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Roman law in doctoral theses of Nikola Krstić from 1854

dc.creatorBujuklić, Žika
dc.description.abstractAutor analizira desetak teza iz oblasti rimskog prava sadržanih u doktorskom radu Nikole Krstića Theses ex scientis juridicis et politicis, koji je odbranio na Kraljevskom univerzitetu u Pešti 1854. godine. Ovaj latinski tekst do sada nigde nije objavljen, pa je celovito prevođenje i stručno komentarisanje zadatak koji tek čeka pravnu nauku. Međutim, autor je već na osnovu parcijalne analize, koja obuhvata samo manji isečak od ukupno sedamdesetak teza, zaključio da je ovaj kandidat raspolagao zavidnim pravničkim obrazovanjem i smelošću da se upusti u do tada nedovoljno istražene oblasti pravne nauke. Krstić je pokazao dobro poznavanje temeljnih ustanova rimskog prava i želju da u svoje teze unese problematiku koja je inovativna, nedovoljno ispitana. Upoređivao je rimske ustanove međusobno, komparirao ih sa pravom drugih antičkih naroda, tragajući za njihovim uticajima u srednjovekovnoj Srbiji i u modernim građanskim zakonicima (SGZ i AGZ). Krstićeva istraživanja su prvi začeci pravnoistorijske nauke u nas i on se opravdano smatra osnivačem te pravne discipline na Beogradskom univerzitetu. Autor zaključuje da su pitanja koja je Krstić pokrenuo ostala predmet proučavanja brojnih civilista i romanista, sve do najnovijih vremena. .sr
dc.description.abstractThe author analyses a dozen of claims (theses) from Roman law in the doctoral work of Nikola Krstić Theses ex scientis juridicis et politicis, who defended it at the Royal University of Pest in 1854. This Latin text has not been published so far, so comprehensive translation with expert commentary is a task that is awaiting our legal science. However, on the basis of this partial analysis, which includes only a small piece of a total of seventy theses, the author concludes that this candidate had an enviable legal education and a boldness to engage in an under-investigated area of legal science. Krstić showed a good knowledge of the basic institutions of Roman law and desire to introduce in its theses the issues that are innovative, insufficiently tested. He was comparing different Roman institutions mutually, comparing them also with the law of other ancient nations, searching for their influences in medieval Serbia and modern Civil Codes (Serbian and Austrian). Krstićs work represents the first step in the area of legal history in Serbia and he is justified as the founder of this legal discipline at the University of Belgrade. The author concludes that the questions that Krstić raised still remain the subject of studying of numerous civilians and Romanists, up to the most recent times.en
dc.sourceAnali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu
dc.subjectSrpski i Austrijski građanski zakoniksr
dc.subjectRimsko pravosr
dc.subjectNikola Krstićsr
dc.subjectDušanovo zakonodavstvosr
dc.subjectdoktorski radsr
dc.subjectSerbian and Austrian Civil Codesen
dc.subjectRoman lawen
dc.subjectNikola Krstićen
dc.subjectlegislation of tsar Dušanen
dc.subjectdoctoral thesisen
dc.titleRimsko pravo u doktorskim tezama Nikole Krstića iz 1854. godinesr
dc.titleRoman law in doctoral theses of Nikola Krstić from 1854en
dc.rights.licenseCC BY
dc.citation.other66(3): 31-56



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