Stanimirović, Vojislav

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  • Stanimirović, Vojislav (8)
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Relikti prvobitnog poimanja pravičnosti, pravde i prava u prvim državama Starog veka - jedan pravno-antropološki pogled

Stanimirović, Vojislav

(Univerzitet u Novom Sadu - Pravni fakultet, Novi Sad, 2020)

AU  - Stanimirović, Vojislav
PY  - 2020
UR  -
AB  - Sva arhaična društva počivala su na jednakosti i solidarnosti. Sva ona izgradila su mehanizme kojima su regulisali ponašanje unutar društva, jer je to bio uslov opstanka. U takvim društvima postojala je arhaična pravičnost, koja se manifestovala kroz egalitarnost, solidarnost, ali i statičnost i konzervativnost, a počivala je na običajima koji su važili za sve bez izuzetka. Sa raslojavanjem arhaičnih društava, njihovim širenjem i povezivanjem sa drugim zajednicama nestaje prvobitne kohezije i sigurnosti i polako nestaje i ona prvobitna, arhaična pravičnost i ustupa mesto pojmu pravde kao vapaju za izgubljenom pravičnošću i jednakošću. Ravnoteža koja je do tada krasila arhaična društva i bila idealno stanje zajednice nepopravljivo je narušena. Pismo i nastanak prvih država dovešće i do prvih zakonika čovečanstva. Prve država i njihovi vladari našli su se između starog i novog. Povlašćeni slojevi diktirali su novo pravo, sputavajući običaje, prisvajajući privilegije za sebe koje je pravo verifikovalo, dok su siromašniji slojevi društva čeznuli za prohujalim vremenima. Sve su to drevni zakonodavci vladari, makar instinktivno, osećali, tražeći neku zlatnu sredinu koja je garantovala red i mir u državi. U Egiptu, boginja Ma'at, merenje duša i Knjiga mrtvih odblesak su arhaičnog društva i drevnih shvatanja, koja su se, uostalom, najduže i zadržala upravo tu. I tvorci klinopisnih zakonika našli su puteve i strategije da se iskažu kao vladari koji vode računa o svim svojim podanicima. Odredbe tih zakonika više nego o ma čemu drugom svedoče o tome. Bilo da govore o sopstvenim zaslugama, bilo da iskazuju brigu o ranjivim slojevima društva, bilo da bogatima uskraćuju određene privilegije zarad opšteg dobra, bilo da se okreću tradiciji, bilo da šuruju sa bogovima ili određuju mere i naknade, oni se pre svega trude da budu uzorni vladari svim svojim podanicima, u prvi plan stavljajući vladavinu prava.
AB  - All archaic societies were founded on the principles of equality and solidarity. Another common trait were the mechanisms for regulating social behaviour, as they were crucial for a society's survival. In such types of societies, archaic fairness existed. It manifested itself through egalitarianism, solidarity, but also through the static and conservative elements and was based on the customs which were binding on all the members of the society. When archaic societies became layered and started to expand and mix with other communities, the initial cohesion, security and archaic righteousness slowly started to disappear and instead, the concept of justice appeared. Unfortunately, that caused an irreversible damage to the balance that once existed as the ideal state in the archaic societies. The invention of the writing system and the creation of the first states eventually enabled the Cuneiform Law to develop and as the result, the first law codes of the humanity came to life. The first states and their rulers found themselves at the crossroads between "the old" and "the new". The law was heavily shaped by the nobility, so all of the privileges were created explicitly for the nobles, while the poor were yearning for the past times which were more kind to them. The new law slowly started to suppress the old customs. The ancient rulers, at least instinctively, if not consciously, recognised the need for a balance which would guarantee order and peace in the state. In Egypt, where the archaic elements survived the longest, the echoes of archaic societies and ancient beliefs could be found in the principle of Ma'at, the weighing of souls and the Book of the dead. The creators of Cuneiform Law also found their ways and strategies to present themselves as just and caring rulers. The evidence for that can be found especially in the provisions of the law. Whether they are referring to their own achievements and merits, or offering protection and care to the vulnerable members of the society, or revoking privileges of the nobles for the sake of the greater good, or turning back to the tradition, or "buddying up" with the gods, or determining measures and compensation amounts, they are, above all, trying to be exemplary rulers to their subjects by putting the rule of law first.
PB  - Univerzitet u Novom Sadu - Pravni fakultet, Novi Sad
T2  - Zbornik radova Pravnog fakulteta, Novi Sad
T1  - Relikti prvobitnog poimanja pravičnosti, pravde i prava u prvim državama Starog veka - jedan pravno-antropološki pogled
T1  - Relicts of the earliest understanding of fairness, justice and law in the first states of antiquity: A legal-anthropological view
EP  - 928
IS  - 3
SP  - 907
VL  - 54
DO  - 10.5937/zrpfns54-28459
UR  - conv_2598
ER  - 
author = "Stanimirović, Vojislav",
year = "2020",
abstract = "Sva arhaična društva počivala su na jednakosti i solidarnosti. Sva ona izgradila su mehanizme kojima su regulisali ponašanje unutar društva, jer je to bio uslov opstanka. U takvim društvima postojala je arhaična pravičnost, koja se manifestovala kroz egalitarnost, solidarnost, ali i statičnost i konzervativnost, a počivala je na običajima koji su važili za sve bez izuzetka. Sa raslojavanjem arhaičnih društava, njihovim širenjem i povezivanjem sa drugim zajednicama nestaje prvobitne kohezije i sigurnosti i polako nestaje i ona prvobitna, arhaična pravičnost i ustupa mesto pojmu pravde kao vapaju za izgubljenom pravičnošću i jednakošću. Ravnoteža koja je do tada krasila arhaična društva i bila idealno stanje zajednice nepopravljivo je narušena. Pismo i nastanak prvih država dovešće i do prvih zakonika čovečanstva. Prve država i njihovi vladari našli su se između starog i novog. Povlašćeni slojevi diktirali su novo pravo, sputavajući običaje, prisvajajući privilegije za sebe koje je pravo verifikovalo, dok su siromašniji slojevi društva čeznuli za prohujalim vremenima. Sve su to drevni zakonodavci vladari, makar instinktivno, osećali, tražeći neku zlatnu sredinu koja je garantovala red i mir u državi. U Egiptu, boginja Ma'at, merenje duša i Knjiga mrtvih odblesak su arhaičnog društva i drevnih shvatanja, koja su se, uostalom, najduže i zadržala upravo tu. I tvorci klinopisnih zakonika našli su puteve i strategije da se iskažu kao vladari koji vode računa o svim svojim podanicima. Odredbe tih zakonika više nego o ma čemu drugom svedoče o tome. Bilo da govore o sopstvenim zaslugama, bilo da iskazuju brigu o ranjivim slojevima društva, bilo da bogatima uskraćuju određene privilegije zarad opšteg dobra, bilo da se okreću tradiciji, bilo da šuruju sa bogovima ili određuju mere i naknade, oni se pre svega trude da budu uzorni vladari svim svojim podanicima, u prvi plan stavljajući vladavinu prava., All archaic societies were founded on the principles of equality and solidarity. Another common trait were the mechanisms for regulating social behaviour, as they were crucial for a society's survival. In such types of societies, archaic fairness existed. It manifested itself through egalitarianism, solidarity, but also through the static and conservative elements and was based on the customs which were binding on all the members of the society. When archaic societies became layered and started to expand and mix with other communities, the initial cohesion, security and archaic righteousness slowly started to disappear and instead, the concept of justice appeared. Unfortunately, that caused an irreversible damage to the balance that once existed as the ideal state in the archaic societies. The invention of the writing system and the creation of the first states eventually enabled the Cuneiform Law to develop and as the result, the first law codes of the humanity came to life. The first states and their rulers found themselves at the crossroads between "the old" and "the new". The law was heavily shaped by the nobility, so all of the privileges were created explicitly for the nobles, while the poor were yearning for the past times which were more kind to them. The new law slowly started to suppress the old customs. The ancient rulers, at least instinctively, if not consciously, recognised the need for a balance which would guarantee order and peace in the state. In Egypt, where the archaic elements survived the longest, the echoes of archaic societies and ancient beliefs could be found in the principle of Ma'at, the weighing of souls and the Book of the dead. The creators of Cuneiform Law also found their ways and strategies to present themselves as just and caring rulers. The evidence for that can be found especially in the provisions of the law. Whether they are referring to their own achievements and merits, or offering protection and care to the vulnerable members of the society, or revoking privileges of the nobles for the sake of the greater good, or turning back to the tradition, or "buddying up" with the gods, or determining measures and compensation amounts, they are, above all, trying to be exemplary rulers to their subjects by putting the rule of law first.",
publisher = "Univerzitet u Novom Sadu - Pravni fakultet, Novi Sad",
journal = "Zbornik radova Pravnog fakulteta, Novi Sad",
title = "Relikti prvobitnog poimanja pravičnosti, pravde i prava u prvim državama Starog veka - jedan pravno-antropološki pogled, Relicts of the earliest understanding of fairness, justice and law in the first states of antiquity: A legal-anthropological view",
pages = "928-907",
number = "3",
volume = "54",
doi = "10.5937/zrpfns54-28459",
url = "conv_2598"
Stanimirović, V.. (2020). Relikti prvobitnog poimanja pravičnosti, pravde i prava u prvim državama Starog veka - jedan pravno-antropološki pogled. in Zbornik radova Pravnog fakulteta, Novi Sad
Univerzitet u Novom Sadu - Pravni fakultet, Novi Sad., 54(3), 907-928.
Stanimirović V. Relikti prvobitnog poimanja pravičnosti, pravde i prava u prvim državama Starog veka - jedan pravno-antropološki pogled. in Zbornik radova Pravnog fakulteta, Novi Sad. 2020;54(3):907-928.
conv_2598 .
Stanimirović, Vojislav, "Relikti prvobitnog poimanja pravičnosti, pravde i prava u prvim državama Starog veka - jedan pravno-antropološki pogled" in Zbornik radova Pravnog fakulteta, Novi Sad, 54, no. 3 (2020):907-928, .,
conv_2598 .

