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Protection of the well-known trademarks under directive number 89/104/EEC

dc.creatorVlašković, Ksenija
dc.description.abstractPrvom direktivom o harmonizaciji propisa država članica Evropske ekonomske zajednice o žigovima pružena je mogućnost državama članicama da predvide proširenu zaštitu za poznate žigove, koja se odnosi i na proizvode i usluge koji nisu slični proizvodima i uslugama za koje je registrovan poznati žig. Osnovni uslov za zaštitu svih žigova, bez obzira na stepen njihove poznatosti, je da su žigom zaštićena i kasnija oznaka u izvesnoj meri međusobno slične. Kada je reč o zaštiti oznaka zaštićenih žigovima sa normalnom moći obeležavanja, oznake moraju biti slične u tolikoj meri da postoji opasnost zamene. Međutim, kod poznatih žigova stepen sličnosti oznaka je niži i mora biti samo toliki da na osnovu njega promet misaono dovodi u vezu oznaku zaštićenu poznatim žigom i kasniju oznaku. Tek kada se ustanovi takva sličnost, pristupa se ispitivanju ostalih uslova za povredu poznatog žiga. Da bi se govorilo o misaonoj vezi, neophodno je utvrditi sve relevantne okolnosti konkretnog slučaja i oceniti ih u njihovoj korelaciji i interakciji. Prvom direktivom je stvoren jedinstveni sistem zaštite slavnih i poznatih žigova, čime je ukinuta oštra granica koja je u ranijoj praksi postojala između ovih žigova.sr
dc.description.abstractWith the First Council Directive No. 89/104/EEC of 21 December 1988 to approximate the laws of the Member States relating to trade marks, the member states were given an opportunity to provide extended protection for well-known trademarks, which is also applied to the goods and services which are not identical with or similar to the goods and services for which the well-known trade mark is registered. The basic requirement for the protection of all trademarks, regardless of how famous they are, is that the trademark and later signs are to some extent similar to each other. When it comes to the common trademarks protection, an extremely high degree of similarity is necessary. However, when the famous trademarks protection is in question, a degree of similarity required is low and it has to be that way in order to associate the famous trademark and the later sign. At the point of establishing such a similarity, we can identify other conditions of trademark infringement. In order to talk about the likelihood of association - it is necessary to identify all the relevant circumstances of the case itself and evaluate them in their correlation and interaction. The Directive has created the unique system of protection of famous and well-known trade marks, thus eliminating the sharp boundary that existed between these types of marks in the earlier practice.en
dc.sourceAnali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu
dc.subjectUgled žigasr
dc.subjectSličnost oznakasr
dc.subjectPrizvati u sećanjesr
dc.subjectMoć razlikovanjasr
dc.subjectMisaona vezasr
dc.subjectThe power of distinctiveen
dc.subjectSimilarity of signsen
dc.subjectReputation of trademarken
dc.subjectLikelihood of associationen
dc.subjectCall to minden
dc.titleZaštita poznatih žigova po direktivi broj 89/104/EE3sr
dc.titleProtection of the well-known trademarks under directive number 89/104/EECen
dc.rights.licenseCC BY
dc.citation.other61(1): 266-280



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