Lukić, Natalija

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Authority KeyName Variants
  • Lukić, Natalija (6)
  • Lukić, Natalija D. (1)

Author's Bibliography

O povezanosti alkohola i ubistava u uzorku osuđenih u Beogradu

Ignjatović, Đorđe; Lukić, Natalija

(Univerzitet u Beogradu - Pravni fakultet, Beograd, 2022)

AU  - Ignjatović, Đorđe
AU  - Lukić, Natalija
PY  - 2022
UR  -
AB  - Autori se u radu bave pitanjem povezanosti zloupotrebe alkohola i ubistava. Prvi deo rada ukazuje na rasprostranjenost zloupotrebe alkohola u nasilničkom kriminalitetu i ubistvima. Autori potom analiziraju kriminološke teorije kojima se objašnjava ta povezanost. Predmet teorijskog dela rada je i izlaganje o različitim tipologijama ubistava. Drugi deo članka čini empirijska analiza koja je izvršena na uzorku od 84 pravnosnažna sudska predmeta Višeg suda u Beogradu. Osim utvrđivanja rasprostranjenosti zloupotrebe alkohola, autori analiziraju i značaj prisustva alkohola u različitim klasifikacijama ubistava. Ispitivali smo da li alkohol češće zloupotrebljavaju muškarci ili žene, da li je alkohol zastupljeniji u ubistvima čije su žrtve poznate ili bliske učiniocu ili onim učinjenim protiv nepoznatih. Posebnu pažnju smo usmerili na podelu ubistava na konfliktna, osvetnička, među partnerima i ubistva izvršena zajedno sa razbojništvom/razbojničkom krađom. Osim kod učinilaca, analizirali smo i da li je i u kojoj meri zastupljena zloupotreba alkohola i kod žrtava.
AB  - This paper examines the relationship between alcohol abuse and homicides. The first part explores the relevance of alcohol in violent crime in general as well as in homicides. The authors further analyse criminology theories that explain the influence of this factor in understanding homicides. The second part of the article is an empirical analysis of a sample of 84 final court cases of the High Court in Belgrade, involving 105 victims, with the total 95 persons convicted of homicide, aggravated homicide or manslaughter. In addition to determining the prevalence of alcohol abuse in the sample, the authors also analyse the significance of the presence of alcohol in different homicide classifications. Authors conclude that the most relevant is the classification into conflict, revenge, intimate partner and homicides committed during robbery. The classification of homicides into expressive and instrumental, and homicides between strangers or acquaintances is not statistically significant.
PB  - Univerzitet u Beogradu - Pravni fakultet, Beograd
T2  - Anali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu
T1  - O povezanosti alkohola i ubistava u uzorku osuđenih u Beogradu
T1  - The relationship between alcohol abuse and homicides in the sample of convicted offenders in Belgrade
EP  - 792
IS  - 3
SP  - 765
VL  - 70
DO  - 10.51204/Anali_PFBU_22305A
UR  - conv_584
ER  - 
author = "Ignjatović, Đorđe and Lukić, Natalija",
year = "2022",
abstract = "Autori se u radu bave pitanjem povezanosti zloupotrebe alkohola i ubistava. Prvi deo rada ukazuje na rasprostranjenost zloupotrebe alkohola u nasilničkom kriminalitetu i ubistvima. Autori potom analiziraju kriminološke teorije kojima se objašnjava ta povezanost. Predmet teorijskog dela rada je i izlaganje o različitim tipologijama ubistava. Drugi deo članka čini empirijska analiza koja je izvršena na uzorku od 84 pravnosnažna sudska predmeta Višeg suda u Beogradu. Osim utvrđivanja rasprostranjenosti zloupotrebe alkohola, autori analiziraju i značaj prisustva alkohola u različitim klasifikacijama ubistava. Ispitivali smo da li alkohol češće zloupotrebljavaju muškarci ili žene, da li je alkohol zastupljeniji u ubistvima čije su žrtve poznate ili bliske učiniocu ili onim učinjenim protiv nepoznatih. Posebnu pažnju smo usmerili na podelu ubistava na konfliktna, osvetnička, među partnerima i ubistva izvršena zajedno sa razbojništvom/razbojničkom krađom. Osim kod učinilaca, analizirali smo i da li je i u kojoj meri zastupljena zloupotreba alkohola i kod žrtava., This paper examines the relationship between alcohol abuse and homicides. The first part explores the relevance of alcohol in violent crime in general as well as in homicides. The authors further analyse criminology theories that explain the influence of this factor in understanding homicides. The second part of the article is an empirical analysis of a sample of 84 final court cases of the High Court in Belgrade, involving 105 victims, with the total 95 persons convicted of homicide, aggravated homicide or manslaughter. In addition to determining the prevalence of alcohol abuse in the sample, the authors also analyse the significance of the presence of alcohol in different homicide classifications. Authors conclude that the most relevant is the classification into conflict, revenge, intimate partner and homicides committed during robbery. The classification of homicides into expressive and instrumental, and homicides between strangers or acquaintances is not statistically significant.",
publisher = "Univerzitet u Beogradu - Pravni fakultet, Beograd",
journal = "Anali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu",
title = "O povezanosti alkohola i ubistava u uzorku osuđenih u Beogradu, The relationship between alcohol abuse and homicides in the sample of convicted offenders in Belgrade",
pages = "792-765",
number = "3",
volume = "70",
doi = "10.51204/Anali_PFBU_22305A",
url = "conv_584"
Ignjatović, Đ.,& Lukić, N.. (2022). O povezanosti alkohola i ubistava u uzorku osuđenih u Beogradu. in Anali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu
Univerzitet u Beogradu - Pravni fakultet, Beograd., 70(3), 765-792.
Ignjatović Đ, Lukić N. O povezanosti alkohola i ubistava u uzorku osuđenih u Beogradu. in Anali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu. 2022;70(3):765-792.
conv_584 .
Ignjatović, Đorđe, Lukić, Natalija, "O povezanosti alkohola i ubistava u uzorku osuđenih u Beogradu" in Anali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu, 70, no. 3 (2022):765-792, .,
conv_584 .

