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'Changed circumstances' in practice of domestic courts

dc.creatorDolović-Bojić, Katarina
dc.description.abstractDefinisanje promenjenih okolnosti, to jest odgovor na pitanje koji bi to događaji, odnosno okolnosti, zaslužili da ponesu epitet promenjenih danas je veoma aktuelno pred parničnim sudovima naše zemlje. Kada govorimo o aktuelnosti primene pomenutog instituta imamo u vidu, pre svega, presude koje se donose povodom tužbi protiv banaka za raskid ili izmenu ugovora o kreditima indeksiranim u CHF. Iako je praksa i dalje daleko od ujednačenosti jer su javnosti prezentovane presude suprotne sadržine po istim pitanjima, čini se da je rešenje sudbine pomenutih ugovora na pomolu. Naime, uskoro se očekuje zauzimanje stava najvišeg suda u zemlji. Ključno pitanje na koje bi trebalo odgovoriti je da li rast vrednosti CHF u odnosu na druge valute predstavlja promenjenu okolnost u smislu ZOO, odnosno da li su korisnici kredita u trenutku zaključenjaugovora bili dužni da uzmuu obzir mogućnost promene kursa CHF u odnosu na RSD. S druge strane, postavlja se pitanje i dužnosti banaka da obaveste korisnike kredita o mogućim promenama kursa CHF u budućnosti, i to pre trenutka zaključenja ugovora o kreditu. U zauzimanju konačnog stava po pitanju kredita u CHF očekuje se da najviši sud pođe od načela jednake vrednosti davanja, odnosno ravnoteže koja mora postojati kada su u pitanju ugovori te vrste. Ukoliko se utvrdi da ima mesta raskidu ugovora zbog promenjenih okolnosti, sledeći korak je utvrđivanje posledica retroaktivnog dejstva raskida, to jest obaveza obe ugovorne strane na
dc.description.abstractTo define the changed circumstances, that is, to answer the question what kind of events, or circumstances could be described as changed, is a current issue before the civil courts in our country. Speaking about the actuality of the implementation of the aforementioned institute, we take into account, first and foremost, the decisions brought against the claims against banks for termination or modification to the loan contracts indexed in CHF. Although the practice is still far from uniform, as the decisions of the opposing content on the same issues have been presented to the public, it seems that the solution of the loan contracts indexed in CHF becomes visible. Namely, the opinion of the Supreme Court of Cassation is expected soon. The key question that should be answered is whether the growth of the CHF value represents a changed circumstance in terms of the Law on Obligations, or whether the borrowers at the time of conclusion the contract were obliged to consider the possibility of such a rise in the CHF exchange rate against RSD currency. On the other hand, the issue of the obligation of the banks to inform the loan users of possible changes in the value of CHF in the future, prior to the formation of the loan contract, is also raised. In taking a final stand regarding the loans in CHF, the highest instance court is expected to initially consider the principle of equal value of performances, that is, the balance which has to exist when it comes to contracts of this kind. Should one establish that contract termination is possible due to changed circumstances, the next step is to determine the consequences of the retroactive effect of termination, that is, the obligation of both parties to the restitution.en
dc.publisherUdruženje pravnika u privredi Srbije, Beograd
dc.sourcePravo i privreda
dc.subjectugovor o kreditusr
dc.subjectsvrha ugovorasr
dc.subjectpromenjene okolnostisr
dc.subjectotežanost u ispunjenju obavezasr
dc.subjectnačelo jednake vrednosti davanjasr
dc.subjectdužnost uzimanja u obzirsr
dc.subjectpurpose of contracten
dc.subjectprinciple of equal value of performancesen
dc.subjectloan contracten
dc.subjectduty to consideren
dc.subjectdifficulty in fulfilling obligationsen
dc.subjectchanged circumstancesen
dc.title'Promenjene okolnosti' u praksi domaćih sudovasr
dc.title'Changed circumstances' in practice of domestic courtsen
dc.citation.other56(4-6): 666-683

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