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Family law aspects of international parental child abduction

dc.creatorKovaček-Stanić, Gordana
dc.description.abstractU radu se proučavaju porodičnopravni aspekti međunarodne otmice dece, koji su regulisani Haškom konvencijom o građanskopravnim aspektima međunarodne otmice dece donete 1980. godine, a ratifikovane u Jugoslaviji 1991. godine. Analiziraju se dve situacije u primeni Konvencije, i to: primena Konvencije kada je dete odvedeno iz druge zemlje ugovornice u Srbiju (ili zadržano u Srbiji), i druga, kada je dete odvedeno iz Srbije u drugu zemlju ugovornicu (ili zadržano u drugoj zemlji). U ovom momentu, u Srbiji je u toku rad na izradi zakona kojim će biti preciziran postupak u primeni Konvencije. Specifičnost domaćeg porodičnog prava je u tome što je odvođenje ili zadržavanje deteta nezakonito u svim situacijama u kojima ne postoji sporazum roditelja o relokaciji deteta, bez obzira na to da li roditelji zajednički vrše roditeljsko pravo ili jedan roditelj samostalno vrši roditeljsko pravo, što predstavlja problem u razumevanju i primeni za inostrane sudove. Posebno se razmatra jedno izuzetno značajno pitanje primene Konvencije, a radi se o osnovima za odbijanje povratka deteta. U praksi sudova, pa i Evropskog suda za ljudska prava, pitanje utvrđivanja da li je postojala saglasnost drugog roditelja je jedno od najkomplikovanijih, a od odgovora na to pitanje zavisi da li je uopšte došlo do otmice. U zaključku, autorka se, između ostalog, zalaže za primenu medijacije u slučajevima
dc.description.abstractThe author deals with civil aspects of international child abduction, regulated by the Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction signed in 1980, and ratified by former Yugoslavia in 1991. The author analyzes two situations: the first, when a child is wrongfully removed from one contracting state to Serbia, or wrongfully retained in Serbia, and the second, when a child is wrongfully removed from Serbia to another contracting state, or wrongfully retained in another contracting state. Serbian authorities presently work on a Draft Act on Implementation of the Convention. The aims of this Act are: to enhance uniformity of the practice of Serbian courts in this area, to enable the courts to act promptly, and to regulate procedural issues. Furthermore, pursuant to Articles 75 and 78/3,4 of the Family Act of Serbia, removal or retention of the child is considered wrongful if parents are not in agreement on relocation of the child, regardless of whether they exercise parental rights jointly or independently. This rule causes problems of interpretation for foreign courts. In the end, the author draws attention to the difficulties of proving that a parent has given consent to relocation, as one of the most complicated issues in judicial practice. In conclusion, author pledges for wider use of mediation in abduction cases.en
dc.sourceAnali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu
dc.subjectsaglasnost roditeljasr
dc.subjectporodično pravo Srbijesr
dc.subjectmeđunarodna otmica decesr
dc.subjectHaška konvencijasr
dc.subjectSerbian family lawen
dc.subjectparental consenten
dc.subjectinternational child abductionen
dc.subjectConvention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abductionen
dc.titlePorodičnopravni aspekti međunarodne, roditeljske otmice decesr
dc.titleFamily law aspects of international parental child abductionen
dc.rights.licenseCC BY
dc.citation.other60(2): 74-94

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