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Multiple meanings of terms ius and lex and their relationship

dc.creatorBujuklić, Žika
dc.description.abstractAutor u ovom radu ispituje značenje pojmova ius i lex tokom razvoja rimske države, dajući široku istorijsku genezu odnosa ova dva fenomena. Najčešće se oni shvataju kao dve usko povezane kategorije, od kojih je zakon viđen kao jedan od izvora koji formira pravni poredak u celini. Međutim, upravo tako shvaćena njihova bliskost, nameće problem razlikovanja same sadržine i definisanja njihovih međusobnih odnosa. Polazeći od rezultata izloženih u studiji B. Bjondija, autor polemiše sa stavovima ovog italijanskog romaniste. Zamera mu što prednost daje normativnom metodu, zanemarujući istorijski, sociološki, pa i politički aspekt ovih pravnih fenomena. Upravo uzimajući ove faktore u obzir, autor daje široku panoramu razvoja ove dve ustanove, počev od arhaičnog perioda, doba republike, klasične i post-klasične epohe, sve do vremena Justinijana. Autor zaključuje da analizom istorijskih okolnosti i sociopolitičkih protivrečnosti koje su uticale na uobličavanje pravnih fenomena, postaje jasnije kako su ius i lex nastajali, menjali se i dobijali odgovarajuću normativnu sadržinu - od antike, pa preko srednjovekovne recepcije, sve do naših
dc.description.abstractIn this paper the author examines the meaning of terms ius and lex during the development of the Roman state, giving a broad historical genesis of the relationship between these two concepts. They are often perceived as two closely related categories. It is clear that from the closeness of these concepts arises the problem of differentiating the content and defining their relationships. Starting from the results set forth in the study of B. Biondi, the author argues with the attitudes of this famous Italian romanist, reproaches him for favoring the normative method, and ignoring the historical, sociological and political aspects of these legal phenomena. Just taking these factors into account, the author gives a broad panorama of the development of these two institutions, ranging from archaic times, the period of the Republic, classical and post-classical era, up to the time of Justinian. The author concludes that an analysis of historical circumstances and socio-political contradictions that have influenced the shaping of legal phenomena, it becomes clear in which way ius and lex emerged, changed and given appropriate normative contents - from ancient times, through the medieval reception until modern times.en
dc.sourceAnali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu
dc.subjectLeges duodecim tabularumsr
dc.subjectDe legibussr
dc.subjectCorpus iuris civilissr
dc.subjectLeges duodecim tabularumen
dc.subjectDe legibusen
dc.subjectCorpus iuris civilisen
dc.titleVišeznačnost termina ius i lex i njihov međusobni odnossr
dc.titleMultiple meanings of terms ius and lex and their relationshipen
dc.rights.licenseCC BY
dc.citation.other61(2): 21-42

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