Jakšić, Aleksandar

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  • Jakšić, Aleksandar (11)

Author's Bibliography

Obavezujuće dejstvo pojedinačnih pravnih akata - dejstvo presude krivičnog suda u pravnom poretku

Jakšić, Aleksandar

(Savez udruženja pravnika Srbije, Beograd, 2023)

AU  - Jakšić, Aleksandar
PY  - 2023
UR  - https://ralf.ius.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/1433
AB  - Jedinstvo pravnog poretka je temelj pravne države. Ono podrazumeva i unutrašnju harmoniju odlučivanja, tj. odsustvo protivrečnih sudskih odluka u jedinstvenom pravnom sistemu. Da bi se ovaj ideal ostvario nužno je da pravni sistem predvidi da pravnosnažni i konačni pojedinačni pravni akti međusobno obavezuju državne organe. Jedinstvo pravnog sistema naročito garantuje vezanost građanskog suda osuđujućim pravnosnažnim presudama krivičnog suda. Ali i oslobađajućim, kada se njima rešava kakvo prethodno pitanje koje je od značaja za odlučivanje u građanskom postupku. Vezanost građanskog suda presudama krivičnog obezbeđena je tek kada se pravnosnažnoj presudi krivičnog suda prizna dejstvo erga omnes. Iz ugla posmatranja Ustava Srbije, kao i Evropske konvencije o ljudskim pravima i osnovnim slobodama principi samostalnosti sudova u donošenju odluka, njihova vezanost Ustavom i zakonom nisu smetnja da zakonodavac odredi da pravnosnažna presuda krivičnog suda obavezuje građanski sud. Da bi se postigla pravna sigurnost i predvidivost, izbegla mogućnost donošenja protivrečnih sudskih odluka nužno je da se zadre u decenijama važeća shvatanja o predmetu spora i o granicama pravnosnažnosti sudskih judikata. Takođe, nužno je proširiti domašaj primene principa venire contra factum proprium i prekluzije radi ostvarenja procesnopravne pravičnosti.
AB  - The unity of the legal order is the foundation of the rule of law. It also implies the internal harmony of decision-making, ie. the absence of contradictory court decisions in the unified legal system. In order to realize this ideal, it is necessary for the legal system to foresee that legally binding and final individual legal acts mutually bind state bodies. The unity of the legal system can be only achieved when the system provides that conviction judgment rendered by a criminal court bind civil court in the subsequent civil proceedings. Civil courts should be also bound by a decision rendered by a criminal court if the defendant is acquitted of the charge, in case criminal court has solved some preliminary question that is important for deciding in civil proceedings. Such a system exists in Austria and Serbia. In principle, a verdict rendered by a criminal court should produce effects erga omnes. On the other hand, in Germany and Anglo-Saxon legal systems, the principle of independence of criminal and civil justice applies. However, the difference between the previous and the latter system is not as significant as it seems at first glance, because the judgment of the criminal court in civil proceedings has a significant probative value. From the point of view of the Constitution of Serbia, as well as the European Convention on Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, the principles of independence of the courts in making decisions, the requirement that a court must only be bound by the Constitution and the law are not an obstacle for the legislator to determine that the final judgment of the criminal court binds the civil court. The principle of res judicata, which forms one of the foundations of the rule of law, is much broader in Anglo-Saxon than in Euro-continental law. This particularly applies to the application of the institute issue or collateral estoppel which derives from the Roman principle of venire contra factum proprium. The principle serves to prevent substantial injustice. The principle of the rule of law requires legal certainty and predictability which implies the absence of contradictory court decisions in a unified legal system. In order to avoid the possibility of making contradictory court decisions, it is necessary to reexamine the ambit of the res judicata principle and to extend the application of the principle of venire contra factum proprium and preclusion in order to achieve procedural fairness.
PB  - Savez udruženja pravnika Srbije, Beograd
T2  - Arhiv za pravne i društvene nauke
T1  - Obavezujuće dejstvo pojedinačnih pravnih akata - dejstvo presude krivičnog suda u pravnom poretku
T1  - Binding effect of individual legal acts: The effect of a criminal court verdict in the legal system
EP  - 60
IS  - 2
SP  - 9
VL  - 118
DO  - 10.5937/adpn2302009J
UR  - conv_888
ER  - 
author = "Jakšić, Aleksandar",
year = "2023",
abstract = "Jedinstvo pravnog poretka je temelj pravne države. Ono podrazumeva i unutrašnju harmoniju odlučivanja, tj. odsustvo protivrečnih sudskih odluka u jedinstvenom pravnom sistemu. Da bi se ovaj ideal ostvario nužno je da pravni sistem predvidi da pravnosnažni i konačni pojedinačni pravni akti međusobno obavezuju državne organe. Jedinstvo pravnog sistema naročito garantuje vezanost građanskog suda osuđujućim pravnosnažnim presudama krivičnog suda. Ali i oslobađajućim, kada se njima rešava kakvo prethodno pitanje koje je od značaja za odlučivanje u građanskom postupku. Vezanost građanskog suda presudama krivičnog obezbeđena je tek kada se pravnosnažnoj presudi krivičnog suda prizna dejstvo erga omnes. Iz ugla posmatranja Ustava Srbije, kao i Evropske konvencije o ljudskim pravima i osnovnim slobodama principi samostalnosti sudova u donošenju odluka, njihova vezanost Ustavom i zakonom nisu smetnja da zakonodavac odredi da pravnosnažna presuda krivičnog suda obavezuje građanski sud. Da bi se postigla pravna sigurnost i predvidivost, izbegla mogućnost donošenja protivrečnih sudskih odluka nužno je da se zadre u decenijama važeća shvatanja o predmetu spora i o granicama pravnosnažnosti sudskih judikata. Takođe, nužno je proširiti domašaj primene principa venire contra factum proprium i prekluzije radi ostvarenja procesnopravne pravičnosti., The unity of the legal order is the foundation of the rule of law. It also implies the internal harmony of decision-making, ie. the absence of contradictory court decisions in the unified legal system. In order to realize this ideal, it is necessary for the legal system to foresee that legally binding and final individual legal acts mutually bind state bodies. The unity of the legal system can be only achieved when the system provides that conviction judgment rendered by a criminal court bind civil court in the subsequent civil proceedings. Civil courts should be also bound by a decision rendered by a criminal court if the defendant is acquitted of the charge, in case criminal court has solved some preliminary question that is important for deciding in civil proceedings. Such a system exists in Austria and Serbia. In principle, a verdict rendered by a criminal court should produce effects erga omnes. On the other hand, in Germany and Anglo-Saxon legal systems, the principle of independence of criminal and civil justice applies. However, the difference between the previous and the latter system is not as significant as it seems at first glance, because the judgment of the criminal court in civil proceedings has a significant probative value. From the point of view of the Constitution of Serbia, as well as the European Convention on Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, the principles of independence of the courts in making decisions, the requirement that a court must only be bound by the Constitution and the law are not an obstacle for the legislator to determine that the final judgment of the criminal court binds the civil court. The principle of res judicata, which forms one of the foundations of the rule of law, is much broader in Anglo-Saxon than in Euro-continental law. This particularly applies to the application of the institute issue or collateral estoppel which derives from the Roman principle of venire contra factum proprium. The principle serves to prevent substantial injustice. The principle of the rule of law requires legal certainty and predictability which implies the absence of contradictory court decisions in a unified legal system. In order to avoid the possibility of making contradictory court decisions, it is necessary to reexamine the ambit of the res judicata principle and to extend the application of the principle of venire contra factum proprium and preclusion in order to achieve procedural fairness.",
publisher = "Savez udruženja pravnika Srbije, Beograd",
journal = "Arhiv za pravne i društvene nauke",
title = "Obavezujuće dejstvo pojedinačnih pravnih akata - dejstvo presude krivičnog suda u pravnom poretku, Binding effect of individual legal acts: The effect of a criminal court verdict in the legal system",
pages = "60-9",
number = "2",
volume = "118",
doi = "10.5937/adpn2302009J",
url = "conv_888"
Jakšić, A.. (2023). Obavezujuće dejstvo pojedinačnih pravnih akata - dejstvo presude krivičnog suda u pravnom poretku. in Arhiv za pravne i društvene nauke
Savez udruženja pravnika Srbije, Beograd., 118(2), 9-60.
Jakšić A. Obavezujuće dejstvo pojedinačnih pravnih akata - dejstvo presude krivičnog suda u pravnom poretku. in Arhiv za pravne i društvene nauke. 2023;118(2):9-60.
conv_888 .
Jakšić, Aleksandar, "Obavezujuće dejstvo pojedinačnih pravnih akata - dejstvo presude krivičnog suda u pravnom poretku" in Arhiv za pravne i društvene nauke, 118, no. 2 (2023):9-60,
https://doi.org/10.5937/adpn2302009J .,
conv_888 .

