of the collective agreement by the succeeding employer often remain on paper. In the second part of the paper, the author is trying to analyze the problem of the obligation to pay contributions to the voluntary pension funds, which can be contemplated by the collective agreement with the employer. National legislator has failed to implement the provisions of the Directive governing this obligation of the employer, thus raising a question as to whether the succeeding employer will be obliged to continue paying contributions for voluntary pension insurance until the predecessor employer's collective agreement is in force. It is indicated that this question has to receive an appropriate regulatory framework in the applicable laws of the Republic of Serbia, since there is currently a legal vacuum.",
publisher = "Udruženje pravnika u privredi Srbije, Beograd",
journal = "Pravo i privreda",
title = "Primena kolektivnog ugovora od strane poslodavca sledbenika, The application of collective agreement by the succeeding employer",
pages = "771-757",
number = "4-6",
volume = "55",
url = "conv_2213"
Bojić, F.. (2017). Primena kolektivnog ugovora od strane poslodavca sledbenika. in Pravo i privreda
Udruženje pravnika u privredi Srbije, Beograd., 55(4-6), 757-771.
Bojić F. Primena kolektivnog ugovora od strane poslodavca sledbenika. in Pravo i privreda. 2017;55(4-6):757-771.
conv_2213 .
Bojić, Filip, "Primena kolektivnog ugovora od strane poslodavca sledbenika" in Pravo i privreda, 55, no. 4-6 (2017):757-771,
conv_2213 .

Ugovor o pripravničkom radu vs ugovor o stručnom osposobljavanju - kriza instituta pripravništva u savremenom društvu

Bojić, Filip

(Udruženje pravnika u privredi Srbije, Beograd, 2015)

