Prikaz osnovnih podataka o dokumentu

Contemporary understanding of the spiritual message of the Kosovo myth

dc.creatorGrozdić, Borislav
dc.creatorDabetić, Valerija
dc.description.abstractU radu se obrađuje nastanak, razvoj i značaj duhovne poruke Kosovskog mita - opredeljenje za Carstvo nebesko, kao osovine kolektivnog identiteta srpskog naroda. Ukazujući da mit nije arhaičan i prevaziđen oblik iracionalnog mišljenja, nego celoviti doživljaj sveta, autori ističu složenost, kontradiktornost i aktuelnost Kosovskog mita. Budući da je pojam mita u nauci uglavnom jasno određen, obrazlaže se upotreba izraza "Kosovski mit" umesto sintagme "Kosovski zavet", jer je kosovski zavet, kao svojevrsni srpski nacionalni zavet, izražen i sačuvan u formi mita, mišljenje je autorâ. Analizirajući njegovo profano i duhovno tumačenje, rad ima za cilj da pokaže kako i zašto se duhovna poruka Kosovskog mita ne razumeva odnosno pogrešno razumeva u današnje vreme. Suočeni s problemom nemogućnosti potpunog izražavanja duhovnog iskustva racionalnim pojmovima, autori zastupaju ideju da opredeljenje za Carstvo nebesko, kao kičma Kosovskog mita nije poziv na osvetu, nasilje, mržnju i rat, nego naprotiv, stremljenje ka najuzvišenijim duhovnim i moralnim ciljevima i vrednostima.SR
dc.description.abstractIn the aggressive dominance of critical rational thinking over the mythical worldview, myth as a historical and effective force does not lose its actuality and importance, because myths often hide deeper messages than what history can offer. In such a social context, the significance of the spiritual message of the Kosovo myth - the commitment to the Heavenly Kingdom, as a lasting common value of the Serbian people, returns as a theme. In spite of its omnipresence, the opinion prevails that the myth belongs to the past, and if it is not yet obsolete, it certainly should be. The authors advocate the idea that myth, as a comprehensive experience of the world, and therefore the Kosovo myth as well, is a factor of national integration, a part of collective identity, and a common value system. Analyzing the secular and spiritual understanding of the Kosovo myth, the authors point out the importance of the vivid memory of the prince Lazar's commitment to the Heavenly Kingdom. For Christians, this represents the value and goal above all others and it forms the core of the Serbian historical consciousness and spiritual community. The paper shows that the spiritual message of the Kosovo myth is not understood or it is misunderstood nowadays, since the commitment to Kosovo is perceived as a call and an obligation to die for it. The authors conclude that the Kosovo myth is not a call to die in the war, on the contrary, it is a struggle for external and internal freedom, as well as for the highest values that are implied by the definition of the Heavenly Kingdom - peace, love, honor, justice, dignity, and others.EN
dc.publisherMatica srpska, Novi Sad
dc.relationProjekat Pravnog fakulteta Univerziteta u Beogradu: Identitetski preobražaj Srbije
dc.sourceZbornik Matice srpske za društvene nauke
dc.subjectKosovski mitSR
dc.subjectduhovna porukaSR
dc.subjectCarstvo nebeskoSR
dc.subjectspiritual messageEN
dc.subjectKosovo mythEN
dc.subjectHeavenly KingdomEN
dc.titleSavremeno shvatanje duhovne poruke Kosovskog mitaSR
dc.titleContemporary understanding of the spiritual message of the Kosovo mythEN
dc.citation.other(171): 313-325



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