Uticaj pandemije izazvane virusom Kovid-19 na parnični postupak

Jakšić, Aleksandar

(Udruženje pravnika u privredi Srbije, Beograd, 2022)

AU  - Jakšić, Aleksandar
PY  - 2022
UR  - https://ralf.ius.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/1363
AB  - Pandemija Kovid-19 je ukazala na sve moguće slabosti pravosudnog sistema u svim državama sveta. Pandemija je posebno ogolila nedostatke u Zakonu o parničnom postupku Srbije koji se javljaju u vezi sa rokovima u postupku, načinu održavanja i naročito odlaganja ročišta. Države su različito reagovale na pandemiju. Neke, među kojima i Srbija, preduzele su kratkoročne mere radi ublažavanja prvog udara pandemije. Druge su, pak, bile opreznije, uzele u obzir mogućnost trajanja pošasti, te posebnim zakonima prilagodile način odvijanja postupka u novonastalim uslovima. U suštini, pandemija utiče na mogućnost očuvanja prava iz korpusa prava na pravično suđenje. S druge strane, pak, postupci uprkos pandemiji moraju da se odvijaju u okvirima poštovanja osnovnih procesnih prava koja čine temelj pravne države.
AB  - The COVID-19 pandemic is a health care crisis with serious human and social consequences, with challenges for the courts and the judiciary all around the world. It has created the conditions to reflect on the possibilities of applying innovative measures in the judiciary. In the context of domestic realities, we note that the gaps in the procedural legislation and other technical and legal shortcomings of the rules and institutions of civil procedural law significantly affect the access to justice. State civil courts have suspended dockets, allowed litigants to delay their cases, or are operating in person but with more limited contact. Serbian courts could not and still cannot shift to remote operation by phone or video. The so-called "virtual hearing" is not allowed by Serbian law. This article especially addresses to issues of duty to safeguard the public hearing in both the court room and in case of holding a virtual hearing.
PB  - Udruženje pravnika u privredi Srbije, Beograd
T2  - Pravo i privreda
T1  - Uticaj pandemije izazvane virusom Kovid-19 na parnični postupak
T1  - The impact of COVID-19 pandemic on civil proceedings
EP  - 61
IS  - 1
SP  - 25
VL  - 60
DO  - 10.55836/PiP_22102A
UR  - conv_2354
ER  - 
author = "Jakšić, Aleksandar",
year = "2022",
abstract = "Pandemija Kovid-19 je ukazala na sve moguće slabosti pravosudnog sistema u svim državama sveta. Pandemija je posebno ogolila nedostatke u Zakonu o parničnom postupku Srbije koji se javljaju u vezi sa rokovima u postupku, načinu održavanja i naročito odlaganja ročišta. Države su različito reagovale na pandemiju. Neke, među kojima i Srbija, preduzele su kratkoročne mere radi ublažavanja prvog udara pandemije. Druge su, pak, bile opreznije, uzele u obzir mogućnost trajanja pošasti, te posebnim zakonima prilagodile način odvijanja postupka u novonastalim uslovima. U suštini, pandemija utiče na mogućnost očuvanja prava iz korpusa prava na pravično suđenje. S druge strane, pak, postupci uprkos pandemiji moraju da se odvijaju u okvirima poštovanja osnovnih procesnih prava koja čine temelj pravne države., The COVID-19 pandemic is a health care crisis with serious human and social consequences, with challenges for the courts and the judiciary all around the world. It has created the conditions to reflect on the possibilities of applying innovative measures in the judiciary. In the context of domestic realities, we note that the gaps in the procedural legislation and other technical and legal shortcomings of the rules and institutions of civil procedural law significantly affect the access to justice. State civil courts have suspended dockets, allowed litigants to delay their cases, or are operating in person but with more limited contact. Serbian courts could not and still cannot shift to remote operation by phone or video. The so-called "virtual hearing" is not allowed by Serbian law. This article especially addresses to issues of duty to safeguard the public hearing in both the court room and in case of holding a virtual hearing.",
publisher = "Udruženje pravnika u privredi Srbije, Beograd",
journal = "Pravo i privreda",
title = "Uticaj pandemije izazvane virusom Kovid-19 na parnični postupak, The impact of COVID-19 pandemic on civil proceedings",
pages = "61-25",
number = "1",
volume = "60",
doi = "10.55836/PiP_22102A",
url = "conv_2354"
Jakšić, A.. (2022). Uticaj pandemije izazvane virusom Kovid-19 na parnični postupak. in Pravo i privreda
Udruženje pravnika u privredi Srbije, Beograd., 60(1), 25-61.
Jakšić A. Uticaj pandemije izazvane virusom Kovid-19 na parnični postupak. in Pravo i privreda. 2022;60(1):25-61.
conv_2354 .
Jakšić, Aleksandar, "Uticaj pandemije izazvane virusom Kovid-19 na parnični postupak" in Pravo i privreda, 60, no. 1 (2022):25-61,
https://doi.org/10.55836/PiP_22102A .,
conv_2354 .

Pravo na arbitražu

Jakšić, Aleksandar

(Udruženje pravnika u privredi Srbije, Beograd, 2018)

