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Implementation of the rules of directive 1999/44/EC concerning sale of consumer goods and associated guarantees in Serbia

dc.creatorKaranikić Mirić, Marija
dc.description.abstractPrvi ozbiljan pokušaj da se srpsko ugovorno potrošačko pravo uskladi sa Direktivom 99/44/EZ o prodaji robe široke potrošnje i pratećim garancijama učinjen je krajem 2010. godine, usvajanjem novog Zakona o zaštiti potrošača. Taj zakon sadrži posebna pravila o odgovornosti trgovca u slučaju da prodata i predata roba odnosno pružena usluga nije saobrazna potrošačkom ugovoru. S tim u vezi, autor otvara dva pitanja. Na prvom mestu, u kakvom su odnosu nova pravila potrošačkog prava o saobraznosti robe i usluga sa još uvek važećim pravilima Zakona o obligacionim odnosima, kojima se uređuje odgovornost ugovarača za materijalne nedostatke ispunjenja. I drugo, da li je domaće potrošačko pravo sada u potpunosti usklađeno sa pravilima Direktive 99/44/
dc.description.abstractThe first considerable attempt to transpose into Serbian law the rules of Directive 99/44/EC concerning sale of consumer goods and associated guarantees was made by the legislator in October 2010, when the new and long waited for Law on Consumer Protection (LCP) was enacted. LCP usually follows closely EU Acquis, but takes account of the necessity to extend it, based on the ongoing review of EU directives (the Commission’s Proposal for a Directive on consumer rights (2008), with recent amendments by the Schwab report of European Parliament), or on comparative law. LCP includes the rules on trader’s liability for lack of conformity of goods and services to the consumer contract (garantie légale), as well as the rules on commercial guarantees (garantie commerciale ou contractuelle). The author examines the relation of the newly enacted rules of LCP to the existing rules of Serbian Law on Obligations on liability of a contracting party for material defects in performance. Secondly, the author looks at the adequacy of manner in which implementation of the Directive 99/44/EC was carried
dc.publisherBeograd : Pravni fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu Centar za izdavaštvo i informisanjesr
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Basic Research (BR or ON)/179059/RS//sr
dc.sourcePerspektive implementacije evropskih standarda u pravni sistem Srbije : zbornik radova. Knj. 1 / Perspectives of Implementation of European Standards in Serbian Legal System : Volume Isr
dc.subjectSaobraznost robesr
dc.subjectSaobraznost uslugasr
dc.subjectUgovorna (komercijalna) garancijasr
dc.subjectZakon o zaštiti potrošača (2010)sr
dc.subjectDirektiva 99/44/EZsr
dc.subjectConformity of goodssr
dc.subjectConformity of servicessr
dc.subjectCommercial guaranteesr
dc.subjectSerbian Consumer Protection Act (2010)sr
dc.subjectDirective 99/44/ECsr
dc.titleUsklađenost srpskog potrošačkog prava sa direktivom 99/44/EZ o prodaji robe široke potrošnje I pratećim garancijamasr
dc.titleImplementation of the rules of directive 1999/44/EC concerning sale of consumer goods and associated guarantees in Serbiasr



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