Dragić, Nada

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  • Dragić, Nada (2)

Author's Bibliography

Ćutanje uprave i postupak po žalbi

Dragić, Nada

(Beograd : Pravni fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu Centar za izdavaštvo i informisanje, 2015)

AU  - Dragić, Nada
PY  - 2015
UR  - https://ralf.ius.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/1990
AB  - Ostvarivanje prava građana, odnosno rešavanje važnih životnih situacija
zavisi često od organa uprave, što ukazuje na potrebu postojanja valjane uprave
organizovane u skladu sa modernim evropskim načelima. Svi državni organi ponekad
greše i pokazuju određene slabosti. U okviru uprave ova pojava stvara lošu
sliku, zbog koje je i ustanovljen institut ćutanja uprave, tj. nedelovanja administracije.
Pojam uprave može se shvatiti različito, a njeno ćutanje označava neaktivnost i
neispunjavanje zakonske obaveze činjenja. Do ćutanja uprave dolazi u oblasti imovinskopravnih
poslova, građevinarstva i stambeno- komunalnih poslova, socijalne
zaštite i dr.. Tekovine modernog društva promenile su nekada uobičajni stav da
uprava može dopustiti sebi da odlučuje diskreciono o svim pitanjima pa i o tome da
li da deluje ili ne. Danas je ćutanje uprave procesnopravni institut, regulisan zakonom,
sa različitim modalitetima u različitim državama. Činjenica je da se još uvek
traga za najboljim odgovorom na ćutanje uprave, pored raznih postojećih modela
ćutanja i rešenja za isto.
AB  - Silence of the administration is a specific legal institute. It is not in accordance with
the principle of effectiveness and the principle of legality as well as the principles
underlying the work of administration, which should affect the administration, in
order to be as efficient as possible and acted in accordance with its legal obligations.
Silence of administration slows down the rights and interests of the parties, and
sometimes they completely blocked. Clients lost time and suffered damage. It creates
legal uncertainty. The wider consequences are reflected not only on the parties
in the procedures, but also beyond, to society as a whole. All these considerations
point to the need to reduce administrative silence and better realization of civil
PB  - Beograd : Pravni fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu Centar za izdavaštvo i informisanje
T2  - Perspektive implementacije evropskih standarda u pravni sistem Srbije : zbornik radova. Knj. 5 / Perspectives of Implementa                  tion of European Standards in Serbian Legal System : Volume V
T1  - Ćutanje uprave i postupak po žalbi
T1  - Administrative Silence and Appeal Proccess
EP  - 345
SP  - 331
ER  - 
author = "Dragić, Nada",
year = "2015",
abstract = "Ostvarivanje prava građana, odnosno rešavanje važnih životnih situacija
zavisi često od organa uprave, što ukazuje na potrebu postojanja valjane uprave
organizovane u skladu sa modernim evropskim načelima. Svi državni organi ponekad
greše i pokazuju određene slabosti. U okviru uprave ova pojava stvara lošu
sliku, zbog koje je i ustanovljen institut ćutanja uprave, tj. nedelovanja administracije.
Pojam uprave može se shvatiti različito, a njeno ćutanje označava neaktivnost i
neispunjavanje zakonske obaveze činjenja. Do ćutanja uprave dolazi u oblasti imovinskopravnih
poslova, građevinarstva i stambeno- komunalnih poslova, socijalne
zaštite i dr.. Tekovine modernog društva promenile su nekada uobičajni stav da
uprava može dopustiti sebi da odlučuje diskreciono o svim pitanjima pa i o tome da
li da deluje ili ne. Danas je ćutanje uprave procesnopravni institut, regulisan zakonom,
sa različitim modalitetima u različitim državama. Činjenica je da se još uvek
traga za najboljim odgovorom na ćutanje uprave, pored raznih postojećih modela
ćutanja i rešenja za isto., Silence of the administration is a specific legal institute. It is not in accordance with
the principle of effectiveness and the principle of legality as well as the principles
underlying the work of administration, which should affect the administration, in
order to be as efficient as possible and acted in accordance with its legal obligations.
Silence of administration slows down the rights and interests of the parties, and
sometimes they completely blocked. Clients lost time and suffered damage. It creates
legal uncertainty. The wider consequences are reflected not only on the parties
in the procedures, but also beyond, to society as a whole. All these considerations
point to the need to reduce administrative silence and better realization of civil
publisher = "Beograd : Pravni fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu Centar za izdavaštvo i informisanje",
journal = "Perspektive implementacije evropskih standarda u pravni sistem Srbije : zbornik radova. Knj. 5 / Perspectives of Implementa                  tion of European Standards in Serbian Legal System : Volume V",
booktitle = "Ćutanje uprave i postupak po žalbi, Administrative Silence and Appeal Proccess",
pages = "345-331"
Dragić, N.. (2015). Ćutanje uprave i postupak po žalbi. in Perspektive implementacije evropskih standarda u pravni sistem Srbije : zbornik radova. Knj. 5 / Perspectives of Implementa                  tion of European Standards in Serbian Legal System : Volume V
Beograd : Pravni fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu Centar za izdavaštvo i informisanje., 331-345.
Dragić N. Ćutanje uprave i postupak po žalbi. in Perspektive implementacije evropskih standarda u pravni sistem Srbije : zbornik radova. Knj. 5 / Perspectives of Implementa                  tion of European Standards in Serbian Legal System : Volume V. 2015;:331-345..
Dragić, Nada, "Ćutanje uprave i postupak po žalbi" in Perspektive implementacije evropskih standarda u pravni sistem Srbije : zbornik radova. Knj. 5 / Perspectives of Implementa                  tion of European Standards in Serbian Legal System : Volume V (2015):331-345.