AU  - Jakšić, Aleksandar
PY  - 2018
UR  - https://ralf.ius.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/1065
AB  - Ustavom Republike Srbije (RS), kao i međunarodnim instrumentima za zaštitu ljudskih prava pravo na tužbu se garantuje svima, pa i pravnim subjektima koji su slabog imovinskog stanja. U postupku pred međunarodnom trgovinskom arbitražom to nije slučaj. Zaključenjem punovažnog arbitražnog sporazuma stranke se odriču garancija koje postoje kada postupak vode pred državnim sudovima. S druge strane, zaključenjem punovažnog arbitražnog sporazuma za stranke nastaje pravo na arbitražu. Međutim, u novije vreme državni sudovi ne tolerišu nesposobnost za plaćanje troškova arbitražnog postupka kao razlog zbog čijeg bi se postojanja strankama uskratilo pravo na pravnu zaštitu. Ovakva nesposobnost može da ima za posledicu i prestanak ugovora o arbitraži. Time se otvara i problem određenja direktne međunarodne nadležnosti sudova pred kojima stranke mogu da ostvaruju svoju pravno-zaštitnu potrebu.
AB  - This paper deals with the problem of impecuniosity and the problem of refusal to pay the advance on costs in international commercial arbitration as well. Arbitral tribunals generally have a broad discretion to allocate costs in an international commercial arbitration. The power to allocate costs is specifically provided in all major institutional rules and in many national arbitration statutes. Almost all major international arbitration institutions require that the fees and expenses of the arbitrators 'be payable in equal shares' subject to readjustment at any time during the arbitration. The arbitration will dismiss any claim if the parties fail to advance the costs, but 'any party shall be free to pay any other party's share' so its case can proceed to the arbitral tribunal. Such solutions may cause a problem to both the impecunious claimant and impecunious defendant as regard their rights to file their claims before an arbitration tribunal. In such a case, they may face denial of justice. Besides, a not uncommon problem in international arbitration is where a party declines to pay its share of the advance on costs. This can be particularly frustrating for a claiming party where the parties have agreed that arbitration is to be the default procedure for resolving disputes. It is especially the defendant who uses 'guerrilla tactics' to undermine the legitimacy of arbitration procedures. With respect thereto, there is a hole in the system of international commercial arbitration. To close such a hole requires legislative action, because 'access to arbitration' should not be confused with 'access to justice' more generally. Arbitration is consensual and a party, by agreeing to arbitrate, waives his right to access to justice. Bis dato, the problem of failure to pay the advance of costs in international commercial arbitration has been unsatisfactorily solved in the court's proceedings, which aim at controlling the validity of an arbitral award. So, for instance, a party to an arbitration agreement may be deemed to have waived their right to arbitrate a dispute comprehended by this agreement, by involvement in litigation concerning this dispute. Further, a party has by litigating a dispute that is comprehended by an arbitration agreement, committed breach or anticipatory breach of a core term (a condition) in this agreement, thereby entitling the other party to rescind. On the other hand, if a non-payer sabotages an arbitration, it is not fair that the paying party's only alternative is to file suit in court. Some arbitration providers promulgate their own new rules, which entitle the arbitration to render either an interim or a provisional arbitration award by virtue of which the paying party may reimburse a portion of the advance on costs. Finally, if an arbitration agreement became inoperative due to impecuniosity or refusal to bear a portion of the advance of costs of arbitration the question arises as to which state could have jurisdiction to resolve a dispute initially comprehended by arbitration agreement. In the case of impecuniosity of the claimant the choice of fora should be restricted. On the other hand, if the defendant is a non-paying party who used this strategy to delay or to halt the arbitration, the claimant should be entitled to benefit from all possible fora which stay at his disposal.
PB  - Udruženje pravnika u privredi Srbije, Beograd
T2  - Pravo i privreda
T1  - Pravo na arbitražu
T1  - Right to arbitration
EP  - 156
IS  - 4-6
SP  - 136
VL  - 56
UR  - conv_2237
ER  - 
author = "Jakšić, Aleksandar",
year = "2018",
abstract = "Ustavom Republike Srbije (RS), kao i međunarodnim instrumentima za zaštitu ljudskih prava pravo na tužbu se garantuje svima, pa i pravnim subjektima koji su slabog imovinskog stanja. U postupku pred međunarodnom trgovinskom arbitražom to nije slučaj. Zaključenjem punovažnog arbitražnog sporazuma stranke se odriču garancija koje postoje kada postupak vode pred državnim sudovima. S druge strane, zaključenjem punovažnog arbitražnog sporazuma za stranke nastaje pravo na arbitražu. Međutim, u novije vreme državni sudovi ne tolerišu nesposobnost za plaćanje troškova arbitražnog postupka kao razlog zbog čijeg bi se postojanja strankama uskratilo pravo na pravnu zaštitu. Ovakva nesposobnost može da ima za posledicu i prestanak ugovora o arbitraži. Time se otvara i problem određenja direktne međunarodne nadležnosti sudova pred kojima stranke mogu da ostvaruju svoju pravno-zaštitnu potrebu., This paper deals with the problem of impecuniosity and the problem of refusal to pay the advance on costs in international commercial arbitration as well. Arbitral tribunals generally have a broad discretion to allocate costs in an international commercial arbitration. The power to allocate costs is specifically provided in all major institutional rules and in many national arbitration statutes. Almost all major international arbitration institutions require that the fees and expenses of the arbitrators 'be payable in equal shares' subject to readjustment at any time during the arbitration. The arbitration will dismiss any claim if the parties fail to advance the costs, but 'any party shall be free to pay any other party's share' so its case can proceed to the arbitral tribunal. Such solutions may cause a problem to both the impecunious claimant and impecunious defendant as regard their rights to file their claims before an arbitration tribunal. In such a case, they may face denial of justice. Besides, a not uncommon problem in international arbitration is where a party declines to pay its share of the advance on costs. This can be particularly frustrating for a claiming party where the parties have agreed that arbitration is to be the default procedure for resolving disputes. It is especially the defendant who uses 'guerrilla tactics' to undermine the legitimacy of arbitration procedures. With respect thereto, there is a hole in the system of international commercial arbitration. To close such a hole requires legislative action, because 'access to arbitration' should not be confused with 'access to justice' more generally. Arbitration is consensual and a party, by agreeing to arbitrate, waives his right to access to justice. Bis dato, the problem of failure to pay the advance of costs in international commercial arbitration has been unsatisfactorily solved in the court's proceedings, which aim at controlling the validity of an arbitral award. So, for instance, a party to an arbitration agreement may be deemed to have waived their right to arbitrate a dispute comprehended by this agreement, by involvement in litigation concerning this dispute. Further, a party has by litigating a dispute that is comprehended by an arbitration agreement, committed breach or anticipatory breach of a core term (a condition) in this agreement, thereby entitling the other party to rescind. On the other hand, if a non-payer sabotages an arbitration, it is not fair that the paying party's only alternative is to file suit in court. Some arbitration providers promulgate their own new rules, which entitle the arbitration to render either an interim or a provisional arbitration award by virtue of which the paying party may reimburse a portion of the advance on costs. Finally, if an arbitration agreement became inoperative due to impecuniosity or refusal to bear a portion of the advance of costs of arbitration the question arises as to which state could have jurisdiction to resolve a dispute initially comprehended by arbitration agreement. In the case of impecuniosity of the claimant the choice of fora should be restricted. On the other hand, if the defendant is a non-paying party who used this strategy to delay or to halt the arbitration, the claimant should be entitled to benefit from all possible fora which stay at his disposal.",
publisher = "Udruženje pravnika u privredi Srbije, Beograd",
journal = "Pravo i privreda",
title = "Pravo na arbitražu, Right to arbitration",
pages = "156-136",
number = "4-6",
volume = "56",
url = "conv_2237"
Jakšić, A.. (2018). Pravo na arbitražu. in Pravo i privreda
Udruženje pravnika u privredi Srbije, Beograd., 56(4-6), 136-156.
Jakšić A. Pravo na arbitražu. in Pravo i privreda. 2018;56(4-6):136-156.
conv_2237 .
Jakšić, Aleksandar, "Pravo na arbitražu" in Pravo i privreda, 56, no. 4-6 (2018):136-156,
conv_2237 .

