author = "Stamenković, Jovana",
year = "2014",
abstract = "Energy sector of the European Union has been gradually developing and
changing towards tighter cooperation and establishment of common rules. As
the European Union grew, so did its tendencies towards regulated and free internal
energy market and security of supply. The EU Energy Policy today has
its basis under the Lisbon Treaty and covers several areas of work. This article
briefly describes the most prominent energy legislation within the EU and then
positions Republic of Serbia with respect to it. Serbia has been committed to
the harmonization with the EU energy legislation for several years through the
Energy Community Treaty, Stabilization and Association Agreement and negotiations
for the accession to the EU. Therefore, its status is observed from the EU
enlargement perspective along with the remarks on the challenges and benefits
of integration to the EU energy sector., Energetski sektor Evropske unije se postepeno razvijao i menjao u pravcu
čvršće saradnje i uspostavljanja zajedničkih pravila. Sa rastom Evropske unije,
rasla je i njena tendencija ka regulisanom i slobodnom zajedničkom energetkom
tržištu i sigurnosti snabdevanja. Energetska politika EU, danas nalazi svoj
osnov u Lisabonskom ugovoru i pokriva nekoliko oblasti rada. Ovaj članak daje
kratak prikaz najznačajnije energetske regulative Evropske unije i pozicionira
Republiku Srbiju u odnosu na nju. Srbija je već određeni niz godina posvećena
harmonizaciji propisa u oblasti energetike sa pravom EU kroz Ugovor o osnivanju
Energetske zajednice, Sporazum o stabilizaciji i pridruživanju i proces
pregovora o pristupanju EU. Stoga je status Republike Srbije posmatran iz ugla
EU proširenja, uz opažanje izazova i benefita integrisanja u energetski sektor
Evropske unije.",
publisher = "Beograd : Pravni fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu Centar za izdavaštvo i informisanje",
journal = "Perspektive implementacije evropskih standarda u pravni sistem Srbije : zbornik radova. Knj. 4 / Perspectives of Implementa tion of European Standards in Serbian Legal System : Volume IV",
booktitle = "EU Energy Policy and Serbia’s Perspective, Energetska politika Evropske unije i perspektiva Republike Srbije",
pages = "338-328"