Prikaz osnovnih podataka o dokumentu

Compulsory vaccination of children: Rights of patients or interests of public health?

dc.creatorDraškić, Marija
dc.description.abstractPoslednjih godina u Srbiji - ali i poslednjih decenija u mnogim drugim državama u svetu - traje intenzivna kampanja različitih društvenih (najčešće internet) grupa protiv obavezne vakcinacije dece. Izuzimajući pseudonaučnu studiju Endrjua Vejkfilda iz 1998. godine, koja je od tada više puta osporena u ozbiljnim naučnim istraživanjima, i nekoliko lekara u Srbiji koji su se na nju pozivali, celokupna stručna javnost, a posebno epidemiološka struka, žestoko su se suprotstavili opasnom trendu odustanka roditelja od obavezne vakcinacije dece. Cilj autora ovog teksta je da pokaže da pristanak na obaveznu vakcinaciju dece nije pitanje prava na autonomiju volje u medicini, koja podrazumeva slobodu svakog čoveka da odlučuje o sopstvenom životu i telu, već je pitanje javnog zdravlja, a to znači i javnog interesa, o kome bi trebalo da odlučuju kompetentni profesionalci. .sr
dc.description.abstractIn recent years in Serbia - but also in recent decades in many other countries in the world - an intensive campaign of various social (most often Internet) groups against compulsory vaccination of children has taken place. Except for the pseudo-scientific study of Andrew Wakefield (1998), which has since been contested several times in serious scientific researches, as well as a few medical doctors in Serbia who referred to it, the whole of expert stakeholders, and epidemiologists in particular, has fiercely opposed the dangerous trend of parents renouncing compulsory vaccination of their children. This article aims to show that the consent to compulsory vaccination of children is not a matter of the right to autonomy in the field of medicine - which implies the freedom of every human being to decide on ones own life and body - but instead a matter of public health, which inevitably means of public interest as well, a matter which should be decided by competent professionals.en
dc.sourceAnali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu
dc.subjectprava pacijenatasr
dc.subjectprava detetasr
dc.subjectobavezna vakcinacijasr
dc.subjectMMR vakcinasr
dc.subjectjavno zdravljesr
dc.subjectrights of the childen
dc.subjectpublic healthen
dc.subjectpatients rightsen
dc.subjectMMR vaccineen
dc.subjectcompulsory vaccinationen
dc.titleObavezna vakcinacija dece - pravo pacijenata ili interes javnog zdravlja?sr
dc.titleCompulsory vaccination of children: Rights of patients or interests of public health?en
dc.rights.licenseCC BY
dc.citation.other66(3): 7-30



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