Dostаvljаnje u uprаvnom postupku sа posebnim osvrtom nа nаcrt novog ZUP-а i evropske stаndаrde

Dragić, Nada

(Beograd : Pravni fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu Centar za izdavaštvo i informisanje, 2013)

AU  - Dragić, Nada
PY  - 2013
UR  - https://ralf.ius.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/1956
AB  - Достављање у управном поступку, било да се управна делатност
схвати као ауторитативно или неауторитативно деловање, или пак
као скуп различитих активности у оквиру којих се прожимају елементи
како ауторитативног, тако и неауторитативног карактера1, пред-
ставља кључни моменат у управном поступку. Једино је уредно доста-
вљање услов за одвијање, односно наставак управног поступка. Стога ће
у овом раду бити речи о достављању у управном поступку, у којем се од-
лучује о признавању права или утврђивању обавезе неког лица, односно о
неком његовом на закону заснованом интересу.
AB  - The recognition and exercise of individual and collective rights represents
the main goal of every legal system in the majority of developed countries around
the world. On the other hand these important goals could not be achieved if it
were not for the institute of delivery through which people are informed about
their rights, responsibilities and obligations. For this very reasone the subject of delivery is not just of great importance for the Administrative procedures, but
also one of key features of every legal system, that allows it to function relatively
efficiently and to fulfill its purpose. There is not a slightest doubt that the
process of delivering important administrative and other legal acts and a variety
of documents, to interested parties, represents an action of utmost importance
in every single sort of legal and administrative proceedings. It is a way through
which, an interested parties, whose rights, obligations or interests based on law
are concerned, become informed about the existence of any act or decision by
public authority, that regards them and their rights. The act of precise and regular
delivery is a unavoidable perquisite, necessary for the procedure to start or to
continue through its course. The purpose of this procedural action is to inform
the addressee about the content of a writing, so that he could be alerted and enabled
to take necessary actions in order to timely protect his or hers rights. From
the moment of delivery different deadlines are in effect, but if the whole action
is done in regular and precise manner time consuming delays would be avoided
and a final decision in Administrative procedure could within in reach in no
time. Therefore this relatively undemanding but significant action (delivery),
could work wonders if properly exercised by the authorities, while on the other
hand it could lead to serious ramifications for Public Administration, legal system
as a whole, citizens involved and their rights, if that would not be the case.
PB  - Beograd : Pravni fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu Centar za izdavaštvo i informisanje
T2  - Perspektive implementacije evropskih standarda u pravni sistem Srbije : zbornik radova. Knj. 3 / Perspectives of Implementation of European Standards in Serbian Legal System : Volume III
T1  - Dostаvljаnje u uprаvnom postupku sа posebnim osvrtom nа nаcrt novog ZUP-а i evropske stаndаrde
T1  - Delivery in Administrative Proceedings with Special Regard to the New Draft Law and European Standards
EP  - 344
SP  - 331
ER  - 
author = "Dragić, Nada",
year = "2013",
abstract = "Достављање у управном поступку, било да се управна делатност
схвати као ауторитативно или неауторитативно деловање, или пак
као скуп различитих активности у оквиру којих се прожимају елементи
како ауторитативног, тако и неауторитативног карактера1, пред-
ставља кључни моменат у управном поступку. Једино је уредно доста-
