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Consumer in insurance law

dc.creatorČorkalo, Milena
dc.description.abstractU radu se analizira pojam potrošača u pravu Evropske unije i, posebno, pojam potrošača u osiguranju. Razmatra se da li se pojam potrošača iz postojećeg potrošačkog aquis-a, može primeniti i u sektoru osiguranja, imajući u vidu specifičnosti usluge osiguranja. Ovo stoga što je u osiguranju naročito izražena neravnopravnost ugovornih strana, a proizvod osiguranja je složen i zahteva posebnu stručnost i znanja. Zato se analizira mogućnost i potreba proširenja pojma potrošača osiguranja, kako bi svim licima koja su u neravnopravnom položaju omogućila dodatna zaštita prilagođena njihovim potrebama. Zatim se razmatra pojam potrošača i u srpskom pravu de lege lata, posebno u odnosu sa komunitarnim pravom. U radu se ukazuje da je neophodno da se u srpskom pravu prate tendencije komunitarnog prava i usvoji širi pojam potrošača osiguranja. Ističe se da je potrebno definisati ko uživa pravo na zaštitu prema osiguravaču, a kome takva zaštita nije potrebna, kako bi ta zaštita bila adekvatna, i ostavljen prostor za dalji razvoj tržišta
dc.description.abstractThe paper analyses the notion of consumer in the European Union law, and, in particular, the notion of consumer in insurance law. The author highligts the differences between the notion of consumer is in aquis communautaire and in insurance law, discussing whether the consumer can be defined in both field in the same way, concerning that insurance services differ a lot from other kind of services. Having regarded unequal position of contracting parties and information and technical disadvantages of a weaker party, author pleads for broad definition of consumer in insurance law. In Serbian law, the consumer is not defined in consistent way. That applies on Serbian insurance law as well. Therefore, the necessity of precise and broad definition of consumes is underlined, in order to delimit the circle of subject who are in need for protection. The author holds that the issue of determination of the circle of persons entitled to extended protection as consumers is of vital importance for further development of insurance market in Serbia.en
dc.sourceAnali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu
dc.subjectprincipi evropskog ugovornog prava osiguranjasr
dc.subjectPrednacrt Građanskog zakonika Srbijesr
dc.subjectharmonizacija srpskog prava osiguranja sa pravom EUsr
dc.subjectacquis communitairesr
dc.subjectprinciples of European Insurance Contract Lawen
dc.subjectharmonization of Serbian insurance law with EU insurance lawen
dc.subjectDraft Civil Code of the Republic of Serbiaen
dc.subjectacquis communitaireen
dc.titlePotrošač u pravu osiguranjasr
dc.titleConsumer in insurance lawen
dc.rights.licenseCC BY
dc.citation.other64(1): 260-279



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