Osnivanje 'Doma za s' uma sišavše'

Mirković, Zoran; Stanimirović, Vojislav

(Univerzitet u Nišu, Niš, 2012)

AU  - Mirković, Zoran
AU  - Stanimirović, Vojislav
PY  - 2012
UR  -
AB  - Tekst je posvećen stopedesetogodišnjici osnivanja ustanove za smeštaj i lečenje duševno obolelih ('Doma za s’ uma sišavše') - 3. marta 1861. godine. Najpre se daje uvod u razvoj srpske medicine od srednjeg veka pa do polovine XIX veka. Značajnu ulogu u tom periodu ima verska medicina i manastirske bolnice. Neki od manastira su se gotovo specijalizovali za lečenje duševnih bolesti. Godine 1839. u Kneževini Srbiji su se desila tri incidenta sa duševno obolelim licima i to je dovelo do ozbiljne reakcije nadležnih organa. Zakonski predlog da duševno oboleli budu smešteni u manastiru Studenica nije bio prihvatljiv za mitropolita, crkvenog poglavara. Novi zakonski projekt iz 1861. godine imao je više sreće - usvojen je 3. marta pod naslovom 'Ustrojenije Doma za s’ uma sišavše'. Ovaj Dom je bio smešten u takozvanoj 'Doktorovoj kuli'. I ustanova i zgrada postoje i danas. Iz skromnog 'Doma za s’ uma sišavše' razvila se današnja Specijalna bolnica za neuropsihijatrijske bolesti 'Dr Laza Lazarević', a 'Doktorova kula' nalazi se u okviru kompleksa Kliničkog centra Srbije.
AB  - The text is dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the establishment of the institution for the nursing and treatment of the mentally ill ('Lunatic Asylum') - 3rd March 1861. First, the development of the Serbian medical science from the Middle Ages until the first half of the 19th century is outlined. Religion-related medicine and monasterial hospitals played a significant role in that period. Some monasteries were almost specialized for the treatment of the mentally ill. In 1839, three incidents with mentally ill occurred in the Principality of Serbia, which led to a serious response of the authorities. The legal proposal that the mentally ill should be placed in the Studenica Monastery was not acceptable for the Mitropole, the church leader. A new legal project was proposed in 1861, passed on March 3rd - 'The Establishment of the Lunatic Asylum'. This Asylum was placed in the so-called Doctor’s Tower. Both the institution and the building exist even today. Today’s Special Hospital for Neuropsychiatrical Diseases 'Dr Laza Lazarevic' has developed from the modest 'Lunatic Asylum', and the Doctor’s Tower is still within the complex of the Clinical Center of Serbia.
PB  - Univerzitet u Nišu, Niš
T2  - Teme
T1  - Osnivanje 'Doma za s' uma sišavše'
T1  - Establishment of the 'Lunatic asylum'
EP  - 1354
IS  - 3
SP  - 1339
VL  - 36
UR  - conv_1780
ER  - 
author = "Mirković, Zoran and Stanimirović, Vojislav",
year = "2012",
abstract = "Tekst je posvećen stopedesetogodišnjici osnivanja ustanove za smeštaj i lečenje duševno obolelih ('Doma za s’ uma sišavše') - 3. marta 1861. godine. Najpre se daje uvod u razvoj srpske medicine od srednjeg veka pa do polovine XIX veka. Značajnu ulogu u tom periodu ima verska medicina i manastirske bolnice. Neki od manastira su se gotovo specijalizovali za lečenje duševnih bolesti. Godine 1839. u Kneževini Srbiji su se desila tri incidenta sa duševno obolelim licima i to je dovelo do ozbiljne reakcije nadležnih organa. Zakonski predlog da duševno oboleli budu smešteni u manastiru Studenica nije bio prihvatljiv za mitropolita, crkvenog poglavara. Novi zakonski projekt iz 1861. godine imao je više sreće - usvojen je 3. marta pod naslovom 'Ustrojenije Doma za s’ uma sišavše'. Ovaj Dom je bio smešten u takozvanoj 'Doktorovoj kuli'. I ustanova i zgrada postoje i danas. Iz skromnog 'Doma za s’ uma sišavše' razvila se današnja Specijalna bolnica za neuropsihijatrijske bolesti 'Dr Laza Lazarević', a 'Doktorova kula' nalazi se u okviru kompleksa Kliničkog centra Srbije., The text is dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the establishment of the institution for the nursing and treatment of the mentally ill ('Lunatic Asylum') - 3rd March 1861. First, the development of the Serbian medical science from the Middle Ages until the first half of the 19th century is outlined. Religion-related medicine and monasterial hospitals played a significant role in that period. Some monasteries were almost specialized for the treatment of the mentally ill. In 1839, three incidents with mentally ill occurred in the Principality of Serbia, which led to a serious response of the authorities. The legal proposal that the mentally ill should be placed in the Studenica Monastery was not acceptable for the Mitropole, the church leader. A new legal project was proposed in 1861, passed on March 3rd - 'The Establishment of the Lunatic Asylum'. This Asylum was placed in the so-called Doctor’s Tower. Both the institution and the building exist even today. Today’s Special Hospital for Neuropsychiatrical Diseases 'Dr Laza Lazarevic' has developed from the modest 'Lunatic Asylum', and the Doctor’s Tower is still within the complex of the Clinical Center of Serbia.",
publisher = "Univerzitet u Nišu, Niš",
journal = "Teme",
title = "Osnivanje 'Doma za s' uma sišavše', Establishment of the 'Lunatic asylum'",
pages = "1354-1339",
number = "3",
volume = "36",
url = "conv_1780"
Mirković, Z.,& Stanimirović, V.. (2012). Osnivanje 'Doma za s' uma sišavše'. in Teme
Univerzitet u Nišu, Niš., 36(3), 1339-1354.
Mirković Z, Stanimirović V. Osnivanje 'Doma za s' uma sišavše'. in Teme. 2012;36(3):1339-1354.
conv_1780 .
Mirković, Zoran, Stanimirović, Vojislav, "Osnivanje 'Doma za s' uma sišavše'" in Teme, 36, no. 3 (2012):1339-1354,
conv_1780 .

Novi pogled na Hamurabijev zakonik - I deo

Stanimirović, Vojislav

(Univerzitet u Beogradu - Pravni fakultet, Beograd, 2011)

