author = "Bojić, Filip P.",
year = "2018",
abstract = "Centralni predmet doktorske disertacije „Pravo na socijalnu penziju u sistemu prava socijalne sigurnosti“ jeste sveobuhvatna analiza instituta socijalne penzije, čiji je cilj potvrđivanje osnovne hipoteze da socijalne penzije, odnosno nedoprinosne socijalne prestacije, koje se isplaćuju starijim licima kod kojih je nastupio socijalni rizik starosti a nisu ostvarili pravo na starosnu penziju shodno nacionalnim propisima, predstavljaju socijalno pravedan i finansijski održiv model za smanjivanje stope siromaštva starijih osoba u Republici Srbiji. Uočeno je da se, usled brojnih društvenih promena sa kojima se suočavaju evropska društva, konstantno pogoršava položaj starijih osoba kod kojih je nastupio socijalni rizik starosti i da se, sledstveno tome, povećava stopa siromaštva te kategorije. Premda je najzastupljeniji način obezbeđivanja socijalne sigurnosti u starosti institut starosne penzije, autor ukazuje na to da se ta socijalna prestacija isplaćuje, u najvećem broju slučajeva, u okviru sistema socijalnog osiguranja, osobama koje ispunjavaju zakonske uslove koji se odnose na prethodni staž osiguranja i godine života, te se kao glavni predmet istraživanja i osnovno pitanje postavlja kako će se obezbediti lica koja ne ispunjavaju zakonske uslove za ostvarivanje prava na starosnu penziju. Analizom različitih modela autor nastoji da odgovori na pitanje na koji način se, osim klasičnog instituta starosne penzije, može obezbediti socijalna sigurnost u starosti i, sledstveno tome, smanjiti stopa siromaštva starijih lica i obezbediti dostojan život po nastupanju socijalnog rizika starosti. Brižljivom analizom svih relevantnih aspekata instituta socijalne penzije autor pokušava da odgovori na pitanje koji bi model socijalne penzije bilo najefikasnije uvesti u nacionalni sistem socijalne sigurnosti kako bi se smanjila stopa siromaštva starijih pripadnika društva, a da se, nasuprot tome, ujedno ne dovede u pitanje finansijska održivost sistema socijalne sigurnosti, odnosno ne prouzrokuju značajniji troškovi za državu., The principal aim of doctoral dissertation The right to social pension in the system of social security rights is to offer comprehensive analysis of the institute of social pension in order to confirm the basic hypothesis that social pensions, that is, noncontributory social benefits, that are paid to elderly people who have experienced social risk of age and who have not realized the right to old age pension in accordance with national regulations, represent a socially fair and financially sustainable model for reducing the poverty rate of the elderly in the Republic of Serbia. It has been noted that, due to the numerous social changes that European societies face with, the position of elderly people with the social risk of old age is constantly worsening and, consequently, the poverty rate of such category is increasing. Although the most frequent method of providing social security in old age is the institute of old age pension, the author points out that the social benefits are paid, in most cases, in the context of the social insurance system to the persons who meet the legal requirements relating to the previous years of service and life, thus raising as a main subject of the research, the underlying question of how persons who fail to meet the legal requirements for exercising the right to old age pension will be secured. By analyzing different models, the author tries to answer the question of how, apart from the conventional institute of old age pension, social security in old age can be ensured and, consequently, reduce the rate of poverty among elderly and provide a decent life after the occurrence of social risk of old age. In a thorough analysis of all relevant aspects of the social pension institute the author tries to answer the question regarding the model of social pensions which could be the most efficient when introduced into the national social security system in order to reduce the rate of poverty among the older members of society, but, at the same time not to affect the financial viability of the social security system, i.e. not to cause significant costs for the state. The underlying question for the subject of research is to define the concept of social pension, legal nature of such institute, and further, the contents of the right to social pension. The author in this paper defines the potential holders of the right to social pension, as well as substantive and formal legal requirement for the acquisition and exercise of these social benefits. One of the basic aims of the dissertation is to determine the place of social pension in the system of social security rights, and the author also deals with related institutes in the contemporary social security systems. This paper analyzes the institute of social pensions in the context of the entire social security system, emphasizing the conceptual differences in the models of social security, particularly in the European frameworks.",
publisher = "Univerzitet u Beogradu, Pravni fakultet",
title = "Pravo na socijalnu penziju u sistemu prava socijalne sigurnosti, The right to social pension in the system of social security rights",
url = "t-2358"