Pandemija Covid-19 i kriminalitet u Srbiji 2020. godine

Lukić, Natalija

(Univerzitet u Beogradu - Pravni fakultet, Beograd i Institut za uporedno pravo, Beograd, 2021)

AU  - Lukić, Natalija
PY  - 2021
UR  -
AB  - Predmet rada je analiza stanja kriminaliteta u Srbiji 2020. godine sa ciljem utvrđivanja eventualnog uticaja pandemije korona virusa (Covid-19) na kriminalitet. U tu svrhu korišćeni su različiti podaci. Autorka najpre vrši analizu stope prijavljenih lica za celokupni kriminalitet u državi kao i po regionima, a predstavljena je i stopa pojedinih krivičnih dela. Radi dobijanja preciznije slike, predstavljeni su i podaci iz policijskih evidencija za najveće gradove u Srbiji po mesecima u 2020. godini. Pored toga, urađena je i prognoza kretanja pojedinih krivičnih dela za grad Beograd i tako dobijeni podaci upoređeni sa stvarno registrovanim krivičnim delima. Zaključeno je da je došlo do smanjenja kriminaliteta i to u većoj meri kod imovinskih nego nasilnih krivičnih dela. Procenat smanjenja varira i među regionima i među analiziranim gradovima. Što se tiče prognoziranja pojedinih krivičnih dela, najveće procentualne razlike i to upravo u periodu vanrednog stanja ustanovljene su između predviđenih i registrovanih krivičnih prijava za zloupotrebu položaja odgovornog lica, krađu i nasilničko ponašanje.
AB  - This paper examines c rime in Serbia in 2020 when the actual Covid-19 pandemic has started. The first part of the paper is dedicated to presentation of relevant literature which analyzed crime during the pandemic in different countries. Further, the author gives and in depth analyses the theoretical background, first and foremost theories of environmental criminology, that could explain changes of crime due to the different social circumstances. The second part of the paper deals with crime rate in Serbia in 2020 in comparison to previous years. Data used stem from two sources. Firstly, annual crime rate is calculated by using judicial statistics whereas monthly presentation of criminal charges is based on police statistics. This is due to the fact that judicial statistics in Serbia contain only annual crime data. Secondly, the author has used ARIMA program to make crime forecasts for the capital city of the Republic of Serbia and for this analysis police statistics have been used. Results show that the general crime rate in Serbia has dropped for 20% in comparison to 2019. Variations between state regions are observable and for example Vojvodina region records the decrease of 12.7% whereas Šumadija and Western Serbia the decrease of 25.4%. Also, crime rate was calculated for several criminal offences: homicide and aggravated homicide, rape, domestic violence, violent behaviour, theft, aggravated theft, robbery, abuse of power of the responsible person in the economy. Apart from homicide and aggravated homicide (the crime rate calculated together), all other criminal offences recorded a decline in 2020 in comparison to 2019 and this was especially evident for the abuse of power of the responsible person in the economy, aggravated theft and robbery. With respect to police statistics, we presented monthly data of criminal charges for three criminal offences (theft, aggravated theft, domestic violence) in 2020 for four cities: Belgrade, Novi Sad, Kragujevac and Niš. The data are presented in absolute numbers. When it comes to theft and aggravated theft, the lowest number of criminal charges in all cities was recorded in April, when the decision on the state of emergency was in force. Since the middle of the year and after the abolishment of the state of emergency, there has been a noticeable trend of increasing of criminal charges for theft and aggravated theft in all cities. Domestic violence hasn't followed such a trend. Only in Belgrade the lowest number of filed criminal charges was recorded in April, while in other cities this happened in the period September-October. Finally, the author uses ARIMA model to make comparison between expected and recorded criminal charges for homicide and aggravated homicide, rape, domestic violence, violent behaviour, theft, aggravated theft, robbery, abuse of power of the responsible person in the economy in the city of Belgrade. We used police data for the period January 2015-February 2020 as a base for crime forecasts for the period March-December 2020. In the lockdown homicide and aggravated homicide were recorded slightly less than expected whereas these crimes were evidently higher in the period May-August. All other criminal offences recorded lower values than expected. The greatest discrepancy was noticed in the lockdown (April-May). The recorded value was almost for 100% lower for abuse of power of the responsible person in the economy than expected, 70% for violent behaviour and theft, 50% for robbery and 40% for aggravated theft. The recorded number of criminal charges for domestic violence was for 25% lower in April than expected. After the lockdown, all criminal offences recorded higher values but, except from homicide and aggravated homicide, these values were still generally lower than predicted.
PB  - Univerzitet u Beogradu - Pravni fakultet, Beograd i Institut za uporedno pravo, Beograd
T2  - Crimen (Beograd)
T1  - Pandemija Covid-19 i kriminalitet u Srbiji 2020. godine
T1  - COVID-19 pandemic and crime in Serbia in 2020
EP  - 300
IS  - 3
SP  - 277
VL  - 12
DO  - 10.5937/crimen2103277L
UR  - conv_2799
ER  - 
author = "Lukić, Natalija",
year = "2021",
