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Controversy about the choice between tax expenditures or direct public expenditures

dc.creatorIlić-Popov, Gordana
dc.description.abstractU modernoj poreskoj teoriji opšte je prihvaćen stav, prema kome poreski rashodi predstavljaju 'odstupanje od redovne poreske strukture'. Nasuprot tome, direktni Javni rashodi su stalne ili povremene intervencije od strane države, preko javnih rashoda, na teret državnog budžeta. I jedna i druga vrsta mera, usmerena je ka realizaciji ekonomskih, socijalnih i drugih ciljeva. U literaturi se već dugi niz godina vodi naučni spor o potrebi i ulozi poreskih rashoda u finansiranju: dok se u praksi poreski podsticaji vrlo široko primenjuju, veći deo savremene poreske teorije izričito odbacuje njihovo postojanje, tvrdeći da oni narušavaju alokaciju privrednih resursa. Sem toga, navode se i neke druge ograničenosti koncepta poreskih rashoda oni su 'skupo' sredstvo (u smislu gubitka poreskih rashoda); utiču na povećanje poreske slope; skriveni su i dr. No, i mišljenje je autora da su u poređenju da direktnim subvencijama, poreski rashodi mnogo fleksibilnija mera ekonomske politike. Oni pružaju mogućnost poreskom obvezniku da planira svoje buduće poslovne operacije na tržištu. Postupak davanja poreskih podsticaja relativno je kratak i jednostavan. Veća transparentnost poreskih rashoda obezbeđuje se postavljanjem restriktivnih kriterijuma za njihovo odobravanje, kao i efikasnijom poreskom
dc.description.abstractIn modem tax theory a general attitude has been accepted by which tax expenditures represent 'an exception from the regular tax structure'. On the contrary, direct public expenditures are permanent or temporally interventions of the state over public expenditures and on the burden of national budget. Both kinds of measures are oriented towards the realization of economic, social and other aims. In literature for a long period of time there is a scientific conflict on the usage and the role of tax expenditures in financing: while the tax stimulus is in wide application, a greater part of modem tax theory explicitly refuses its existence claiming that it ruins the allocation of economic resource. Beside that, there are some other limits on tax expenditures concept: they are 'expensive' assets concerning tax expenditures loss and make influence on tax rate growth and they are hidden etc. The author is of the opinion that, in comparison with direct subventions, tax expenditures are more flexible measure of economic policy. They give a possibility to the taxpayer to plan his future business transactions on the market. Procedure of tax stimulus giving is relatively short and simple. A greater transparency of tax expenditures is ensured by restrictive criteria for their approval as well as a more efficient tax control.en
dc.publisherMinistarstvo finansija Republike Srbije, Beograd
dc.titleKontroverze oko izbora između poreskih rashoda ili direktnih javnih rashodasr
dc.titleControversy about the choice between tax expenditures or direct public expendituresen
dc.citation.other51(1-2): 74-82

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