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Forms of suspended sentence in the legislation of England and Wales, Malta and Sweden

dc.creatorVuković, Igor
dc.description.abstractPredmet ovog članka jeste uporedno-pravna analiza krivično-pravnih propisa Engleske i Velsa, Malte i Švedske o uslovnoj osudi. Reč je o krivično-pravnoj sankciji koja se prema relevantnim statističkim podacima, najviše izriče punoletnim licima u SR Jugoslaviji. Stoga je, u ovim vremenima preispitivanja mesta i znaČaja uslovne osude u jugoslovenskom pravu, od naročitog značaja upoznavanje funkcionisanja ovog instituta u savremenom evropskom zakonodavstu. Autor najpre izlaže osnovne oblike uslovne osude u navedenim državama, a zatim izvodi odgovarajuće zaključke u pogledu odnosa predstavljenih zakonodavnih rešenja sa jugoslovenskim propisima u ovoj materiji.sr
dc.description.abstractThe subject matter of the present comparative law analysis of the positive law forms of suspended sentence in the European legislation relates to presenting the corresponding statutory solutions found in this matter in the law of England and Wales, Malta and Sweden. Comparative law approach to this issue of contemporary European law is of particular importance to Yugoslav criminal law, because of the fact that the suspended sentence is a criminal sanction that is most frequently imposed on persons of age in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. This is a sufficient reason for the present-day reassessment of the position and role of the institute of suspended sentence in the Yugoslav criminal law, which particularly relates to the need for an analysis of functioning of that institute in contemporary European legislation's. At the beginning, the author elaborates the basic forms of the suspended sentence (forms of suspended sentence with or without protective watch), and then makes corresponding conclusions in regards to the relationship between the reviewed legislative solutions and the Yugoslav regulations in the matter.en
dc.publisherInstitut za uporedno pravo, Beograd
dc.sourceStrani pravni život
dc.titleOblici uslovne osude u zakonodavstvu Engleske i Velsa, Malte i Švedskesr
dc.titleForms of suspended sentence in the legislation of England and Wales, Malta and Swedenen
dc.citation.other(1-3): 117-132



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