Dabetić, Valerija

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  • Dabetić, Valerija (6)

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Izazovi konsolidacije sudstva kao nezavisne grane vlasti u Srbiji na početku 21. veka

Dabetić, Valerija

(Univerzitet u Beogradu, Pravni fakultet, 2023)

AU  - Dabetić, Valerija
PY  - 2023
UR  - https://eteze.bg.ac.rs/application/showtheses?thesesId=9333
UR  - https://fedorabg.bg.ac.rs/fedora/get/o:31741/bdef:Content/download
UR  - https://plus.cobiss.net/cobiss/sr/sr/bib/120362761
UR  - https://nardus.mpn.gov.rs/handle/123456789/21896
UR  - https://ralf.ius.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/39
AB  - Proces konsolidacije sudske vlasti kao nezavisne grane vlasti veoma je kompleksan, odigrava se u nekoliko faza i zahteva ispunjenje mnoštva uslova. Pošto je opseg potencijalnih društvenih faktora koji mogu uticati na sudstvo preopširan, predmet ovog istraživanja je uticaj strukturalnih (egzogenih) i akterskih (endogenih) društvenih faktora na konsolidaciju sudstva kao nezavisne grane vlasti u savremenoj Srbiji. Kroz rekonstrukciju specifičnog društvenog konteksta, rad ima za glavni cilj da: a) identifikuje društvene determinante (ekonomske, političke i kulturno–profesionalne) i b) ustanovi njihov međusobni odnos i relativni intenzitet uticaja na stvaranje nezavisnog sudstva. Pod relativnim intenzitetom se podrazumeva poređenje intenziteta i značaja različitih društvenih faktora jednih u odnosu na druge. Istraživanje se oslanja na teoriju strukturacije Entoni Gidensa (Anthony Giddens) da su akteri zapravo kreativni „agenti“ koji imaju sposobnost da kroz praksu, svojim delanjem proizvode nove strukture, dok sa druge strane, oni mogu da prihvate da reprodukuju postojeće strukture tako što žive u okvirima zatečenih obrazaca i rutina. S tim u vezi, pokušali smo da otkrijemo da li strukturalni faktori uslovljavaju delanje aktera, kao i da li i na koji način akterski faktori zauzvrat reprodukuju strukturalne faktore. Iako je sudijska delatnost, kao jedna od najstarijih profesija, oduvek bila predmet pravnog normiranja, tema mnogih naučnih i laičkih rasprava i polemika, uočava se deficit u integralnom tj. interdisciplinarnom pristupu predmetnom fenomenu. Stoga smo se opredelili da ovu pravnu oblast istražimo kombinovanjem različitih naučnih prizmi – pravne i sociološke, oslanjanjem primarno na kvalitativne i kvantitativne sociološke metode – razgovora, upitnika i fokusirane grupne diskusije. Tako da su polazne hipoteze proverene kroz obimno empirijsko istraživanje – 620 upitnika, 52 polustrukturisana intervjua i 3 fokusirane grupne diskusije, sve sa sudijama iz sudova opšte nadležnosti u Srbiji (osnovni sud, viši sud, i apelacioni sud). Dobijeni rezultati su potvrdili osnovnu istraživačku hipotezu da kumulativno dejstvo strukturalnih i akterskih društvenih faktora otežava konsolidaciju sudstva kao nezavisne grane vlasti u savremenoj Srbiji. Prema mišljenju ispitanika, društveno-ekonomski i društveno-politički faktori kao strukturalni činioci doprineli su da materijalni položaj, uslovi za rad sudija i različite vrste političkih uticaja predstavljaju možda najveći izazov unapređenju položaja sudija u Srbiji. Takođe, ispitivani kulturni i profesionalni faktori kao akterski faktori na različite načine otežavaju konsolidaciju sudstva kao nezavisne grane vlasti u savremenoj Srbiji, te prema mišljenju ispitanika u velikoj meri ne doprinose većem stepenu nezavisnosti.
AB  - The process of consolidating of the judiciary as an independent branch of government is а very complex, takes place in several stages and requires the fulfillment of many conditions. Since the range of potential social factors that could influence on judiciary is too broad, the subject of this research is the influence of structural (exogenous) and actor (endogenous) social factors on the consolidation of the judiciary as an independent branch of government in contemporary Serbia. Through the reconstruction of the specific social context, the main goal of this thesis is a) to identify social determinants (economic, political and cultural-professional) and b) to establish their mutual relationship and relative intensity of influence on the creation of an independent judiciary. Relative intensity means a comparison of the intensity and importance of different social factors, one in relation to the other. The research relies on Anthony Giddens’ theory of structuration that