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Supply of goods free of charge in value added tax system

dc.creatorMilošević, Miloš
dc.description.abstractNaknada predstavlja jedan od kumulativno propisanih uslova za oporezivanje prometa dobara u sistemu poreza na dodatu vrednost. U njenom odsustvu načelno nema osnova za oporezivanje, što otvara prostor za nastanak neoporezovane krajnje potrošnje - slučaj u kojem poreski obveznik pri nabavci dobra odbije prethodni porez, a potom ga sam koristi za potrebe krajnje potrošnje ili to omogući drugom licu bez naknade. U predstojećem radu autor analizira situacije u kojima će se isporuke dobara bez naknade za potrebe oporezivanja tretirati na jednak način kao i kada se vrše uz naknadu i dolazi do zaključka da je za ispravno utvrđivanje predmeta i obuhvata oporezivanja od primarnog značaja izloženost neoporezovanoj krajnjoj potrošnji. Iako je pozitivnopravno rešenje u najvećoj meri usklađeno s onim iz evropskog zakonodavstva s osloncem na jurisprudenciju Evropskog suda pravde uočena su odstupanja domaće prakse od komunitarne i date konkretne preporuke za njihovo otklanjanje.sr
dc.description.abstractConsideration represents one of the cumulatively prescribed conditions for the taxation of supplies of goods in value added tax system. In the absence of consideration there is in general no basis for taxation, which makes room for untaxed final consumption - the case in which a taxpayer deducts input VAT on purchased good that is subsequently used for his own or another persons final consumption free of charge. In this paper, the author analyzes the situations in which, for taxation purposes, the supplies of goods free of charge will be treated equally as supplies for consideration and, relying on the jurisprudence of the European Court of Justice, notes the deviations of the domestic practice from the communautaire one, while providing concrete recommendations for their elimination.en
dc.sourceAnali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu
dc.subjectPorez na dodatu vrednostsr
dc.subjectNeposlovne svrhesr
dc.subjectNabavna cenasr
dc.subjectIsporuka dobara bez naknadesr
dc.subjectCena koštanjasr
dc.subjectValue Added Taxen
dc.subjectSupply of Goods Free of Chargeen
dc.subjectPurchase Priceen
dc.subjectNon-business Purposesen
dc.subjectCost Priceen
dc.titleIsporuka dobara bez naknade u sistemu poreza na dodatu vrednostsr
dc.titleSupply of goods free of charge in value added tax systemen
dc.rights.licenseCC BY
dc.citation.other63(2): 94-106



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