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Procedure of registration in real estate cadaster

dc.creatorŽivković, Miloš
dc.creatorDabić Nikićević, Snežana
dc.description.abstractPromena registarskog sistema sa zemljišne knjige na katastar nepokretnosti imala je najveći uticaj na procesne odredbe, odnosno postupak registracije, jer se sa vanparničnog sudskog postupka prešlo na poseban upravni postupak. Pored toga, od stupanja na snagu Zakona o postupku upisa u katastar nepokretnosti i vodova 2018. godine sprovedeno je načelo upisa po službenoj dužnosti, što je omogućeno upotrebom informacionih tehnologija u postupku upisa. Postupak upisa moguće je pokrenuti bilo po službenoj dužnosti bilo po zahtevu, što unekoliko komplikuje procesne odredbe jer traži da se uredi situacija kad je postupak za isti upis pokrenut na oba načina. Specifičnost postupka upisa u katastar nepokretnosti ogleda se u ograničenoj ulozi organa koji vodi postupak, u smislu izostanka materijalnopravne provere isprava koje su osnov za upis. Upis se vrši na osnovu prvostepenog rešenja. Drugostepeni postupak pokreće se uvek na zahtev, odnosno podnošenjem žalbe, koja se za razliku od prvostepenog postupka ne podnosi elektronski već u papirnoj formi. Sudsku kontrolu rada katastra nepokretnosti vrši Upravni sud, jer je protiv konačnog drugostepenog rešenja moguće podnošenje tužbe u upravnom sporu.sr
dc.description.abstractChanging the system of registration from the Land Books to the Real Estate Cadaster had a profound influence to the procedural provisions, respectively the procedure of registration, because a shift was made from uncontentious court proceedings to special administrative proceedings. Apart from that, since the 2018 Law on Procedure of Registration in Real Estate and Lines Cadaster came into force, the principle of registration by official duty had been implemented, which was enabled by the use of information technologies in the registration procedure. The procedure of registration may be initiated either by official duty or by request of an interested party, which complicates the procedural provisions to a certain degree, because it requires the situation where the procedure of registration of the same right is initiated in both manners to be regulated. One of the characteristics of the registration procedure in the Real Estate Cadaster is a limited role of authority carrying out the procedure to check the substantive validity of documents sent for registration. e registration is made on the basis of the first instance decision. e appeal (second instance) procedure is always initiated upon request (no appeal by official duty), respectively by lodging an appeal, which is, as opposed to requests within the first instance procedure, can be submitted in paper form. Judicial control of the work of the registry is carried out by the Administrative Court, because an administrative action is allowed against a final (second instance) administrative decision of the registry.en
dc.sourceRevija Kopaoničke škole prirodnog prava
dc.subjectpostupak upisasr
dc.subjectkatastar nepokretnostisr
dc.subjectregistration procedureen
dc.subjectreal propertyen
dc.subjectreal estate cadasteren
dc.titlePostupak upisa u katastar nepokretnostisr
dc.titleProcedure of registration in real estate cadasteren
dc.citation.other4(1): 9-29



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