AU  - Stanimirović, Vojislav
PY  - 2011
UR  -
AB  - Tekst sadrži prvi potpuni prevod Hamurabijevog zakonika na srpski jezik, jer obuhvata sa odgovarajućim oznakama i prevod tridesetak rekonstruisanih normi, koje su u originalnom tekstu izbrisane (čl. 66-99), što dosadašnji srpski prevodi nisu nudili. Imajući u vidu i najnovija otkrića u vezi s ovim zakonikom (Hazor), uz prilagođeni prevod najvažnijeg klinopisnog zakonika daju se i iscrpna inovirana objašnjenja. Ona zadiru u neke probleme vezane za pojedine njegove propise i najznačajnije novine koje je Hamurabijev zakonik uneo u pravni život. Autor pokušava da iz novog ugla sagleda i njegovu složenu prirodu. Jedinstveno preplitanje običaja i zakona, kao dva suštinski različita pravna izvora, priroda Zakonika, koji se nalazi između zakonika u užem smislu te reči i zbirke presuda, kao i značajne promene koje donosi u oblasti socijalne politike, u punoj meri pokazuju koliko savremena pravna kultura duguje sumersko-akadskoj pravnoj tradiciji, čiji je on jedan od potomaka, mada ne i najstariji, kako se dugo verovalo.
AB  - This paper offers the first complete translation of the Code of Hammurabi into Serbian, including about thirty reconstructed damaged norms of the original stella text (66-99), mainly following Martha Roth's edition. It also contains the author's comprehensive comments to the provisions of the Code, and his reflections on the most important innovations introduced by this Babylonian legal scripture. The author tries to perceive and analyze the complex nature of the Code from a new angle. The author calls attention to the unique blending of customs and law in the Code, as two substantially different sources of law. He stresses out the specific nature of the Code, which lies somewhere between the code in the full meaning of the word and a collection of judgments, as well as the substantial changes that were brought by the Code in the field of 'social policy' of the time. All of this may clearly show how much the contemporary legal culture owes to the Sumerian-Acadian legal tradition, represented by this Code at its best and to the fullest extent possible.
PB  - Univerzitet u Beogradu - Pravni fakultet, Beograd
T2  - Anali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu
T1  - Novi pogled na Hamurabijev zakonik - I deo
T1  - A new insight on the Code of Hammurabi (I)
EP  - 159
IS  - 1
SP  - 133
VL  - 59
UR  - conv_220
ER  - 
author = "Stanimirović, Vojislav",
year = "2011",
abstract = "Tekst sadrži prvi potpuni prevod Hamurabijevog zakonika na srpski jezik, jer obuhvata sa odgovarajućim oznakama i prevod tridesetak rekonstruisanih normi, koje su u originalnom tekstu izbrisane (čl. 66-99), što dosadašnji srpski prevodi nisu nudili. Imajući u vidu i najnovija otkrića u vezi s ovim zakonikom (Hazor), uz prilagođeni prevod najvažnijeg klinopisnog zakonika daju se i iscrpna inovirana objašnjenja. Ona zadiru u neke probleme vezane za pojedine njegove propise i najznačajnije novine koje je Hamurabijev zakonik uneo u pravni život. Autor pokušava da iz novog ugla sagleda i njegovu složenu prirodu. Jedinstveno preplitanje običaja i zakona, kao dva suštinski različita pravna izvora, priroda Zakonika, koji se nalazi između zakonika u užem smislu te reči i zbirke presuda, kao i značajne promene koje donosi u oblasti socijalne politike, u punoj meri pokazuju koliko savremena pravna kultura duguje sumersko-akadskoj pravnoj tradiciji, čiji je on jedan od potomaka, mada ne i najstariji, kako se dugo verovalo., This paper offers the first complete translation of the Code of Hammurabi into Serbian, including about thirty reconstructed damaged norms of the original stella text (66-99), mainly following Martha Roth's edition. It also contains the author's comprehensive comments to the provisions of the Code, and his reflections on the most important innovations introduced by this Babylonian legal scripture. The author tries to perceive and analyze the complex nature of the Code from a new angle. The author calls attention to the unique blending of customs and law in the Code, as two substantially different sources of law. He stresses out the specific nature of the Code, which lies somewhere between the code in the full meaning of the word and a collection of judgments, as well as the substantial changes that were brought by the Code in the field of 'social policy' of the time. All of this may clearly show how much the contemporary legal culture owes to the Sumerian-Acadian legal tradition, represented by this Code at its best and to the fullest extent possible.",
publisher = "Univerzitet u Beogradu - Pravni fakultet, Beograd",
journal = "Anali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu",
title = "Novi pogled na Hamurabijev zakonik - I deo, A new insight on the Code of Hammurabi (I)",
pages = "159-133",
number = "1",
volume = "59",
url = "conv_220"
Stanimirović, V.. (2011). Novi pogled na Hamurabijev zakonik - I deo. in Anali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu
Univerzitet u Beogradu - Pravni fakultet, Beograd., 59(1), 133-159.
Stanimirović V. Novi pogled na Hamurabijev zakonik - I deo. in Anali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu. 2011;59(1):133-159.
conv_220 .
Stanimirović, Vojislav, "Novi pogled na Hamurabijev zakonik - I deo" in Anali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu, 59, no. 1 (2011):133-159,
conv_220 .

Novi pogled na Hamurabijev zakonik - II deo

Stanimirović, Vojislav

