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International Federation of Library associations and Institutions - IFLA and professional associations in Serbia: The first 45 years

dc.creatorSimončić-Stokić, Gordana
dc.creatorDragosavac, Branka
dc.description.abstractIako danas srpski bibliotekari na raznim nivoima i u različitim vidovima uzimaju aktivno učešće u radu Međunarodne federacije bibliotekarskih udruženja i institucija - IFLA, samo retki među njima znaju da profesionalna saradnja sa ovom organizacijom traje preko 85 godina. Premda o međusobnoj saradnji svedoče i arhivska i štampana građa (kako u Srbiji, tako i u sedištu IFLA-e u Hagu), njeni dometi ne samo da nisu nikada ocenjeni, nego nikada nisu predstavljeni ni u hronološkom nizu, što bi moralo prethoditi evaluaciji. Uspostavljanje hronologije u saradnji srpskih bibliotekara sa IFLA-om upravo je jedan od ciljeva ovog rada. Višedecenijski profesionalni odnosi srpskih bibliotekara sa IFLA-om odvijali su se u različitim državnim i političko-ekonomskim okvirima: od Kraljevine Jugoslavije preko Socijalističke Federativne Republike Jugoslavije i Savezne Republike Jugoslavije do Republike Srbije. U ovom radu razmatraju se dva perioda, onaj između dva svetska rata i onaj koji se na njega nadovezao, počevši nakon Drugog svetskog rata i dostižući vrhunac u osmoj deceniji 20. veka. Smatrajući da je poznavanje razvoja bibliotekarstva u nacionalnim okvirima osnova za izgradnju profesionalnog identiteta bibliotekara, autorke u ovom radu nastoje da po prvi put osvetle aspekt saradnje sa IFLA-om, kao suštinski važan za sazrevanje profesionalne samosvesti. Imajući u vidu da su ekonomske prilike i politički uticaji u prethodnim decenijama otežavali taj proces, one nastoje da im suprotstave zajedničko pamćenje, zajedničke vrednosti, osećanje pripadnosti i samopoštovanja kao svojstva identiteta.sr
dc.description.abstractThis work brings to life some new facts and presents the cooperation between the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA) and the associations of librarians in Serbia, in four and a half decades, between 1931 and 1976. In the period between the two world wars, this cooperation was established and maintained by the Yugoslav Library Association (1931-1940), especially its Belgrade Section, and after the Second World War it was realized through the Serbian Library Association (1948-1976) as a part of the Association of Librarians in Yugoslavia. Yugoslavia, in the first period as a kingdom, and in the second as a socialist country, represents a state-legal framework to examine the phenomena of library associations and international cooperation. The Yugoslav Library Association was the predecessor of the Serbian Library Association, but under the new conditions of socialist construction, mentioning the organization from the previous, bourgeois period was undesirable. Nine years of the activity of the first professional library association in Yugoslavia were not evaluated in the right way: association that was founded later with the vast majority of former members and historians of librarianship, talked rarely about its existence, mainly for the political reasons. Considering knowledge of the development of librarianship in national frameworks the basis for building a professional identity of librarians, the authors of this paper are trying to shed light on cooperation with IFLA as essential for maturing of the professional self-awareness. Taking into account that economic opportunities and political influences in the past decades have made this process difficult, the authors are trying to oppose their shared memory, common values, the feeling of belonging and self-respect as an identity property. Moreover, nowadays in Serbia there is a strong need for re-evaluation of the role and importance of library associations in order to reposition the profession, interrelations of professionals and modalities of voluntary work.en
dc.publisherGradska biblioteka, Pančevo
dc.sourceČitalište : naučni časopis za teoriju i praksu bibliotekarstva
dc.subjectprofesionalna udruženjasr
dc.subjectmeđunarodna saradnjasr
dc.subjectMeđunarodna federacija bibliotekarskih udruženja i institucija -IFLAsr
dc.subjectDruštvo jugoslovenskih bibliotekara (1931-1940)sr
dc.subjectBibliotekarsko društvo Srbije (1947-)sr
dc.subjectYugoslav Library Association (1931-1940)en
dc.subjectSerbian Library Association (1947)en
dc.subjectprofessional associationsen
dc.subjectInternational Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA)en
dc.titleMeđunarodna federacija bibliotekarskih udruženja i institucija - IFLA i profesionalna udruženja u Srbiji - prvih 45 godinasr
dc.titleInternational Federation of Library associations and Institutions - IFLA and professional associations in Serbia: The first 45 yearsen
dc.citation.other(35): 44-53



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