abstract = "Predmet rada je analiza stanja kriminaliteta u Srbiji 2020. godine sa ciljem utvrđivanja eventualnog uticaja pandemije korona virusa (Covid-19) na kriminalitet. U tu svrhu korišćeni su različiti podaci. Autorka najpre vrši analizu stope prijavljenih lica za celokupni kriminalitet u državi kao i po regionima, a predstavljena je i stopa pojedinih krivičnih dela. Radi dobijanja preciznije slike, predstavljeni su i podaci iz policijskih evidencija za najveće gradove u Srbiji po mesecima u 2020. godini. Pored toga, urađena je i prognoza kretanja pojedinih krivičnih dela za grad Beograd i tako dobijeni podaci upoređeni sa stvarno registrovanim krivičnim delima. Zaključeno je da je došlo do smanjenja kriminaliteta i to u većoj meri kod imovinskih nego nasilnih krivičnih dela. Procenat smanjenja varira i među regionima i među analiziranim gradovima. Što se tiče prognoziranja pojedinih krivičnih dela, najveće procentualne razlike i to upravo u periodu vanrednog stanja ustanovljene su između predviđenih i registrovanih krivičnih prijava za zloupotrebu položaja odgovornog lica, krađu i nasilničko ponašanje., This paper examines c rime in Serbia in 2020 when the actual Covid-19 pandemic has started. The first part of the paper is dedicated to presentation of relevant literature which analyzed crime during the pandemic in different countries. Further, the author gives and in depth analyses the theoretical background, first and foremost theories of environmental criminology, that could explain changes of crime due to the different social circumstances. The second part of the paper deals with crime rate in Serbia in 2020 in comparison to previous years. Data used stem from two sources. Firstly, annual crime rate is calculated by using judicial statistics whereas monthly presentation of criminal charges is based on police statistics. This is due to the fact that judicial statistics in Serbia contain only annual crime data. Secondly, the author has used ARIMA program to make crime forecasts for the capital city of the Republic of Serbia and for this analysis police statistics have been used. Results show that the general crime rate in Serbia has dropped for 20% in comparison to 2019. Variations between state regions are observable and for example Vojvodina region records the decrease of 12.7% whereas Šumadija and Western Serbia the decrease of 25.4%. Also, crime rate was calculated for several criminal offences: homicide and aggravated homicide, rape, domestic violence, violent behaviour, theft, aggravated theft, robbery, abuse of power of the responsible person in the economy. Apart from homicide and aggravated homicide (the crime rate calculated together), all other criminal offences recorded a decline in 2020 in comparison to 2019 and this was especially evident for the abuse of power of the responsible person in the economy, aggravated theft and robbery. With respect to police statistics, we presented monthly data of criminal charges for three criminal offences (theft, aggravated theft, domestic violence) in 2020 for four cities: Belgrade, Novi Sad, Kragujevac and Niš. The data are presented in absolute numbers. When it comes to theft and aggravated theft, the lowest number of criminal charges in all cities was recorded in April, when the decision on the state of emergency was in force. Since the middle of the year and after the abolishment of the state of emergency, there has been a noticeable trend of increasing of criminal charges for theft and aggravated theft in all cities. Domestic violence hasn't followed such a trend. Only in Belgrade the lowest number of filed criminal charges was recorded in April, while in other cities this happened in the period September-October. Finally, the author uses ARIMA model to make comparison between expected and recorded criminal charges for homicide and aggravated homicide, rape, domestic violence, violent behaviour, theft, aggravated theft, robbery, abuse of power of the responsible person in the economy in the city of Belgrade. We used police data for the period January 2015-February 2020 as a base for crime forecasts for the period March-December 2020. In the lockdown homicide and aggravated homicide were recorded slightly less than expected whereas these crimes were evidently higher in the period May-August. All other criminal offences recorded lower values than expected. The greatest discrepancy was noticed in the lockdown (April-May). The recorded value was almost for 100% lower for abuse of power of the responsible person in the economy than expected, 70% for violent behaviour and theft, 50% for robbery and 40% for aggravated theft. The recorded number of criminal charges for domestic violence was for 25% lower in April than expected. After the lockdown, all criminal offences recorded higher values but, except from homicide and aggravated homicide, these values were still generally lower than predicted.",
publisher = "Univerzitet u Beogradu - Pravni fakultet, Beograd i Institut za uporedno pravo, Beograd",
journal = "Crimen (Beograd)",
title = "Pandemija Covid-19 i kriminalitet u Srbiji 2020. godine, COVID-19 pandemic and crime in Serbia in 2020",
pages = "300-277",
number = "3",
volume = "12",
doi = "10.5937/crimen2103277L",
url = "conv_2799"
Lukić, N.. (2021). Pandemija Covid-19 i kriminalitet u Srbiji 2020. godine. in Crimen (Beograd)
Univerzitet u Beogradu - Pravni fakultet, Beograd i Institut za uporedno pravo, Beograd., 12(3), 277-300.
Lukić N. Pandemija Covid-19 i kriminalitet u Srbiji 2020. godine. in Crimen (Beograd). 2021;12(3):277-300.
conv_2799 .
Lukić, Natalija, "Pandemija Covid-19 i kriminalitet u Srbiji 2020. godine" in Crimen (Beograd), 12, no. 3 (2021):277-300, .,
conv_2799 .

