Prikaz osnovnih podataka o dokumentu

Legal (in)security under real estate lease contracts in contemporary Serbian law

dc.creatorDobrić, Vladimir
dc.creatorJovičić, Katarina
dc.description.abstractPredmet rada je istraživanje pravne nesigurnosti različitih oblika ugovora o lizingu nepokretnosti, koji se javljaju u savremenom srpskom pravu. Primenom pravnodogmatskog i uporednopravnog metoda, autori istražuju karakteristike domaćeg pravnog režima ugovora o lizingu nepokretnosti, sa posebnim naglaskom na pitanje mogućnosti primene pravila drugih, imenovanih ugovora na ugovore o lizingu nepokretnosti. U savremenom srpskom pravu uređen je samo oblik finansijskog lizinga, ali ne i drugi oblici lizinga nepokretnosti. Mogući problemi koji se javljaju zbog nedovoljne pravne regulative očigledni su i u odlukama sudova u sporu koji je proistekao iz jednog od neimenovanih oblika lizinga nepokretnosti u Srbiji. Analiza tih odluka ukazuje na pitanja koja su izvor pravne nesigurnosti ugovora o lizingu nepokretnosti, a koja se mogu prevazići odgovarajućim izmenama i dopunama zakonske regulative. Autori u radu daju predloge za regulisanje ugovora o lizingu nepokretnosti što je, kako zaključuju, najbolji način da se uočeni nedostaci prevaziđ
dc.description.abstractThe article focuses on legal insecurity under different forms of real estate lease contracts, present in contemporary Serbian law. Applying dogmatic and comparative legal methods, the authors explore the characteristics of domestic legal regime of real estate lease contracts, with special emphasis on possible application of rules of other nominate contracts to real estate lease contracts. In contemporary Serbian law only real estate financial leases are regulated, while other forms of real estate leases are not. Potential problems stemming from insufficient regulation are also evidenced in court decisions related to disputes originating from one of the innominate forms of real estate leases in Serbia. The analysis of these decisions points to issues causing legal insecurity under real estate lease contracts, which could be overcome through adequate amendments and supplements to the regulations. In this article, the authors propose specific solutions for regulating real estate lease contracts de lege ferenda, which the authors conclude are the best approach for overcoming the existing shortcomings.en
dc.sourceAnali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu
dc.subjectUgovor o lizingusr
dc.subjectPovratni lizingsr
dc.subjectLizing sa pozajmljenim kapitalomsr
dc.subjectLizing nepokretnostisr
dc.subjectLizing nepokretnosti de lege ferendasr
dc.subjectSale and leasebacken
dc.subjectReal estate leaseen
dc.subjectReal estate lease de lege ferendaen
dc.subjectLeveraged leaseen
dc.subjectLease contracten
dc.titlePravna (ne)sigurnost ugovora o lizingu nepokretnosti u savremenom srpskom pravusr
dc.titleLegal (in)security under real estate lease contracts in contemporary Serbian lawen
dc.rights.licenseCC BY
dc.citation.other67(2): 128-143



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