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The law applicable to objective arbitrability: 'Lex fori', 'lex arbitri' and their alternatives

dc.creatorJovanović, Stefan
dc.description.abstractImajući u vidu da za pitanje arbitrabilnosti predmeta spora ne postoji uniformno rešenje iz međunarodnih konvencija i Model zakona, kao i da različita nacionalna zakonodavstva na drugačije načine rešavaju ovo pitanje, primećuje se veliki značaj pravilnog određivanja merodavnog prava za objektivnu arbitrabilnost. U radu su prvo analizirane lex fori i lex arbitri, kao klasične tačke vezivanja, a zatim i njihove alternative, kao što su lex causae za ugovor, mesto potencijalnog izvršenja odluke i pravo merodavno za materijalnu punovažnost arbitražnog sporazuma, te je razmatran i predlog napuštanja kolizione tehnike. Nakon zaključka da je iz više razloga neadekvatno na ovo pitanje primenjivati pravo merodavno za arbitražni sporazum, kao i da još uvek ne može da se smatra da postoji autonomni pojam arbitrabilnosti iz Njujorške konvencije, autor prepoznaje da definicija objektivne arbitrabilnosti obuhvata više aspekata, te da je za svaki od njih potrebno zasebno odrediti pravo koje se primenjuje.sr
dc.description.abstractBearing in mind that there is no uniform solution to the issue of arbitrability of the subject matter of a dispute in international conventions and the Model Law, as well as that different national legislations solve this issue in different ways, the great importance of correctly determining the applicable law for objective arbitrability is noticed. The paper first analyses the lex fori and lex arbitri as classic points of attachment, and then their alternatives such as the lex causae for contract, the place of potential enforcement of the award and the law applicable to the material validity of the arbitration agreement, as well as the proposal to abandon the collision technique. After concluding that for several reasons it is inadequate to apply the law applicable to the arbitration agreement to this issue, and that it is still early to consider that there is an autonomous notion of arbitrability from the New York Convention, the author recognizes that the definition of objective arbitrability encompasses several aspects. Accordingly, for each of them it is necessary to determine separately the applicable law.en
dc.publisherUdruženje pravnika u privredi Srbije, Beograd
dc.sourcePravo i privreda
dc.subjectprincip najbliže vezesr
dc.subjectmerodavno pravosr
dc.subjectlex forisr
dc.subjectlex arbitrisr
dc.subjectthe principle of the closest connectionen
dc.subjectlex forien
dc.subjectlex arbitrien
dc.subjectapplicable lawen
dc.titleMerodavno pravo za arbitrabilnost predmeta spora - "lex fori", "lex arbitri" i njihove alternativesr
dc.titleThe law applicable to objective arbitrability: 'Lex fori', 'lex arbitri' and their alternativesen
dc.citation.other59(3): 397-422



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