Prikaz osnovnih podataka o dokumentu

The delict of Roman catholic proselytism in medieval Serbia

dc.creatorKatančević, Andreja
dc.description.abstractRad je posvećen krivičnim delima vezanim za prelazak pravoslavnog u rimokatolicizam u srpskom srednjovekovnom pravu. Posebna pažnja je posvećena pitanjima na koji akt i na koju normu upućuje Dušanov zakonik u članovima 106. i 108. kada se za ove delikte propisuje kazna iz "zakon(ik)a svetih otaca", odnosno o kojoj se kazni tu radi, kao i pitanju u čemu se ogleda novela ove materije učinjena u Zakoniku o rudnicima despota Stefana. Primenjeni metodi su jezičko, sistemsko i istorijsko tumačenje odredaba Zakona gradskog (Prohirona) Zakonopravila, Skraćene sintagme Matije Vlastara, Dušanovog zakonika i Zakonika o rudnicima despota Stefana.SR
dc.description.abstractThis paper deals with crimes associated with the conversion of Orthodox Christians to Roman Catholicism. Special attention is devoted to the question of which norm is referred to in Articles 106 and 108 of the Code of Tsar Dušan, when it provides the punishment for these delicts from the "zakon(ik) svetih otaca", i.e. what the punishment was and what the innovation of this matter in the Mining Code of Despot Stefan consists in. The results show that Tsar Dušan, in his Code, probably provided analogous application of the norms of Zakonopravilo about conversion to manicheism, i.e. Bogumilstvo, to conversion to "the Latin heresy". Renegade who does not return to Orthodoxy suffered capital punishment, as well as the one who converted him to Roman Catholicism. According to the provisions of the Zakongradski (Prochiron) of the Zakonopravilo, the same punishment was inflicted on the man who knew about the conversion of another and did not report it to the authorities. It seems that around half a century later Despot Stefan Lazarević reduced these punishments in the area of Novo Brdo. Thus, Roman Catholics who deceived an Orthodox Christian were given the opportunity to "ransom their head" with a fine determined in the law, which was accompanied with confiscation of property in Novo Brdo and exile from "the area of the city". If a member of Roman Catholic clergy was involved, he was probably punished additionally with mutilation of the nose. For the renegade himself, if he did not return to Orthodoxy, the provision of Tsar Dušan on capital punishment still applied. The applied methods are linguistic, systemic and historical interpretation of the provisions of the Zakongradski of the Zakonopravilo, the Abridged Syntagma of Matthew Blastares, the Code of Tsar Dušan and the Mining Code of Despot Stefan.EN
dc.publisherCentar za crkvene studije, Niš
dc.sourceCrkvene studije
dc.subjectZakonik o rudnicimaSR
dc.subjectZakon gradskiSR
dc.subjectsrpsko srednjovekovno pravoSR
dc.subjectSkraćena sintagma Matije VlastaraSR
dc.subjectDušanov zakonikSR
dc.titleDelikt rimokatoličkog prozelitizma u srednjovekovnoj SrbijiSR
dc.titleThe delict of Roman catholic proselytism in medieval SerbiaEN
dc.citation.other16(16-2): 559-567



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