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Small soirees or the infancy of storytelling: A program for children of the public library in Belgrade between the two world wars

dc.creatorDragosavac, Branka
dc.creatorĆorović, Ljubica
dc.description.abstractPrvo dečje odeljenje u Beogradu osnovano je zajedno sa prvom javnom bibliotekom - Bibliotekom i Muzejom Opštine grada Beograda. Od svečanog otvaranja 31. januara 1931. godine u njemu su organizovane različite forme rada sa decom. Iako se više puta pisalo o radu ovog odeljenja, čini se da su pojedini oblici saradnje sa decom nedovoljno istaknuti. Osim toga, u Dečjem odeljenju imenovan je i prvi dečji bibliotekar na teritoriji, kako tadašnje države, tako i srpskih javnih biblioteka u celini, Nadežda Basurović. Ona je do sada sporadično pominjana u stručnoj literaturi, ali njen rad i ljubav sa kojom je posvećeno vodila odeljenje i kulturno-prosvetnu delatnost nisu do sada istraženi ni objavljeni. U ovom tekstu predstavljena su dečja posela - "mala sela" kao preteča savremenih kulturnih programa i rad prvog imenovanog srpskog dečjeg bibliotekara. Članak je nastao na osnovu građe Zavičajnog odeljenja Biblioteke grada Beograda i godišnjih izveštaja o radu Biblioteke, građe Arhiva Beograda te objavljenih napisa u serijskim i monografskim publikacijama.sr
dc.description.abstractIn 1928, based on the Law on Municipalities, the Court of the Municipality of the City of Belgrade made a decision on the establishment of the City Library and the Museum of Belgrade. The first librarian, Marija Ilić Agapova, was hired next year. Over the next year and a half until the opening ceremony of the library and the museum, initially alone and later with a small circle of associates, she collected, arranged, systematized and processed material for the library funds, and drafted the Work Programme and the Rulebook of the Library of the Municipality of the City of Belgrade (1930). From the very beginning, together with working on the library fund for adults, Marija Ilić Agapova began to collect and arrange material for the formation of the Department for Children and Young Adults, following the example of English and world library practice. This department began its official work on January 11, 1931. Work on cultural and educational activities in the Children's Reading Room started immediately after organizing the lending/borrowing procedures. On March 15, the first official children's librarian was appointed - it was Nadežda Basurović. This paper presents children's soirees - small soirees, as a precursor of modern cultural programs for children, which are now realized in numerous domestic and international libraries and are denoted by the term storytelling. In addition, it presents the work of Nadežda Basurović, the first appointed children's librarian in Serbia. The paper was created on the basis of preserved reports written by children's librarians, kept in the Old and Rare Books and Books on Belgrade / Local History Department of the Belgrade City Library, as well as on the basis of materials stored in the Historical Archives of Belgrade, articles published in serial and monographic publications, and data from the annual reports of the Belgrade City Library.en
dc.publisherGradska biblioteka, Pančevo
dc.sourceČitalište : naučni časopis za teoriju i praksu bibliotekarstva
dc.subjectNadežda Basurović (1907-?)sr
dc.subjectMarija Ilić-Agapova (1895-1984)sr
dc.subjectmala selasr
dc.subjectDečje odeljenjesr
dc.subjectDečje i omladinsko odeljenjesr
dc.subjectBiblioteka grada Beogradasr
dc.subjectsmall soireesen
dc.subjectNadežda Basurović (1907-?)en
dc.subjectMarija Ilić Agapova (1895-1984)en
dc.subjectdepartment for childrenen
dc.subjectdepartment for children and young adultsen
dc.subjectBelgrade City Libraryen
dc.titleMala sêla ili storytelling u povoju - program za decu javne biblioteke u Beogradu između dva svetska ratasr
dc.titleSmall soirees or the infancy of storytelling: A program for children of the public library in Belgrade between the two world warsen
dc.citation.other(36): 2-12



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