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Corporal punishment of children in terms of family and criminal law: (Ir)reconcilable standpoints

dc.creatorMijović, Svetlana
dc.description.abstractU radu autor polazi od šireg sagledavanja problema telesnog kažnjavanja dece u vaspitnom procesu sa aspekata vanpravnih naučnih disciplina, zatim analizira međunarodnopravne okvire zabrane telesnog kažnjavanja dece i daje kratak prikaz rešenja koja su zastupljena u uporednom pravu. U daljem tekstu fokusira se na različita gledišta porodičnog i krivičnog prava prema pitanju potrebe (neophodnosti) apsolutne zabrane telesnog kažnjavanja dece. Sa tim ciljem, autor najpre upoređuje postojeće zakonsko rešenje u porodičnom zakonodavstvu sa predloženim (novim) rešenjem u Prednacrtu Građanskog zakonika Srbije. Nadalje, autor je pokušao i da sa aspekta krivičnog prava postavi kriterijume za razgraničenje situacija u kojima se vršenje roditeljskog prava može smatrati posebnim osnovom isključenja protivpravnosti od onih situacija u kojima će postojati krivično delo nasilja u porodici. Dati su i predlozi de lege ferenda koji bi u izvesnoj meri mogli da pomire različita polazna stanovišta porodičnog i krivičnog prava, odnosno koji bi u što većoj meri bili prihvatljivi za te obe grane prava. .sr
dc.description.abstractThe purpose of this work is to examine an issue of corporal punishment of children as a method of discipline in terms of family and criminal law. The author begins the study by taking a broader perspective of the issue in terms of extra-legal scientific disciplines, then conducts an analysis of the international legal frameworks for the corporal punishment and finally offers brief overview of the solutions found in comparative law. Further in the study, the author focuses on different aspects of family and criminal law in terms of necessity of complete prohibition against corporal punishment of children. In order to do this, the author compares present legal solution found in family law with suggested new solution of the Draft Civil Code of Serbia. Further, the attempts have been made to set the criteria for distinguishing the situations in which the exercise of parental rights can be considered specific basis for exclusion of the unlawfulness from those in which the crime of domestic violence is found. De lege ferenda proposals have been presented with an aim of serving as a possible middle ground between different aspects of family and criminal law by giving more flexible approach and there for making it acceptable for both branches of law.en
dc.sourceAnali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu
dc.subjectzlostavljanje detetasr
dc.subjecttelesno kažnjavanjesr
dc.subjectprava detetasr
dc.subjectcorporal punishmenten
dc.subjectchildrens rightsen
dc.subjectchild abuseen
dc.titleTelesno kažnjavanje dece sa aspekata porodičnog i krivičnog prava - (ne)pomirljivi tonovisr
dc.titleCorporal punishment of children in terms of family and criminal law: (Ir)reconcilable standpointsen
dc.rights.licenseCC BY
dc.citation.other66(3): 316-347



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