actors are actually creative “agents“ who have the ability to produce new structures through their practice, while on the other hand, they can accept to reproduce existing structures by living in frameworks of found patterns and routines. In this regard, we tried to find out whether structural factors condition the action of actors, as well as whether and in what way actor factors in turn reproduce structural factors. Although the judicial profession, as one of the oldest professions, has always been the subject of legal norms, the topic of many scientific and lay discussions and polemics, there is a deficit in the integral ie. interdisciplinary approach to this phenomenon. Therefore, we decided to analyze this legal area by combining different scientific prisms – legal and sociological, primary qualitative and quantitative sociological methods – conversations, questionnaires and focus group discussions. So the initial hypotheses were verified through extensive empirical research – 620 questionnaires, 52 semi-structured interviews and 3 focus group discussion with judges from courts of general jurisdiction in Serbia (primary court, higher court, and appellate court). The obtained results confirmed the main research hypothesis that the cumulative effect of structural and actor social factors burdened the consolidation of the judiciary as an independent branch of government in contemporary Serbia. According to the respondents, socio-economic and socio-political factors as structural factors have contributed to the fact that the material position, the working conditions in the court and different political influences represent perhaps the biggest challenge to the improvement of the position of judges in Serbia. Also, the examined cultural and professional factors as actor factors, in many ways make it difficult to consolidate the judiciary as an independent branch of government in contemporary Serbia, and according to the opinion of the respondents, they greatly hinder the independence of judiciary.
PB  - Univerzitet u Beogradu, Pravni fakultet
T1  - Izazovi konsolidacije sudstva kao nezavisne grane vlasti u Srbiji na početku 21. veka
T1  - Challenges of the consolidation of judiciary as an independent branch of authority in Serbia at the beginning of the 21st century
: doctoral dissertation
UR  - t-15059
ER  - 
author = "Dabetić, Valerija",
year = "2023",
abstract = "Proces konsolidacije sudske vlasti kao nezavisne grane vlasti veoma je kompleksan, odigrava se u nekoliko faza i zahteva ispunjenje mnoštva uslova. Pošto je opseg potencijalnih društvenih faktora koji mogu uticati na sudstvo preopširan, predmet ovog istraživanja je uticaj strukturalnih (egzogenih) i akterskih (endogenih) društvenih faktora na konsolidaciju sudstva kao nezavisne grane vlasti u savremenoj Srbiji. Kroz rekonstrukciju specifičnog društvenog konteksta, rad ima za glavni cilj da: a) identifikuje društvene determinante (ekonomske, političke i kulturno–profesionalne) i b) ustanovi njihov međusobni odnos i relativni intenzitet uticaja na stvaranje nezavisnog sudstva. Pod relativnim intenzitetom se podrazumeva poređenje intenziteta i značaja različitih društvenih faktora jednih u odnosu na druge. Istraživanje se oslanja na teoriju strukturacije Entoni Gidensa (Anthony Giddens) da su akteri zapravo kreativni „agenti“ koji imaju sposobnost da kroz praksu, svojim delanjem proizvode nove strukture, dok sa druge strane, oni mogu da prihvate da reprodukuju postojeće strukture tako što žive u okvirima zatečenih obrazaca i rutina. S tim u vezi, pokušali smo da otkrijemo da li strukturalni faktori uslovljavaju delanje aktera, kao i da li i na koji način akterski faktori zauzvrat reprodukuju strukturalne faktore. Iako je sudijska delatnost, kao jedna od najstarijih profesija, oduvek bila predmet pravnog normiranja, tema mnogih naučnih i laičkih rasprava i polemika, uočava se deficit u integralnom tj. interdisciplinarnom pristupu predmetnom fenomenu. Stoga smo se opredelili da ovu pravnu oblast istražimo kombinovanjem različitih naučnih prizmi – pravne i sociološke, oslanjanjem primarno na kvalitativne i kvantitativne sociološke metode – razgovora, upitnika i fokusirane grupne diskusije. Tako da su polazne hipoteze proverene kroz obimno empirijsko istraživanje – 620 upitnika, 52 polustrukturisana intervjua i 3 fokusirane grupne diskusije, sve sa sudijama iz sudova opšte nadležnosti u Srbiji (osnovni sud, viši sud, i apelacioni