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Delivery of goods through documents of title

dc.creatorRadović, Mirjana
dc.description.abstractU ovom radu autor istražuje pojam, karakteristike, razvoj, značaj, teorijska objašnjenja, uslove za postojanje i pravne posledice primene tradicionog svojstva tzv. stvarnopravnih hartija od vrednosti. Pod tradicionim svojstvom se podrazumeva mogućnost izvršenja predaje robe putem prenosa hartije od vrednosti, koja inkorporiše pravni zahtev za povraćaj robe protiv izdavaoca. Prvi deo rada analizira da li su tradicione hartije od vrednosti (na primer, konosman, skladišnica, tovarni list) prema prirodi inkorporisanog prava zaista stvarnopravne hartije, kako ih bez izuzetka kvalifikuju domaći autori. U tom pogledu se zaključuje da su ove hartije od vrednosti u stvari obligacionopravne, s tim što njihov prenos može da izazove stvarnopravna dejstva prilikom raspolaganja robom. Drugi deo rada se bavi pitanjem osnovnih karakteristika tradicionih hartija od vrednosti i definisanjem njihovog pojma. Sledeći deo rada sadrži detaljnu analizu teorija koje nastoje da objasne osnov tradicionog dejstva: 1. relativna teorija, 2. apsolutna teorija, 3. teorija reprezentacije, i 4. modifikovana relativna teorija. Potom su izloženi uslovi koji moraju da budu ispunjeni da bi prenos tradicione hartije ostvario dejstva predaje robe. Konačno, u poslednjem delu rada su istražene pravne posledice primene tradicionog svojstva u vezi sa raspolaganjem robom. Na osnovu postignutih rezultata istraživanja autor je pružio i kritičku analizu srpske pravne teorije i prakse u domenu tradicionih hartija od vrednosti.sr
dc.description.abstractThis paper studies the possibility to deliver goods by transferring documents of title that refer to those goods. The first part of the article analyses whether documents of title (such as bill of lading, warehouse receipt) can be categorized as negotiable instruments that embody personal property rights, since this is how they are being treated in the Serbian legal science. In this respect the author concludes that documents of title actually embody personal rights against the issuer, although their transfer can lead to disposition of personal property rights regarding goods thereby represented. The second part of the article deals with the notion and main characteristics of documents of title. The following part of the article contains detailed analysis of the theories regarding the basis for delivery- of-goods effect of transferring documents of title: 1. relative theory, 2. absolute theory, 3. theory of representation, and 4. modified relative theory. In addition to that, the author explains the basic conditions that have to be met in order for the transfer of document of title to have the effect of delivery of goods. Finally, the last part of the article researches legal consequences that delivery of goods through documents of title has on disposition of personal property rights with regard to goods. On the basis of research results the author gives a critical analysis of the Serbian legal theory and practice in the field of documents of title.en
dc.sourceAnali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu
dc.subjecttradiciono svojstvo/dejstvosr
dc.subjectsticanje stvarnih pravasr
dc.subjecthartije od vrednostisr
dc.subjectdocuments of titleen
dc.subjectdisposition of goodsen
dc.subjectdelivery-of-goods effecten
dc.subjectacquisition of property rightsen
dc.titleTradiciono svojstvo tzv. stvarnopravnih hartija od vrednostisr
dc.titleDelivery of goods through documents of titleen
dc.rights.licenseCC BY
dc.citation.other59(1): 294-319



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