Discrepancies arising out of the Russian-German consular convention of 1958

Jakšić, Aleksandar

(Statut Publ House, Moscow, 2015)

AU  - Jakšić, Aleksandar
PY  - 2015
UR  - https://ralf.ius.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/830
AB  - Adjustment (Anpassung / Angleichung) is an institute of Private International Law which means non-application or modified application of substantive rules of applicable law. The method is mostly used in German scholarly writing and court practice. The need for adjustment is usually generated either by a lack of rules 'Normenmangel' or by an abundance of norms (Normenhaufung). It occurs if the conflict of law rules refer to the applicability of substantive law pertaining to two or even more legal orders which, when applied together, produce a result which is either contradictory or which is unintended by any of the applicable legal orders. The need for adjustment is deemed to be justified by the doctrine for grounds, such as the requirement for unity of legal order, the requirement for elimination of normative contradictions which are sometimes logically untenable, etc. The modern approach to the need for adjustment is depicted as accidental discrimination which contradicts the principle of equality before the law. By relying on provisions contained in the Russian-German Consular Convention of 1958, the author demonstrates that any method of adjustment violates the right to a fair trial and vested rights as well.
PB  - Statut Publ House, Moscow
T2  - Russian Law Journal
T1  - Discrepancies arising out of the Russian-German consular convention of 1958
EP  - 101
IS  - 4
SP  - 75
VL  - 3
DO  - 10.17589/2309-8678-2015-3-4-75-101
UR  - conv_2917
ER  - 
author = "Jakšić, Aleksandar",
year = "2015",
abstract = "Adjustment (Anpassung / Angleichung) is an institute of Private International Law which means non-application or modified application of substantive rules of applicable law. The method is mostly used in German scholarly writing and court practice. The need for adjustment is usually generated either by a lack of rules 'Normenmangel' or by an abundance of norms (Normenhaufung). It occurs if the conflict of law rules refer to the applicability of substantive law pertaining to two or even more legal orders which, when applied together, produce a result which is either contradictory or which is unintended by any of the applicable legal orders. The need for adjustment is deemed to be justified by the doctrine for grounds, such as the requirement for unity of legal order, the requirement for elimination of normative contradictions which are sometimes logically untenable, etc. The modern approach to the need for adjustment is depicted as accidental discrimination which contradicts the principle of equality before the law. By relying on provisions contained in the Russian-German Consular Convention of 1958, the author demonstrates that any method of adjustment violates the right to a fair trial and vested rights as well.",
publisher = "Statut Publ House, Moscow",
journal = "Russian Law Journal",
title = "Discrepancies arising out of the Russian-German consular convention of 1958",
pages = "101-75",
number = "4",
volume = "3",
doi = "10.17589/2309-8678-2015-3-4-75-101",
url = "conv_2917"
Jakšić, A.. (2015). Discrepancies arising out of the Russian-German consular convention of 1958. in Russian Law Journal
Statut Publ House, Moscow., 3(4), 75-101.
Jakšić A. Discrepancies arising out of the Russian-German consular convention of 1958. in Russian Law Journal. 2015;3(4):75-101.
conv_2917 .
Jakšić, Aleksandar, "Discrepancies arising out of the Russian-German consular convention of 1958" in Russian Law Journal, 3, no. 4 (2015):75-101,
https://doi.org/10.17589/2309-8678-2015-3-4-75-101 .,
conv_2917 .

Dejstva presude Evropskog suda za ljudska prava u pravnom poretku Republike Srbije

Jakšić, Aleksandar

(Udruženje pravnika u privredi Srbije, Beograd, 2015)

AU  - Jakšić, Aleksandar
PY  - 2015
UR  - https://ralf.ius.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/870
AB  - U srpskom pravosuđu postoji problem koji se tiče određenja dejstva presuda ESLjP u unutrašnjem pravnom sistemu. Sudovi su skloni da shvatanju da presuda obavezuje samo državu RS, ali ne i njene organe (klasično dejstvo presude inter partes). Analiza nam, pak, pokazuje da je presuda ESLjP interpretativni deo normi sadržanih u Konvenciji. Otuda, sam njen sadržaj, tj. pravni stavovi Suda postaju sastavni deo norme koja se presudom konkretizuje. Sledstveno tome, domašaj presude ESLjP u unutrašnjem pravnom poretku je daleko širi. Ona obavezuje ne samo tuženu državu, već i sve njene organe. U unutrašnjem pravnom poretku obavezuje ne samo izreka, već i obrazloženje presude (činjenice i pravni stavovi). Otuda dolazimo do rezultata da presuda ESLjP ima dejstvo erga omnes, te, hijerarhijski gledano, viši rang u odnosu na unutrašnje pravo RS.
AB  - There is a problem in the Serbian judiciary concerning the effects of the ECTHR judgments in the domestic legal system. The Courts assert that such Judgment bind only the State of Serbia, but not its organs (classic effect of the judgment inter partes). Our analysis shows, however, that the ECTHR judgments represent an interpretative part of the norms contained in the Convention. Hence, its contents, i.e. operative, interpretative part of the judgment become an integral part of the norm and have explanatory character. Consequently, the effects of an ECTHR judgment in the domestic legal order are far broader. It binds not only the respondent State, but also all her organs. Its binding effects relate not only to its dispositive, but also to reasoning of the judgment (facts and legal issues). Hence, as a result the ECHR judgment has effect erga omnes, and hierarchically speaking, the higher rank in relation to the internal law of the Republic of Serbia.
PB  - Udruženje pravnika u privredi Srbije, Beograd
T2  - Pravo i privreda
T1  - Dejstva presude Evropskog suda za ljudska prava u pravnom poretku Republike Srbije
T1  - The effects of the ECTHR judgments in Serbian legal system
EP  - 204
IS  - 7-9
SP  - 185
VL  - 53
UR  - conv_2163
ER  - 
author = "Jakšić, Aleksandar",
year = "2015",
abstract = "U srpskom pravosuđu postoji problem koji se tiče određenja dejstva presuda ESLjP u unutrašnjem pravnom sistemu. Sudovi su skloni da shvatanju da presuda obavezuje samo državu RS, ali ne i njene organe (klasično dejstvo presude inter partes). Analiza nam, pak, pokazuje da je presuda ESLjP interpretativni deo normi sadržanih u Konvenciji. Otuda, sam njen sadržaj, tj. pravni stavovi Suda postaju sastavni deo norme koja se presudom konkretizuje. Sledstveno tome, domašaj presude ESLjP u unutrašnjem pravnom poretku je daleko širi. Ona obavezuje ne samo tuženu državu, već i sve njene organe. U unutrašnjem pravnom poretku obavezuje ne samo izreka, već i obrazloženje presude (činjenice i pravni stavovi). Otuda dolazimo do rezultata da presuda ESLjP ima dejstvo erga omnes, te, hijerarhijski gledano, viši rang u odnosu na unutrašnje pravo RS., There is a problem in the Serbian judiciary concerning the effects of the ECTHR judgments in the domestic legal system. The Courts assert that such Judgment bind only the State of Serbia, but not its organs (classic effect of the judgment inter partes). Our analysis shows, however, that the ECTHR judgments represent an interpretative part of the norms contained in the Convention. Hence, its contents, i.e. operative, interpretative part of the judgment become an integral part of the norm and have explanatory character. Consequently, the effects of an ECTHR judgment in the domestic legal order are far broader. It binds not only the respondent State, but also all her organs. Its binding effects relate not only to its dispositive, but also to reasoning of the judgment (facts and legal issues). Hence, as a result the ECHR judgment has effect erga omnes, and hierarchically speaking, the higher rank in relation to the internal law of the Republic of Serbia.",
publisher = "Udruženje pravnika u privredi Srbije, Beograd",
journal = "Pravo i privreda",
title = "Dejstva presude Evropskog suda za ljudska prava u pravnom poretku Republike Srbije, The effects of the ECTHR judgments in Serbian legal system",
pages = "204-185",
number = "7-9",
volume = "53",
url = "conv_2163"
Jakšić, A.. (2015). Dejstva presude Evropskog suda za ljudska prava u pravnom poretku Republike Srbije. in Pravo i privreda
Udruženje pravnika u privredi Srbije, Beograd., 53(7-9), 185-204.
Jakšić A. Dejstva presude Evropskog suda za ljudska prava u pravnom poretku Republike Srbije. in Pravo i privreda. 2015;53(7-9):185-204.
conv_2163 .
Jakšić, Aleksandar, "Dejstva presude Evropskog suda za ljudska prava u pravnom poretku Republike Srbije" in Pravo i privreda, 53, no. 7-9 (2015):185-204,
conv_2163 .