AU  - Bojić, Filip
PY  - 2015
UR  -
AB  - Predmet ovog rada je analiza instituta pripravništva u današnjim uslovima sa posebnim osvrtom na ugovor o pripravničkom radu. Autor pokušava da problematizije osnovne segmente ovog instituta i da ukaže na lošu praksu osposobljavanja lica za samostalan rad na osnovu ugovora o stručnom osposobljavanju. Ukazuje se na određene nedostatke u aktuelnim propisima i nudi se novi normativni okvir kojim bi se poboljšao položaj pripravnika u savremenom društvu. U ovkiru rada vrši se sveobuhvatna analiza propisa kojima se uređuju radni odnosi pripravnika, prvenstveno se analiziraju radni odnosi pripravnika u opštem režimu radnih odnosa, a zatim i radni odnosi pripravnika u državnim organima, pravosudnim organima i konačno, u posebnom delu rada analizira se polažaj advokatskih pripravnika. Posebna pažnja posvećena je ugovoru o stručnom osposobljavanju, vrsti ugovora kojima se ne zasniva radni odnos, a kojem poslodavci danas sve više pribegavaju. Autor se naročito bavi pitanjem zapošljavanja pripravnika i mogućnostima za zasnivanje radnog odnosa po okončanju pripravničkog staža i položenog stručnog ispita.
AB  - The subject of this paper is to analyze the internships in today's conditions, with special reference to the agreement of internship work. The author tries to problematize the basic segments of this concept and to point out the bad practice of training people to work independently under an agreement of professional training. It points to certain deficiencies in the current regulations and provides a new regulatory framework to improve the situation of trainees in the modern society. The paper contains a comprehensive analysis of regulations governing labor relations of trainees, primarily to analyze labor relations of trainees in the general regime of labor relations and labor relations of trainees in governmental agencies, judicial authorities, and finally, a separate part of the paper analyzes the position of attorney trainees. Special attention is paid to the agreement on professional training, type of contract which is not a base for employment, and which employers are increasingly resorting to. The author is particularly concerned with the issue of employment of trainees and opportunities for employment upon completion of internship and passed professional state exam.
PB  - Udruženje pravnika u privredi Srbije, Beograd
T2  - Pravo i privreda
T1  - Ugovor o pripravničkom radu vs ugovor o stručnom osposobljavanju - kriza instituta pripravništva u savremenom društvu
T1  - Agreement on internship work vs agreement on professional training: The crisis of internships in modern society
EP  - 399
IS  - 7-9
SP  - 383
VL  - 53
UR  - conv_2164
ER  - 
author = "Bojić, Filip",
year = "2015",
abstract = "Predmet ovog rada je analiza instituta pripravništva u današnjim uslovima sa posebnim osvrtom na ugovor o pripravničkom radu. Autor pokušava da problematizije osnovne segmente ovog instituta i da ukaže na lošu praksu osposobljavanja lica za samostalan rad na osnovu ugovora o stručnom osposobljavanju. Ukazuje se na određene nedostatke u aktuelnim propisima i nudi se novi normativni okvir kojim bi se poboljšao položaj pripravnika u savremenom društvu. U ovkiru rada vrši se sveobuhvatna analiza propisa kojima se uređuju radni odnosi pripravnika, prvenstveno se analiziraju radni odnosi pripravnika u opštem režimu radnih odnosa, a zatim i radni odnosi pripravnika u državnim organima, pravosudnim organima i konačno, u posebnom delu rada analizira se polažaj advokatskih pripravnika. Posebna pažnja posvećena je ugovoru o stručnom osposobljavanju, vrsti ugovora kojima se ne zasniva radni odnos, a kojem poslodavci danas sve više pribegavaju. Autor se naročito bavi pitanjem zapošljavanja pripravnika i mogućnostima za zasnivanje radnog odnosa po okončanju pripravničkog staža i položenog stručnog ispita., The subject of this paper is to analyze the internships in today's conditions, with special reference to the agreement of internship work. The author tries to problematize the basic segments of this concept and to point out the bad practice of training people to work independently under an agreement of professional training. It points to certain deficiencies in the current regulations and provides a new regulatory framework to improve the situation of trainees in the modern society. The paper contains a comprehensive analysis of regulations governing labor relations of trainees, primarily to analyze labor relations of trainees in the general regime of labor relations and labor relations of trainees in governmental agencies, judicial authorities, and finally, a separate part of the paper analyzes the position of attorney trainees. Special attention is paid to the agreement on professional training, type of contract which is not a base for employment, and which employers are increasingly resorting to. The author is particularly concerned with the issue of employment of trainees and opportunities for employment upon completion of internship and passed professional state exam.",
publisher = "Udruženje pravnika u privredi Srbije, Beograd",
journal = "Pravo i privreda",
title = "Ugovor o pripravničkom radu vs ugovor o stručnom osposobljavanju - kriza instituta pripravništva u savremenom društvu, Agreement on internship work vs agreement on professional training: The crisis of internships in modern society",
pages = "399-383",
number = "7-9",
volume = "53",
url = "conv_2164"
Bojić, F.. (2015). Ugovor o pripravničkom radu vs ugovor o stručnom osposobljavanju - kriza instituta pripravništva u savremenom društvu. in Pravo i privreda
Udruženje pravnika u privredi Srbije, Beograd., 53(7-9), 383-399.
Bojić F. Ugovor o pripravničkom radu vs ugovor o stručnom osposobljavanju - kriza instituta pripravništva u savremenom društvu. in Pravo i privreda. 2015;53(7-9):383-399.
conv_2164 .
Bojić, Filip, "Ugovor o pripravničkom radu vs ugovor o stručnom osposobljavanju - kriza instituta pripravništva u savremenom društvu" in Pravo i privreda, 53, no. 7-9 (2015):383-399,
conv_2164 .

Changes in the social protection of surviving spouse: A comparative legal analysis

Bojić, Filip

(Univerzitet u Beogradu - Pravni fakultet, Beograd, 2014)

