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Perspectives of gender equality in the legal field – the case of Serbia

dc.creatorVujadinović, Dragica
dc.description.abstractU tekstu se zastupa stav o temeljnom civilizacijskom, strateškom i praktičko- političkom značaju feminističke perspektive za dominantne tokove zakonodavstva, pravne prakse i pravničkog obrazovanja. Uvođenje rodne perspektive u međunarodno i nacionalno pravo postalo je tokom nekoliko poslednjih decenija jedan od temeljnih standarda zaštite i afirmacije univerzalne ljudske jednakosti. Kultura ljudskih prava, uključujući prava koja proističu iz rodne ravnopravnosti, trebalo bi da bude inherentan element svake pravničke profesije, a pre toga i pravničkog obrazovanja – udžbeničke i ukupne pravne literature. Takođe, kultura ljudskih prava i rodno senzibilisan način mišljenja trebalo bi, generalno uzev, da budu ugrađeni u stručni i pedagoški rad svih predavača. U radu će biti analizirani referentni pravni dokumenti Republike Srbije, u elementima koji su najvažniji sa stanovišta rodne ravnopravnosti. Evropski pravni principi i norme – koji se odnose na zaštitu ljudskih prava i rodnu ravnopravnost – služiće kao kriterijum, s obzirom na najviše civilizacijske standarde koje je evropsko zakonodavstvo uspostavilo, kao i s obzirom na zacrtani evropski put Srbije i standardizaciju njenog pravnog sistema sa
dc.description.abstractThe background assumption of this article is that the feminist perspective has been of an utmost civilizational, strategic and practical-political importance for the mainstream of legislature, legal practice and legal education in Serbia. Introducing of gender perspective into the both international and national legislature has become one of the basic standards since a few decades ago for the protection and promotion of universal human equality. The culture of human rights, including the ones related to gender equality, should become an inherental element of each legal profession, and also of the legal education as a whole (e.g. of legal textbooks and all-inclusive legal literature). In addition, the culture of human rights, including a gender sensitive approach, should be embedded into pedagogical and professional dimension of academic lecturing as a whole. Referential legal documents of the Republic of Serbia will be analized, in their elements which are most relevant for gender equality. Before that, European legal documents which are relevant for gender issue will be analized. European legal principles and norms will serve as the criterium, according to the highest civilizational standards which the European legislature has incorporated and articulated from the gender perspective, as well as according to the proposed European integration of Serbia and the proposed standardization of Serbian legislature with the European
dc.publisherBeograd : Pravni fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu Centar za izdavaštvo i informisanjesr
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Basic Research (BR or ON)/179059/RS//sr
dc.sourcePerspektive implementacije evropskih standarda u pravni sistem Srbije : zbornik radova. Knj. 2 / Perspectives of Implementa tion of European Standards in Serbian Legal System : Volume IIsr
dc.subjectCivilizacijski standardisr
dc.subjectNacionalna strategijasr
dc.subjectKultura ljudskih pravasr
dc.subjectRodna ravnopravnostsr
dc.subjectRodno senzibilisano zakonodavstvosr
dc.subjectRodno senziblisano pravničko obrazovanjesr
dc.subjectRodno senzibilisane pravničke profesijesr
dc.subjectCivilizational standardssr
dc.subjectNational strategysr
dc.subjectCulture of human rightssr
dc.subjectGender equalitysr
dc.subjectGender sensitive legalislaturesr
dc.subjectGender sensitive educationsr
dc.subjectGender sensitive professional worksr
dc.titlePerspektive rodne ravnopravnosti u sferi prava – slučaj Srbijesr
dc.titlePerspectives of gender equality in the legal field – the case of Serbiasr

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