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The effects of admonishment on statute of limitations in tax law

dc.creatorĐokić, Minja
dc.description.abstractU članku se analizira pitanje da li opomena za plaćanje poreskog duga prekida tok zastarelosti prava Poreske uprave na utvrđivanje i naplatu poreza ? Autor je analizirao poreskopravni institut opomene za plaćanje poreskog duga kroz praksu poreskih organa (službena mišljenja Ministarstva finansija u pogledu relevantnog instituta) i sudsku praksu (Vrhovnog suda, sada Vrhovnog kasacionog suda, i Ustavnog suda). Ustanovili smo da postoji razilaženje u shvatanju instituta poreske opomene i primene tog instituta u poreskoj praksi. Ustanovljena je tendencija Poreske uprave da, uprkos tome što ovaj institut ne smatra poreskim upravnim aktom, ili aktom pravno rešavajućeg karaktera, tumači opomenu kao akt kojim se zastarelost prekida. Dokazujemo da dostavljanje opomene poreskom dužniku ne prekida tok poreske zastarelosti, jer nije reč o aktu pravno rešavajućeg karaktera, što zakon izričito zahteva.sr
dc.description.abstractThe scope of analysis in this article is an issue that has been disputed in practice. We ask ourselves does admonishment for tax debt interrupt the term of statute of limitations in tax law ? Author has analysed the statute of limitations in tax law through legal practice of tax authorities (official oppinions of the Ministry of finance regarding the issue at hand) and judicial practice (Supreme court and the Constitutional court). It has been established that there is a difference in understanding the institute of admonishment and its application. It has also been established that, in spite of the fact that tax authorities do not consider admonishment as a tax administrative act or addressing legal act, it is interpreted as sufficient to break the term of statute of limitations. We shall prove that delivery of admonishment to a tax payer does not interrupt or break the term of statute of limitations because it is not an addressing legal act, which is expressly demadned by the law.en
dc.sourceAnali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu
dc.subjectzastarelost prava poreske uprave na utvrđivanje i naplatu porezasr
dc.subjectporeski upravni aktsr
dc.subjectporeski aktsr
dc.subjectopomena za plaćanje poreskog dugasr
dc.subjectjedinstvo pravnog poretkasr
dc.subjectunion of the judicial orderen
dc.subjecttax administrative acten
dc.subjecttax acten
dc.subjectstatute of limitations of tax administration to establish and collect tax debten
dc.subjectadmonishment for tax debten
dc.titleUticaj opomene za plaćanje poreskog duga na tok poreske zastarelostisr
dc.titleThe effects of admonishment on statute of limitations in tax lawen
dc.rights.licenseCC BY
dc.citation.other64(1): 280-300



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