AU  - Bojić, Filip
PY  - 2014
UR  -
AB  - European countries introduced the concept of social protection of survivors, primarily spouses and children, in their respective legislations back in the 19th century. Since its introduction, the concept has undergone significant changes in the majority of EU Member States. This paper will provide an overview of the concept of social security survivors benefits, with the main focus on the survivors benefits for surviving spouse in the European Union, and in particular on the differences in regulation of this concept in Western European and the Eastern European countries. The author of this paper will endeavor to point out the ways the survivors benefits follow, and to establish whether this form of social security will survive in the future, in spite of the numerous changes Europe witnesses. The paper offers a comparison among three different systems of social protection for surviving spouse in the European Union, as follows: (i) the Scandinavian concept, (ii) the Western European concept and (iii) the Eastern European concept. Finally, on the basis of the characteristics of these three models and a comparative analysis of their effects, this paper will try to propose grounds of new European model for the social protection of surviving spouse.
PB  - Univerzitet u Beogradu - Pravni fakultet, Beograd
T2  - Anali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu
T1  - Changes in the social protection of surviving spouse: A comparative legal analysis
EP  - 118
IS  - 3
SP  - 103
VL  - 62
DO  - 10.5937/AnaliPFB1403103B
UR  - conv_352
ER  - 
author = "Bojić, Filip",
year = "2014",
abstract = "European countries introduced the concept of social protection of survivors, primarily spouses and children, in their respective legislations back in the 19th century. Since its introduction, the concept has undergone significant changes in the majority of EU Member States. This paper will provide an overview of the concept of social security survivors benefits, with the main focus on the survivors benefits for surviving spouse in the European Union, and in particular on the differences in regulation of this concept in Western European and the Eastern European countries. The author of this paper will endeavor to point out the ways the survivors benefits follow, and to establish whether this form of social security will survive in the future, in spite of the numerous changes Europe witnesses. The paper offers a comparison among three different systems of social protection for surviving spouse in the European Union, as follows: (i) the Scandinavian concept, (ii) the Western European concept and (iii) the Eastern European concept. Finally, on the basis of the characteristics of these three models and a comparative analysis of their effects, this paper will try to propose grounds of new European model for the social protection of surviving spouse.",
publisher = "Univerzitet u Beogradu - Pravni fakultet, Beograd",
journal = "Anali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu",
title = "Changes in the social protection of surviving spouse: A comparative legal analysis",
pages = "118-103",
number = "3",
volume = "62",
doi = "10.5937/AnaliPFB1403103B",
url = "conv_352"
Bojić, F.. (2014). Changes in the social protection of surviving spouse: A comparative legal analysis. in Anali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu
Univerzitet u Beogradu - Pravni fakultet, Beograd., 62(3), 103-118.
Bojić F. Changes in the social protection of surviving spouse: A comparative legal analysis. in Anali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu. 2014;62(3):103-118.
conv_352 .
Bojić, Filip, "Changes in the social protection of surviving spouse: A comparative legal analysis" in Anali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu, 62, no. 3 (2014):103-118, .,
conv_352 .

The Origins of Active Social Policy: Labour Market and Childcare Policies in a Comparative Perspective

Bojić, Filip

(Sage Publications Ltd, London, 2014)

AU  - Bojić, Filip
PY  - 2014
UR  -
PB  - Sage Publications Ltd, London
T2  - European Journal of Social Security
T1  - The Origins of Active Social Policy: Labour Market and Childcare Policies in a Comparative Perspective
EP  - 395
IS  - 4
SP  - 393
VL  - 16
DO  - 10.1177/138826271401600407
UR  - conv_3018
ER  - 
author = "Bojić, Filip",
year = "2014",
publisher = "Sage Publications Ltd, London",
journal = "European Journal of Social Security",
title = "The Origins of Active Social Policy: Labour Market and Childcare Policies in a Comparative Perspective",
pages = "395-393",
number = "4",
volume = "16",
doi = "10.1177/138826271401600407",
url = "conv_3018"
Bojić, F.. (2014). The Origins of Active Social Policy: Labour Market and Childcare Policies in a Comparative Perspective. in European Journal of Social Security
Sage Publications Ltd, London., 16(4), 393-395.
Bojić F. The Origins of Active Social Policy: Labour Market and Childcare Policies in a Comparative Perspective. in European Journal of Social Security. 2014;16(4):393-395.
conv_3018 .
Bojić, Filip, "The Origins of Active Social Policy: Labour Market and Childcare Policies in a Comparative Perspective" in European Journal of Social Security, 16, no. 4 (2014):393-395, .,
conv_3018 .