sud). Dobijeni rezultati su potvrdili osnovnu istraživačku hipotezu da kumulativno dejstvo strukturalnih i akterskih društvenih faktora otežava konsolidaciju sudstva kao nezavisne grane vlasti u savremenoj Srbiji. Prema mišljenju ispitanika, društveno-ekonomski i društveno-politički faktori kao strukturalni činioci doprineli su da materijalni položaj, uslovi za rad sudija i različite vrste političkih uticaja predstavljaju možda najveći izazov unapređenju položaja sudija u Srbiji. Takođe, ispitivani kulturni i profesionalni faktori kao akterski faktori na različite načine otežavaju konsolidaciju sudstva kao nezavisne grane vlasti u savremenoj Srbiji, te prema mišljenju ispitanika u velikoj meri ne doprinose većem stepenu nezavisnosti., The process of consolidating of the judiciary as an independent branch of government is а very complex, takes place in several stages and requires the fulfillment of many conditions. Since the range of potential social factors that could influence on judiciary is too broad, the subject of this research is the influence of structural (exogenous) and actor (endogenous) social factors on the consolidation of the judiciary as an independent branch of government in contemporary Serbia. Through the reconstruction of the specific social context, the main goal of this thesis is a) to identify social determinants (economic, political and cultural-professional) and b) to establish their mutual relationship and relative intensity of influence on the creation of an independent judiciary. Relative intensity means a comparison of the intensity and importance of different social factors, one in relation to the other. The research relies on Anthony Giddens’ theory of structuration that actors are actually creative “agents“ who have the ability to produce new structures through their practice, while on the other hand, they can accept to reproduce existing structures by living in frameworks of found patterns and routines. In this regard, we tried to find out whether structural factors condition the action of actors, as well as whether and in what way actor factors in turn reproduce structural factors. Although the judicial profession, as one of the oldest professions, has always been the subject of legal norms, the topic of many scientific and lay discussions and polemics, there is a deficit in the integral ie. interdisciplinary approach to this phenomenon. Therefore, we decided to analyze this legal area by combining different scientific prisms – legal and sociological, primary qualitative and quantitative sociological methods – conversations, questionnaires and focus group discussions. So the initial hypotheses were verified through extensive empirical research – 620 questionnaires, 52 semi-structured interviews and 3 focus group discussion with judges from courts of general jurisdiction in Serbia (primary court, higher court, and appellate court). The obtained results confirmed the main research hypothesis that the cumulative effect of structural and actor social factors burdened the consolidation of the judiciary as an independent branch of government in contemporary Serbia. According to the respondents, socio-economic and socio-political factors as structural factors have contributed to the fact that the material position, the working conditions in the court and different political influences represent perhaps the biggest challenge to the improvement of the position of judges in Serbia. Also, the examined cultural and professional factors as actor factors, in many ways make it difficult to consolidate the judiciary as an independent branch of government in contemporary Serbia, and according to the opinion of the respondents, they greatly hinder the independence of judiciary.",
publisher = "Univerzitet u Beogradu, Pravni fakultet",
title = "Izazovi konsolidacije sudstva kao nezavisne grane vlasti u Srbiji na početku 21. veka, Challenges of the consolidation of judiciary as an independent branch of authority in Serbia at the beginning of the 21st century
: doctoral dissertation",
url = "t-15059"
Dabetić, V.. (2023). Izazovi konsolidacije sudstva kao nezavisne grane vlasti u Srbiji na početku 21. veka. 
Univerzitet u Beogradu, Pravni fakultet..
Dabetić V. Izazovi konsolidacije sudstva kao nezavisne grane vlasti u Srbiji na početku 21. veka. 2023;.
t-15059 .
Dabetić, Valerija, "Izazovi konsolidacije sudstva kao nezavisne grane vlasti u Srbiji na početku 21. veka" (2023),
t-15059 .

