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Two kinds of habitator`s strict liability in praetor`s edict : de his qui effuderint vel deiecerint (Ulpian, D.9.3.pr–1)

dc.creatorPolojac, Milena
dc.description.abstractAutor posmatra iz istorijskog ugla dve vrste objektivne odgovornosti i ukazuje na problem koji proizilazi iz Ulpijanovog teksta o pretorovom ediktu de his qui effuderint vel deiecerint (D.9.3.pr–1). U prvom delu edikta, pretor uvodi objektivnu odgovornost za korisnika stana u slučaju kada su nastupile štetne posledice zato što je neka stvar izbačena ili tečnost prolivena iz zgrade ili stana na mesto gde se uobičajeno prolazi . Objektivna odgovornost korisnika stana na celokupan iznos kazne ustanovljena je bez obzira na to da li je on sam počinilac ili neko drugi. U poslednjoj rečenici edikta, prema Ulpijanovom citatu, pretor je dao mogućnost korisniku stana da noksalno izruči roba ako je on izbacio ili prolio nešto iz stana bez znanja vlasnika. Ovaj dodatak stvara problem jer protivreči prethodnim odredbama edikta. Autor se osvrće na postojeće interpretacije ovog teksta u romanističkoj literaturi. Ovim tumačenjima dodaje još jednu moguću interpretaciju po kojoj je pretor, u nameri da pojača zaštitu građana, imao na umu kumulativnu primenu actio de effusis vel deiectis i odgovarajuće noksalne tužbe.sr
dc.description.abstractThe author points to the problem arising from the text of Ulpian about the edict of the praetor de his qui effuderint vel deiecerint (D.9.3.pr–1). In the first part of the edict, praetor imposed a strict liability on the habitator in case that something is thrown out or poured out from a building onto a place where people commonly pass, and as a result the damage was caused or a free man was killed or injured. The strict liability in solidum of the habitator is imposed irrespective whether he or somebody else did throwing or pouring. In the last sentence of the edict, according to the Ulpian`s quotation, the praetor gave the possibility to the habitator to surrender the slave noxally if he has pured out or thrown out something insciente domino. This additional clause introduced some inconsistencies and contadictions. After examining criticaly exsisting interpretations in the literature (Lenel, Biondi, De Visscher, Watson, Ankum, Gimenez-Candela), the author offers another possible interpretation: in order to additionaly protect citizens, preator had in mind cumulative application of the actio de effusis vel deicetis and the corresponding noxal action.sr
dc.publisherBeograd : Pravni fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu Centar za izdavaštvo i informisanjesr
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Basic Research (BR or ON)/179059/RS//sr
dc.sourcePerspektive implementacije evropskih standarda u pravni sistem Srbije : zbornik radova. Knj. 1 / Perspectives of Implementation of European Standards in Serbian Legal System : Volume Isr
dc.subjectKorisnik stanasr
dc.subjectPretorov ediktsr
dc.subjectObjektivna odgovornostsr
dc.subjectNoksalna odgovornostsr
dc.subjectPraetor’s edictsr
dc.subjectStrict liabilitysr
dc.subjectNoxal liabilitysr
dc.titleO dve vrste objektivne odgovornosti habitatora iz ugla pretorovog edikta : de his qui effuderint vel deiecerint (Ulpian, 9.3.1.pr–1)sr
dc.titleTwo kinds of habitator`s strict liability in praetor`s edict : de his qui effuderint vel deiecerint (Ulpian, D.9.3.pr–1)sr



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