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Competition advocacy – implementation of the new European standard in the Serbian competition law

dc.creatorBesarović, Vesna
dc.description.abstractCompetition advocacy ili u slobodnom prevodu – širenje opšte svesti o značaju zaštite prava konkurencije, postao je novi ali širokoprihvaćen standrad u pravu konkurencije zemalja Evropske unije. Takođe, srećemo ga u savremenom američkom pravu kao i u drugim pravima koja su pod uticajem američkog prava konkurencije. Važeći Zakon o zaštiti konkurencije Republike Srbije ne sadrži odredbu o competition advocacy. Uključivanje standarda o potrebi širenja opšte svesti o značaju zaštite prava konkurencije u nacionalne propise i njegova implementacija u praksi rezultat su potrebe da se uspostavi ravnoteža između interesa velikog kapitala, merdžera i kartela i interesa potrošača, malih i srednjih preduzetnika i javnog mnjenja uopšte. Zadatak competition advocacy je da podigne nivo spoznaje svih učesnika na tržištu o pravilima fer konkurencije, njihovim pravima i
dc.description.abstractCompetition advocacy has been defined as „activities conducted by the competition authority related to the promotion of a competitive environment for economic activities by means of non-enforcement mechanisms, mainly throug its relationships with other governmental entities and by increasing public awareness of the benefits of competition”. During the formative stages of a competition authority, competition advocacy is primarily used to inform stakeholders of the existence of the law and policy, and its associated obligations and rights. As time progresses, the role of competition advocacy changes,shifting towards generally advocating competition issues to government in the areas of privatization, sector regulation and other policies. During times of economic trouble, the role of competition advocacy must change and evolve further. The international organizations have a specific and very important role in the promotion of competition advocacy. The experience of three institutions for competition (Mexico, USA and Canada) are described in the present article as well. The conclusion is that Serbian Competition law has to adopt the new European standard – competition advocacy and Serbian Commision for competition has to apply it in its
dc.publisherBeograd : Pravni fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu Centar za izdavaštvo i informisanjesr
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Basic Research (BR or ON)/179059/RS//sr
dc.sourcePerspektive implementacije evropskih standarda u pravni sistem Srbije : zbornik radova. Knj. 2 / Perspectives of Implementa tion of European Standards in Serbian Legal System : Volume IIsr
dc.subjectŠirenje opšte svesti o značaju zaštite prava konkurencijesr
dc.subjectKomisija za zaštitu konkurencijesr
dc.subjectDržavna intervencijasr
dc.subjectUloga međunarodnih organizacijasr
dc.subjectCompetition Advocacysr
dc.subjectComission for Protection of Competitionsr
dc.subjectGovernment interventionsr
dc.subjectInternational Organizationssr
dc.subjectFinancial Marketssr
dc.subjectEvaluation of Competition Advocacysr
dc.titleImplementacija novog evropskog standard u pravu konkurencije Republike Srbije – competition advocacysr
dc.titleCompetition advocacy – implementation of the new European standard in the Serbian competition lawsr

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