Disability Benefits, Welfare Reform and Employment Policy

Bojić, Filip

(Sage Publications Ltd, London, 2014)

AU  - Bojić, Filip
PY  - 2014
UR  -
PB  - Sage Publications Ltd, London
T2  - European Journal of Social Security
T1  - Disability Benefits, Welfare Reform and Employment Policy
EP  - 279
IS  - 3
SP  - 277
VL  - 16
DO  - 10.1177/138826271401600305
UR  - conv_3017
ER  - 
author = "Bojić, Filip",
year = "2014",
publisher = "Sage Publications Ltd, London",
journal = "European Journal of Social Security",
title = "Disability Benefits, Welfare Reform and Employment Policy",
pages = "279-277",
number = "3",
volume = "16",
doi = "10.1177/138826271401600305",
url = "conv_3017"
Bojić, F.. (2014). Disability Benefits, Welfare Reform and Employment Policy. in European Journal of Social Security
Sage Publications Ltd, London., 16(3), 277-279.
Bojić F. Disability Benefits, Welfare Reform and Employment Policy. in European Journal of Social Security. 2014;16(3):277-279.
conv_3017 .
Bojić, Filip, "Disability Benefits, Welfare Reform and Employment Policy" in European Journal of Social Security, 16, no. 3 (2014):277-279, .,
conv_3017 .

Pravo na novčanu naknadu za slučaj nezaposlenosti - aktuelni problemi i moguća rešenja

Bojić, Filip

(Udruženje pravnika u privredi Srbije, Beograd, 2014)

