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Od biološkog do mešovitog metoda utvrđivanja neuračunljivosti u krivičnom pravu
From the biological to the mixed method of determining mental incompetency in criminal law
dc.creator | Drakić, Dragiša | |
dc.creator | Drakić, Gordana | | | 2024-05-21T11:09:50Z | | | 2024-05-21T11:09:50Z | | | 2018 | |
dc.identifier.issn | 0003-2565 | |
dc.identifier.uri | | |
dc.description.abstract | Autori u svom radu najpre analiziraju evoluciju ideja o fenomenu duševno bolesnog tokom istorije, sve do savremenog pojma duševne bolesti i poremećenosti. Takav pristup obradi materije bio je neophodan jer je jasno da sadržina i pravni značaj instituta neuračunljivosti umnogome zavise od vladajućeg koncepta psihopatološkog. Autori tvrde da je savremeni institut neuračunljivosti, koji se u početku ustanovljavao primenom biološkog metoda, nastao početkom 19. veka, prihvatanjem tada vladajućeg psihijatrijskog učenja o duševnim bolestima. U daljem tekstu ukazuje se na prednosti i nedostatke tog metoda. Kao pokušaj da se spreči sve veći psihijatrijski uticaj na krivično pravo, vremenom je nastao novi, psihološki metod utvrđivanja neuračunljivosti. Zbog očiglednih slabosti, taj metod nikada nije uspeo da se afirmiše ni u teoriji, ni u krivičnom zakonodavstvu. Poslednji deo rada autori su posvetili detaljnom razmatranju biološko-psihološkog metoda utvrđivanja neuračunljivosti, koji je nastao kao reakcija na slabosti prethodna dva metoda. Oni ističu da, za razliku od tih metoda, mešoviti metod obezbeđuje pravnu sigurnost jer vrši preciznu podelu nadležnosti između sudije i veštaka-psihijatra u procesu dokazivanja nečije neuračunljivosti, sprečava preterani uticaj psihijatara na ishod postupka i, konačno, afirmiše jednu od najznačajnijih tekovina savremenog principa krivice - vezanost krivice za konkretno krivično delo i vremenski trenutak njegovog izvršenja. | sr |
dc.description.abstract | The authors have analysed first the evolution of the ideas concerning the phenomenon of the mentally ill throughout history, up to the modern concept of mental illness and disorder. This approach to the treatment of the material was necessary because it is clear that the contents, as well as the legal significance, of the institute of incompetency is heavily dependent on the prevalent concept of psychopathology. The authors assert that the current approach to the institute of mental incompetency, which was in the beginning determined by application of the biological method, appeared in the beginning of the nineteenth century, with the adoption of the then predominant psychiatric teachings on mental illness. Further in the text the authors highlight the advantages and disadvantages of this method. In an attempt to limit the growing psychiatric influence on criminal law, a new, psychological method for determining mental incompetency was conceived in time. Due to obvious shortcomings, this method has never managed to affirm itself, neither in theory, nor in criminal law. The authors have dedicated the final part of their work to the detailed examination of the biological-psychological method of determining mental incompetency, which was devised in reaction to the disadvantages of the previous two methods. They stress that, unlike these methods, the mixed method ensures legal certainty because it clearly divides jurisdiction between the judge and expert witness-psychiatrist in the proving of a persons mental incompetency. Finally, it also affirms one of the most important achievements of the modern criminal responsibility principle - the linking of criminal responsibility to a certain crime and the moment in which it was committed. | en |
dc.relation | info:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Basic Research (BR or ON)/179079/RS// | |
dc.rights | openAccess | |
dc.source | Anali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu | |
dc.subject | neuračunljivost | sr |
dc.subject | metodi utvrđivanja neuračunljivosti | sr |
dc.subject | krivično pravo | sr |
dc.subject | methods for determining mental incompetency | en |
dc.subject | mental incompetency | en |
dc.subject | criminal law | en |
dc.title | Od biološkog do mešovitog metoda utvrđivanja neuračunljivosti u krivičnom pravu | sr |
dc.title | From the biological to the mixed method of determining mental incompetency in criminal law | en |
dc.type | article | |
dc.rights.license | CC BY | |
dc.citation.epage | 184 | |
dc.citation.issue | 3 | |
dc.citation.other | 66(3): 158-184 | |
dc.citation.rank | M24 | |
dc.citation.spage | 158 | |
dc.citation.volume | 66 | |
dc.identifier.doi | 10.5937/AnaliPFB1803158D | |
dc.identifier.fulltext | | |
dc.identifier.rcub | conv_3076_6 | |
dc.type.version | publishedVersion |