(Univerzitet u Beogradu - Pravni fakultet, Beograd, 2011)

AU  - Stanimirović, Vojislav
PY  - 2011
UR  -
AB  - Tekst sadrži prvi potpuni prevod Hamurabijevog zakonika na srpski jezik, jer obuhvata s odgovarajućim oznakama i prevod tridesetak rekonstruisanih normi, koje su u originalnom tekstu izbrisane (čl. 66-99), što dosadašnji srpski prevodi nisu nudili. Imajući u vidu i najnovija otkrića u vezi s ovim zakonikom (Hazor), uz prilagođeni prevod najvažnijeg klinopisnog zakonika, daju se i iscrpna inovirana objašnjenja. Ona zadiru u neke probleme vezane za pojedine njegove propise i najznačajnije novine koje je Hamurabijev zakonik uneo u pravni život. Autor pokušava da iz novog ugla sagleda i njegovu složenu prirodu. Jedinstveno preplitanje običaja i zakona, kao dva suštinski različita pravna izvora, priroda Zakonika, koji se nalazi između zakonika u užem smislu te reči i zbirke presuda, kao i značajne promene koje donosi u oblasti socijalne politike, u punoj meri pokazuju koliko savremena pravna kultura duguje sumersko-akadskoj pravnoj tradiciji, čiji je on jedan od potomaka, mada ne i najstariji, kako se dugo verovalo.
AB  - This paper offers the first complete translation of the Code of Hammurabi into Serbian, including about thirty reconstructed damaged norms of the original stella text (66-99), mainly following Martha Roth's edition. It also contains the author's comprehensive comments to the provisions of the Code, and his reflections on the most important inovations introduced by this Babylonian legal scripture. The author tries to perceive and analyze the complex nature of the Code from a new angle. The author calls attention to the unique blending of customs and law in the Code, as two substantially different sources of law. He stresses out the specific nature of the Code, which lies somewhere between the code in the full meaning of the word and a collection of judgements, as well as the substantial changes that were brought by the Code in the field of 'social policy' of the time. All of this may clearly show how much the contemporary legal culture owes to the Summerian-Acadian legal tradition, represented by this Code at its best and to the fullest extent possible.
PB  - Univerzitet u Beogradu - Pravni fakultet, Beograd
T2  - Anali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu
T1  - Novi pogled na Hamurabijev zakonik - II deo
T1  - A new insight on the Code of Hammurabi, II
EP  - 121
IS  - 2
SP  - 91
VL  - 59
UR  - conv_232
ER  - 
author = "Stanimirović, Vojislav",
year = "2011",
abstract = "Tekst sadrži prvi potpuni prevod Hamurabijevog zakonika na srpski jezik, jer obuhvata s odgovarajućim oznakama i prevod tridesetak rekonstruisanih normi, koje su u originalnom tekstu izbrisane (čl. 66-99), što dosadašnji srpski prevodi nisu nudili. Imajući u vidu i najnovija otkrića u vezi s ovim zakonikom (Hazor), uz prilagođeni prevod najvažnijeg klinopisnog zakonika, daju se i iscrpna inovirana objašnjenja. Ona zadiru u neke probleme vezane za pojedine njegove propise i najznačajnije novine koje je Hamurabijev zakonik uneo u pravni život. Autor pokušava da iz novog ugla sagleda i njegovu složenu prirodu. Jedinstveno preplitanje običaja i zakona, kao dva suštinski različita pravna izvora, priroda Zakonika, koji se nalazi između zakonika u užem smislu te reči i zbirke presuda, kao i značajne promene koje donosi u oblasti socijalne politike, u punoj meri pokazuju koliko savremena pravna kultura duguje sumersko-akadskoj pravnoj tradiciji, čiji je on jedan od potomaka, mada ne i najstariji, kako se dugo verovalo., This paper offers the first complete translation of the Code of Hammurabi into Serbian, including about thirty reconstructed damaged norms of the original stella text (66-99), mainly following Martha Roth's edition. It also contains the author's comprehensive comments to the provisions of the Code, and his reflections on the most important inovations introduced by this Babylonian legal scripture. The author tries to perceive and analyze the complex nature of the Code from a new angle. The author calls attention to the unique blending of customs and law in the Code, as two substantially different sources of law. He stresses out the specific nature of the Code, which lies somewhere between the code in the full meaning of the word and a collection of judgements, as well as the substantial changes that were brought by the Code in the field of 'social policy' of the time. All of this may clearly show how much the contemporary legal culture owes to the Summerian-Acadian legal tradition, represented by this Code at its best and to the fullest extent possible.",
publisher = "Univerzitet u Beogradu - Pravni fakultet, Beograd",
journal = "Anali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu",
title = "Novi pogled na Hamurabijev zakonik - II deo, A new insight on the Code of Hammurabi, II",
pages = "121-91",
number = "2",
volume = "59",
url = "conv_232"
Stanimirović, V.. (2011). Novi pogled na Hamurabijev zakonik - II deo. in Anali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu
Univerzitet u Beogradu - Pravni fakultet, Beograd., 59(2), 91-121.
Stanimirović V. Novi pogled na Hamurabijev zakonik - II deo. in Anali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu. 2011;59(2):91-121.
conv_232 .
Stanimirović, Vojislav, "Novi pogled na Hamurabijev zakonik - II deo" in Anali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu, 59, no. 2 (2011):91-121,
conv_232 .

