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Evolution in The Jurisprudence of The European court of human rights concerning transsexual persons: evolution in Serbia too

dc.creatorDraškić, Marija
dc.description.abstractMedicinski termin „sindrom polne disforije” (gender dysphoria syndrome) označava osećanje nelagodnosti koje osoba o kojoj je reč pripisuje nepodudarnosti između sopst venog polnog iden titeta (gender identity) i polne uloge (gender role), s jedne strane, i biološkog pola (primar nih i sekun dar nih polnih karakteristi ka), s druge stra ne. Transseks ua litet se može definisa ti kao ekstremni oblik disforije pola, koji je praćen opse sivnom željom za oslobođenjem od sopstve nih prima rnih i sekundarnih polnih karakteristika i neodolji vom potrebom da se potpuno preuzmu izgled i socijalni status osobe suprotnog pola. Potpuni ras cep između psiholo škog i morfo loškog pola, koji prati transsek sualitet, počinje da se manifestuje vrlo rano, traje dugo, obuhvata sve životne aktivnosti, pojačava se tokom vremena, dobijajući karakter strasti, i najzad kulmini ra u očajničkom nastoja nju da se ostvari operacija promene pola. U srpskom pravu ne postoje zakonsko rešenje pitanja vezanih za transseksualitet niti bilo kakva sudska praksa u ovoj oblasti. Ustavni sud je, međutim, nedavno doneo odluku kojom je prvi put usvojio ustavnu žalbu jedne transseksualne osobe i utvrdio da je opštinska uprava jedne opštine u Srbiji povredila pravo na dostojanstvo i slobodan razvoj ličnosti zajemčeno članom 23. Ustava, kao i pravo na poštovanje privatnog života zajmčeno članom 8. Evropske konvencije o ljudskim pravima, time što je donošenjem zaključka o nenadležnosti propustila da odluči o zahtevu podnosioca ustavne žalbe za promenu podataka o polu u matičnoj knjizi rođenih. Uprkos tome, da bi se na precizan način uredio sudski ili upravni postupak koji bi obezbedio pravo na promenu polnog statusa, potrebno je specijalno zakonodavstvo. Postupak bi se mogao pokrenuti samo nakon što podnosilac zahteva dokaže da je operacija polnog preuređenja bila neophodna te da je uspešno obavljena; kada bi se podneli takvi dokazi, pravna promena statusa bila bi
dc.description.abstractThe medical term „gender dysphoria syndrome” could be defined as the sense of discomfort, which the person in question ascribes to the incongruence between his/her gen der identity and his/her gender role, on one hand, and his/her biological sex (primary and seconda ry sexual characters) on the other. Transsexuality is an extreme form of gender dysphoria accompanied by the obsessive desire to be delivered from one’s primary and secondary sex characters and irresistible need to acquire the bodily appearance and the social status of a person of the opposite sex. True transsexuals experience the complete split between the psychological and the morphological sex from early childhood; their conviction lasts long, includes all life activities, intensifies with the passage of time and becomes a passion, and finally culminates in a desperate desire for a complete sexual transformation through sex reassignment surgery. The Serbian law has no statutory solution to deal with transsexuality issues, nor is there any judicial practice in this field. But the Serbian Constitutional Court has recently issued ruling that the constitutional appeal filed by X is upheld and that the Municipal Administration of the Municipality of Z, by issuing a conclusion on its lack of subject-matter jurisdiction, failed to take a decision on an application by the appellant for a change in data on the appellant’s sex, thus violating his right to dignity and free development of one’s personality guaranteed by Article 23 of the Constitution of the Republic of Serbia, as well as the right to respect for private life guaranteed by Article 8 of the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms. Nevertheless, special legislation is needed to regulate the precise manner in which either the court procedure or the administrative procedure provides a right to change sexual status. The procedure should be initiated only after the requester demonstrates that successful sex reassignment surgery was necessary and has occurred; once this has been shown, legal sexual alteration should be
dc.publisherBeograd : Pravni fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu Centar za izdavaštvo i informisanjesr
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Basic Research (BR or ON)/179059/RS//sr
dc.sourcePerspektive implementacije evropskih standarda u pravni sistem Srbije : zbornik radova. Knj. 2 / Perspectives of Implementa tion of European Standards in Serbian Legal System : Volume IIsr
dc.subjectPravo na dostojanstvo i slobodan razvoj ličnostisr
dc.subjectPravo na poštovanje privatnog životasr
dc.subjectEvropski sud za ljudska pravasr
dc.subjectRight to dignity and personal development of individualssr
dc.subjectRight to respect for personal lifesr
dc.subjectEuropean Court of Human Rightssr
dc.titleEvolucija u jurisprudenciji Evropskog suda za ljudska prava u pogledu transseksualnih osoba: evolucija i u Srbijisr
dc.titleEvolution in The Jurisprudence of The European court of human rights concerning transsexual persons: evolution in Serbia toosr



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