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Foreign direct investments screening in EU law at the time of the crisis caused by the pandemic

dc.creatorRadović, Mirjana
dc.description.abstractPoslednjih godina primetan je trend u pravcu češće i šire kontrole stranih direktnih investicija (SDI) iz trećih zemalja u okviru nacionalnih prava država članica EU. Stoga je to pitanje uređeno na komunitarnom nivou Uredbom (EU) 2019/452 o proveri SDI. U radu su objašnjeni razlozi promene odnosa prema unutrašnjim SDI iz trećih zemalja u državama članicama, a onda i na nivou EU. Potom je analiziran pravni okvir za SDI u EU, kako bi se utvrdile mogućnosti njihovog ograničavanja nacionalnim pravima. Posebna pažnja je posvećena Uredbi (EU) 2019/452, koja postavlja minimalne standarde za nacionalne mehanizme provere SDI. Konačno, autorka ispituje uticaj pandemije na odnos prema SDI u EU i zaključuje da je aktuelna kriza doprinela učvršćenju i daljem razvoju njihove
dc.description.abstractThe European Union is generally open to inward foreign direct investments (FDI). However, over recent years there is a rising trend in screening of inward FDI from third countries in the Member States. As a result, the Regulation (EU) 2019/452 on screening of foreign direct investments was enacted. In this paper the author, firstly, explains the reasons for a change in treatment of inward FDI from third countries within the Member States and the EU itself. The second part of the paper contains an analysis of the legal framework for FDI in the EU, in order to determine the possibility of their restrictions through national legislations. Special attention is given to the FDI-Screening Regulation and its minimum standards for national screening mechanisms. Finally, the author examines how the COVID-19 pandemic affects the treatment of FDI in the EU and concludes that the current crisis has contributed to further expanding the scope and importance of their screening and control.en
dc.publisherInstitut za uporedno pravo, Beograd
dc.sourceStrani pravni život
dc.subjectUredba (EU) 2019/452 o proveri stranih direktnih investicijasr
dc.subjectstrane direktne investicijesr
dc.subjectpandemija koronavirusa (COVID-19)sr
dc.subjectforeign direct investmenten
dc.subjectFDI-Screening Regulation (EU) 2019/452en
dc.subjectcoronavirus (COVID-19) pandemicen
dc.titleKontrola stranih direktnih investicija u pravu EU u uslovima krize izazvane pandemijomsr
dc.titleForeign direct investments screening in EU law at the time of the crisis caused by the pandemicen
dc.citation.other(3): 361-374

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