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Non-competes in employment contracts: (Un)justified restrictions on the freedom to work

dc.creatorKuzminac, Mina
dc.description.abstractAutorka u radu analizira normativne i praktične aspekte radnopravnog instituta zabrane konkurencije. Hipoteza postavljena u radu jeste da, iako radno pravo treba da poznaje institut zabrane konkurencije, postoji potreba da se u većoj meri ograniči unošenje zabrane konkurencije u ugovor o radu (naročito za period posle prestanka radnog odnosa), kako ne bi došlo do neopravdanog ograničenja slobode rada zaposlenih. Cilj rada je da izloži prednosti i mane zabrane konkurencije iz (suprotstavljenih) perspektiva poslodavca i zaposlenog, te da ukaže na to koje odredbe u domaćem pravnom okviru je potencijalno neophodno revidirati kako ne bi dolazilo do zloupotrebe zabrane konkurencije od strane poslodavaca u praksi. Rad sadrži analizu rešenja domaćeg radnog zakonodavstva i kratak pregled rešenja iz određenih država Evropske unije koja mogu biti smernica za izmene i dopune domaćeg zakonodavstva, kao i analizu rezultata istraživanja sprovedenog putem upitnika koja pokazuje da zaposleni nisu u dovoljnoj meri upoznati sa institutom zabrane konkurencije. Konačno, autorka je sprovela i intervju sa respondentima koji su imali ili imaju zabranu konkurencije u ugovoru o radu. Na osnovu intervjua se može zaključiti da zaposleni pristaju na klauzulu zabrane konkurencije u strahu da neće dobiti posao, iako smatraju da nema opravdanog osnova za ovakvu
dc.description.abstractThe author analyses the normative and practical aspects of non-competes as a labour law institute. The hypothesis presented in the paper is that although non-compete clauses should exist, there is a need to further limit the inclusion of such clauses in employment contracts (especially post-contractual non-competes), so that there would not be an unjustified limitation on the freedom to work. The aim of the paper is to present the advantages and disadvantages of non-competes from the (opposed) perspectives of the employer and employee, and to indicate which provisions in the Serbian legal framework should potentially be revised in order to avoid employers abusing non-competes in practice. The paper contains an analysis of the legal framework in Serbia and a brief overview of solutions from certain European Union member states which could be utilized as guidelines for amending Serbian legislation, as well as an analysis of the results of a survey conducted through a questionnaire which demonstrates that employees are not very familiar with non-competes. Finally, the author conducted interviews with respondents who have or have had non-competes in their employment contract. Based on the interviews, it was concluded that employees agree to the non-competes out of fear of not getting employed, despite believing that there is no justified basis for such a clause.en
dc.publisherAdvokatska komora Vojvodine, Novi Sad
dc.sourceGlasnik Advokatske komore Vojvodine
dc.subjectzabrana konkurencijesr
dc.subjectvernost poslodavcusr
dc.subjectugovor o radusr
dc.subjectsloboda radasr
dc.subjectprinudni radsr
dc.subjectnon-compete clauseen
dc.subjectloyalty to the employeren
dc.subjectfreedom to worken
dc.subjectforced labouren
dc.subjectemployment contracten
dc.titleZabrana konkurencije u ugovoru o radu - (ne)opravdano ograničenje slobode radasr
dc.titleNon-competes in employment contracts: (Un)justified restrictions on the freedom to worken
dc.citation.other94(2): 416-464

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