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Franchise fees

dc.creatorMišković, Maša
dc.description.abstractU ovom radu autor razmatra različite vrste naknada kod ugovora o franšizingu: početnu/inicijalnu naknadu, trajnu/periodičnu naknadu i takozvanu naknadu za klijentelu. Posebno se razmatra naknada za klijentelu, imajući u vidu da na nju primalac franšize nema pravo, ako nije predviđena ugovorom. Analiziraju se razlozi za i protiv ove naknade da bi se došlo do zaključka da li je opravdano predvideti naknadu za klijentelu zakonom, konkretno, budućim Građanskim zakonikom Republike Srbije. Autor smatra da ova naknada, ipak, ne bi trebalo da bude regulisana zakonom, imajući u vidu da klijentela pripada davaocu, ne primaocu franšize. Dovoljan oblik zaštite primaoca franšize kao slabije ugovorne strane kod ugovora o franšizingu bilo bi regulisanje budućim Građanskim zakonikom prava prečeg produženja ugovora. Ovaj institut bi doveo do uspostavljanja ravnopravnosti ugovornih strana kod ugovora o franšizingu - principa, koji je od samog početka narušen, imajućiu vidu da je davalac franšize znatno jača ugovorna strana, koja nameće svoje uslove poslovanja primaocu franš
dc.description.abstractIn this paper, the author analyzes the various types of fees in franchise agreement: initial / entry fee, royalties, and so-called indemnity/ compensation. Special consideration is given to the indemnity/compensation, bearing in mind that the franchisee is not entitled to it if it is not included into the contract. The reasons for and against this compensation are analyzed in order to come to a conclusion whether it is justifiable to regulate this tupe of fee by the Law, in particular, by the future Civil Code of the Republic of Serbia. The author is of the opinion that, however, this fee should not be included into the Law, given the fact that franchisor (not the franchisee) owns goodwill. Therefore, the sufficient form of protection of the franchisee as a weaker party in the franchise agreement, is the right of priority in contract extension, which should be included into the future Civil Code of Republic of Serbia. This institute would lead to the equity of contracting parties in the franchise agreement - the principle which initially does not exist, given that the franchisor is considerably stronger contracting party than franchisee, imposing its terms of business on the franchisee.en
dc.publisherUdruženje pravnika u privredi Srbije, Beograd
dc.sourcePravo i privreda
dc.subjectugovor o franšizingusr
dc.subjecttrajna naknadasr
dc.subjectpravo prečeg produženja ugovorasr
dc.subjectpočetna naknadasr
dc.subjectnaknada za klijentelusr
dc.subjectright of priority in contract extensionen
dc.subjectinitial feeen
dc.subjectindemnity/ compensationen
dc.subjectfranchise agreementen
dc.titleNaknada kod ugovora o franšizingusr
dc.titleFranchise feesen
dc.citation.other56(4-6): 722-739



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