The execution of final judgments and vested rights

Jakšić, Aleksandar

(Statut Publ House, Moscow, 2014)

AU  - Jakšić, Aleksandar
PY  - 2014
UR  - https://ralf.ius.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/812
AB  - The European Court of Human Rights [hereinafter Eur. Ct. H.R.] renders declaratory judgments with which it determines that a violation of a right guaranteed under the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms [hereinafter ECHR] has occurred. A problem arises when the Eur. Ct. H.R. exceeds its remit and examines a questio facti or questio juris which falls outside the scope of the facts put forward by the parties. This usually takes place in cases in which applicants complain of the failure to enforce res judicata judicial decisions. Because of the excessive length of procedures before the Eur. Ct. H.R. it may occur that, during the period, a third person becomes vested with some property right in assets that is subject to execution by the Defendant State. In such types of cases it is not unusual for the Eur. Ct. H.R. to declare that i) the enforcement is either no longer possible, or ii) it would disproportionately interfere with the rights of third parties. This article considers the clash between the right to have a final judgment fully executed and the right to have vested rights protected. It demonstrates that the Eur. Ct. H.R. has a duty to examine, under all circumstances, whether there has been a violation of Art. 6, even if it had simultaneously determined a violation of Art. 1 of Protocol No. 1. One cannot find the ground in the ECHR's protection system which would empower the Eur. Ct. H.R. to sacrifice the guaranteed right of an individual to have a final judgment fully executed for the benefit of any third party.
PB  - Statut Publ House, Moscow
T2  - Russian Law Journal
T1  - The execution of final judgments and vested rights
EP  - 79
IS  - 3
SP  - 62
VL  - 2
UR  - conv_2880
ER  - 
author = "Jakšić, Aleksandar",
year = "2014",
abstract = "The European Court of Human Rights [hereinafter Eur. Ct. H.R.] renders declaratory judgments with which it determines that a violation of a right guaranteed under the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms [hereinafter ECHR] has occurred. A problem arises when the Eur. Ct. H.R. exceeds its remit and examines a questio facti or questio juris which falls outside the scope of the facts put forward by the parties. This usually takes place in cases in which applicants complain of the failure to enforce res judicata judicial decisions. Because of the excessive length of procedures before the Eur. Ct. H.R. it may occur that, during the period, a third person becomes vested with some property right in assets that is subject to execution by the Defendant State. In such types of cases it is not unusual for the Eur. Ct. H.R. to declare that i) the enforcement is either no longer possible, or ii) it would disproportionately interfere with the rights of third parties. This article considers the clash between the right to have a final judgment fully executed and the right to have vested rights protected. It demonstrates that the Eur. Ct. H.R. has a duty to examine, under all circumstances, whether there has been a violation of Art. 6, even if it had simultaneously determined a violation of Art. 1 of Protocol No. 1. One cannot find the ground in the ECHR's protection system which would empower the Eur. Ct. H.R. to sacrifice the guaranteed right of an individual to have a final judgment fully executed for the benefit of any third party.",
publisher = "Statut Publ House, Moscow",
journal = "Russian Law Journal",
title = "The execution of final judgments and vested rights",
pages = "79-62",
number = "3",
volume = "2",
url = "conv_2880"
Jakšić, A.. (2014). The execution of final judgments and vested rights. in Russian Law Journal
Statut Publ House, Moscow., 2(3), 62-79.
Jakšić A. The execution of final judgments and vested rights. in Russian Law Journal. 2014;2(3):62-79.
conv_2880 .
Jakšić, Aleksandar, "The execution of final judgments and vested rights" in Russian Law Journal, 2, no. 3 (2014):62-79,
conv_2880 .

Direktklagen von kriegsopfern gegen staaten mit genauerem blick auf die NATO operation 'allied force' in der br Jugoslawien: 10 jahre spater

Jakšić, Aleksandar

(Univerzitet u Beogradu - Pravni fakultet, Beograd, 2009)

AU  - Jakšić, Aleksandar
PY  - 2009
UR  - https://ralf.ius.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/472
AB  - The NATO intervention in the former Yugoslavia was accomplished 10 years ago and has caused a great number of civilian victims. Until now they have not succeeded in getting any relief, neither at international nor at municipal judicial level. Victims of armed conflicts were barred from getting any redress for wrongdoing due to the traditional concept of state immunity and the concept of non-justiciability of individual claims against States arising from events taken place in an armed conflict. The damage compensation proceedings conducted before national tribunals of state perpetrators ended in the de facto denial of justice and impunity. However, State perpetrators can be held responsible within the framework of international and applicable municipal law in the following way: Firstly, the tribunals in Serbia are the most convenient forum for the settlement of disputes arising out of torts committed with respect to war activities in Serbia. Secondly, the state immunity doctrine is not to be upheld in cases of serious violations of human rights and international humanitarian law, whereby such violations represent individualized and identifiable events. Finally, the individual must be regarded as the beneficiary of reparation for violation of international humanitarian law. Such a result has to be achieved by applying the method of adjustment known in Private International Law. As the international law contends mostly the primary norms, they must be amended with effects contained in norms of applicable municipal law of torts. Thus, if a primary norm of international law has been violated, the effects of such a tortious act should be judged in accordance with the municipal law applicable to the law of torts. Such an adjustment method of primary norms of international law was already applied in the criminal proceedings against the NAZI leaders.
PB  - Univerzitet u Beogradu - Pravni fakultet, Beograd
T2  - Anali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu
T1  - Direktklagen von kriegsopfern gegen staaten mit genauerem blick auf die NATO operation 'allied force' in der br Jugoslawien: 10 jahre spater
T1  - Victims of war and their damage compensation claims against states: NATO intervention 'allied force' in the former Yugoslavia revisited: 10 years after
EP  - 182
IS  - 3
SP  - 161
VL  - 57
UR  - conv_172
ER  - 
author = "Jakšić, Aleksandar",
year = "2009",
abstract = "The NATO intervention in the former Yugoslavia was accomplished 10 years ago and has caused a great number of civilian victims. Until now they have not succeeded in getting any relief, neither at international nor at municipal judicial level. Victims of armed conflicts were barred from getting any redress for wrongdoing due to the traditional concept of state immunity and the concept of non-justiciability of individual claims against States arising from events taken place in an armed conflict. The damage compensation proceedings conducted before national tribunals of state perpetrators ended in the de facto denial of justice and impunity. However, State perpetrators can be held responsible within the framework of international and applicable municipal law in the following way: Firstly, the tribunals in Serbia are the most convenient forum for the settlement of disputes arising out of torts committed with respect to war activities in Serbia. Secondly, the state immunity doctrine is not to be upheld in cases of serious violations of human rights and international humanitarian law, whereby such violations represent individualized and identifiable events. Finally, the individual must be regarded as the beneficiary of reparation for violation of international humanitarian law. Such a result has to be achieved by applying the method of adjustment known in Private International Law. As the international law contends mostly the primary norms, they must be amended with effects contained in norms of applicable municipal law of torts. Thus, if a primary norm of international law has been violated, the effects of such a tortious act should be judged in accordance with the municipal law applicable to the law of torts. Such an adjustment method of primary norms of international law was already applied in the criminal proceedings against the NAZI leaders.",
publisher = "Univerzitet u Beogradu - Pravni fakultet, Beograd",
journal = "Anali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu",
title = "Direktklagen von kriegsopfern gegen staaten mit genauerem blick auf die NATO operation 'allied force' in der br Jugoslawien: 10 jahre spater, Victims of war and their damage compensation claims against states: NATO intervention 'allied force' in the former Yugoslavia revisited: 10 years after",
pages = "182-161",
number = "3",
volume = "57",
url = "conv_172"
Jakšić, A.. (2009). Direktklagen von kriegsopfern gegen staaten mit genauerem blick auf die NATO operation 'allied force' in der br Jugoslawien: 10 jahre spater. in Anali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu
Univerzitet u Beogradu - Pravni fakultet, Beograd., 57(3), 161-182.
Jakšić A. Direktklagen von kriegsopfern gegen staaten mit genauerem blick auf die NATO operation 'allied force' in der br Jugoslawien: 10 jahre spater. in Anali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu. 2009;57(3):161-182.
conv_172 .
Jakšić, Aleksandar, "Direktklagen von kriegsopfern gegen staaten mit genauerem blick auf die NATO operation 'allied force' in der br Jugoslawien: 10 jahre spater" in Anali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu, 57, no. 3 (2009):161-182,
conv_172 .