Re-emergence of the dowry amongst Serbs

Stanimirović, Vojislav

(Univerzitet u Beogradu - Pravni fakultet, Beograd, 2010)

AU  - Stanimirović, Vojislav
PY  - 2010
UR  -
AB  - The dowry (miraz) was not originally a Slavic custom. It has entered the medieval Serbian law primarily through Byzantine influences, under the name prikija. At approximately the same time, it has entered the Croatian law through Byzantine, Venetian and Hungarian channels, and its Roman roots were reflected in its name, dote. While the Turkish conquest of Serbia has caused the disappearance of dowry, it has been preserved in Croatia. Dowry re-emerged in the XIX century Serbia from two sources. The first one was customary law, which adopted the Turkish term for inheritance, miras. The other source was the Serbian Civil Code of 1844, which was modeled after Austrian influence, thus transplanting the Austrian concept of dowry (based upon Roman law) to Serbian soil. Nevertheless, Serbian and Austrian Civil Codes were slightly different regarding the character or dowry. The coexistence of customary and legislative concept of dowry continued their lives in the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes formed after World War I as well as later on in the Kingdom of Yugoslavia. Although the communist regime abolished dowry after the World War II by legislation, yet it survived in the rural areas. This particular conflict of legislation and customary law serves as an example of the mutual influence of facts and norms, wherein the facts could often develop contrary to the norms, which has to be resolved by the legislative reform.
PB  - Univerzitet u Beogradu - Pravni fakultet, Beograd
T2  - Anali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu
T1  - Re-emergence of the dowry amongst Serbs
EP  - 202
IS  - 3
SP  - 185
VL  - 58
UR  - conv_210
ER  - 
author = "Stanimirović, Vojislav",
year = "2010",
abstract = "The dowry (miraz) was not originally a Slavic custom. It has entered the medieval Serbian law primarily through Byzantine influences, under the name prikija. At approximately the same time, it has entered the Croatian law through Byzantine, Venetian and Hungarian channels, and its Roman roots were reflected in its name, dote. While the Turkish conquest of Serbia has caused the disappearance of dowry, it has been preserved in Croatia. Dowry re-emerged in the XIX century Serbia from two sources. The first one was customary law, which adopted the Turkish term for inheritance, miras. The other source was the Serbian Civil Code of 1844, which was modeled after Austrian influence, thus transplanting the Austrian concept of dowry (based upon Roman law) to Serbian soil. Nevertheless, Serbian and Austrian Civil Codes were slightly different regarding the character or dowry. The coexistence of customary and legislative concept of dowry continued their lives in the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes formed after World War I as well as later on in the Kingdom of Yugoslavia. Although the communist regime abolished dowry after the World War II by legislation, yet it survived in the rural areas. This particular conflict of legislation and customary law serves as an example of the mutual influence of facts and norms, wherein the facts could often develop contrary to the norms, which has to be resolved by the legislative reform.",
publisher = "Univerzitet u Beogradu - Pravni fakultet, Beograd",
journal = "Anali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu",
title = "Re-emergence of the dowry amongst Serbs",
pages = "202-185",
number = "3",
volume = "58",
url = "conv_210"
Stanimirović, V.. (2010). Re-emergence of the dowry amongst Serbs. in Anali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu
Univerzitet u Beogradu - Pravni fakultet, Beograd., 58(3), 185-202.
Stanimirović V. Re-emergence of the dowry amongst Serbs. in Anali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu. 2010;58(3):185-202.
conv_210 .
Stanimirović, Vojislav, "Re-emergence of the dowry amongst Serbs" in Anali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu, 58, no. 3 (2010):185-202,
conv_210 .