Building Transversal Skills and Competences in Legal Education

Vlajković, Marija; Dabetić, Valerija


AU  - Vlajković, Marija
AU  - Dabetić, Valerija
PY  - 2023
UR  - https://ralf.ius.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/1418
AB  - At the time when law graduates are facing new challenges in the constantly changing labor market, the main task of law schools as well as law professors is to educate undergraduates to become above all competent and ethical lawyers. Education should adequately prepare students for the working environment in or outside the legal profession. Curricula (including extra-curriculum activities), in addition to formal legal courses, needs to be enriched with continuous training to develop transversal competences. To meet this aim and to map the gaps of the current (traditional) model of law teaching from the students’ perspective, we have conducted a large-scale online survey with students at the Faculty of Law, University of Belgrade. The empirically obtained results, enabled us to identify and systematize the educational needs of law students that require further improvement. Having in mind that one of the main evaluation criteria of quality and success of the educational and teaching program is the level of graduates’ employability, an additional goal of this explorative research is to provide guidelines for the modernization of legal education, primarily in Serbia, but at the law faculties in the region as well.
T2  - European Union and Its Neighbours in a Globalized World
T1  - Building Transversal Skills and Competences in Legal Education
EP  - 106
SP  - 93
VL  - 10
DO  - 10.1007/978-3-031-40801-4_6
UR  - conv_3239
ER  - 
author = "Vlajković, Marija and Dabetić, Valerija",
year = "2023",
abstract = "At the time when law graduates are facing new challenges in the constantly changing labor market, the main task of law schools as well as law professors is to educate undergraduates to become above all competent and ethical lawyers. Education should adequately prepare students for the working environment in or outside the legal profession. Curricula (including extra-curriculum activities), in addition to formal legal courses, needs to be enriched with continuous training to develop transversal competences. To meet this aim and to map the gaps of the current (traditional) model of law teaching from the students’ perspective, we have conducted a large-scale online survey with students at the Faculty of Law, University of Belgrade. The empirically obtained results, enabled us to identify and systematize the educational needs of law students that require further improvement. Having in mind that one of the main evaluation criteria of quality and success of the educational and teaching program is the level of graduates’ employability, an additional goal of this explorative research is to provide guidelines for the modernization of legal education, primarily in Serbia, but at the law faculties in the region as well.",
journal = "European Union and Its Neighbours in a Globalized World",
booktitle = "Building Transversal Skills and Competences in Legal Education",
pages = "106-93",
volume = "10",
doi = "10.1007/978-3-031-40801-4_6",
url = "conv_3239"
Vlajković, M.,& Dabetić, V.. (2023). Building Transversal Skills and Competences in Legal Education. in European Union and Its Neighbours in a Globalized World, 10, 93-106.
Vlajković M, Dabetić V. Building Transversal Skills and Competences in Legal Education. in European Union and Its Neighbours in a Globalized World. 2023;10:93-106.
conv_3239 .
Vlajković, Marija, Dabetić, Valerija, "Building Transversal Skills and Competences in Legal Education" in European Union and Its Neighbours in a Globalized World, 10 (2023):93-106,
https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-40801-4_6 .,
conv_3239 .

Online teaching: Education in times of crisis or education of the future?

Dabetić, Valerija

(Univerzitet u Beogradu - Pravni fakultet, Beograd, 2022)

AU  - Dabetić, Valerija
PY  - 2022
UR  - https://ralf.ius.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/1382
AB  - The paper analyzes different aspects of online teaching as the prevalent method of education at the Belgrade University Faculty of Law during the COVID-19 pandemic. The starting assumption is that the combination of online and traditional teaching better meets the modern requirements of the labor market and better trains law students for different career paths and modern professions. Since digital technology has become an indispensable part of all spheres of law, we advocate the idea that an adapted form of online teaching develops young lawyers' digital literacy. The paper draws on the results of a qualitative study, i.e., four focus group discussions with teachers at the Faculty of Law who conducted classes during the pandemic. Despite different personal affinities and experiences regarding online classes, the general opinion was that online teaching should become part of the teaching practice, with noticeable disparity regarding its intensity and implementation.
PB  - Univerzitet u Beogradu - Pravni fakultet, Beograd
T2  - Anali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu
T1  - Online teaching: Education in times of crisis or education of the future?
EP  - 1190
IS  - 4
SP  - 1165
VL  - 70
DO  - 10.51204/Anali_PFBU_22408A
UR  - conv_592
ER  - 
author = "Dabetić, Valerija",
year = "2022",
abstract = "The paper analyzes different aspects of online teaching as the prevalent method of education at the Belgrade University Faculty of Law during the COVID-19 pandemic. The starting assumption is that the combination of online and traditional teaching better meets the modern requirements of the labor market and better trains law students for different career paths and modern professions. Since digital technology has become an indispensable part of all spheres of law, we advocate the idea that an adapted form of online teaching develops young lawyers' digital literacy. The paper draws on the results of a qualitative study, i.e., four focus group discussions with teachers at the Faculty of Law who conducted classes during the pandemic. Despite different personal affinities and experiences regarding online classes, the general opinion was that online teaching should become part of the teaching practice, with noticeable disparity regarding its intensity and implementation.",
publisher = "Univerzitet u Beogradu - Pravni fakultet, Beograd",
journal = "Anali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu",
title = "Online teaching: Education in times of crisis or education of the future?",
pages = "1190-1165",
number = "4",
volume = "70",
doi = "10.51204/Anali_PFBU_22408A",
url = "conv_592"
Dabetić, V.. (2022). Online teaching: Education in times of crisis or education of the future?. in Anali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu
Univerzitet u Beogradu - Pravni fakultet, Beograd., 70(4), 1165-1190.
Dabetić V. Online teaching: Education in times of crisis or education of the future?. in Anali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu. 2022;70(4):1165-1190.
conv_592 .
Dabetić, Valerija, "Online teaching: Education in times of crisis or education of the future?" in Anali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu, 70, no. 4 (2022):1165-1190,
https://doi.org/10.51204/Anali_PFBU_22408A .,
conv_592 .