Procedural Guarantees of Human Rights in Arbitration Proceedings A Still Unsettled Problem?

Jakšić, Aleksandar

(Kluwer Law Int, Alphen Aan Den Rijn, 2007)

AU  - Jakšić, Aleksandar
PY  - 2007
UR  - https://ralf.ius.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/342
AB  - A presistent question exists about whether human rights guarantees should be applied to voluntary arbitration. Opponents give no dogmatic grounds for non-applicability of Article 6(1) of the European Convention on Human Rights ("ECHR") to voluntary arbitration. Moreover, recent developments in case law in various jurisdictions demonstrate a clear departure from the so-called waiver theory. The conclusion of an arbitration agreement does not signify a waiver from the procedural guarantees enshrined in Article 6(1) of ECHR. The direct appplicability of Convention's provisions in arbitration proceedings does not harm the arbitral process, however. On the contrary, it appears to be useful, because it removes the respect for procedural guarantees from the phase of control over the arbitral award to the very stage of conducting the arbitration proceedings.
PB  - Kluwer Law Int, Alphen Aan Den Rijn
T2  - Journal of International Arbitration
T1  - Procedural Guarantees of Human Rights in Arbitration Proceedings   A Still Unsettled Problem?
EP  - 171
IS  - 2
SP  - 159
VL  - 24
UR  - conv_3033
ER  - 
author = "Jakšić, Aleksandar",
year = "2007",
abstract = "A presistent question exists about whether human rights guarantees should be applied to voluntary arbitration. Opponents give no dogmatic grounds for non-applicability of Article 6(1) of the European Convention on Human Rights ("ECHR") to voluntary arbitration. Moreover, recent developments in case law in various jurisdictions demonstrate a clear departure from the so-called waiver theory. The conclusion of an arbitration agreement does not signify a waiver from the procedural guarantees enshrined in Article 6(1) of ECHR. The direct appplicability of Convention's provisions in arbitration proceedings does not harm the arbitral process, however. On the contrary, it appears to be useful, because it removes the respect for procedural guarantees from the phase of control over the arbitral award to the very stage of conducting the arbitration proceedings.",
publisher = "Kluwer Law Int, Alphen Aan Den Rijn",
journal = "Journal of International Arbitration",
title = "Procedural Guarantees of Human Rights in Arbitration Proceedings   A Still Unsettled Problem?",
pages = "171-159",
number = "2",
volume = "24",
url = "conv_3033"
Jakšić, A.. (2007). Procedural Guarantees of Human Rights in Arbitration Proceedings   A Still Unsettled Problem?. in Journal of International Arbitration
Kluwer Law Int, Alphen Aan Den Rijn., 24(2), 159-171.
Jakšić A. Procedural Guarantees of Human Rights in Arbitration Proceedings   A Still Unsettled Problem?. in Journal of International Arbitration. 2007;24(2):159-171.
conv_3033 .
Jakšić, Aleksandar, "Procedural Guarantees of Human Rights in Arbitration Proceedings   A Still Unsettled Problem?" in Journal of International Arbitration, 24, no. 2 (2007):159-171,
conv_3033 .

Odgovornost proizvođača za nedostatke proizvoda - pravna priroda

Jakšić, Aleksandar

(Udruženje pravnika u privredi Srbije, Beograd, 2003)