Najstariji oblik rimskog braka

Stanimirović, Vojislav

(Matica srpska - Odeljenje za književnost i jezik, Novi Sad, 2006)

AU  - Stanimirović, Vojislav
PY  - 2006
UR  -
AB  - U radu je učinjen pokušaj da se brak bez manusa prikaže kao prvobitni oblik rimskog braka, što protivreči uvreženom shvatanju o istorijskom prvenstvu braka sa manusom. Pored toga, autor se osvrnuo i na evoluciju bračnih davanja u starom Rimu.
AB  - It is difficult to highlight the most distant period of every ancient civilization because of chronic lack of preserved sources. That is also the case with the oldest period of the Roman history and an attempt to sketch a possible evolution of the Roman marriage and marriage payments. Also, one of aggravating circumstances is the fact that Roman jurists were great practitioners, but they neglected completely the history of their law, with an honorable exception of Gaius. The only thing that can create the starting basis of any analysis of the Roman marriage is, undoubtedly, the existence of two types of marriages in the Roman Republic. Mainly, the majority of writers have given the historical prevalence to the marriage with the manus. The later marriage without the manus, usually ascribed to the plebeians prevailed over the time, by suppressing the marriage with the manus. However after some contemplation and by reading scarce sources, one can find arguments to support the thesis on the priority of the marriage without the manus. The time of appearance of Roman geneses is designated by the consortium as the predominant type of a family. That was a family of the distinctive equality of its members, without the almighty pater familias. The creation of geneses became possible by the uniting of families that, analogous to numerous ancient cultures, could be achieved by exchanging wives. In order to be able to contribute to the uniting of families among which family ties had been created in that way, they had to enter into the marriage without the manus because that was the only way for them to preserve ties with their families. The creation of the agnatic family put the pater familias in a position to be able to sell a member of his family, or to buy someone from some other family, thus paving the way to the marriage with the manus. Only those who were richer could afford that, while plebeians could still have the marriage without the manus. Plebeians who got rich could use the uses of the Law of Twelve Tables, as a concession granted to them by which the marriage without the manus could develop into the marriage with the manus. Dionysius of Halicarnassus has stated that already leges regiae indirectly mentioned a dowry, which points out the priority of this prenuptial donation in Rome. Also, a provision of the Law of Twelve Tables (IV, 3) ordering the dismissed wife to give back the keys and take her things, which could refer either to her dowry or to her peculium, speaks in favor of the precedence of the marriage without the manus, because in case of having the marriage with the manus all these things would belong to the husband already during the wedding ceremony, and he would not be obliged to give them back after the marriage was dissolved.
PB  - Matica srpska - Odeljenje za književnost i jezik, Novi Sad
T2  - Zbornik Matice srpske za klasične studije
T1  - Najstariji oblik rimskog braka
T1  - The oldest form of Roman marriage
EP  - 97
IS  - 8
SP  - 71
UR  - conv_2633
ER  - 
author = "Stanimirović, Vojislav",
year = "2006",
abstract = "U radu je učinjen pokušaj da se brak bez manusa prikaže kao prvobitni oblik rimskog braka, što protivreči uvreženom shvatanju o istorijskom prvenstvu braka sa manusom. Pored toga, autor se osvrnuo i na evoluciju bračnih davanja u starom Rimu., It is difficult to highlight the most distant period of every ancient civilization because of chronic lack of preserved sources. That is also the case with the oldest period of the Roman history and an attempt to sketch a possible evolution of the Roman marriage and marriage payments. Also, one of aggravating circumstances is the fact that Roman jurists were great practitioners, but they neglected completely the history of their law, with an honorable exception of Gaius. The only thing that can create the starting basis of any analysis of the Roman marriage is, undoubtedly, the existence of two types of marriages in the Roman Republic. Mainly, the majority of writers have given the historical prevalence to the marriage with the manus. The later marriage without the manus, usually ascribed to the plebeians prevailed over the time, by suppressing the marriage with the manus. However after some contemplation and by reading scarce sources, one can find arguments to support the thesis on the priority of the marriage without the manus. The time of appearance of Roman geneses is designated by the consortium as the predominant type of a family. That was a family of the distinctive equality of its members, without the almighty pater familias. The creation of geneses became possible by the uniting of families that, analogous to numerous ancient cultures, could be achieved by exchanging wives. In order to be able to contribute to the uniting of families among which family ties had been created in that way, they had to enter into the marriage without the manus because that was the only way for them to preserve ties with their families. The creation of the agnatic family put the pater familias in a position to be able to sell a member of his family, or to buy someone from some other family, thus paving the way to the marriage with the manus. Only those who were richer could afford that, while plebeians could still have the marriage without the manus. Plebeians who got rich could use the uses of the Law of Twelve Tables, as a concession granted to them by which the marriage without the manus could develop into the marriage with the manus. Dionysius of Halicarnassus has stated that already leges regiae indirectly mentioned a dowry, which points out the priority of this prenuptial donation in Rome. Also, a provision of the Law of Twelve Tables (IV, 3) ordering the dismissed wife to give back the keys and take her things, which could refer either to her dowry or to her peculium, speaks in favor of the precedence of the marriage without the manus, because in case of having the marriage with the manus all these things would belong to the husband already during the wedding ceremony, and he would not be obliged to give them back after the marriage was dissolved.",
publisher = "Matica srpska - Odeljenje za književnost i jezik, Novi Sad",
journal = "Zbornik Matice srpske za klasične studije",
title = "Najstariji oblik rimskog braka, The oldest form of Roman marriage",
pages = "97-71",
number = "8",
url = "conv_2633"
Stanimirović, V.. (2006). Najstariji oblik rimskog braka. in Zbornik Matice srpske za klasične studije
Matica srpska - Odeljenje za književnost i jezik, Novi Sad.(8), 71-97.
Stanimirović V. Najstariji oblik rimskog braka. in Zbornik Matice srpske za klasične studije. 2006;(8):71-97.
conv_2633 .
Stanimirović, Vojislav, "Najstariji oblik rimskog braka" in Zbornik Matice srpske za klasične studije, no. 8 (2006):71-97,
conv_2633 .