Kriminalitet maloletnica u Beogradu - studija o identifikaciji podgrupa

Lukić, Natalija

(Univerzitet u Beogradu - Pravni fakultet, Beograd i Institut za uporedno pravo, Beograd, 2019)

AU  - Lukić, Natalija
PY  - 2019
UR  -
AB  - Predmet rada je teorijska i empirijska analiza kriminaliteta maloletnica, tačnije ispitivanje da li među maloletnim prestupnicama može da se napravi klasifikacija između agresivnih i onih koje to nisu. Rad je zasnovan na istraživanju koje je sprovedeno za period 2009-2019. godine za područje Beograda, a podaci su za ukupno 59 maloletnica prikupljeni u centrima za socijalni rad u četiri beogradske opštine. U kriminološkoj literaturi pravi se razlika između agresije i nasilja, a istraživanje je sprovedeno tako da ukaže na eventualne razlike između agresivnih i neagresivnih maloletnica, kao i nasilnih i nenasilnih. Rezultati ukazuju da se prva klasifikacija ispostavila kao relevantnija na planu uspostavljanja razlika između maloletnih prestupnica. Agresivne maloletnice ostvarivale su lošije rezultate u odnosu na neagresivne u pogledu više testiranih nezavisnih varijabli na tri nivoa posmatranja: individualni, porodični i socijalni.
AB  - The paper theoretically and empirically analyzes girl's crime and especially is oriented toward possible identifying of two distinct subgroups of girls offenders: aggressive and nonaggressive. Considering that in criminological literature term aggression is not the same as the term violence, we decided to conduct two analyzes: comparison of aggressive and nonaggressive girls as well as comparison of violent and nonviolent. The study is based on the sample of 59 juvenile girls and the data obtained in four departments of the Center for Social Work in Belgrade for the period 2009-2019. We used chi-square test and binary regression (SPSS program) to evaluate relatedness between independent variables on three different levels (individual, family and social) and distinction based on aggression/violence of girls. First of all, we concluded that the classification of girls on aggressive and nonaggressive is more relevant than classification on violent/nonviolent. On individual level only one independent variable was statistically significant and that was the age. Younger girls tend to commit more aggressive acts in comparison to nonaggressive. On the family level following variables are of significant importance: psychopathology of fathers including alcohol and substance abuse, aggressive behavior and criminal conviction. Furthermore, the number of stressfull life events such as change of caregivers due to divorce, detah or deprivation of parental rights explains why some girls behave aggressively. Also, parental disciplinary practice is of special importance considering that inadequate discipline of both parents influences the aggressive as well as the violent outcome in girls. Finally, experience of physical victimization in the family is a strong predictor for aggressive as well as for violent behaviour. The same is true for the family violence between parents. On the social level of analysis we tested two variables: the role of peers and school achievement. Both are important in prediction of aggression. If juvenile girls have peers prone to criminal activities it is more possible for them to behave aggressively. As for the school achievement we concluded that success in both elementary and high school influences girls to be aggressive or violent. As for the termination of education and expulsion relatedness does not exist. Study has some limitations. Due to the relatively small sample it is necessary in future research to test the influence of analyzed variables. Also, we could not obtain data for other independent variables and this should be also done (for example in many files we could not determine the level of girl's intelligence, depression, anxiety and conduct disorder). Furthermore, future research should try to make more detailed classification of girls offenders in order to differentiate between those who commit only aggressive acts, those who commit both aggressive and nonaggressive acts and those who are not aggressive at all. The last group needs to be classified into further subgroups with regard to crimes committed.
PB  - Univerzitet u Beogradu - Pravni fakultet, Beograd i Institut za uporedno pravo, Beograd
T2  - Crimen (Beograd)
T1  - Kriminalitet maloletnica u Beogradu - studija o identifikaciji podgrupa
T1  - Girl's crime in Belgrade: Study of subgroups identification
EP  - 277
IS  - 3
SP  - 257
VL  - 10
DO  - 10.5937/crimen1903257L
UR  - conv_2793
ER  - 
author = "Lukić, Natalija",
year = "2019",