AU  - Bojić, Filip
PY  - 2014
UR  -
AB  - Predmet ovog rada je problemska analiza prava na novčanu naknadu za slučaj nezaposlenosti, kompleksnog pravnog pitanja iz sfere osiguranja u slučaju nezaposlenosti. Autor, koristeći domaću i uporednopravnu građu, pokušava da problematizuje nekoliko osnovnih segmenata ovog instituta, nudeći, pri tom, konkretna rešenja u pogledu unapređenja zakonske regulative. Posebna pažnja posvećena je vremenskoj ograničenosti prava na novčanu naknadu, pri čemu autor komparira aktuelna rešenja crnogorskog i hrvatskog zakonodavca u ovoj oblasti sa domaćom legislativom. Istovremeno, autor nastoji da, analizom našeg Zakona o zapošljavanju i osiguranju za slučaj nezaposlenosti, istakne probleme u njegovoj primeni. Pitanja da li i pod kojim uslovima pravo na novčanu naknadu može ostvariti i lice kojem je radni odnos prestao sporazumom na inicijativu poslodavca, kao i zbog odbijanja zaključenja aneksa ugovora o radu, su dodatno problematizovana. Autor se naročito bavi pitanjem vraćanja novčane naknade Nacionalnoj službi u slučaju da je sud utvrdio da je otkaz bio nezakonit i na njega autor pokušava, suočavajući argumente dva modela i stavove Vrhovnog suda Srbije, da da potencialno praktično primenljiv odgovor i zakonski utemeljeno rešenje.
AB  - The subject of this paper is a problem-analysis of entitlements to unemployment benefits, the complex legal issue in the field of unemployment insurance. The Author, using domestic and comparative material, looks into several basic segments of this legal institute, offering, at the same time, concrete solutions in terms of improving the legislation. Special attention has been paid to the time limitation of the entitlement to unemployment benefits, where the Author compares a current solution of Montenegrin and Croatian legislator in this field with the domestic legislation. At the same time, by the analysis of our Law on Employment and Unemployment Insurance, the Author attempts to highlight the problems in its implementation. The issues whether and under what conditions the entitlement to unemployment benefits may be achieved by a person whose employment is terminated by agreement at the initiative of the employer, and for refusing to conclude annex to the employment contract, are further problematized. The Author specifically deals with the issue of refunding unemployment benefits to the National Employment Service in the event that the court determines that the employment termination was unlawful and by confronting the arguments of the two models and the positions of the Supreme Court of Serbia the Authors attempts to give a potentially applicable answer and a legally-based solution.
PB  - Udruženje pravnika u privredi Srbije, Beograd
T2  - Pravo i privreda
T1  - Pravo na novčanu naknadu za slučaj nezaposlenosti - aktuelni problemi i moguća rešenja
T1  - Entitlement to unemployment benefits: Current problems and possible solutions
EP  - 545
IS  - 7-9
SP  - 527
VL  - 52
UR  - conv_2138
ER  - 
author = "Bojić, Filip",
year = "2014",
abstract = "Predmet ovog rada je problemska analiza prava na novčanu naknadu za slučaj nezaposlenosti, kompleksnog pravnog pitanja iz sfere osiguranja u slučaju nezaposlenosti. Autor, koristeći domaću i uporednopravnu građu, pokušava da problematizuje nekoliko osnovnih segmenata ovog instituta, nudeći, pri tom, konkretna rešenja u pogledu unapređenja zakonske regulative. Posebna pažnja posvećena je vremenskoj ograničenosti prava na novčanu naknadu, pri čemu autor komparira aktuelna rešenja crnogorskog i hrvatskog zakonodavca u ovoj oblasti sa domaćom legislativom. Istovremeno, autor nastoji da, analizom našeg Zakona o zapošljavanju i osiguranju za slučaj nezaposlenosti, istakne probleme u njegovoj primeni. Pitanja da li i pod kojim uslovima pravo na novčanu naknadu može ostvariti i lice kojem je radni odnos prestao sporazumom na inicijativu poslodavca, kao i zbog odbijanja zaključenja aneksa ugovora o radu, su dodatno problematizovana. Autor se naročito bavi pitanjem vraćanja novčane naknade Nacionalnoj službi u slučaju da je sud utvrdio da je otkaz bio nezakonit i na njega autor pokušava, suočavajući argumente dva modela i stavove Vrhovnog suda Srbije, da da potencialno praktično primenljiv odgovor i zakonski utemeljeno rešenje., The subject of this paper is a problem-analysis of entitlements to unemployment benefits, the complex legal issue in the field of unemployment insurance. The Author, using domestic and comparative material, looks into several basic segments of this legal institute, offering, at the same time, concrete solutions in terms of improving the legislation. Special attention has been paid to the time limitation of the entitlement to unemployment benefits, where the Author compares a current solution of Montenegrin and Croatian legislator in this field with the domestic legislation. At the same time, by the analysis of our Law on Employment and Unemployment Insurance, the Author attempts to highlight the problems in its implementation. The issues whether and under what conditions the entitlement to unemployment benefits may be achieved by a person whose employment is terminated by agreement at the initiative of the employer, and for refusing to conclude annex to the employment contract, are further problematized. The Author specifically deals with the issue of refunding unemployment benefits to the National Employment Service in the event that the court determines that the employment termination was unlawful and by confronting the arguments of the two models and the positions of the Supreme Court of Serbia the Authors attempts to give a potentially applicable answer and a legally-based solution.",
publisher = "Udruženje pravnika u privredi Srbije, Beograd",
journal = "Pravo i privreda",
title = "Pravo na novčanu naknadu za slučaj nezaposlenosti - aktuelni problemi i moguća rešenja, Entitlement to unemployment benefits: Current problems and possible solutions",
pages = "545-527",
number = "7-9",
volume = "52",
url = "conv_2138"
Bojić, F.. (2014). Pravo na novčanu naknadu za slučaj nezaposlenosti - aktuelni problemi i moguća rešenja. in Pravo i privreda
Udruženje pravnika u privredi Srbije, Beograd., 52(7-9), 527-545.
Bojić F. Pravo na novčanu naknadu za slučaj nezaposlenosti - aktuelni problemi i moguća rešenja. in Pravo i privreda. 2014;52(7-9):527-545.
conv_2138 .
Bojić, Filip, "Pravo na novčanu naknadu za slučaj nezaposlenosti - aktuelni problemi i moguća rešenja" in Pravo i privreda, 52, no. 7-9 (2014):527-545,
conv_2138 .

