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Some doubts regarding videotaped will

dc.creatorKašćelan, Balša
dc.description.abstractSavremeni svet karakteriše veoma ubrzan razvoj informacione tehnologije, što se odražava i na njenu primenu u pravnom životu, sve češće i upotrebom video zapisa. Iako je, pre svega, ovaj metod našao primenu u krivičnopravnoj materiji, njegovo korišćenje je moguće i u građanskim stvarima. Otud se javljaju i različiti stavovi u pogledu opravdanosti korišćenja video zapisa u zaveštajnom pravu, pogotovo kao posebne, nove forme testamenta. Autor smatra da je prerano uvođenje takve nove forme zaveštanja, ali ističe značaj koji bi mogao imati video zapis poslednje izjave volje zaveštaoca u dokaznom postupku prilikom raspravljanja zaostavštine, naročito u slučaju alografskog testamenta, ukazujući da se kod nas takav pristup još nije dovoljno ukorenio. U prvom delu rada razmatra se sam pojam i značaj zaveštanja sačinjenih putem video zapisa (u državama u kojima je dopušten). Nakon toga, prikazan je postupak sačinjavanja zaveštanja i mogući slučajevi ništavosti ovako sačinjenog zaveštanja. Na kraju, razmatraju se prednosti i potencijalni problemi ukoliko bi naš zakonodavac odlučio da predvidi ili preporuči mogućnost sačinjavanja zaveštanja putem video zapisa, uz zalaganje autora za šire korišćenje video zapisa kao supsidijernog dokaznog
dc.description.abstractThere is a lot of controversy considering the value of videotaped will, as one of the possible new forms of the last will. There is no doubt that it may always be useful to keep a video record as a proof of the will formation. On the other hand, it is possible to introduce the videotaped will as a separate form of a will. Regarding the latter, the author deems that it is too early to pass a new piece of legislation introducing videotaped will as a separate form of a will into Serbian law. However, the author is very much in favor of a wider use of videotaping of the will drafting procedure, but only as a supplement to the existing types of wills. This kind of proof of a will could contribute to the level of legal certainty, especially when it comes to allographic testaments. The legislator is free to decide whether there is a need for the use of video links and video recordings in drafting procedure or not. More importantly, the life and the case law may favor the use of video materials as a subsidiary mean of evidence on a wider scale. Such practice is nearly completely missing in Serbia at this moment.en
dc.sourceAnali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu
dc.subjectvrste zaveštanjasr
dc.subjectvideo zapissr
dc.subjectinformacione tehnologije i pravosr
dc.subjectvideotaped willen
dc.subjecttypes of willen
dc.subjectinformation technology and lawen
dc.titleNedoumice u vezi sa zaveštanjem sačinjenim putem video zapisasr
dc.titleSome doubts regarding videotaped willen
dc.rights.licenseCC BY
dc.citation.other59(1): 255-272

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