abstract = "Predmet rada je teorijska i empirijska analiza kriminaliteta maloletnica, tačnije ispitivanje da li među maloletnim prestupnicama može da se napravi klasifikacija između agresivnih i onih koje to nisu. Rad je zasnovan na istraživanju koje je sprovedeno za period 2009-2019. godine za područje Beograda, a podaci su za ukupno 59 maloletnica prikupljeni u centrima za socijalni rad u četiri beogradske opštine. U kriminološkoj literaturi pravi se razlika između agresije i nasilja, a istraživanje je sprovedeno tako da ukaže na eventualne razlike između agresivnih i neagresivnih maloletnica, kao i nasilnih i nenasilnih. Rezultati ukazuju da se prva klasifikacija ispostavila kao relevantnija na planu uspostavljanja razlika između maloletnih prestupnica. Agresivne maloletnice ostvarivale su lošije rezultate u odnosu na neagresivne u pogledu više testiranih nezavisnih varijabli na tri nivoa posmatranja: individualni, porodični i socijalni., The paper theoretically and empirically analyzes girl's crime and especially is oriented toward possible identifying of two distinct subgroups of girls offenders: aggressive and nonaggressive. Considering that in criminological literature term aggression is not the same as the term violence, we decided to conduct two analyzes: comparison of aggressive and nonaggressive girls as well as comparison of violent and nonviolent. The study is based on the sample of 59 juvenile girls and the data obtained in four departments of the Center for Social Work in Belgrade for the period 2009-2019. We used chi-square test and binary regression (SPSS program) to evaluate relatedness between independent variables on three different levels (individual, family and social) and distinction based on aggression/violence of girls. First of all, we concluded that the classification of girls on aggressive and nonaggressive is more relevant than classification on violent/nonviolent. On individual level only one independent variable was statistically significant and that was the age. Younger girls tend to commit more aggressive acts in comparison to nonaggressive. On the family level following variables are of significant importance: psychopathology of fathers including alcohol and substance abuse, aggressive behavior and criminal conviction. Furthermore, the number of stressfull life events such as change of caregivers due to divorce, detah or deprivation of parental rights explains why some girls behave aggressively. Also, parental disciplinary practice is of special importance considering that inadequate discipline of both parents influences the aggressive as well as the violent outcome in girls. Finally, experience of physical victimization in the family is a strong predictor for aggressive as well as for violent behaviour. The same is true for the family violence between parents. On the social level of analysis we tested two variables: the role of peers and school achievement. Both are important in prediction of aggression. If juvenile girls have peers prone to criminal activities it is more possible for them to behave aggressively. As for the school achievement we concluded that success in both elementary and high school influences girls to be aggressive or violent. As for the termination of education and expulsion relatedness does not exist. Study has some limitations. Due to the relatively small sample it is necessary in future research to test the influence of analyzed variables. Also, we could not obtain data for other independent variables and this should be also done (for example in many files we could not determine the level of girl's intelligence, depression, anxiety and conduct disorder). Furthermore, future research should try to make more detailed classification of girls offenders in order to differentiate between those who commit only aggressive acts, those who commit both aggressive and nonaggressive acts and those who are not aggressive at all. The last group needs to be classified into further subgroups with regard to crimes committed.",
publisher = "Univerzitet u Beogradu - Pravni fakultet, Beograd i Institut za uporedno pravo, Beograd",
journal = "Crimen (Beograd)",
title = "Kriminalitet maloletnica u Beogradu - studija o identifikaciji podgrupa, Girl's crime in Belgrade: Study of subgroups identification",
pages = "277-257",
number = "3",
volume = "10",
doi = "10.5937/crimen1903257L",
url = "conv_2793"
Lukić, N.. (2019). Kriminalitet maloletnica u Beogradu - studija o identifikaciji podgrupa. in Crimen (Beograd)
Univerzitet u Beogradu - Pravni fakultet, Beograd i Institut za uporedno pravo, Beograd., 10(3), 257-277.
Lukić N. Kriminalitet maloletnica u Beogradu - studija o identifikaciji podgrupa. in Crimen (Beograd). 2019;10(3):257-277.
conv_2793 .
Lukić, Natalija, "Kriminalitet maloletnica u Beogradu - studija o identifikaciji podgrupa" in Crimen (Beograd), 10, no. 3 (2019):257-277, .,
conv_2793 .

