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Registration of religious organizations: Between collective and corporate right to religious freedom

dc.creatorĐukić, Dalibor
dc.description.abstractOsnovni preduslov da bi subjekti verske slobode mogli da egzistiraju u pravnom poretku jeste posedovanje pravnog subjektiviteta. Pravo na sticanje pravnog subjektiviteta ne tiče se samo verskih organizacija, već i njihovih službenika, rukovodstva i samih članova čije se ostvarivanje prava na slobodu veroispovesti može ostvariti jedino u zajednici sa drugim licima. Zato se ovo pravo dovodi u vezu sa pravom na slobodu udruživanja i sa načelom nediskriminacije. U radu su analizirane tri bitne karakteristike postupka registracije crkava i verskih zajednica: neobaveznost, ekspeditivnost i transparentnost. Osnovna hipoteza rada je da se postupak priznavanja statusa pravnog lica verskim organizacijama u pojedinim situacijama koristi kao instrument državne kontrole nad njihovim radom i delovanjem. Druga hipoteza je da pravni subjektivitet verskih organizacija može biti priznat na različite načine, pri čemu svako gašenje ili poricanje tog subjektiviteta predstavlja ograničenje slobode veroispovesti koje, da bi bilo dopušteno, mora ispunjavati uslove predviđene međunarodnopravnim standardima u oblasti zaštite osnovnih ljudskih prava i
dc.description.abstractThe primary focus of the paper is on the right of religious communities to acquire legal personality. For religious communities this issue has existential importance. Denying access to such status imposes impermissible limitations on freedom of religion or belief. The majority of religious communities seek legal entity status, because it is necessary if they want to acquire property, hire personal, apply for governmental permits etc. The right to acquire legal entity status is one of the most critical arrangements needed for religious liberty in contemporary societies. The paper includes analysis of three important characteristics of this procedure. Access to legal personality for religious or belief communities should be non-mandatory, quick and transparent. It should be taken into account that competent authorities for various political or social reasons, made untimely decisions or refused to register religious organizations due to alleged formal deficiencies. In these cases, the procedures themselves and excessive formalism were used as a mechanism to control the number of recognized religious organizations and to deny the status of a legal entity to certain religious groups. In order to prevent such occurrences, it is necessary to protect the competent authorities from all those influences that prevent them from acting impartially and neutrally. There is a variety of ways that the right to legal personality can be provided for religious communities. Registration system should be compliant with international human rights norms and it is important to recognize that registration is not a primary mechanism for exercising social control of religion.en
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Novom Sadu - Pravni fakultet, Novi Sad
dc.sourceZbornik radova Pravnog fakulteta, Novi Sad
dc.subjectverske organizacijesr
dc.subjectsloboda veroispovestisr
dc.subjectsloboda udruživanjasr
dc.subjectpravni subjektivitetsr
dc.subjectreligious organizationsen
dc.subjectreligious freedomen
dc.subjectlegal personalityen
dc.subjectfreedom of assembly and associationen
dc.titlePostupak registracije verskih organizacija - između kolektivnog i korporativnog prava na versku slobodusr
dc.titleRegistration of religious organizations: Between collective and corporate right to religious freedomen
dc.citation.other54(2): 709-727

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