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Exemption from the application of the principle of trademark exhaustion

dc.creatorVujičić, Novak
dc.description.abstractZakonom o žigovima Republike Srbije izričito je propisano da se pravilo o iscrpljenju prava neće primeniti u slučaju postojanja opravdanog razloga nosioca žiga da se suprotstavi daljem stavljanju u promet robe označene žigom zaštićenom oznakom, posebno ako je došlo do kvara ili druge bitne promene stanja robe posle njenog prvog stavljanja u promet. Predmet rada je upravo analiza predočenog izuzetka od primene instituta iscrpljenja prava u pravu žiga. U radu se nastoji odrediti ratio legis posmatranog izuzetka, kako bi se postavile okvirne smernice za njegovo tumačenje. S tim u vezi, posebna pažnja se posvećuje praksi Suda pravde Evropske unije o razmatranom pitanju. Analiza pokazuje da bi predmetni izuzetak trebalo da se tumači restriktivno, te da mesta za njegovu primenu ima pre svega kada je potrebno sprečiti situacije u kojima bi primena instituta iscrpljenja prava neopravdano narušila ostvarivanje žigom zaštićene funkcije oznake da ukazuje na poreklo robe. Ipak, u određenoj meri Sud pravde Evropske unije čini se odstupa od takvog restriktivnog pravca tumačenja.sr
dc.description.abstractThe Law on Trademarks of the Republic of Serbia explicitly stipulates that the rule on trademark exhaustion shall not be applied where there exists a legitimate reason for the trademark holder to oppose further commercialization of the goods, especially if a defect or another fundamental change of condition of the goods has occurred after they have been put on the market for the first time. The paper deals exactly with the presented issue of the exemption from the application of the principle of trademark exhaustion. The paper seeks to determine ratio legis of the observed exemption, in order to outline the guidelines for its interpretation. Bearing that in mind, the particular focus is on the practice of the Court of Justice of the European Union, relevant for the analysed issue. The analysis shows that the subject exemption should be interpreted restrictively and applied when it is necessary to prevent situations in which application of the principle of trademark exhaustion would unjustifiably undermine the achievement of the function of a mark to indicate origin of the goods, as the essential function protected by a trademark right. Nevertheless, the Court of Justice of the European Union interprets, to a certain extent, this exemption differently.en
dc.publisherUdruženje pravnika u privredi Srbije, Beograd
dc.sourcePravo i privreda
dc.subjectpravo žigasr
dc.subjectpravo Evropske unijesr
dc.subjectluksuzna robasr
dc.subjectizuzetak od iscrpljenja pravasr
dc.subjectiscrpljenje pravasr
dc.subjecttrademark exhaustionen
dc.subjectluxury goodsen
dc.subjectexhaustion of rightsen
dc.subjectexemption from the trademark exhaustionen
dc.subjectEuropean Union lawen
dc.titleIzuzetak od primene instituta iscrpljenja prava u pravu žigasr
dc.titleExemption from the application of the principle of trademark exhaustionen
dc.citation.other57(7-9): 134-159



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