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Legal analysis of the last changes to the law on bankruptcy from 2018

dc.creatorRadović, Vuk
dc.description.abstractKrajem 2018. godine usvojene su četvrte izmene Zakona o stečaju. Sadržinski one se vezuju za pet stečajnopravnih tema: 1) mogućnost ostvarivanja direktne komunikacije između poverilaca i stečajnog upravnika; 2) pravo poverioca predlagača da predloži stečajnog upravnika; 3) davanje većih ovlašćenja skupštini poverilaca u postupku kontrole imenovanog stečajnog upravnika; 4) preciziranje kriterijuma za određivanje visine predujma troškova; i 5) proširenje kruga aktivno legitimisanih lica za podnošenje plana reorganizacije. U ovom radu autor kritički analizira sve ove promene i zaključuje da su novouvedene odredbe, najvećim delom, nejasne, neprecizne i nedorečene, te da u praksi mogu stvoriti pravnu neizvesnost. Kako bi se ovo zaobišlo, autor je predložio na koji način treba pravilno tumačiti sporna pitanja.sr
dc.description.abstractAt the end of 2018 fourth amendments to the Law on bankruptcy have been adopted. Looking at the content of these changes, they can be classified into five bankruptcy law issues: 1) the possibility to establish direct line of communication between creditors and bankruptcy trustee; 2) the right of the creditor who initiated the bankruptcy proceeding to nominate bankruptcy trustee; 3) authority of the general meeting of creditors in connection with the process of supervising the elected bankruptcy trustee; 4) determination of the maximum level of advance payment of bankruptcy costs; and 5) right to propose the reorganization plan. In this paper the author has critically analyzed all these changes and concluded that these norms are mostly unclear, imprecise and understated, which means that in the practice they can lead to legal uncertainty. In order to avoid misunderstandings, the author has suggested how these norms are supposed to be interpreted.en
dc.publisherUdruženje pravnika u privredi Srbije, Beograd
dc.sourcePravo i privreda
dc.subjectstečajni poverilacsr
dc.subjectskupština poverilacasr
dc.subjectrazlučni poverilacsr
dc.subjectpredujam troškovasr
dc.subjectpravo na informisanjesr
dc.subjectimenovanje stečajnog upravnikasr
dc.subjectunsecured creditoren
dc.subjectsecured creditoren
dc.subjectright to informationen
dc.subjectnomination of bankruptcy trusteeen
dc.subjectgeneral meeting of creditorsen
dc.subjectadvance payment of costsen
dc.titlePravna analiza poslednjih izmena Zakona o stečaju - korak napred, dva koraka unazadsr
dc.titleLegal analysis of the last changes to the law on bankruptcy from 2018en
dc.citation.other57(4-6): 608-626



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