AU  - Jakšić, Aleksandar
PY  - 2003
UR  - https://ralf.ius.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/206
AB  - U ovom članku se obrađuje odgovornost za nedostatke proizvoda u pogledu njene pravne prirode. Poseban značaj je dat međunarodnim pravnim izvorima. Autori prikazuju, najpre, rešenja Direktive EU o odgovornosti proizvođača za nedostatak proizvoda od 25. jula 1985. i posvećuju posebnu pažnju njihovoj pravnoj prirodi. Pritom se ističe da je pojam proizvođača široko shvaćen i da, između ostalog, obuhvata i distributera robe. Odgovornost proizvođača je načelne prirode, gde se proizvođač može samo pri određenim izričito navedenim razlozima osloboditi. U trećem odeljku slede uporedno pravna objašnjenja i posebno način na koji je Direktiva EU inkorporisana u nacionalna prava. Pored francuskog, nemačkog, austrijskog i engleskog prava predstavljena je i pravna situacija u Švajcarskoj. U četvrtom odeljku se obrađuje jugoslovensko pravo. Direktiva EU nije uvedena u jugoslovensko pravo, niti nalazimo bilo kakav konkretni stav o tome. Ovo se objašnjava time što je ovo pitanje u jugoslovenskom pravu uređeno još pre Direktive EU jugoslovenskim Zakonom o obligacionim odnosima. Važeće jugoslovensko pravo naročito na temelju sadašnje sudske prakse, praktično dolazi do rezultata odgovornosti za opasne stvari, zbog čega bi trebalo da usledi hitna promena zakonskog rešenja od strane zakonodavca.
AB  - This article deals with responsibility for defects of products in connection with its legal nature. Special attention is given to international sources of law. Firstly, the author explains the rules of the EU Directive on Responsibility of a Producer for Defects of Products from 25. June 1985 with accent to their legal nature. It is also highlighted that the notion of the producer is considered in wide sense and that it embraces, inter alia even a goods distributor. The responsibility of a producer is of general nature, since the producer can exculpate it only in certain, especially provided, cases. In the third part of the article there are explanations of comparative law, emphasizing the way in which the EU Directive is incorporated into national laws. Beside French, German, Austrian and English Law, the legal situation in Swiss is presented. The fourth part of article deals with Yugoslav law. The EU Directive is not introduced in Yugoslav law neither one can find any particular opinion about it. The explanation for that is that question is regulated in Yugoslav law before the EU Directive within the Law on Obligations. Current Yugoslav law, especially on the ground of present judicial practice, actually comes to the results of responsibility for dangerous goods. For that reason, the legislator should amend the current legislation urgently.
PB  - Udruženje pravnika u privredi Srbije, Beograd
T2  - Pravo i privreda
T1  - Odgovornost proizvođača za nedostatke proizvoda - pravna priroda
T1  - Legal nature of the producer's responsibility for defects of products
EP  - 71
IS  - 9-12
SP  - 50
VL  - 40
UR  - conv_1874
ER  - 
author = "Jakšić, Aleksandar",
year = "2003",
abstract = "U ovom članku se obrađuje odgovornost za nedostatke proizvoda u pogledu njene pravne prirode. Poseban značaj je dat međunarodnim pravnim izvorima. Autori prikazuju, najpre, rešenja Direktive EU o odgovornosti proizvođača za nedostatak proizvoda od 25. jula 1985. i posvećuju posebnu pažnju njihovoj pravnoj prirodi. Pritom se ističe da je pojam proizvođača široko shvaćen i da, između ostalog, obuhvata i distributera robe. Odgovornost proizvođača je načelne prirode, gde se proizvođač može samo pri određenim izričito navedenim razlozima osloboditi. U trećem odeljku slede uporedno pravna objašnjenja i posebno način na koji je Direktiva EU inkorporisana u nacionalna prava. Pored francuskog, nemačkog, austrijskog i engleskog prava predstavljena je i pravna situacija u Švajcarskoj. U četvrtom odeljku se obrađuje jugoslovensko pravo. Direktiva EU nije uvedena u jugoslovensko pravo, niti nalazimo bilo kakav konkretni stav o tome. Ovo se objašnjava time što je ovo pitanje u jugoslovenskom pravu uređeno još pre Direktive EU jugoslovenskim Zakonom o obligacionim odnosima. Važeće jugoslovensko pravo naročito na temelju sadašnje sudske prakse, praktično dolazi do rezultata odgovornosti za opasne stvari, zbog čega bi trebalo da usledi hitna promena zakonskog rešenja od strane zakonodavca., This article deals with responsibility for defects of products in connection with its legal nature. Special attention is given to international sources of law. Firstly, the author explains the rules of the EU Directive on Responsibility of a Producer for Defects of Products from 25. June 1985 with accent to their legal nature. It is also highlighted that the notion of the producer is considered in wide sense and that it embraces, inter alia even a goods distributor. The responsibility of a producer is of general nature, since the producer can exculpate it only in certain, especially provided, cases. In the third part of the article there are explanations of comparative law, emphasizing the way in which the EU Directive is incorporated into national laws. Beside French, German, Austrian and English Law, the legal situation in Swiss is presented. The fourth part of article deals with Yugoslav law. The EU Directive is not introduced in Yugoslav law neither one can find any particular opinion about it. The explanation for that is that question is regulated in Yugoslav law before the EU Directive within the Law on Obligations. Current Yugoslav law, especially on the ground of present judicial practice, actually comes to the results of responsibility for dangerous goods. For that reason, the legislator should amend the current legislation urgently.",
publisher = "Udruženje pravnika u privredi Srbije, Beograd",
journal = "Pravo i privreda",
title = "Odgovornost proizvođača za nedostatke proizvoda - pravna priroda, Legal nature of the producer's responsibility for defects of products",
pages = "71-50",
number = "9-12",
volume = "40",
url = "conv_1874"
Jakšić, A.. (2003). Odgovornost proizvođača za nedostatke proizvoda - pravna priroda. in Pravo i privreda
Udruženje pravnika u privredi Srbije, Beograd., 40(9-12), 50-71.
Jakšić A. Odgovornost proizvođača za nedostatke proizvoda - pravna priroda. in Pravo i privreda. 2003;40(9-12):50-71.
conv_1874 .
Jakšić, Aleksandar, "Odgovornost proizvođača za nedostatke proizvoda - pravna priroda" in Pravo i privreda, 40, no. 9-12 (2003):50-71,
conv_1874 .

Pregled robe i reklamacija u svetlu odgovornosti prodavca za materijalne nedostatke stvari

Stojanović, Srđan D.; Jakšić, Aleksandar

(Univerzitet u Beogradu - Pravni fakultet, Beograd, 2002)

AU  - Stojanović, Srđan D.
AU  - Jakšić, Aleksandar
PY  - 2002
UR  - https://ralf.ius.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/174
AB  - Pravo merodavno za ugovor o prodaju se, prema članu 23 ZMPP, primenjuje i na pitanja pravne prirode, uslova i posledica izostanka pregleda i reklamacije robe. Posle ratifikacije Bečke konvencije o prodaju robe, jugoslovensko pravo poznaje dva pravna režima ugovora o prodaji -konvencijski i onaj iz ZOO. U pogledu pravne prirode neophodnosti kontrole i stavljanja prigovora, ističe se da nije reč o obavezi u klasičnom smislu (Pflicht, obligation) već da se radi o specifičnoj dužnosti u sopstvenom interesu (Obligenheit, incombance) za čije označavanje je predložen termin "nužnost". Bečka konvencija, usled činjenice da su njena pravila rezultat političkog kompromisa predstavnika različitih pravnih sistema, sadrži vrlo neprecizne norme o nužnosti pregleda i reklamacije. Pravila domaćeg prava (ZOO. Opšte uzanse za promet robom) su preciznija. Pitanja u vezi s pregledom robe regulisana na isti način i za građansku u za trgovačku prodaju, dok se rok za reklamaciju razlikuje.
AB  - International Private Law, also applies to issues of a legal nature, the conditions and consequences of not inspecting or claiming for goods. After the ratification of the Vienna Convention on the Sale of Goods, Yugoslav law recognises two legal regimes for contracts of sale - the conventional regime and the one from the Code on Obligations. These regimes are very similar therefore, one may assume that our courts will in all cases apply the provisions of the Code on Obligations, to which they are accustomed. In terms of the legal nature of the necessity of control and submitting objections, it is stated that this does not refer to an obligation in the classical sense (Pflicht, obligation) but that it refers to a specific duty in one's own interest (Obligenheit, incombance), for which the term "necessity" has been proposed. In applying the rules whereby necessities are established, one must take into account the nature of their wording, which excludes automatic application without establishing the (non)existence of the will of the parties in this respect. Due to the fact that its rules are the result of a political compromise among the representatives of different legal systems the Vienna Convention contains very imprecise norms on the necessity of inspecting goods and claiming for them. The rules of domestic law (Code on Obligations, General Usances for the Sale of Goods) are more precise. Matters in connection with the inspection of goods are regulated in the same way both for civil and for commercial sales, whereas the deadline for claiming differs. In a civil sale, it is 8 days and, in commerce, the standard "without delay" applies, which should be interpreted as "on the day of inspection".
PB  - Univerzitet u Beogradu - Pravni fakultet, Beograd
T2  - Anali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu
T1  - Pregled robe i reklamacija u svetlu odgovornosti prodavca za materijalne nedostatke stvari
T1  - The checking of goods and claiming in the light of the salesman's responsibility for the material defects of an object in Yugoslav law
EP  - 84
IS  - 1-2
SP  - 68
VL  - 50
UR  - conv_20
ER  - 
author = "Stojanović, Srđan D. and Jakšić, Aleksandar",
year = "2002",
abstract = "Pravo merodavno za ugovor o prodaju se, prema članu 23 ZMPP, primenjuje i na pitanja pravne prirode, uslova i posledica izostanka pregleda i reklamacije robe. Posle ratifikacije Bečke konvencije o prodaju robe, jugoslovensko pravo poznaje dva pravna režima ugovora o prodaji -konvencijski i onaj iz ZOO. U pogledu pravne prirode neophodnosti kontrole i stavljanja prigovora, ističe se da nije reč o obavezi u klasičnom smislu (Pflicht, obligation) već da se radi o specifičnoj dužnosti u sopstvenom interesu (Obligenheit, incombance) za čije označavanje je predložen termin "nužnost". Bečka konvencija, usled činjenice da su njena pravila rezultat političkog kompromisa predstavnika različitih pravnih sistema, sadrži vrlo neprecizne norme o nužnosti pregleda i reklamacije. Pravila domaćeg prava (ZOO. Opšte uzanse za promet robom) su preciznija. Pitanja u vezi s pregledom robe regulisana na isti način i za građansku u za trgovačku prodaju, dok se rok za reklamaciju razlikuje., International Private Law, also applies to issues of a legal nature, the conditions and consequences of not inspecting or claiming for goods. After the ratification of the Vienna Convention on the Sale of Goods, Yugoslav law recognises two legal regimes for contracts of sale - the conventional regime and the one from the Code on Obligations. These regimes are very similar therefore, one may assume that our courts will in all cases apply the provisions of the Code on Obligations, to which they are accustomed. In terms of the legal nature of the necessity of control and submitting objections, it is stated that this does not refer to an obligation in the classical sense (Pflicht, obligation) but that it refers to a specific duty in one's own interest (Obligenheit, incombance), for which the term "necessity" has been proposed. In applying the rules whereby necessities are established, one must take into account the nature of their wording, which excludes automatic application without establishing the (non)existence of the will of the parties in this respect. Due to the fact that its rules are the result of a political compromise among the representatives of different legal systems the Vienna Convention contains very imprecise norms on the necessity of inspecting goods and claiming for them. The rules of domestic law (Code on Obligations, General Usances for the Sale of Goods) are more precise. Matters in connection with the inspection of goods are regulated in the same way both for civil and for commercial sales, whereas the deadline for claiming differs. In a civil sale, it is 8 days and, in commerce, the standard "without delay" applies, which should be interpreted as "on the day of inspection".",
publisher = "Univerzitet u Beogradu - Pravni fakultet, Beograd",
journal = "Anali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu",
title = "Pregled robe i reklamacija u svetlu odgovornosti prodavca za materijalne nedostatke stvari, The checking of goods and claiming in the light of the salesman's responsibility for the material defects of an object in Yugoslav law",
pages = "84-68",
number = "1-2",
volume = "50",
url = "conv_20"
Stojanović, S. D.,& Jakšić, A.. (2002). Pregled robe i reklamacija u svetlu odgovornosti prodavca za materijalne nedostatke stvari. in Anali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu
Univerzitet u Beogradu - Pravni fakultet, Beograd., 50(1-2), 68-84.
Stojanović SD, Jakšić A. Pregled robe i reklamacija u svetlu odgovornosti prodavca za materijalne nedostatke stvari. in Anali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu. 2002;50(1-2):68-84.
conv_20 .
Stojanović, Srđan D., Jakšić, Aleksandar, "Pregled robe i reklamacija u svetlu odgovornosti prodavca za materijalne nedostatke stvari" in Anali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu, 50, no. 1-2 (2002):68-84,
conv_20 .

