Prikaz osnovnih podataka o dokumentu

Enforcement of Consumer Protection Laws

dc.creatorKaranikić Mirić, Marija
dc.description.abstractPoslednjih deset godina za Srbiju je karakteristična učestala zakonodavna delatnost u oblasti zaštite potrošača. To nije posledica intenzivnih društvenih promena u ovoj oblasti, nego procesa pisanja i usvajanja zakona, koji se odvija po principu pokušaja, greške i nedovoljno promišljenog pokušaja da se greška ispravi. Osnovni uzrok neefikasnosti zaštite prava koja su potrošačima garantovana zakonom nije u sadržini materijalnopravnih odredaba novog Zakona o zaštiti potrošača, nego u njegovim postojećim (i nedostajućim) procesnim odredbama. Evropska prava poznaju različite postupke za zaštitu zakonom garantovanih prava potrošača. Reč je o nizu sudskih i vansudskih, privatnopravnih i javnopravnih mehanizama kojima se ex post i ex ante štite individualna i kolektivna potrošačka prava i pravom priznati interesi. Osim toga, postoji mogućnost trgovačke samoregulacije, samoobavezivanja u okviru različitih komora, udruženja i saveza. Srbiji je potrebna optimalna kombinacija različitih mehanizama zaštite, o kojima bi se unapred, već u postupku pisanja zakona, razmišljalo kao o jedinstvenom
dc.description.abstractFor the last ten years Serbia has been characterized by an intensive legislative activity in the field of consumer protection. This is not a result of demanding social changes, but of the process of lawmaking, which takes place in a series of trials, errors, and insufficiently deliberated attempts to rectify the errors. The main cause of ineffectiveness of consumer protection are not the provisions of the Consumer Protection Act regarding contents of the consumer rights, but the scarcity of its enforcement provisions and the deficiencies of the existing ones. There are many different mechanisms of enforcing consumer rights in the laws of European countries. They include private and public enforcement, enforcement through the court system or out of it, and they provide for ex ante or ex post protection of either individual or collective consumer rights and legally protected interests. In addition, there is a possibility of self-regulation of the traders’ behavior, within their chambers, unions and associations. What Serbia needs is an optimal mix of different enforcement mechanisms, that should be thought of as a coherent system of enforcement from the very beginning, that is, from the first stages of the process of
dc.publisherBeograd : Pravni fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu Centar za izdavaštvo i informisanjesr
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Basic Research (BR or ON)/179059/RS//sr
dc.sourcePerspektive implementacije evropskih standarda u pravni sistem Srbije : zbornik radova. Knj. 3 / Perspectives of Implementation of European Standards in Serbian Legal System : Volume IIIsr
dc.subjectIndividualna i kolektivna prava potrošačasr
dc.subjectJavnopravna zaštitasr
dc.subjectPrivatnopravna zaštitasr
dc.subjectZaštita u sudskom postupkusr
dc.subjectZaštita u vansudskom postupkusr
dc.subjectIndividual and collective consumer rightssr
dc.subjectPublic enforcementsr
dc.subjectPrivate enforcementsr
dc.subjectEnforcement through the court systemsr
dc.subjectEnforcement outside the court systemsr
dc.titleMehanizmi zaštite zakonom garantovanih prava potrošačasr
dc.titleEnforcement of Consumer Protection Lawssr



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