Pojam 'nevestnine' - prilog terminologiji bračnih davanja

Stanimirović, Vojislav

(Univerzitet u Beogradu - Filozofski fakultet - Odeljenje za etnologiju i antropologiju, Beograd, 2006)

AU  - Stanimirović, Vojislav
PY  - 2006
UR  -
AB  - U ovom radu autor se osvrće na nezadovoljavajuće stanje u društvenim naukama kada je izučavanje bračnih davanja u pitanju. U pokušaju da prikaže moguću evoluciju bračnih davanja, bez namere da je prikaže kao jedino moguću i prihvatljivu za sve kulture, autor se vraća pojmu cene za nevestu. Definišući je sa aspekta pravne nauke, on je istovremeno odvaja od slučajeva koji su ranije, uglavnom bili podvođeni pod ovaj pojam, imenujući taj izmenjeni vid bračnog davanja novim izrazom - nevestnina (nastojeći da i engleskom terminu bridewealth prida drugačije značenje). Povrh toga, autor uvodi i pojam oproštajnog dara. Ovakvo viđenje evolucije - bračnih davanja ilustruje primerom metamorfoze arabljanskog bračnog davanja - mehra.
AB  - This essay attempts to bring more order to terminology of matrimonial gift giving - the ever more complicated area in the past couple of decades. Furthermore, it reaffirms the idea of the evolution of matrimonial gift giving, and after many decades in which historians of law and ethnologists focused their research on particularities of matrimonial gift giving in certain cultures and epochs, points out the need of their systematization. Connecting history of law with ethnology, the author offers more precise references of the term bride price, giving it back its usability, linking it with all the matrimonial gift giving's the groom's side presents to the bride's father who possesses the exclusive authority to handle it as he pleases. On the other hand, the paper emphasizes the unjust disregard and neglect of another type of matrimonial gift giving in science, or perhaps its erroneous definitions by some authors. Namely, all those matrimonial gift giving from the groom's side directly or indirectly intended for the girl herself. Girl's father no longer controls the matrimonial gift giving and he bestows most or all of it to the girl on the wedding. It is what girl brings into marriage under the veil of trousseau, and later partially of dowry. Later on, these symbolic matrimonial gift giving's were no longer given to girl's father not even symbolically, but rather went straight into her hands. These new matrimonial gift giving's can no longer be assigned to a category of buying the bride, while the term indirect dowry proposed by Goody is inappropriate for it creates a false picture of these matrimonial gift giving's. That is why, in the absence of an appropriate name, the author took the liberty of coining the term nevestnina to cover both aspects of these matrimonial gift-giving. The term bride wealth used in the English speaking areas to replace the politically incorrect term bride price is proper for the term nevestnina. For the later variation of this matrimonial gift-giving author suggested the expression farewell gift. The author illustrated the evolution of this matrimonial offering by Arabic mehr. It is by this example that the importance of theoretical framework of any matrimonial gift-giving analysis is pointed out, because mehr had three forms throughout its history keeping its name in the process. In addition, the necessity of an extensive cooperation between ethnology and history of law is also underlined, for only by exchange and synchronization of the results achieved, by respecting both views of the history of marriage more quality abstractions can be done, so a more gradual and a more precise picture of the evolution of matrimonial gift-giving can be presented.
PB  - Univerzitet u Beogradu - Filozofski fakultet - Odeljenje za etnologiju i antropologiju, Beograd
T2  - Etnoantropološki problemi, Beograd
T1  - Pojam 'nevestnine' - prilog terminologiji bračnih davanja
T1  - The term nevestnina: A contribution to the terminology of matrimonial gift giving
EP  - 153
IS  - 1
SP  - 125
VL  - 1
UR  - conv_1745
ER  - 
author = "Stanimirović, Vojislav",
year = "2006",
abstract = "U ovom radu autor se osvrće na nezadovoljavajuće stanje u društvenim naukama kada je izučavanje bračnih davanja u pitanju. U pokušaju da prikaže moguću evoluciju bračnih davanja, bez namere da je prikaže kao jedino moguću i prihvatljivu za sve kulture, autor se vraća pojmu cene za nevestu. Definišući je sa aspekta pravne nauke, on je istovremeno odvaja od slučajeva koji su ranije, uglavnom bili podvođeni pod ovaj pojam, imenujući taj izmenjeni vid bračnog davanja novim izrazom - nevestnina (nastojeći da i engleskom terminu bridewealth prida drugačije značenje). Povrh toga, autor uvodi i pojam oproštajnog dara. Ovakvo viđenje evolucije - bračnih davanja ilustruje primerom metamorfoze arabljanskog bračnog davanja - mehra., This essay attempts to bring more order to terminology of matrimonial gift giving - the ever more complicated area in the past couple of decades. Furthermore, it reaffirms the idea of the evolution of matrimonial gift giving, and after many decades in which historians of law and ethnologists focused their research on particularities of matrimonial gift giving in certain cultures and epochs, points out the need of their systematization. Connecting history of law with ethnology, the author offers more precise references of the term bride price, giving it back its usability, linking it with all the matrimonial gift giving's the groom's side presents to the bride's father who possesses the exclusive authority to handle it as he pleases. On the other hand, the paper emphasizes the unjust disregard and neglect of another type of matrimonial gift giving in science, or perhaps its erroneous definitions by some authors. Namely, all those matrimonial gift giving from the groom's side directly or indirectly intended for the girl herself. Girl's father no longer controls the matrimonial gift giving and he bestows most or all of it to the girl on the wedding. It is what girl brings into marriage under the veil of trousseau, and later partially of dowry. Later on, these symbolic matrimonial gift giving's were no longer given to girl's father not even symbolically, but rather went straight into her hands. These new matrimonial gift giving's can no longer be assigned to a category of buying the bride, while the term indirect dowry proposed by Goody is inappropriate for it creates a false picture of these matrimonial gift giving's. That is why, in the absence of an appropriate name, the author took the liberty of coining the term nevestnina to cover both aspects of these matrimonial gift-giving. The term bride wealth used in the English speaking areas to replace the politically incorrect term bride price is proper for the term nevestnina. For the later variation of this matrimonial gift-giving author suggested the expression farewell gift. The author illustrated the evolution of this matrimonial offering by Arabic mehr. It is by this example that the importance of theoretical framework of any matrimonial gift-giving analysis is pointed out, because mehr had three forms throughout its history keeping its name in the process. In addition, the necessity of an extensive cooperation between ethnology and history of law is also underlined, for only by exchange and synchronization of the results achieved, by respecting both views of the history of marriage more quality abstractions can be done, so a more gradual and a more precise picture of the evolution of matrimonial gift-giving can be presented.",
publisher = "Univerzitet u Beogradu - Filozofski fakultet - Odeljenje za etnologiju i antropologiju, Beograd",
journal = "Etnoantropološki problemi, Beograd",
title = "Pojam 'nevestnine' - prilog terminologiji bračnih davanja, The term nevestnina: A contribution to the terminology of matrimonial gift giving",
pages = "153-125",
number = "1",
volume = "1",
url = "conv_1745"
Stanimirović, V.. (2006). Pojam 'nevestnine' - prilog terminologiji bračnih davanja. in Etnoantropološki problemi, Beograd
Univerzitet u Beogradu - Filozofski fakultet - Odeljenje za etnologiju i antropologiju, Beograd., 1(1), 125-153.
Stanimirović V. Pojam 'nevestnine' - prilog terminologiji bračnih davanja. in Etnoantropološki problemi, Beograd. 2006;1(1):125-153.
conv_1745 .
Stanimirović, Vojislav, "Pojam 'nevestnine' - prilog terminologiji bračnih davanja" in Etnoantropološki problemi, Beograd, 1, no. 1 (2006):125-153,
conv_1745 .