Odgovornost prodavca za materijalne nedostatke stvari - pregled i reklamacija robe

Stojanović, Srđan D.; Jakšić, Aleksandar

(Savez udruženja pravnika Srbije, Beograd, 2001)

AU  - Stojanović, Srđan D.
AU  - Jakšić, Aleksandar
PY  - 2001
UR  - https://ralf.ius.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/170
AB  - Pitanje kontrole kvaliteta i reklamacije je u svakodnevnoj poslovnoj praksi interesantno, kako iz ugla međunarodnog privatnog prava, tako i iz ugla merodavnog materijalnog prava. Mi ćemo se stoga ukratko osvrnuti na međunarodno privatno pravnu problematiku, da bismo se zatim bliže i detaljnije posvetili rešenjima predviđenim u materijalnom jugoslovenskom pravu, uključujući i međunarodne izvore prava. Pri tome ćemo posebnu pažnju dati i teorijskim pitanjima vezanim za pravnu prirodu kontrole i reklamacije kvaliteta i predložiti neka nova terminološka rešenja.
AB  - This paper gives, in the first place, an analysis of private international law aspects of the problem of inspection of goods and complaints for possible product liability. After that, by making use of a comparative law analysis, the author ascertains that the necessity for inspection of goods by the buyer and making of possible objections regarding the quality of goods is not to be considered as a duty (Pflicht) of the buyer, but as a specific category of civil law termed Obliegenheit. As the terms used by the authors in this country are descriptive (duty in one's own interest, etc) the author proposes a new term - necessity. In our substantive law this question has been regulated by the Vienna Convention (within the field of its enforcement), by the Obligations Act, as well as by other provisions referred to by this Act. In the last part of this paper the author analyses in more detail the solutions provided by these legal sources.
PB  - Savez udruženja pravnika Srbije, Beograd
T2  - Arhiv za pravne i društvene nauke
T1  - Odgovornost prodavca za materijalne nedostatke stvari - pregled i reklamacija robe
T1  - Product liability of the seller
EP  - 520
IS  - 4
SP  - 505
VL  - 87
UR  - conv_811
ER  - 
author = "Stojanović, Srđan D. and Jakšić, Aleksandar",
year = "2001",
abstract = "Pitanje kontrole kvaliteta i reklamacije je u svakodnevnoj poslovnoj praksi interesantno, kako iz ugla međunarodnog privatnog prava, tako i iz ugla merodavnog materijalnog prava. Mi ćemo se stoga ukratko osvrnuti na međunarodno privatno pravnu problematiku, da bismo se zatim bliže i detaljnije posvetili rešenjima predviđenim u materijalnom jugoslovenskom pravu, uključujući i međunarodne izvore prava. Pri tome ćemo posebnu pažnju dati i teorijskim pitanjima vezanim za pravnu prirodu kontrole i reklamacije kvaliteta i predložiti neka nova terminološka rešenja., This paper gives, in the first place, an analysis of private international law aspects of the problem of inspection of goods and complaints for possible product liability. After that, by making use of a comparative law analysis, the author ascertains that the necessity for inspection of goods by the buyer and making of possible objections regarding the quality of goods is not to be considered as a duty (Pflicht) of the buyer, but as a specific category of civil law termed Obliegenheit. As the terms used by the authors in this country are descriptive (duty in one's own interest, etc) the author proposes a new term - necessity. In our substantive law this question has been regulated by the Vienna Convention (within the field of its enforcement), by the Obligations Act, as well as by other provisions referred to by this Act. In the last part of this paper the author analyses in more detail the solutions provided by these legal sources.",
publisher = "Savez udruženja pravnika Srbije, Beograd",
journal = "Arhiv za pravne i društvene nauke",
title = "Odgovornost prodavca za materijalne nedostatke stvari - pregled i reklamacija robe, Product liability of the seller",
pages = "520-505",
number = "4",
volume = "87",
url = "conv_811"
Stojanović, S. D.,& Jakšić, A.. (2001). Odgovornost prodavca za materijalne nedostatke stvari - pregled i reklamacija robe. in Arhiv za pravne i društvene nauke
Savez udruženja pravnika Srbije, Beograd., 87(4), 505-520.
Stojanović SD, Jakšić A. Odgovornost prodavca za materijalne nedostatke stvari - pregled i reklamacija robe. in Arhiv za pravne i društvene nauke. 2001;87(4):505-520.
conv_811 .
Stojanović, Srđan D., Jakšić, Aleksandar, "Odgovornost prodavca za materijalne nedostatke stvari - pregled i reklamacija robe" in Arhiv za pravne i društvene nauke, 87, no. 4 (2001):505-520,
conv_811 .