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Tax and legal treatment of hybrid financial instruments

dc.creatorBosankić, Dragan
dc.description.abstractOsim motiva koji nisu dominantno poreski, hibridni finansijski instrumenti koriste se i u jednom poreskopravnom sistemu i u međunarodnom scenariju, sa ciljem generisanja poreskih ušteda. Zavisno od toga da li su učesnici u transakciji poreski obveznici u istom poreskopravnom sistemu ili nisu, u radu se analiziraju poreskopravne posledice klasifikacije hibridnih finansijskih instrumenata. Posebna pažnja posvećena je poreskopravnom tretmanu hibridnih finansijskih instrumenata u srpskom poreskom pravu, u kojem za poreske potrebe ne postoji mogućnost drugačijeg klasifikovanja u odnosu na način na koji je to učinjeno sa aspekta kompanijskog prava, odnosno računovodstva. Takav nedostatak u srpskom poreskom pravu s jedne strane otvara mogućnost za poresko planiranje korišćenjem hibridnih finansijskih instrumenata, dok s druge strane predstavlja oblast koja bi trebalo da bude posebno regulisana. Sa aspekta međunarodnog scenarija, u radu se uporednom metodom analiziraju i pravila za klasifikaciju hibridnih finansijskih instrumenata definisana Model-konvencijom OECD i odgovarajućim direktivama Evropske
dc.description.abstractBesides the motives not prevailingly concerning the tax, hybrid financial instruments are used both in the context of one tax system, and particularly in the international scenario, aiming at tax savings generation. Depending on whether the participants in the transaction are taxpayers within the same tax system, or not, the paper analyses the tax and legal consequences of the classification of hybrid financial instruments. Special attention has been paid to the tax and legal treatment of hybrid financial instruments in the Serbian taxation legislation, in which, for taxation purposes, there is no possibility of different classification in relation to the way it has been done in terms of company law and accounting. This drawback in Serbian taxation legislative on the one hand opens the possibility for tax planning by using hybrid financial instruments, while on the other hand it is an area that should be specifically regulated. In addition, in terms of the international scenario, using a comparative method, the paper analyses the rules for the classification of hybrid financial instruments defined by OECD-Model convention and the relevant EU directives.en
dc.sourceAnali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu
dc.subjectSopstveni kapitalsr
dc.subjectPozajmljeni kapitalsr
dc.subjectPoresko planiranjesr
dc.subjectOporezivanje pravnih licasr
dc.subjectHibridni finansijski instrumentisr
dc.subjectTax planningen
dc.subjectHybrid financial instrumentsen
dc.subjectCorporate taxationen
dc.titlePoreskopravni tretman hibridnih finansijskih instrumenatasr
dc.titleTax and legal treatment of hybrid financial instrumentsen
dc.rights.licenseCC BY
dc.citation.other66(2): 244-261

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