Prikaz osnovnih podataka o dokumentu

Gender and Law

dc.creatorVujadinović, Dragica
dc.description.abstractTradicionalno pravo je nosilo pečat patrijarhalne strukture odnosa. Pravo su tokom istorije stvarali muškaracaci, sa dominantnim uticajem patrijarhalne matrice sve do epohe modernosti. Moderno doba je donelo emancipatorske procese u oblasti prava, kao i uopšte, a sa krunom u ideji univerzalne jednakosti. Međutim, pravni subjektivitet žena je dugo ostajao nevidljiv u univerzalnim pravnim normama. Prelazak nevidljivosti u vidljivost prava žena unutar univerzalnih normi jeste rezultat dugotrajne i mukotrpne borbe žena za svoja prava, uz dodatne uticaje i drugih značajnih socijalnih, istorijskih, političkih, kulturalnih faktora. Moderno pravo je donelo najveći civilizacijski napredak sa stanovišta emancipatorskih pomaka u odnosima rodne ravnopravnosti. Formalnopravna jednakost se danas gotovo podrazumeva. Opšte mnjenje je da jednakost muškaraca i žena pred zakonom postoji mnogo duže nego što istorijsko sećanje pokazuje. Faktički, žene su stekle jednako pravo glasa tek krajem 19. veka u manjem broju slučajeva, a u većini tek nakon Drugog svetskog rata. Izlaganjem će biti obuhvaćene, prvo, istorijska rekonstrukcija pravne regulative rodne ravnopravnosti u moderno doba – od doba građanskih revolucija do savremene afirmacije ženskih ljudskih prava na međunarodnom, evropskom i nacionalnom nivou; drugo, rekonstrukcija navedene regulative u Evropskoj uniji (EU); treće, rekonstrukcija pravne regulative rodnih odnosa u savremenoj Srbiji: četvrto, prikaz rezultata ekspertskog izveštaja o rodnim odnosima u pravničkoj profesiji i obrazovanju u državama jugoistočne Evrope (kratak uporedni prikaz, s naglaskom na stanju u Srbiji i posebnim osvrtom na Pravni fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu).sr
dc.description.abstractTraditional law was designed in accordance with patriarchal structure of social relations. Law had been created by men through history, what in the background has had the dominant impacts of patriarchy until the modern epoch. With its core idea of universal equality, modernity brought emancipatory processes in the legal sphere as well as generally speaking. However, the legal subjectivity of women was left invisible in universal legal norms for a long time. The switch from invisibility into visibility of women`s rights in the realm of universal norms has resulted from a longlasting and painstaking women`s struggle for their rights, and also from additional impacts of other important social, historical, political and cultural factors. Modern law brought into life the biggest civilizational advancement from the point of emancipatory changes in gender relations. Today, formal-legal equality is almost self-understandable. The common opinion is that equality of men and women before the law has been existing much longer than historical facts demonstrate. In fact, only partly from the end of 19th century and mostly after the World War II women attained equal right to vote. This presentation will encircle, firstly, historical reconstruction of a legal regulation of gender equality in the modern era – from the period of civic revolutions to a contemporary affirmation of female human rights in the realm of international law, European law, and national law; secondly, reconstruction of the afore mentioned legal regulation of gender relations in the framework of the EU; thirdly, the reconstruction of the legal regulation of gender issue in contemporary Serbia; fourthly, presentation of the results of the expert`s review of gender relations in the legal profession and legal education in the nation-states of Southeastern Europe (a short comparative analysis, with an accent on Serbia, and with a special overview related to the Faculty of Law of the University of Belgrade).sr
dc.publisherBeograd : Pravni fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu Centar za izdavaštvo i informisanjesr
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Basic Research (BR or ON)/179059/RS//sr
dc.sourcePerspektive implementacije evropskih standarda u pravni sistem Srbije : zbornik radova. Knj. 3 / Perspectives of Implementation of European Standards in Serbian Legal System : Volume IIIsr
dc.subjectRodna ravnopravnostsr
dc.subjectModerno društvosr
dc.subjectGrađanske revolucijesr
dc.subjectMeđunarodno pravosr
dc.subjectPravo Evropske unijesr
dc.subjectPravnička profesijasr
dc.subjectPravničko obrazovanjesr
dc.subjectRodna senzibilisanostsr
dc.subjectGender equalitysr
dc.subjectModern societysr
dc.subjectCivic revolutionssr
dc.subjectInternational law. Law of European Unionsr
dc.subjectLegal professionsr
dc.subjectLegal educationsr
dc.subjectGender sensibilitysr
dc.titleRod i pravna regulativasr
dc.titleGender and Lawsr



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