Zloupotreba poverenja u obavljanju privredne delatnosti - (ne)uspeli pokušaj osavremenjivanja krivičnog prava

Lukić, Natalija; Lepetić, Jelena

(Univerzitet u Beogradu - Pravni fakultet, Beograd, 2018)

AU  - Lukić, Natalija
AU  - Lepetić, Jelena
PY  - 2018
UR  -
AB  - Autori se u ovom radu bave analizom krivičnog dela zloupotrebe poverenja u obavljanju privredne delatnosti koje je nedavno uvedeno u naše krivično zakonodavstvo. Uzimajući u obzir relevantne odredbe zakona iz oblasti kompanijskog prava, autori ukazuju na domen primene pomenute inkriminacije, posebno obrazlažući koji se sve subjekti mogu smatrati zastupnicima, odnosno starateljima. Autori zaključuju da je biće tog krivičnog dela neprecizno formulisano jer zakonodavac ne predviđa u čemu se sastoji radnja izvršenja i predlažu da to bude zloupotreba zastupničkih ovlašćenja i povreda posebnih dužnosti prema privrednom društvu. Pažnja je posvećena i pitanjima primene instituta pristanka povređenog u odnosu na tu inkriminaciju i analizi rizičnih poslova koji pod određenim uslovima takođe mogu isključiti postojanje tog krivičnog dela.
AB  - In this paper the authors analyse abuse of trust in the economy, a criminal offence recently introduced into Serbian criminal law legislature. Taking into account the relevant provisions of laws in regards to companies, the authors refer to the scope of application of this crime and thoroughly explain categories of persons that may be considered representatives and trustees as perpetrators. The authors conclude that this criminal offence is imprecisely defined, considering the fact that the criminal law legislator does not prescribe the action of crime. Therefore, they suggest that this element of criminal offence should include abuse of representative powers and breach of duties to companies. Finally, the authors devote attention to the consent of the injured in relation to this criminal offence and to high-risk activities which, under certain conditions, may also exclude the existence of this criminal offence.
PB  - Univerzitet u Beogradu - Pravni fakultet, Beograd
T2  - Anali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu
T1  - Zloupotreba poverenja u obavljanju privredne delatnosti - (ne)uspeli pokušaj osavremenjivanja krivičnog prava
T1  - Abuse of trust in the economy: (Un)successful attempt of modernizing criminal law
EP  - 138
IS  - 2
SP  - 106
VL  - 66
DO  - 10.5937/AlaniPFB1802106L
UR  - conv_456
ER  - 
author = "Lukić, Natalija and Lepetić, Jelena",
year = "2018",
abstract = "Autori se u ovom radu bave analizom krivičnog dela zloupotrebe poverenja u obavljanju privredne delatnosti koje je nedavno uvedeno u naše krivično zakonodavstvo. Uzimajući u obzir relevantne odredbe zakona iz oblasti kompanijskog prava, autori ukazuju na domen primene pomenute inkriminacije, posebno obrazlažući koji se sve subjekti mogu smatrati zastupnicima, odnosno starateljima. Autori zaključuju da je biće tog krivičnog dela neprecizno formulisano jer zakonodavac ne predviđa u čemu se sastoji radnja izvršenja i predlažu da to bude zloupotreba zastupničkih ovlašćenja i povreda posebnih dužnosti prema privrednom društvu. Pažnja je posvećena i pitanjima primene instituta pristanka povređenog u odnosu na tu inkriminaciju i analizi rizičnih poslova koji pod određenim uslovima takođe mogu isključiti postojanje tog krivičnog dela., In this paper the authors analyse abuse of trust in the economy, a criminal offence recently introduced into Serbian criminal law legislature. Taking into account the relevant provisions of laws in regards to companies, the authors refer to the scope of application of this crime and thoroughly explain categories of persons that may be considered representatives and trustees as perpetrators. The authors conclude that this criminal offence is imprecisely defined, considering the fact that the criminal law legislator does not prescribe the action of crime. Therefore, they suggest that this element of criminal offence should include abuse of representative powers and breach of duties to companies. Finally, the authors devote attention to the consent of the injured in relation to this criminal offence and to high-risk activities which, under certain conditions, may also exclude the existence of this criminal offence.",
publisher = "Univerzitet u Beogradu - Pravni fakultet, Beograd",
journal = "Anali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu",
title = "Zloupotreba poverenja u obavljanju privredne delatnosti - (ne)uspeli pokušaj osavremenjivanja krivičnog prava, Abuse of trust in the economy: (Un)successful attempt of modernizing criminal law",
pages = "138-106",
number = "2",
volume = "66",
doi = "10.5937/AlaniPFB1802106L",
url = "conv_456"
Lukić, N.,& Lepetić, J.. (2018). Zloupotreba poverenja u obavljanju privredne delatnosti - (ne)uspeli pokušaj osavremenjivanja krivičnog prava. in Anali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu
Univerzitet u Beogradu - Pravni fakultet, Beograd., 66(2), 106-138.
Lukić N, Lepetić J. Zloupotreba poverenja u obavljanju privredne delatnosti - (ne)uspeli pokušaj osavremenjivanja krivičnog prava. in Anali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu. 2018;66(2):106-138.
conv_456 .
Lukić, Natalija, Lepetić, Jelena, "Zloupotreba poverenja u obavljanju privredne delatnosti - (ne)uspeli pokušaj osavremenjivanja krivičnog prava" in Anali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu, 66, no. 2 (2018):106-138, .,
conv_456 .