'Legality' of the legal order in postwar Serbia from 1944 to 1946: Organization and work of the judiciary

Dabetić, Valerija

(Univerzitet u Beogradu - Pravni fakultet, Beograd, 2020)

AU  - Dabetić, Valerija
PY  - 2020
UR  - https://ralf.ius.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/1234
AB  - The judiciary in Serbia is heir to a long tradition of political influence, which was particularly visible during the Communist regime after World War II. Violations of the presumption of innocence, retroactive sentencing and a denial of basic human rights are just some of the features of the work of the postwar "judiciary" in Serbia, between 1944 and 1946. This paper analyzes the implications of revolutionary legislative activity, the structure and organization of the Military Court and the Court of Honor, and examines to what extent the dominant political culture, implemented through the state coercive apparatus, influenced judicial adjudication. The paper elaborates on Radbruch's idea of "statutory lawlessness", Fuller's notion of "procedural natural law" and "internal morality of law" and argues that the postwar law of Communist Serbia did not exercise formal and procedural justice, and cannot be called a legal system in the full sense of the word.
PB  - Univerzitet u Beogradu - Pravni fakultet, Beograd
T2  - Anali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu
T1  - 'Legality' of the legal order in postwar Serbia from 1944 to 1946: Organization and work of the judiciary
EP  - 183
IS  - 4
SP  - 158
VL  - 68
DO  - 10.51204/Anali_PFUB_20408A
UR  - conv_531
ER  - 
author = "Dabetić, Valerija",
year = "2020",
abstract = "The judiciary in Serbia is heir to a long tradition of political influence, which was particularly visible during the Communist regime after World War II. Violations of the presumption of innocence, retroactive sentencing and a denial of basic human rights are just some of the features of the work of the postwar "judiciary" in Serbia, between 1944 and 1946. This paper analyzes the implications of revolutionary legislative activity, the structure and organization of the Military Court and the Court of Honor, and examines to what extent the dominant political culture, implemented through the state coercive apparatus, influenced judicial adjudication. The paper elaborates on Radbruch's idea of "statutory lawlessness", Fuller's notion of "procedural natural law" and "internal morality of law" and argues that the postwar law of Communist Serbia did not exercise formal and procedural justice, and cannot be called a legal system in the full sense of the word.",
publisher = "Univerzitet u Beogradu - Pravni fakultet, Beograd",
journal = "Anali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu",
title = "'Legality' of the legal order in postwar Serbia from 1944 to 1946: Organization and work of the judiciary",
pages = "183-158",
number = "4",
volume = "68",
doi = "10.51204/Anali_PFUB_20408A",
url = "conv_531"
Dabetić, V.. (2020). 'Legality' of the legal order in postwar Serbia from 1944 to 1946: Organization and work of the judiciary. in Anali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu
Univerzitet u Beogradu - Pravni fakultet, Beograd., 68(4), 158-183.
Dabetić V. 'Legality' of the legal order in postwar Serbia from 1944 to 1946: Organization and work of the judiciary. in Anali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu. 2020;68(4):158-183.
conv_531 .
Dabetić, Valerija, "'Legality' of the legal order in postwar Serbia from 1944 to 1946: Organization and work of the judiciary" in Anali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu, 68, no. 4 (2020):158-183,
https://doi.org/10.51204/Anali_PFUB_20408A .,
conv_531 .

