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Tužilačka istraga - prednosti i mane
Prosecutorial investigation: Pros and cons
dc.creator | Živković, Natalija | |
dc.date.accessioned | 2024-05-21T11:08:06Z | |
dc.date.available | 2024-05-21T11:08:06Z | |
dc.date.issued | 2017 | |
dc.identifier.issn | 0003-2565 | |
dc.identifier.uri | https://ralf.ius.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/1689 | |
dc.description.abstract | U svetu postoji više modela istrage, a u praksi zemalja uglavnom su zastupljeni sudski i tužilački model istrage. Tužilački model je karakterističan za zemlje anglosaksonskog pravnog sistema, dok je sudska istraga svojstvena evropskokontinentalnim zemljama. U novije vreme uočljiv je trend uvođenja tužilačke istrage i u evropskim zemljama, sa namerom povećanja efikasnosti krivičnog postupka.U Srbiji je bio zastupljen sudski koncept istrage još od 1890. godine, a donošenjem novog Zakonika o krivičnom postupku 2011. godine (ZKP/2011) prekinuta je dotadašnja tradicija i prešlo se na tužilačku istragu. U ovom radu će biti predstavljene i analizirane prednosti i mane tužilačke istrage u odnosu na sudsku, sa osvrtom na rešenja u ZKP/2011 Republike Srbije. Autor će pokušati da nađe odgovor na pitanje koji je od ta dva modela istrage zaista efikasniji, odnosno da li je opravdan prelazak sa sudskog na tužilački koncept istrage u smislu doprinosa kvalitetnijem i bržem krivičnom postupku ili je posredi samo usaglašavanje nacionalnog krivičnoprocesnog zakonodavstva sa komparativnim rešenjima. | sr |
dc.description.abstract | Since 1890, Serbia had judicial investigation, but in 2011 a new law was brought. That was the way of transition from judicial to prosecutorial investigation. The author tried to find which of this two types of investigation is more efficient. By comparing pros and cons of judicial investigation and prosecutorial investigation author made a conclusion that prosecutorial investigation is more efficient than judicial investigation. Prosecutorial investigation provides possibility to the court to concentrate on his basic function-judgement. It also provides possibility to the prosecutor to research more than he could in judicial investigation. Prosecutorial investigation proclaims prosecutor as unbiased party in criminal procedure. It also obligates him to collect proofs at the expense and in favor of the defendant and that is problem. In addition to the analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of the judicial investigation and prosecutorial investigation author also presented features of the prosecutorial investigation under the Serbian Criminal Procedure Code from 2011.and the problems that arise there. | en |
dc.rights | openAccess | |
dc.source | Anali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu | |
dc.subject | tužilačka istraga | sr |
dc.subject | sudska istraga | sr |
dc.subject | javni tužilac | sr |
dc.subject | istražni sudija | sr |
dc.subject | istraga | sr |
dc.subject | public prosecutor | en |
dc.subject | prosecutorial investigation | en |
dc.subject | judicial investigation | en |
dc.subject | investigation | en |
dc.subject | inquisitor | en |
dc.title | Tužilačka istraga - prednosti i mane | sr |
dc.title | Prosecutorial investigation: Pros and cons | en |
dc.type | article | |
dc.rights.license | CC BY | |
dc.citation.epage | 225 | |
dc.citation.issue | 3 | |
dc.citation.other | 65(3): 207-225 | |
dc.citation.rank | M24 | |
dc.citation.spage | 207 | |
dc.citation.volume | 65 | |
dc.identifier.doi | 10.5937/AnaliPFB1703207Z | |
dc.identifier.fulltext | https://ralf.ius.bg.ac.rs/bitstream/id/1987/1682.pdf | |
dc.identifier.rcub | conv_3327_6 | |
dc.type.version | publishedVersion |