Prikaz osnovnih podataka o dokumentu

The Serbian elections act of 1870: An assembly's thoughts on parliamentary elections

dc.creatorKršljanin, Nina
dc.description.abstractUstav Srbije iz 1869. godine (tzv. Namesnički ustav) bio je prvi srpski ustav koji je parlamentu (Narodnoj skupštini) dao zakonodavnu vlast, mada je ona bila slabija u poređenju sa monarhom. Međutim, mnoge bitne pojedinosti u pogledu parlamentarnih izbora nisu određene u Ustavu: na primer, dužina poslaničkog mandata ili pitanje da li će glasanje biti javno ili tajno. Zbog mnogih političkih razloga prisutnih u vreme donošenja Ustava, ta pitanja su prepuštena kasnijem zakonodavstvu. Shodno tome, dotična i druga pitanja su određena Izbornim zakonom iz 1870. godine, koji je upravo donela prva zakonodavna Skupština. U ovom radu su analizirani sam Izborni zakon i debata koja se vodila u Narodnoj skupštini tokom njegovog donošenja. Naročita pažnja je posvećena pitanjima o kojima se vodila intenzivna skupštinska diskusija, kao i onima gde je Zakon u većoj meri odstupio od ustavnog okvira. Autor pokušava da objasni razloge za uvođenje određenih ustanova i da pokaže kako su njihovi tvorci (i protivnici) očekivali da one utiču na razvoj srpskog narodnog predstavniš
dc.description.abstractThe Constitution of Serbia of 1869 (the so-called Regency Constitution) was the first Serbian constitution to give the Parliament (National Assembly) legislative powers, albeit inferior to those of the monarch. However, many important details regarding the parliamentary elections were not specified by the Constitution: for example, the length of the MPs' term or the question of secrecy of ballots. Due to various political reasons at the time of the passing of the Constitution, these issues were left for later legislation. Accordingly, the aforementioned and other matters were specified in the Elections Act of 1870, passed by the very first legislative assembly itself. This paper will analyse the Elections Act itself and the debates in the National Assembly during its passing. It will particularly focus on issues that were hotly debated in the Assembly, as well as those where the Elections Act introduces a significant change to the constitutional framework. Finally, it will strive to explain the reasons for the introduction of particular institutions and to show how their creators (and opponents) expected them to influence the development of the Serbian Parliament.en
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Novom Sadu - Pravni fakultet, Novi Sad
dc.sourceZbornik radova Pravnog fakulteta, Novi Sad
dc.subjectzakonodavna vlastsr
dc.subjectUstav Srbije iz 1869. godinesr
dc.subjectparlamentarna debatasr
dc.subjectizbori za Narodnu skupštinusr
dc.subjectdužina mandatasr
dc.subjectthe Serbian Constitution of 1869en
dc.subjectparliamentary electionsen
dc.subjectparliamentary debateen
dc.subjectlength of termen
dc.subjectlegislative poweren
dc.titleIzborni zakon Srbije iz 1870 - misli jedne skupštine o parlamentarnim izborimasr
dc.titleThe Serbian elections act of 1870: An assembly's thoughts on parliamentary electionsen
dc.citation.other52(3): 1217-1239



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