Brian Z. Tamanaha: A realistic theory of law, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2017

Dabetić, Valerija

(Univerzitet u Beogradu - Pravni fakultet, Beograd, 2019)

AU  - Dabetić, Valerija
PY  - 2019
UR  - https://ralf.ius.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/1088
PB  - Univerzitet u Beogradu - Pravni fakultet, Beograd
T2  - Anali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu
T1  - Brian Z. Tamanaha: A realistic theory of law, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2017
EP  - 228
IS  - 1
SP  - 224
VL  - 67
UR  - conv_487
ER  - 
author = "Dabetić, Valerija",
year = "2019",
publisher = "Univerzitet u Beogradu - Pravni fakultet, Beograd",
journal = "Anali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu",
title = "Brian Z. Tamanaha: A realistic theory of law, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2017",
pages = "228-224",
number = "1",
volume = "67",
url = "conv_487"
Dabetić, V.. (2019). Brian Z. Tamanaha: A realistic theory of law, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2017. in Anali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu
Univerzitet u Beogradu - Pravni fakultet, Beograd., 67(1), 224-228.
Dabetić V. Brian Z. Tamanaha: A realistic theory of law, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2017. in Anali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu. 2019;67(1):224-228.
conv_487 .
Dabetić, Valerija, "Brian Z. Tamanaha: A realistic theory of law, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2017" in Anali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu, 67, no. 1 (2019):224-228,
conv_487 .

Savremeno shvatanje duhovne poruke Kosovskog mita

Grozdić, Borislav; Dabetić, Valerija

(Matica srpska, Novi Sad, 2019)

