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Public enterprises: Old and new challenges

dc.creatorLepetić, Jelena
dc.description.abstractU ovom radu, autor analizira pravila kojima su regulisana javna preduzeća. Nakon izlaganja o terminološkim problemima, data je definicija javnih preduzeća. Ukazano je na nepotrebnost postojanja javnih preduzeća kao posebne vrste privrednih subjekata, kao i na to da je potrebno sačiniti usaglašenu strategiju u pogledu budućnosti svih javnih preduzeća, a ne samo onih čiji je osnivač država. Takođe, istaknuta je i potreba usaglašavanja zakona, kao i neophodnost prilagođavanja pravila o organima javnih preduzeća potrebama više osni vača. Dalje su prikazane razlike između pravila o upravljanju javnim preduzećima i privrednim društvima. Autor zaključuje da je neophodno načelno primeniti opšta pravila i na javna preduzeća, pri čemu se pojedina specijalna pravila mogu predvideti opštim ili posebnim zakonom. Na kraju, obrađeno je i pitanje uravnotežene zastupljenosti polova u organima upravljanja i nadzora javnih preduzeća.sr
dc.description.abstractIn this paper, the author analyses rules which regulate public enterprises. The definition of public enterprises is provided after presenting the terminological issues. The paper points out that the existence of public enterprises as a special type of business entities is unnecessary, as well as that coordinated strategy regarding the future of all public enterprises, not only those founded by the state, should be drawn up. Also, the need to harmonize laws is highlighted as well as the necessity of adjusting the rules regarding the organization of public enterprises to the needs of multiple founders. Furthermore, the differences between the rules on the management of public enterprises and commercial companies are described. The author concludes that, in principle, it is necessary to apply general rules to public enterprises as well, whereby any special rules may be stipulated by general or special law. Finally, the issue of gender balance on management and supervisory boards of public enterprises is also examined.en
dc.publisherUdruženje pravnika u privredi Srbije, Beograd
dc.relationProjekat Pravnog fakulteta Univerziteta u Beogradu: Savremeni problemi pravnog sistema Srbije
dc.sourcePravo i privreda
dc.subjecturavnotežena zastupljenost polova u organima upravljanja i nadzorasr
dc.subjectprivredni subjekti pod kontrolom državesr
dc.subjectkorporativno upravljanjesr
dc.subjectjavna preduzećasr
dc.subjectstate-owned enterprisesen
dc.subjectpublic enterprisesen
dc.subjectgender balance on management and supervisory boardsen
dc.subjectcorporate governanceen
dc.titleJavna preduzeća - stari i novi izazovisr
dc.titlePublic enterprises: Old and new challengesen
dc.citation.other60(4): 675-694



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