Posebna priznanja za zaslužne umetnike - savremene dileme i buduća rešenja

Bojić, Filip

(Udruženje pravnika u privredi Srbije, Beograd, 2013)

AU  - Bojić, Filip
PY  - 2013
UR  -
PB  - Udruženje pravnika u privredi Srbije, Beograd
C3  - Pravo i privreda
T1  - Posebna priznanja za zaslužne umetnike - savremene dileme i buduća rešenja
T1  - Special awards for creditable artists: Contemporary dilemmas and future solutions
EP  - 586
IS  - 7-9
SP  - 568
VL  - 50
UR  - conv_2111
ER  - 
author = "Bojić, Filip",
year = "2013",
publisher = "Udruženje pravnika u privredi Srbije, Beograd",
journal = "Pravo i privreda",
title = "Posebna priznanja za zaslužne umetnike - savremene dileme i buduća rešenja, Special awards for creditable artists: Contemporary dilemmas and future solutions",
pages = "586-568",
number = "7-9",
volume = "50",
url = "conv_2111"
Bojić, F.. (2013). Posebna priznanja za zaslužne umetnike - savremene dileme i buduća rešenja. in Pravo i privreda
Udruženje pravnika u privredi Srbije, Beograd., 50(7-9), 568-586.
Bojić F. Posebna priznanja za zaslužne umetnike - savremene dileme i buduća rešenja. in Pravo i privreda. 2013;50(7-9):568-586.
conv_2111 .
Bojić, Filip, "Posebna priznanja za zaslužne umetnike - savremene dileme i buduća rešenja" in Pravo i privreda, 50, no. 7-9 (2013):568-586,
conv_2111 .

Izazovi politike zapošljavanja mladih - uporedna iskustva i realnost u Srbiji

Bojić, Filip

(Udruženje pravnika u privredi Srbije, Beograd, 2012)

