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Mihailo Konstantinović on right of reply and on abuse of right of reply bonus: Authors understanding of right of reply

dc.creatorVodinelić, Vladimir V.
dc.description.abstractMihailo Konstantinović je autor prve monografije o pravu odgovora u regionu (1926). Zagovara francuski model odgovora dok domaća literatura, sudovi i jugoslovenski Zakon o štampi 1925 prihvataju nemačko rešenje. Francusko uređenje smatra strožim za štampu a blažim za tražioca odgovara. Zastupa relativni karakter prava odgovora koji se može kontrolisati doktrinom zloupotrebe prava. Autor napisa obrađuje: koliko odgovaraju réponse i inostrani nazivi; koje vrste odgovaraju minimum-pojmu odgovora; koja su prava bliska pravu odgovora a koja različita; funkcija i priroda prava odgovora; izuzeci od prava odgovora i zloupotreba prava kao supsidijerni izuzetak; posebno mesto prava odgovora među subjektivnim pravima; pravo odgovora ne uklapa se u pravnički binarni kod i predstavlja spoj prava i pravne indiferentnosti; poređenje posesorne zaštite i zaštite ličnosti putem
dc.description.abstractMihailo Konstantinović authored the regions first monography on right of reply in 1926-1927. His monography promoted the French model of right to reply, as opposed to the German model adopted in local literature, the courts and legislation. He argued that French solution was stricter for the press, but less stringent for a rights holder. He defended the position of the relative nature of right, which could be controlled by implementation of the abuse of right doctrine. The author analyzes: the suitability of the terms réponse and others; rights close to right of reply; the purpose and nature of right of reply; exceptions to the right and prohibition of abuse of rights as subsidiary exception; the special place of right of reply among another subjective rights; right of reply not corresponding to legal binary code, representing a juncture of law and legal indifference; possessory protection vs. personality protection through reply.en
dc.sourceAnali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu
dc.subjectzloupotreba prava odgovorasr
dc.subjectUporedno pravosr
dc.subjectsistematizacijsko mesto prava odgovorasr
dc.subjectMonografija o pravu odgovora (1926-1927)sr
dc.subjectMihailo Konstantinović (1897-1982)sr
dc.subjectbinarni kod pravnikasr
dc.subjectsystematic position of right of reply.en
dc.subjectMonography on right of reply 1926-1927en
dc.subjectMihailo Konstantinović (1897-1982)en
dc.subjectlegal binary codeen
dc.subjectComparative lawen
dc.subjectabuse of right of replyen
dc.titleMihailo Konstantinović o pravu odgovora i zloupotrebi prava odgovora a kao bonus - moje razumevanje instituta odgovorasr
dc.titleMihailo Konstantinović on right of reply and on abuse of right of reply bonus: Authors understanding of right of replyen
dc.rights.licenseCC BY
dc.citation.other70(poseban): 189-261

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