Pojam sune u predislamsko doba

Stanimirović, Vojislav

(Univerzitet u Beogradu - Pravni fakultet, Beograd, 1991)

AU  - Stanimirović, Vojislav
PY  - 1991
UR  -
AB  - Pojam predislamske sune dugo je vremena bio u senci mnogo poznatije sune proroka Muhameda. Međutim, prvo Goldziher, a potom i Schacht, doprineli su da se u džahilijetskoj suni otkrije ne samo preteča, već umnogome i sadržaj jednog od najvažnijih izvora islamskog prava. U ovom tekstu ukazano je na razliku između običaja (adeta) i sune. Svest o obaveznosti primene određene sune dolazi od autoriteta njenog utemeljivača. Plemenski karakter arabljanskog društva pre Islama doveo je do toga da su korisni i prihvaćeni presedani svoje tvorce dovodili u legendu čime su oni postajali deo besmrtne tradicije plemena. Prenošenje ove tradicije sa generacije na generaciju bio je zadatak pesnika, a zasluge za njen razvoj pripadaju i sporazumno izabranim plemenskim arbitrima Uspostavljanjem nove, Muhamedove sune i ujedinjenjem plemena u jedinstvenu muslimansku zajednicu (ummu) predislamske sune polako će zaboraviti svoje poreklo i pretočiće se u običaj (adet).
AB  - The notion of pre-Islamic sunna has for a long dine been in the shadow of the much more known sunna of the prophet Mohammed. However, Goldziecher and, later on, Schacht have contributed to discovery in the dzahiliet sunna of the contents which may be qualified as one of the most significant sources of the Islamic law. Treated in the text is the difference between the custom (adet) and the sunna. The sense of binding character of application of a specific sunna comes out of the authority of its founder. Tribal character of the Arabian society before Islam made possible useful and accepted precedents created by some personalities which introduced them into the legend, so that these people became the part of an everlasting tradition of the tribe. Keeping that tradition through generations was the task of poets, while credit for its development has to be granted to elected tribal arbitrators. By establishing the new - Mohammedan sunna and by uniting the tribes into a single Muslim community (ummu), the pre - Islamic sunnas gradually were forgotten as far as their origin is concerned. They, in fact, were transformed into customs (adet).
PB  - Univerzitet u Beogradu - Pravni fakultet, Beograd
T2  - Anali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu
T1  - Pojam sune u predislamsko doba
T1  - The notion of sunna in pre-Islamic era
EP  - 276
IS  - 1-3
SP  - 271
VL  - 39
UR  - conv_643
ER  - 
author = "Stanimirović, Vojislav",
year = "1991",
abstract = "Pojam predislamske sune dugo je vremena bio u senci mnogo poznatije sune proroka Muhameda. Međutim, prvo Goldziher, a potom i Schacht, doprineli su da se u džahilijetskoj suni otkrije ne samo preteča, već umnogome i sadržaj jednog od najvažnijih izvora islamskog prava. U ovom tekstu ukazano je na razliku između običaja (adeta) i sune. Svest o obaveznosti primene određene sune dolazi od autoriteta njenog utemeljivača. Plemenski karakter arabljanskog društva pre Islama doveo je do toga da su korisni i prihvaćeni presedani svoje tvorce dovodili u legendu čime su oni postajali deo besmrtne tradicije plemena. Prenošenje ove tradicije sa generacije na generaciju bio je zadatak pesnika, a zasluge za njen razvoj pripadaju i sporazumno izabranim plemenskim arbitrima Uspostavljanjem nove, Muhamedove sune i ujedinjenjem plemena u jedinstvenu muslimansku zajednicu (ummu) predislamske sune polako će zaboraviti svoje poreklo i pretočiće se u običaj (adet)., The notion of pre-Islamic sunna has for a long dine been in the shadow of the much more known sunna of the prophet Mohammed. However, Goldziecher and, later on, Schacht have contributed to discovery in the dzahiliet sunna of the contents which may be qualified as one of the most significant sources of the Islamic law. Treated in the text is the difference between the custom (adet) and the sunna. The sense of binding character of application of a specific sunna comes out of the authority of its founder. Tribal character of the Arabian society before Islam made possible useful and accepted precedents created by some personalities which introduced them into the legend, so that these people became the part of an everlasting tradition of the tribe. Keeping that tradition through generations was the task of poets, while credit for its development has to be granted to elected tribal arbitrators. By establishing the new - Mohammedan sunna and by uniting the tribes into a single Muslim community (ummu), the pre - Islamic sunnas gradually were forgotten as far as their origin is concerned. They, in fact, were transformed into customs (adet).",
publisher = "Univerzitet u Beogradu - Pravni fakultet, Beograd",
journal = "Anali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu",
title = "Pojam sune u predislamsko doba, The notion of sunna in pre-Islamic era",
pages = "276-271",
number = "1-3",
volume = "39",
url = "conv_643"
Stanimirović, V.. (1991). Pojam sune u predislamsko doba. in Anali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu
Univerzitet u Beogradu - Pravni fakultet, Beograd., 39(1-3), 271-276.
Stanimirović V. Pojam sune u predislamsko doba. in Anali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu. 1991;39(1-3):271-276.
conv_643 .
Stanimirović, Vojislav, "Pojam sune u predislamsko doba" in Anali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu, 39, no. 1-3 (1991):271-276,
conv_643 .