AU  - Bojić, Filip
PY  - 2012
UR  -
AB  - Autor, polazeći od problema svetske ekonomske krize, stanja u evrozoni i situacije u Srbiji, obrađuje u ovom radu goruću temu problema nezaposlenosti. Akcenat je, pri tom, stavljen na položaj mladih, koji predstavljaju posebno senzitivnu grupaciju. Ističući u prvi plan stanje u zemljama Evropske unije, analiziraju se dosadašnji rezultati istraživanja Međunarodnog udruženja za socijalno osiguranje. Istovremeno, autor posebno ističe stanje u Srbiji, a u naučnoj obradi ovog problema pokušava da, istorijskim, sociološkim i pravno-ekonomskim aspektima, da originalni doprinos potencijalnim rešenjima. Posebna pažnja posvećena je degenerativnim promenama u društvu (odliv mozgova, porast kriminaliteta među mladima) izazvanim ovim problemom. U tom pogledu autor, ističući iskustva evropskih država u obezbeđivanju prava na socijalno osiguranje i pomoć nezaposlenim mladim građanima, predlaže i dalje sprovođenje efikasnih mera tzv. profesionalne obuke i prve šanse u Republici Srbiji.
AB  - Taking the problems of global economic crisis, state in the euro area and present situation in Serbia as a starting point, the author discusses the burning issue of unemployment. The emphasis has been placed on the position of the youth, as they represent a particularly sensitive group. Highlighting the actual state in the EU member states, the recent research results of the International Social Security Association have been analyzed. At the same time, the author considers the present state in Serbia in particular, making an effort as a part of the scientific discussion on this issue to provide possible solutions within the historical, sociological and legal-economical frameworks. Particular attention has been paid to degenerative social changes (brain drain, increase in youth crime rates) caused by this problem. In that respect, having considered the experience of the European countries in the provision of rights to social security and help for the young unemployed persons, the author argues in favor of the further pursuance of efficient measures that include the vocational training and 'the first opportunity' program in the Republic of Serbia.
PB  - Udruženje pravnika u privredi Srbije, Beograd
T2  - Pravo i privreda
T1  - Izazovi politike zapošljavanja mladih - uporedna iskustva i realnost u Srbiji
T1  - Challenges of youth employment policy: Comparative experience and actual state in Serbia
EP  - 521
IS  - 7-9
SP  - 510
VL  - 49
UR  - conv_2079
ER  - 
author = "Bojić, Filip",
year = "2012",
abstract = "Autor, polazeći od problema svetske ekonomske krize, stanja u evrozoni i situacije u Srbiji, obrađuje u ovom radu goruću temu problema nezaposlenosti. Akcenat je, pri tom, stavljen na položaj mladih, koji predstavljaju posebno senzitivnu grupaciju. Ističući u prvi plan stanje u zemljama Evropske unije, analiziraju se dosadašnji rezultati istraživanja Međunarodnog udruženja za socijalno osiguranje. Istovremeno, autor posebno ističe stanje u Srbiji, a u naučnoj obradi ovog problema pokušava da, istorijskim, sociološkim i pravno-ekonomskim aspektima, da originalni doprinos potencijalnim rešenjima. Posebna pažnja posvećena je degenerativnim promenama u društvu (odliv mozgova, porast kriminaliteta među mladima) izazvanim ovim problemom. U tom pogledu autor, ističući iskustva evropskih država u obezbeđivanju prava na socijalno osiguranje i pomoć nezaposlenim mladim građanima, predlaže i dalje sprovođenje efikasnih mera tzv. profesionalne obuke i prve šanse u Republici Srbiji., Taking the problems of global economic crisis, state in the euro area and present situation in Serbia as a starting point, the author discusses the burning issue of unemployment. The emphasis has been placed on the position of the youth, as they represent a particularly sensitive group. Highlighting the actual state in the EU member states, the recent research results of the International Social Security Association have been analyzed. At the same time, the author considers the present state in Serbia in particular, making an effort as a part of the scientific discussion on this issue to provide possible solutions within the historical, sociological and legal-economical frameworks. Particular attention has been paid to degenerative social changes (brain drain, increase in youth crime rates) caused by this problem. In that respect, having considered the experience of the European countries in the provision of rights to social security and help for the young unemployed persons, the author argues in favor of the further pursuance of efficient measures that include the vocational training and 'the first opportunity' program in the Republic of Serbia.",
publisher = "Udruženje pravnika u privredi Srbije, Beograd",
journal = "Pravo i privreda",
title = "Izazovi politike zapošljavanja mladih - uporedna iskustva i realnost u Srbiji, Challenges of youth employment policy: Comparative experience and actual state in Serbia",
pages = "521-510",
number = "7-9",
volume = "49",
url = "conv_2079"
Bojić, F.. (2012). Izazovi politike zapošljavanja mladih - uporedna iskustva i realnost u Srbiji. in Pravo i privreda
Udruženje pravnika u privredi Srbije, Beograd., 49(7-9), 510-521.
Bojić F. Izazovi politike zapošljavanja mladih - uporedna iskustva i realnost u Srbiji. in Pravo i privreda. 2012;49(7-9):510-521.
conv_2079 .
Bojić, Filip, "Izazovi politike zapošljavanja mladih - uporedna iskustva i realnost u Srbiji" in Pravo i privreda, 49, no. 7-9 (2012):510-521,
conv_2079 .

Evropski kodeks socijalne sigurnosti

Bojić, Filip

(Udruženje pravnika u privredi Srbije, Beograd, 2011)

AU  - Bojić, Filip
PY  - 2011
UR  -
PB  - Udruženje pravnika u privredi Srbije, Beograd
C3  - Pravo i privreda
T1  - Evropski kodeks socijalne sigurnosti
T1  - European code of social security
EP  - 512
IS  - 7-9
SP  - 500
VL  - 48
UR  - conv_2049
ER  - 
author = "Bojić, Filip",
year = "2011",
publisher = "Udruženje pravnika u privredi Srbije, Beograd",
journal = "Pravo i privreda",
title = "Evropski kodeks socijalne sigurnosti, European code of social security",
pages = "512-500",
number = "7-9",
volume = "48",
url = "conv_2049"
Bojić, F.. (2011). Evropski kodeks socijalne sigurnosti. in Pravo i privreda
Udruženje pravnika u privredi Srbije, Beograd., 48(7-9), 500-512.
Bojić F. Evropski kodeks socijalne sigurnosti. in Pravo i privreda. 2011;48(7-9):500-512.
conv_2049 .
Bojić, Filip, "Evropski kodeks socijalne sigurnosti" in Pravo i privreda, 48, no. 7-9 (2011):500-512,
conv_2049 .