Kriminalitet kompanija

Lukić, Natalija D.

(Univerzitet u Beogradu, Pravni fakultet, 2017)

AU  - Lukić, Natalija D.
PY  - 2017
UR  -
UR  -
UR  -
UR  -
UR  -
AB  - U poslednjih nekoliko decenija primetno je sve učestalije ilegalno poslovanje kompanija. Posledice takvog postupanja su brojne i nesagledive, a po ozbiljnosti prevazilaze one koje su rezultat konvencionalnog kriminaliteta. U domaćoj literaturi ovoj problematici nije pristupano sistematski, a u malobrojnim radovima obrađena su samo pojedina pitanja. Predmet disertacije je istraživanje kriminaliteta kompanija iz tri ugla: fenomenološkog, etiološkog i socijalnog reagovanja, prevashodno kroz izricanje krivičnih sankcija. Pored toga, analizirali smo i adekvatnost krivičnopravnog reagovanja na kriminalitet kompanija. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da su znatno zastupljenija dela u sferi privrednog poslovanja u odnosu na ona koja pogađaju život ljudi ili životnu sredinu, dok studije o tamnoj brojci pokazuju da se veliki broj ovih dela ne prijavljuje. Analiza etiološke dimenzije pokazala je da se može uspostaviti razlika između dve kategorije učinilaca – prvu čine lica koja su po pravilu ranije neosuđivana i ostvaruju bolje rezultate na planu ličnosti i socijalnih odnosa u poređenju sa drugom grupom koju prevashodno čine hronični prestupnici. Na planu kažnjavanja uslovna osuda je zastupljenija u odnosu na celokupni kriminalitet, ali je u poslednjim godinama primetna represivnija kaznena politika. Društveni položaj okrivljenih nema uticaja na planu kažnjavanja. Teorijskom analizom kao i razmatranjem primera iz prakse ukazano je na nedostatke u primeni krivičnog prava što može doprineti razumevanju neprimene Zakona o odgovornosti pravnih lica za krivična dela.
AB  - In recent decades it is notable that illegal behavior of companies is more frequent. The consequences of this behavior are numerous and far-reaching and in severity outweigh those which are the result of conventional crime. Domestic literature has not accessed this problem systematically and few published articles dealt with only certain issues. The subject of dissertation is corporate crime from three different aspects: phenomenology, etiology and social reaction primarily through the imposition of criminal sanctions. Additionally, we have examined the adequacy of criminal law reaction to corporate crime. The research results first and foremost show that economic criminal offences (economic corporate crime) are more often prosecuted than crimes affecting human life and health or nature (violent corporate crime). Moreover, conducted studies on dark figure show that a large number of these criminal offences are not reported. With regard to etiological aspect, analysis has shown that it is possible to establish the difference between two categories of perpetrators – the first consists of persons without criminal histories and who achieve better results in respect to personal traits and social relations as compared to the second group consisted primarily of chronic offenders. Finally, when it comes to the punishment of these offenders, probation is more prevalent in comparison to the overall crime, but in recent years more repressive penal policy is observable. The research results also show that social status of perpetrators has no influence on the punishment. As for the adequacy of criminal law reaction, the theoretical analysis as well as the examination of the cases in practice has shown that there are some deficiencies in criminal law application which can contribute to understanding of non-application of Code on liability of legal persons for criminal offences.
PB  - Univerzitet u Beogradu, Pravni fakultet
T1  - Kriminalitet kompanija
T1  - Corporate crime
UR  - t-2409
ER  - 
author = "Lukić, Natalija D.",
year = "2017",
abstract = "U poslednjih nekoliko decenija primetno je sve učestalije ilegalno poslovanje kompanija. Posledice takvog postupanja su brojne i nesagledive, a po ozbiljnosti prevazilaze one koje su rezultat konvencionalnog kriminaliteta. U domaćoj literaturi ovoj problematici nije pristupano sistematski, a u malobrojnim radovima obrađena su samo pojedina pitanja. Predmet disertacije je istraživanje kriminaliteta kompanija iz tri ugla: fenomenološkog, etiološkog i socijalnog reagovanja, prevashodno kroz izricanje krivičnih sankcija. Pored toga, analizirali smo i adekvatnost krivičnopravnog reagovanja na kriminalitet kompanija. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da su znatno zastupljenija dela u sferi privrednog poslovanja u odnosu na ona koja pogađaju život ljudi ili životnu sredinu, dok studije o tamnoj brojci pokazuju da se veliki broj ovih dela ne prijavljuje. Analiza etiološke dimenzije pokazala je da se može uspostaviti razlika između dve kategorije učinilaca – prvu čine lica koja su po pravilu ranije neosuđivana i ostvaruju bolje rezultate na planu ličnosti i socijalnih odnosa u poređenju sa drugom grupom koju prevashodno čine hronični prestupnici. Na planu kažnjavanja uslovna osuda je zastupljenija u odnosu na celokupni kriminalitet, ali je u poslednjim godinama primetna represivnija kaznena politika. Društveni položaj okrivljenih nema uticaja na planu kažnjavanja. Teorijskom analizom kao i razmatranjem primera iz prakse ukazano je na nedostatke u primeni krivičnog prava što može doprineti razumevanju neprimene Zakona o odgovornosti pravnih lica za krivična dela., In recent decades it is notable that illegal behavior of companies is more frequent. The consequences of this behavior are numerous and far-reaching and in severity outweigh those which are the result of conventional crime. Domestic literature has not accessed this problem systematically and few published articles dealt with only certain issues. The subject of dissertation is corporate crime from three different aspects: phenomenology, etiology and social reaction primarily through the imposition of criminal sanctions. Additionally, we have examined the adequacy of criminal law reaction to corporate crime. The research results first and foremost show that economic criminal offences (economic corporate crime) are more often prosecuted than crimes affecting human life and health or nature (violent corporate crime). Moreover, conducted studies on dark figure show that a large number of these criminal offences are not reported. With regard to etiological aspect, analysis has shown that it is possible to establish the difference between two categories of perpetrators – the first consists of persons without criminal histories and who achieve better results in respect to personal traits and social relations as compared to the second group consisted primarily of chronic offenders. Finally, when it comes to the punishment of these offenders, probation is more prevalent in comparison to the overall crime, but in recent years more repressive penal policy is observable. The research results also show that social status of perpetrators has no influence on the punishment. As for the adequacy of criminal law reaction, the theoretical analysis as well as the examination of the cases in practice has shown that there are some deficiencies in criminal law application which can contribute to understanding of non-application of Code on liability of legal persons for criminal offences.",
publisher = "Univerzitet u Beogradu, Pravni fakultet",
title = "Kriminalitet kompanija, Corporate crime",
url = "t-2409"
Lukić, N. D.. (2017). Kriminalitet kompanija. 
Univerzitet u Beogradu, Pravni fakultet..
Lukić ND. Kriminalitet kompanija. 2017;.
t-2409 .
Lukić, Natalija D., "Kriminalitet kompanija" (2017),
t-2409 .