вљање услов за одвијање, односно наставак управног поступка. Стога ће
у овом раду бити речи о достављању у управном поступку, у којем се од-
лучује о признавању права или утврђивању обавезе неког лица, односно о
неком његовом на закону заснованом интересу., The recognition and exercise of individual and collective rights represents
the main goal of every legal system in the majority of developed countries around
the world. On the other hand these important goals could not be achieved if it
were not for the institute of delivery through which people are informed about
their rights, responsibilities and obligations. For this very reasone the subject of delivery is not just of great importance for the Administrative procedures, but
also one of key features of every legal system, that allows it to function relatively
efficiently and to fulfill its purpose. There is not a slightest doubt that the
process of delivering important administrative and other legal acts and a variety
of documents, to interested parties, represents an action of utmost importance
in every single sort of legal and administrative proceedings. It is a way through
which, an interested parties, whose rights, obligations or interests based on law
are concerned, become informed about the existence of any act or decision by
public authority, that regards them and their rights. The act of precise and regular
delivery is a unavoidable perquisite, necessary for the procedure to start or to
continue through its course. The purpose of this procedural action is to inform
the addressee about the content of a writing, so that he could be alerted and enabled
to take necessary actions in order to timely protect his or hers rights. From
the moment of delivery different deadlines are in effect, but if the whole action
is done in regular and precise manner time consuming delays would be avoided
and a final decision in Administrative procedure could within in reach in no
time. Therefore this relatively undemanding but significant action (delivery),
could work wonders if properly exercised by the authorities, while on the other
hand it could lead to serious ramifications for Public Administration, legal system
as a whole, citizens involved and their rights, if that would not be the case.",
publisher = "Beograd : Pravni fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu Centar za izdavaštvo i informisanje",
journal = "Perspektive implementacije evropskih standarda u pravni sistem Srbije : zbornik radova. Knj. 3 / Perspectives of Implementation of European Standards in Serbian Legal System : Volume III",
booktitle = "Dostаvljаnje u uprаvnom postupku sа posebnim osvrtom nа nаcrt novog ZUP-а i evropske stаndаrde, Delivery in Administrative Proceedings with Special Regard to the New Draft Law and European Standards",
pages = "344-331"
Dragić, N.. (2013). Dostаvljаnje u uprаvnom postupku sа posebnim osvrtom nа nаcrt novog ZUP-а i evropske stаndаrde. in Perspektive implementacije evropskih standarda u pravni sistem Srbije : zbornik radova. Knj. 3 / Perspectives of Implementation of European Standards in Serbian Legal System : Volume III
Beograd : Pravni fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu Centar za izdavaštvo i informisanje., 331-344.
Dragić N. Dostаvljаnje u uprаvnom postupku sа posebnim osvrtom nа nаcrt novog ZUP-а i evropske stаndаrde. in Perspektive implementacije evropskih standarda u pravni sistem Srbije : zbornik radova. Knj. 3 / Perspectives of Implementation of European Standards in Serbian Legal System : Volume III. 2013;:331-344..
Dragić, Nada, "Dostаvljаnje u uprаvnom postupku sа posebnim osvrtom nа nаcrt novog ZUP-а i evropske stаndаrde" in Perspektive implementacije evropskih standarda u pravni sistem Srbije : zbornik radova. Knj. 3 / Perspectives of Implementation of European Standards in Serbian Legal System : Volume III (2013):331-344.