AU  - Grozdić, Borislav
AU  - Dabetić, Valerija
PY  - 2019
UR  - https://ralf.ius.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/1111
AB  - U radu se obrađuje nastanak, razvoj i značaj duhovne poruke Kosovskog mita - opredeljenje za Carstvo nebesko, kao osovine kolektivnog identiteta srpskog naroda. Ukazujući da mit nije arhaičan i prevaziđen oblik iracionalnog mišljenja, nego celoviti doživljaj sveta, autori ističu složenost, kontradiktornost i aktuelnost Kosovskog mita. Budući da je pojam mita u nauci uglavnom jasno određen, obrazlaže se upotreba izraza "Kosovski mit" umesto sintagme "Kosovski zavet", jer je kosovski zavet, kao svojevrsni srpski nacionalni zavet, izražen i sačuvan u formi mita, mišljenje je autorâ. Analizirajući njegovo profano i duhovno tumačenje, rad ima za cilj da pokaže kako i zašto se duhovna poruka Kosovskog mita ne razumeva odnosno pogrešno razumeva u današnje vreme. Suočeni s problemom nemogućnosti potpunog izražavanja duhovnog iskustva racionalnim pojmovima, autori zastupaju ideju da opredeljenje za Carstvo nebesko, kao kičma Kosovskog mita nije poziv na osvetu, nasilje, mržnju i rat, nego naprotiv, stremljenje ka najuzvišenijim duhovnim i moralnim ciljevima i vrednostima.
AB  - In the aggressive dominance of critical rational thinking over the mythical worldview, myth as a historical and effective force does not lose its actuality and importance, because myths often hide deeper messages than what history can offer. In such a social context, the significance of the spiritual message of the Kosovo myth - the commitment to the Heavenly Kingdom, as a lasting common value of the Serbian people, returns as a theme. In spite of its omnipresence, the opinion prevails that the myth belongs to the past, and if it is not yet obsolete, it certainly should be. The authors advocate the idea that myth, as a comprehensive experience of the world, and therefore the Kosovo myth as well, is a factor of national integration, a part of collective identity, and a common value system. Analyzing the secular and spiritual understanding of the Kosovo myth, the authors point out the importance of the vivid memory of the prince Lazar's commitment to the Heavenly Kingdom. For Christians, this represents the value and goal above all others and it forms the core of the Serbian historical consciousness and spiritual community. The paper shows that the spiritual message of the Kosovo myth is not understood or it is misunderstood nowadays, since the commitment to Kosovo is perceived as a call and an obligation to die for it. The authors conclude that the Kosovo myth is not a call to die in the war, on the contrary, it is a struggle for external and internal freedom, as well as for the highest values that are implied by the definition of the Heavenly Kingdom - peace, love, honor, justice, dignity, and others.
PB  - Matica srpska, Novi Sad
T2  - Zbornik Matice srpske za društvene nauke
T1  - Savremeno shvatanje duhovne poruke Kosovskog mita
T1  - Contemporary understanding of the spiritual message of the Kosovo myth
EP  - 325
IS  - 171
SP  - 313
DO  - 10.2298/ZMSDN1971313G
UR  - conv_1741
ER  - 
author = "Grozdić, Borislav and Dabetić, Valerija",
year = "2019",
abstract = "U radu se obrađuje nastanak, razvoj i značaj duhovne poruke Kosovskog mita - opredeljenje za Carstvo nebesko, kao osovine kolektivnog identiteta srpskog naroda. Ukazujući da mit nije arhaičan i prevaziđen oblik iracionalnog mišljenja, nego celoviti doživljaj sveta, autori ističu složenost, kontradiktornost i aktuelnost Kosovskog mita. Budući da je pojam mita u nauci uglavnom jasno određen, obrazlaže se upotreba izraza "Kosovski mit" umesto sintagme "Kosovski zavet", jer je kosovski zavet, kao svojevrsni srpski nacionalni zavet, izražen i sačuvan u formi mita, mišljenje je autorâ. Analizirajući njegovo profano i duhovno tumačenje, rad ima za cilj da pokaže kako i zašto se duhovna poruka Kosovskog mita ne razumeva odnosno pogrešno razumeva u današnje vreme. Suočeni s problemom nemogućnosti potpunog izražavanja duhovnog iskustva racionalnim pojmovima, autori zastupaju ideju da opredeljenje za Carstvo nebesko, kao kičma Kosovskog mita nije poziv na osvetu, nasilje, mržnju i rat, nego naprotiv, stremljenje ka najuzvišenijim duhovnim i moralnim ciljevima i vrednostima., In the aggressive dominance of critical rational thinking over the mythical worldview, myth as a historical and effective force does not lose its actuality and importance, because myths often hide deeper messages than what history can offer. In such a social context, the significance of the spiritual message of the Kosovo myth - the commitment to the Heavenly Kingdom, as a lasting common value of the Serbian people, returns as a theme. In spite of its omnipresence, the opinion prevails that the myth belongs to the past, and if it is not yet obsolete, it certainly should be. The authors advocate the idea that myth, as a comprehensive experience of the world, and therefore the Kosovo myth as well, is a factor of national integration, a part of collective identity, and a common value system. Analyzing the secular and spiritual understanding of the Kosovo myth, the authors point out the importance of the vivid memory of the prince Lazar's commitment to the Heavenly Kingdom. For Christians, this represents the value and goal above all others and it forms the core of the Serbian historical consciousness and spiritual community. The paper shows that the spiritual message of the Kosovo myth is not understood or it is misunderstood nowadays, since the commitment to Kosovo is perceived as a call and an obligation to die for it. The authors conclude that the Kosovo myth is not a call to die in the war, on the contrary, it is a struggle for external and internal freedom, as well as for the highest values that are implied by the definition of the Heavenly Kingdom - peace, love, honor, justice, dignity, and others.",
publisher = "Matica srpska, Novi Sad",
journal = "Zbornik Matice srpske za društvene nauke",
title = "Savremeno shvatanje duhovne poruke Kosovskog mita, Contemporary understanding of the spiritual message of the Kosovo myth",
pages = "325-313",
number = "171",
doi = "10.2298/ZMSDN1971313G",
url = "conv_1741"
Grozdić, B.,& Dabetić, V.. (2019). Savremeno shvatanje duhovne poruke Kosovskog mita. in Zbornik Matice srpske za društvene nauke
Matica srpska, Novi Sad.(171), 313-325.
Grozdić B, Dabetić V. Savremeno shvatanje duhovne poruke Kosovskog mita. in Zbornik Matice srpske za društvene nauke. 2019;(171):313-325.
conv_1741 .
Grozdić, Borislav, Dabetić, Valerija, "Savremeno shvatanje duhovne poruke Kosovskog mita" in Zbornik Matice srpske za društvene nauke, no. 171 (2019):313-325,
https://doi.org/10.2298/ZMSDN1971313G .,
conv_1741 .