Empirijska analiza recidivizma seksualnih prestupnika

Lukić, Natalija

(Univerzitet u Beogradu - Pravni fakultet, Beograd, 2015)

AU  - Lukić, Natalija
PY  - 2015
UR  -
AB  - U radu je empirijski utvrđivana povezanost između recidivizma seksualnih prestupnika i određenih statičkih faktora. Podaci za istraživanje prikupljeni su iz ličnih listova 82 osuđena lica koja izdržavaju (odnosno koja su izdržala) kaznu zatvora za određena krivična dela protiv polne slobode u Kazneno-popravnom zavodu u Sremskoj Mitrovici. U istraživanju su potvrđene neke od polaznih hipoteza. Utvrđeno je da postoji statistički značajna veza između mlađeg uzrasta u trenutku izvršenja prvog krivičnog dela protiv polne slobode i seksualnog recidivizma. Pored toga, ustanovili smo da veće mogućnosti za ovu vrstu povrata postoje ako su nedozvoljene polne radnje prvo učinjeno krivično delo protiv polne slobode. Utvrdili smo i da seksualni povratnici uglavnom vrše istu vrstu krivičnih dela protiv polne slobode i ta povezanost je statistički značajna. Takođe, kada recidiviraju seksualni prestupnici po pravilu biraju žrtve približnog uzrasta, tako da se može napraviti podela između onih koji seksualno zlostavljaju maloletna lica i onih prestupnika čije su žrtve odrasli. Sa druge strane, rano započinjanje kriminalne karijere nije povezano s kasnijim specijalnim povratom. Ustanovili smo i da ekonomski položaj, bračni status kao i ranija osuđivanost (osim za krivična dela protiv polne slobode) ne utiču na seksualni recidivizam.
AB  - The paper empirically examines relation of some static factors to recidivism among sexual offenders. The research sample consists of data gathered from personal files of 82 convicted persons who are either currently in the prison in Sremska Mitrovica or who have already served their sentences. Some of the hypotheses of the research have been confirmed. Firstly, a link between age at initial offending against sexual freedom and sexual recidivism is found to be statistically significant. Moreover, sexual recidivism is associated with the type of first criminal offense against sexual freedom - there are greater chances for recidivism if the first crime is less serious (prohibited sexual acts). Lastly, sexual offenders generally commit the same type of crimes against sexual freedom and this link is statistically significant. It is possible to make a clear distinction between two groups of recidivists - those who choose to victimize children and juveniles and those whose victims are adults. On the other hand, early onset of criminal career is not found to be statistically important. The same is concluded for marital and socio-economic status as well as for the history of rule violation (except sex crimes).
PB  - Univerzitet u Beogradu - Pravni fakultet, Beograd
T2  - Anali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu
T1  - Empirijska analiza recidivizma seksualnih prestupnika
T1  - Empirical analysis of sexual recidivism
EP  - 193
IS  - 2
SP  - 174
VL  - 63
DO  - 10.5937/AnaliPFB1502174L
UR  - conv_374
ER  - 
author = "Lukić, Natalija",
year = "2015",
abstract = "U radu je empirijski utvrđivana povezanost između recidivizma seksualnih prestupnika i određenih statičkih faktora. Podaci za istraživanje prikupljeni su iz ličnih listova 82 osuđena lica koja izdržavaju (odnosno koja su izdržala) kaznu zatvora za određena krivična dela protiv polne slobode u Kazneno-popravnom zavodu u Sremskoj Mitrovici. U istraživanju su potvrđene neke od polaznih hipoteza. Utvrđeno je da postoji statistički značajna veza između mlađeg uzrasta u trenutku izvršenja prvog krivičnog dela protiv polne slobode i seksualnog recidivizma. Pored toga, ustanovili smo da veće mogućnosti za ovu vrstu povrata postoje ako su nedozvoljene polne radnje prvo učinjeno krivično delo protiv polne slobode. Utvrdili smo i da seksualni povratnici uglavnom vrše istu vrstu krivičnih dela protiv polne slobode i ta povezanost je statistički značajna. Takođe, kada recidiviraju seksualni prestupnici po pravilu biraju žrtve približnog uzrasta, tako da se može napraviti podela između onih koji seksualno zlostavljaju maloletna lica i onih prestupnika čije su žrtve odrasli. Sa druge strane, rano započinjanje kriminalne karijere nije povezano s kasnijim specijalnim povratom. Ustanovili smo i da ekonomski položaj, bračni status kao i ranija osuđivanost (osim za krivična dela protiv polne slobode) ne utiču na seksualni recidivizam., The paper empirically examines relation of some static factors to recidivism among sexual offenders. The research sample consists of data gathered from personal files of 82 convicted persons who are either currently in the prison in Sremska Mitrovica or who have already served their sentences. Some of the hypotheses of the research have been confirmed. Firstly, a link between age at initial offending against sexual freedom and sexual recidivism is found to be statistically significant. Moreover, sexual recidivism is associated with the type of first criminal offense against sexual freedom - there are greater chances for recidivism if the first crime is less serious (prohibited sexual acts). Lastly, sexual offenders generally commit the same type of crimes against sexual freedom and this link is statistically significant. It is possible to make a clear distinction between two groups of recidivists - those who choose to victimize children and juveniles and those whose victims are adults. On the other hand, early onset of criminal career is not found to be statistically important. The same is concluded for marital and socio-economic status as well as for the history of rule violation (except sex crimes).",
publisher = "Univerzitet u Beogradu - Pravni fakultet, Beograd",
journal = "Anali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu",
title = "Empirijska analiza recidivizma seksualnih prestupnika, Empirical analysis of sexual recidivism",
pages = "193-174",
number = "2",
volume = "63",
doi = "10.5937/AnaliPFB1502174L",
url = "conv_374"
Lukić, N.. (2015). Empirijska analiza recidivizma seksualnih prestupnika. in Anali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu
Univerzitet u Beogradu - Pravni fakultet, Beograd., 63(2), 174-193.
Lukić N. Empirijska analiza recidivizma seksualnih prestupnika. in Anali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu. 2015;63(2):174-193.
conv_374 .
Lukić, Natalija, "Empirijska analiza recidivizma seksualnih prestupnika" in Anali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu, 63, no. 2 (2015):174-193, .,
conv_374 .

Žan Pradel: Istorijat krivičnih doktrina (s francuskog preveo Obrad Perić), edicija Crimen, Pravni fakultet, Beograd, 2008

Lukić, Natalija

(Univerzitet u Beogradu - Pravni fakultet, Beograd, 2009)

AU  - Lukić, Natalija
PY  - 2009
UR  -
PB  - Univerzitet u Beogradu - Pravni fakultet, Beograd
T2  - Anali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu
T1  - Žan Pradel: Istorijat krivičnih doktrina (s francuskog preveo Obrad Perić), edicija Crimen, Pravni fakultet, Beograd, 2008
EP  - 306
IS  - 1
SP  - 302
VL  - 57
UR  - conv_154
ER  - 
author = "Lukić, Natalija",
year = "2009",
publisher = "Univerzitet u Beogradu - Pravni fakultet, Beograd",
journal = "Anali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu",
title = "Žan Pradel: Istorijat krivičnih doktrina (s francuskog preveo Obrad Perić), edicija Crimen, Pravni fakultet, Beograd, 2008",
pages = "306-302",
number = "1",
volume = "57",
url = "conv_154"
Lukić, N.. (2009). Žan Pradel: Istorijat krivičnih doktrina (s francuskog preveo Obrad Perić), edicija Crimen, Pravni fakultet, Beograd, 2008. in Anali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu
Univerzitet u Beogradu - Pravni fakultet, Beograd., 57(1), 302-306.
Lukić N. Žan Pradel: Istorijat krivičnih doktrina (s francuskog preveo Obrad Perić), edicija Crimen, Pravni fakultet, Beograd, 2008. in Anali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu. 2009;57(1):302-306.
conv_154 .
Lukić, Natalija, "Žan Pradel: Istorijat krivičnih doktrina (s francuskog preveo Obrad Perić), edicija Crimen, Pravni fakultet, Beograd, 2008" in Anali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu, 57, no. 1 (2009):302-306,
conv_154 .